Ron Darnell Memorial (Cobre Invite) 2024

Bayard, NM

Athlete Entries

Boys 100m Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mexicano, D'Xavier Alamo Navajo High School
Molina, Luis Cobre High School
Guerro, Zephaniah Alamo Navajo High School
Vazquez, Ethan Hatch Valley High School
Kellogg, Levi Animas High School
Firmanes, Neldrex Alamo Navajo High School
Mahler, Anthony Animas High School
Stauffer, Aiden Quemado High School
Ruben, Mathias Alamo Navajo High School
Chavez, Gabriel 11.73 Cobre High School
Dumas, David 11.78 Hatch Valley High School
Schuller, Derek 11.80 Cobre High School
Renteria, Diego 11.88 Animas High School
Bratcher, Noah 12.04 Cliff High School
Alfaro, Ryan 12.12 Deming High School
Kalminson, Ethan 12.18 Hot Springs High School
Terrell, Corey 12.40 Animas High School
Garcia, Iggy 12.43 Lordsburg High School
Garcia, Johnny 12.54 Hatch Valley High School
Yost, Tayson 12.55 Cliff High School
Brines, Milo 12.58 Silver High School
Rios, Joshua 12.60 Silver High School
Valdez, Victor 12.71 Lordsburg High School
Chacon, Jeremiah 12.80 Silver High School
Castillo, Isaac 12.92 Cobre High School
Lerma, Andrew 13.09 Deming High School
Gatlin, Tucker 13.32 Cliff High School
Parra, Jose 13.35 Silver High School
Hahn, Derek 13.48 Quemado High School
Saucedo, Julius 13.57 Lordsburg High School
Paau, Cristian 14.22 Hatch Valley High School
Williams, James 14.40 Quemado High School
Mansfield, Jason 15.34 Lordsburg High School
Williams, Anthony 15.78 Quemado High School
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Boys 110m High Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Castillo, Justin Hatch Valley High School
Garcia, Iggy Lordsburg High School
Parker, Nashaun 16.09 Cobre High School
Madrid, Diego 16.94 Silver High School
Siordia, Alexis 17.50 Hatch Valley High School
Wood, Logan 18.91 Silver High School
Marrufo, Jesse 18.94 Deming High School
Mendonca, Dakota 19.62 Silver High School
Sanchez, Dominic 20.63 Hatch Valley High School
Eggleston, Zach 21.03 Cliff High School
Manning, Kaden 21.73 Cliff High School
Saucedo, Julius 22.33 Lordsburg High School
Williams, James 22.67 Quemado High School
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Boys 1600m Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cobre High School
Relay Team A Silver High School
Relay Team A Alamo Navajo High School
Relay Team A Hot Springs High School
Relay Team A Hatch Valley High School
Relay Team A Deming High School
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Boys 1600m Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hererra, Moraes Alamo Navajo High School
Padilla, David Cobre High School
Abeyta, Aldriano Alamo Navajo High School
Paau, Cristian Hatch Valley High School
Apachito, Perfecto Alamo Navajo High School
Anderson, Brock 4:56.29 Silver High School
Reyes, Rodrigo 5:04.04 Hot Springs High School
Shock, Bryson 5:05.40 Cliff High School
Pacheco, Oscar 5:10.07 Deming High School
Karimi, Farhad 5:16.42 Silver High School
White, Reece 5:30.26 Silver High School
Beck, Josh 5:31.74 Silver High School
Orthman, Austin 5:33.23 Quemado High School
Pesnicak, Atreyu 5:44.12 Lordsburg High School
Palacios, Baruc 5:44.67 Hot Springs High School
Saenz, Alexis 5:45.78 Hatch Valley High School
Gonzalez, Uriel 5:51.93 Deming High School
Escobar, Azael 5:55.92 Cobre High School
Eggleston, Andrew 5:57.51 Cliff High School
Gutierrez, Osvaldo 6:04.38 Hatch Valley High School
Moreno, Aiden 6:11.89 Hatch Valley High School
Sullenger, Bodan 6:15.00 Hot Springs High School
Olson, Gentry 6:17.88 Quemado High School
Salazar, Aaron 6:58.20 Lordsburg High School
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Boys 200m Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ruben, Mathias Alamo Navajo High School
Mexicano, D'Xavier Alamo Navajo High School
Wright, Morgan Animas High School
Hahn, Derek Quemado High School
Broner, Phillip Deming High School
Navarro, Heron Hatch Valley High School
Molina, Luis Cobre High School
Orthman, Austin Quemado High School
Secatero, Tilial Alamo Navajo High School
Reyes, Pedro 24.32 Hot Springs High School
Kalminson, Ethan 24.47 Hot Springs High School
Gutierrez, Adan 24.52 Hatch Valley High School
Brines, Milo 25.27 Silver High School
Terrell, Corey 25.39 Animas High School
Paquette, Austin 25.42 Silver High School
Jacquez, Adan 25.46 Silver High School
Bratcher, Noah 25.50 Cliff High School
Garcia, Iggy 25.62 Lordsburg High School
Rios, Joshua 25.75 Silver High School
Valdez, Victor 25.88 Lordsburg High School
Newell, Ethan 25.90 Lordsburg High School
Renteria, Diego 26.18 Animas High School
Castillo, Isaac 26.25 Cobre High School
Kopchick, Hunter 27.21 Cliff High School
Rees, Aiden 27.47 Hot Springs High School
Lerma, Andrew 27.84 Deming High School
Martinez, Deven 28.07 Hatch Valley High School
Guerro, Scotty 28.51 Alamo Navajo High School
Gutierrez, Ruben 29.02 Hatch Valley High School
Lopez, Angelo 30.55 Cobre High School
Meyers, Michael 30.96 Cliff High School
Mansfield, Jason 31.52 Lordsburg High School
Rivera, Elijah 31.80 Deming High School
Williams, Anthony 32.26 Quemado High School
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Boys 300m Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Secatero, Tilial Alamo Navajo High School
Padilla, David Cobre High School
Garcia, Iggy Lordsburg High School
Crespin, Quantis Alamo Navajo High School
Marrufo, Jesse Deming High School
Siordia, Alexis 42.26 Hatch Valley High School
Madrid, Diego 44.13 Silver High School
Castillo, Eythan 48.16 Cobre High School
Wood, Logan 48.32 Silver High School
Mendonca, Dakota 48.35 Silver High School
Eggleston, Zach 50.14 Cliff High School
Sanchez, Dominic 50.15 Hatch Valley High School
Manning, Kaden 51.21 Cliff High School
Saucedo, Julius 52.47 Lordsburg High School
Martinez, Deven 52.90 Hatch Valley High School
Rivera, Elijah 59.56 Deming High School
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Boys 3200m Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Apachito, Nahum Alamo Navajo High School
Nations, Ryan Silver High School
Herrera, Moraes Alamo Navajo High School
Abeyta, Aldriano Alamo Navajo High School
Torres, Rafael 11:22.03 Silver High School
Shock, Bryson 11:35.30 Cliff High School
Placencia, Andres 11:36.71 Silver High School
Pesnicak, Atreyu 12:56.38 Lordsburg High School
Olson, Gentry 13:04.97 Quemado High School
Torres, Hector 13:08.84 Silver High School
Gonzalez, Uriel 13:34.61 Deming High School
Eggleston, Andrew 13:46.11 Cliff High School
Moreno, Aiden 13:49.57 Hatch Valley High School
Flores, Cayden 13:55.71 Cobre High School
Sullenger, Bodan 14:27.39 Hot Springs High School
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Boys 400m Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allsup, Jasper Cliff High School
Hererra, Pherrell Alamo Navajo High School
Secatero, Tilial Alamo Navajo High School
Wright, Morgan Animas High School
Castillo, Justin Hatch Valley High School
Orthman, Austin 1:00.90 Quemado High School
Martinez, Caleb 1:01.91 Cobre High School
Gatlin, Tucker 1:02.19 Cliff High School
Rojo, Delano 1:04.00h Lordsburg High School
DeLaGarza, Jordan 1:06.25 Lordsburg High School
Newell, Ethan 1:06.99 Lordsburg High School
Gutierrez, Ruben 1:06.99 Hatch Valley High School
Gallegos, Armando 1:08.89 Hatch Valley High School
Mahler, Anthony 1:08.94 Animas High School
Lopez, Angelo 1:10.25 Cobre High School
Mansfield, Jason 1:10.38 Lordsburg High School
Guerro, Ibnijah 1:14.58 Alamo Navajo High School
Trevizo, Teigan 1:18.96 Cliff High School
Apachito jr, Raymond 1:20.54 Alamo Navajo High School
Paquette, Kaleb 53.27 Silver High School
Reyes, Pedro 54.00 Hot Springs High School
Brines, Milo 57.42 Silver High School
Parra, Jose 57.60h Silver High School
Beck, Isaac 57.67 Silver High School
Bautista, Alex 58.94 Hatch Valley High School
Kopchick, Hunter 59.01 Cliff High School
Burnette, Hunter 59.30 Cobre High School
Rees, Aiden 59.73 Hot Springs High School
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Boys 4x100m Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:09.90 Alamo Navajo High School
Relay Team A 45.61 Hatch Valley High School
Relay Team A 46.33 Silver High School
Relay Team A 46.50 Deming High School
Relay Team A 46.55 Cobre High School
Relay Team A 47.07 Cliff High School
Relay Team A 47.45 Lordsburg High School
Relay Team A 48.61 Animas High School
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Boys 4x200m Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Animas High School
Relay Team A 1:37.30 Silver High School
Relay Team A 1:39.65 Hatch Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:39.84 Cobre High School
Relay Team A 1:41.14 Lordsburg High School
Relay Team A 1:42.37 Deming High School
Relay Team A 1:48.43 Cliff High School
Relay Team A 1:54.79 Quemado High School
Relay Team A 2:24.29 Alamo Navajo High School
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Boys 4x400m Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:38.73 Silver High School
Relay Team A 3:46.95 Hot Springs High School
Relay Team A 3:57.62 Cobre High School
Relay Team A 3:58.08 Hatch Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:06.68 Deming High School
Relay Team A 5:33.20 Alamo Navajo High School
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Boys 4x800m Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:17.96 Lordsburg High School
Relay Team A 8:58.91 Silver High School
Relay Team A 9:23.25 Deming High School
Relay Team A 9:34.53 Cliff High School
Relay Team A 9:58.61 Hatch Valley High School
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Boys 800m Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sullenger, Bodan Hot Springs High School
Vazquez, Ethan Hatch Valley High School
Mexicano, D'Xavier Alamo Navajo High School
Castillo, Justin Hatch Valley High School
Olson, Gentry Quemado High School
Reyes, Rodrigo 2:07.42 Hot Springs High School
Beck, Josh 2:15.00h Silver High School
Iwaasa, Kojun 2:18.49 Silver High School
Karimi, Farhad 2:18.78 Silver High School
Thomas, Rayden 2:20.05 Cliff High School
Castillo, Eythan 2:20.15 Cobre High School
Palacios, Baruc 2:20.30 Hot Springs High School
Harsh, Devin 2:23.87 Cliff High School
Diaz, Joe 2:24.22 Silver High School
Carranza, Isai 2:28.82 Hatch Valley High School
Rees, Aiden 2:28.96 Hot Springs High School
Duran, Anthony 2:29.79 Deming High School
Gutierrez, Osvaldo 2:30.76 Hatch Valley High School
Pesnicak, Atreyu 2:34.50 Lordsburg High School
Escobar, Azael 2:36.69 Cobre High School
Flores, Cayden 2:49.20 Cobre High School
Apachito, Nahum 2:52.69 Alamo Navajo High School
Hererra, Pherrell 2:56.26 Alamo Navajo High School
Apachito, Perfecto 3:02.72 Alamo Navajo High School
Salazar, Aaron 3:17.42 Lordsburg High School
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Boys Discus 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hensley, Ezra 151-2 Deming High School
Schuller, Derek 132-3 Cobre High School
Begay, Dace 105-0 Silver High School
Evans, Kohan 98-5 Animas High School
Arredondo, Alberto 96-10 Hot Springs High School
Westbrook, Donovan 95-9.5 Deming High School
Martinez, Jacob 95-3 Deming High School
Rios, Jesus 93-6.5 Hot Springs High School
Arzola, Michael 93-5 Cobre High School
Cohn, Al 90-6 Silver High School
Escalante, Charlie 89-11 Cobre High School
Fowler, Pierson 89-9 Cliff High School
Harsh, Devin 87-4 Cliff High School
West, Nic 84-10 Hot Springs High School
Jacquez, Luis 79-7 Lordsburg High School
Lozano, Xavier 71-7 Deming High School
Roman, Juan 67-3 Hatch Valley High School
Williams, James 62-11 Quemado High School
Ramirez, Joseph 62-2 Hot Springs High School
Ullery, Malcolm 61-1 Cliff High School
Torres, Hector 60-2 Silver High School
Apache, Matt 36-3 Alamo Navajo High School
Veltri, Angelo 33-6 Cliff High School
Mexicano, Colein Alamo Navajo High School
Mexicano, D'Xavier Alamo Navajo High School
Guerro, Scotty Alamo Navajo High School
Alaniz, Demarcus Hatch Valley High School
Pena, Matthew Cobre High School
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Boys High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richard, Julian 5-10 Silver High School
Alfaro, Ryan 5-8 Deming High School
Yost, Tayson 5-8 Cliff High School
Parker, Nashaun 5-8 Cobre High School
Sullivan, Jackson 5-8 Cobre High School
Rees, Aiden 5-6.25 Hot Springs High School
Jacquez, Adan 5-6 Silver High School
Mendonca, Dakota 5-2 Silver High School
Dumas, David 5-2 Hatch Valley High School
Thomas, Rayden 5-2 Cliff High School
Orthman, Austin 5-0 Quemado High School
Pesnicak, Atreyu 4-10 Lordsburg High School
Saucedo, Julius 4-10 Lordsburg High School
Crespin, Quantis Alamo Navajo High School
Firmanes, Neldrex Alamo Navajo High School
Guerro, Scotty Alamo Navajo High School
Ruben, Mathias Alamo Navajo High School
Licht, Adrian Silver High School
Kellogg, Levi Animas High School
Mahler, Anthony Animas High School
Marble, Tallon Animas High School
Manning, Kaden Cliff High School
Castanon, James Cobre High School
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Boys Javelin 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alfaro, Ryan 160-7 Deming High School
Castanon, James 134-0 Cobre High School
Sullivan, Jackson 131-1 Cobre High School
Reyes, Pedro 121-10 Hot Springs High School
Reyes, Rodrigo 119-7 Hot Springs High School
Mendonca, Dakota 112-5 Silver High School
Wright, Morgan 105-11 Animas High School
Harsh, Devin 105-5 Cliff High School
Broner, Phillip 97-5 Deming High School
Marrufo, Jesse 94-5 Deming High School
Lozano, Xavier 94-2 Deming High School
Martinez, Caleb 92-8.5 Cobre High School
Paquette, Kaleb 89-10 Silver High School
Gatlin, Tucker 89-9 Cliff High School
Guerro, Mclane 88-10 Alamo Navajo High School
Rios, Jesus 87-5 Hot Springs High School
Arzola, Michael 87-5 Cobre High School
Guerro, Zephaniah 83-5 Alamo Navajo High School
Holguin, Michael 82-2 Hatch Valley High School
Roman, Juan 78-5 Hatch Valley High School
West, Nic 76-6.5 Hot Springs High School
Mahler, Anthony 71-9 Animas High School
Apache, Matt 58-5 Alamo Navajo High School
Mexicano, Colein 49-0 Alamo Navajo High School
Stauffer, Aiden Quemado High School
Williams, James Quemado High School
Saucedo, Diego Lordsburg High School
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Boys Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yost, Tayson 20-3 Cliff High School
Terrell, Corey 19-3 Animas High School
Paquette, Austin 19-0 Silver High School
Barrera, Ryan 19-0 Deming High School
Garcia, Johnny 18-9 Hatch Valley High School
Dumas, David 18-6 Hatch Valley High School
Jimenez, Ayzik 18-0.75 Cobre High School
Garcia, Iggy 18-0.5 Lordsburg High School
Brines, Milo 17-1 Silver High School
Castillo, Isaac 16-6.5 Cobre High School
Kopchick, Hunter 16-6 Cliff High School
Newell, Ethan 16-3 Lordsburg High School
Broner, Phillip 16-0.5 Deming High School
Gutierrez, Ruben 15-1 Hatch Valley High School
Hahn, Derek 14-6.5 Quemado High School
Lerma, Andrew 13-9 Deming High School
Chacon, Jeremiah 13-5 Silver High School
Gallegos, Armando 12-7 Hatch Valley High School
Guerro, Ibnijah 12-4.5 Alamo Navajo High School
Firmanes, Neldrex 11-7 Alamo Navajo High School
Williams, Anthony 10-1 Quemado High School
Ruben, Mathias Alamo Navajo High School
Crespin, Quantis Alamo Navajo High School
Alfaro, Ryan Deming High School
Marble, Tallon Animas High School
Stauffer, Aiden Quemado High School
Meyers, Michael Cliff High School
Rico, Anthony Silver High School
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Boys Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Kohan 10-0 Animas High School
Mendonca, Dakota 9-6 Silver High School
Thomas, Rayden 9-6 Cliff High School
Wofford, Donald 9-5 Cobre High School
Marrufo, Jesse 9-0 Deming High School
Pizarro, Isaiah 8-6 Deming High School
Allsup, Jasper 8-6 Cliff High School
Burnette, Hunter 8-6 Cobre High School
White, Reece 6-6 Silver High School
Rico, Anthony Silver High School
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Boys Shot Put 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schuller, Derek 51-7.5 Cobre High School
Hensley, Ezra 50-4 Deming High School
Guerro, Scotty 34-1 Alamo Navajo High School
Martinez, Jacob 33-11.5 Deming High School
West, Nic 33-7 Hot Springs High School
Fowler, Pierson 33-4 Cliff High School
Begay, Dace 33-2.5 Silver High School
Westbrook, Donovan 32-11 Deming High School
Guerro, Mclane 32-5 Alamo Navajo High School
Saenz, Ruben 32-1 Hot Springs High School
Cabera, Elijah 32-0 Deming High School
Cohn, Al 31-9 Silver High School
Harsh, Devin 30-8 Cliff High School
Wright, Morgan 30-7 Animas High School
Roman, Juan 29-7 Hatch Valley High School
Apache, Matt 29-7 Alamo Navajo High School
Castro, Rafael 29-0.5 Cobre High School
Wofford, Donald 28-10 Cobre High School
Arredondo, Alberto 28-0 Hot Springs High School
Jacquez, Luis 27-11 Lordsburg High School
Ullery, Malcolm 26-5 Cliff High School
Byers, Evan 25-8 Hot Springs High School
Holguin, Michael Hatch Valley High School
Guerro, Zephaniah Alamo Navajo High School
Kellogg, Levi Animas High School
Stauffer, Aiden Quemado High School
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Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yost, Tayson 40-3 Cliff High School
Parker, Nashaun 39-7.5 Cobre High School
Gutierrez, Adan 36-7 Hatch Valley High School
Allen, Felipe 36-0 Lordsburg High School
Madrid, Diego 35-11 Silver High School
Valdez, Victor 34-9.5 Lordsburg High School
Paquette, Austin 34-8.5 Silver High School
Broner, Phillip 34-6 Deming High School
Rico, Anthony 33-8 Silver High School
Wood, Logan 31-8 Silver High School
Martinez, Deven 30-9 Hatch Valley High School
Gutierrez, Ruben 30-6.5 Hatch Valley High School
Gallegos, Armando 28-9 Hatch Valley High School
Firmanes, Neldrex Alamo Navajo High School
Garcia, Iggy Lordsburg High School
Castillo, Eythan Cobre High School
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Girls 100m Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jemente, Sofia Lordsburg High School
Summers, Kaylee Cliff High School
Zamora, Olivia Hatch Valley High School
Secatero, Sharayah Alamo Navajo High School
Cruz, Analeigh 13.22 Silver High School
Aguayo, Jacqueline 13.74 Deming High School
Hernandez, Mahela 13.87 Hot Springs High School
Westbrook, Kelsie 14.29 Deming High School
Turnbow, Cadence 14.36 Deming High School
Hernandez, Ryley 14.83 Silver High School
Sandoval, Sapphira 14.85 Alamo Navajo High School
Robles, Tiffany 15.43 Lordsburg High School
Rodriguez, Destiny 15.84 Cobre High School
Bencomo, Amy 15.98 Silver High School
Brines, Stivi 16.13 Silver High School
Lee, Lalah 16.25 Alamo Navajo High School
Rodriguez, Anahi 16.30 Lordsburg High School
Stockham, Katelyn 16.36 Alamo Navajo High School
McKinney, Hailey 16.62 Cliff High School
Flores, Avelina 16.84 Quemado High School
Perez, Jacky 17.07 Deming High School
Leslie, Porras 17.34 Hatch Valley High School
Piedra, Isabella 18.83 Lordsburg High School
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Girls 100m Int. Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holguin, Janelle 18.26 Deming High School
Davenport, Laikyn 19.43 Animas High School
Newell, Destiny 19.95 Lordsburg High School
Ortiz, Alina 20.03 Deming High School
Valerio, Audianna 20.40 Cobre High School
Drennan, Emma 20.40h Silver High School
Zavala, Paloma 20.81 Hatch Valley High School
Gutierrez, Anastasia 21.20 Cliff High School
Bird, Brooklyn 21.57 Cliff High School
Aguirre, Keira 22.03 Cobre High School
Richards, Bessie 22.28 Silver High School
Puentes, Alexa 22.69 Hatch Valley High School
Blanco, Emma 22.74 Silver High School
Leslie, Porras 25.00h Hatch Valley High School
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Girls 1600 Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Deming High School
Relay Team A Cliff High School
Relay Team A Silver High School
Relay Team A Hatch Valley High School
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Girls 1600m Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reed, Sue Cliff High School
Apachito, Claire Alamo Navajo High School
Curtis, Isabel 6:36.79 Silver High School
Stailey, Ivy 6:38.64 Silver High School
Gutierrez, Alma 7:17.00 Hot Springs High School
Valdez, Yalexi 7:23.53 Cobre High School
Zamora, Ella 7:40.86 Hatch Valley High School
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Girls 200m Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elias, Haley Animas High School
Cruz, Analeigh 27.89 Silver High School
Hernandez, Mahela 29.02 Hot Springs High School
Aguayo, Jacqueline 29.9 Deming High School
Holguin, Janelle 30.17 Deming High School
DeLaGarza, Navaeh 31.00h Lordsburg High School
Duarte, Makayla 31.03 Cobre High School
Hernandez, Ryley 31.07 Silver High School
Ullery, Mckayla 31.55 Cliff High School
Rodriguez, Anahi 31.74 Lordsburg High School
Nwachuku, Chidinma 32.20 Silver High School
Siordia, Maite 32.29 Hatch Valley High School
Gutierrez, Anastasia 32.38 Cliff High School
Robles, Tiffany 32.53 Lordsburg High School
Zuniga, Olivia 32.57 Cobre High School
Coltrane, Carolyn 33.06 Silver High School
Newell, Destiny 33.09 Lordsburg High School
Rodriguez, Destiny 34.19 Cobre High School
Stockham, Katelyn 35.20 Alamo Navajo High School
Jake, Alexandria 35.49 Alamo Navajo High School
Perez, Jacky 36.24 Deming High School
Leslie, Porras 36.45 Hatch Valley High School
Mariscal, Bryanna 37.63 Deming High School
Pino, Mandy 39.66 Alamo Navajo High School
Secatero, Sharayah 49.30 Alamo Navajo High School
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Girls 300m Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Apachito, Claire Alamo Navajo High School
Rodriguez, Anahi Lordsburg High School
Blanco, Emma 1:02.17 Silver High School
Richards, Bessie 1:02.40 Silver High School
Puentes, Alexa 1:04.96 Hatch Valley High School
Olmos, Jaydin 1:05.24 Deming High School
Aguirre, Keira 1:05.73 Cobre High School
Leslie, Porras 1:13.32 Hatch Valley High School
Guerrero, Natalie 55.41 Lordsburg High School
Gutierrez, Anastasia 57.47 Cliff High School
Zavala, Paloma 58.45 Hatch Valley High School
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Girls 3200m Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Curtis, Isabel Silver High School
Gutierrez, Alma Hot Springs High School
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Girls 400m Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Apachito, Claire Alamo Navajo High School
Cruz, Analeigh 1:01.29 Silver High School
Torres, Nyssa 1:04.95 Silver High School
Hernandez, Mahela 1:07.27 Hot Springs High School
Duarte, Makayla 1:08.91 Cobre High School
Thompson, Sophia 1:11.14 Hatch Valley High School
Hernandez, Mariah 1:11.81 Hot Springs High School
Coltrane, Carolyn 1:13.30 Silver High School
Reyes, Alexis 1:14.69 Deming High School
Zuniga, Olivia 1:15.62 Cobre High School
Vacio, Karen 1:18.91 Hatch Valley High School
Holguin, Sophia 1:20.87 Hatch Valley High School
Stockham, Katelyn 1:22.83 Alamo Navajo High School
Mariscal, Bryanna 1:29.00 Deming High School
Wyman, Bella 1:30.77 Deming High School
Sandoval, Sapphira 1:32.64 Alamo Navajo High School
Piedra, Isabella 1:40.22 Lordsburg High School
Secatero, Sharayah 2:00.12 Alamo Navajo High School
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Girls 4x100m Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Alamo Navajo High School
Relay Team A 1:00.73 Hatch Valley High School
Relay Team A 52.72 Deming High School
Relay Team A 54.57 Silver High School
Relay Team A 55.43 Animas High School
Relay Team A 55.97 Lordsburg High School
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Girls 4x200m Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:59.21 Lordsburg High School
Relay Team A 2:01.29 Animas High School
Relay Team A 2:02.58 Silver High School
Relay Team A 2:04.55 Hatch Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:05.67 Deming High School
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Girls 4x400m Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:29.55 Deming High School
Relay Team A 4:37.17 Silver High School
Relay Team A 4:52.95 Lordsburg High School
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Girls 4x800m Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cobre High School
Relay Team A 11:26.54 Silver High School
Relay Team A 12:24.00 Deming High School
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Girls 800m Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Apachito, Claire Alamo Navajo High School
Hernandez, Mariah 2:48.18 Hot Springs High School
Torres, Nyssa 2:49.42 Silver High School
Stailey, Ivy 2:54.59 Silver High School
Duarte, Makayla 2:59.90 Cobre High School
Valdez, Yalexi 3:07.93 Cobre High School
Holguin, Sophia 3:21.93 Hatch Valley High School
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Girls Discus 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salas, Alexys 131-8 Silver High School
clark, Daphne 104-4 Lordsburg High School
Gonzales, Alex 100-7 Hot Springs High School
Ortiz, Alina 81-3.5 Deming High School
Turnbow, Cadence 81-0 Deming High School
Gomez, Guadalupe 79-11 Hatch Valley High School
Molinar, Edelweiss 79-7 Animas High School
Vargas, Miriam 78-6.5 Deming High School
Gonzales, Rylee 76-11 Cliff High School
Hood, Lexi 76-11 Quemado High School
Zuniga, Olivia 75-9 Cobre High School
Martinez, Miah 70-9.5 Hatch Valley High School
Lee, Lalah 70-1 Alamo Navajo High School
Harris, Kassidy 69-8 Silver High School
Rodriguez, Destiny 67-4 Cobre High School
McClain, Dakota 63-3 Animas High School
Bilyeu, Taziah 61-3 Hot Springs High School
Waters, Dusty 55-8 Cliff High School
Josefy, Jenna 55-3 Animas High School
Dominguez, Aaliyah 55-2.5 Silver High School
Piedra, Isabella 53-7 Lordsburg High School
Allsup, Emmy 52-5 Cliff High School
Pino, Mandy 50-6.5 Alamo Navajo High School
Hernandez, Star 48-1 Silver High School
Apachito, Deja 41-0 Alamo Navajo High School
Carbo, Isabella (Waylon) 39-8.5 Animas High School
Ganadonegro, Kasee 35-1 Alamo Navajo High School
Mariscal, Bryanna Deming High School
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Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wenzel, Kaleigh 4-8 Silver High School
Thompson, Sophia 4-4 Hatch Valley High School
Newell, Destiny 4-4 Lordsburg High School
Puentes, Alexa 4-0 Hatch Valley High School
Reed, Sue 4-0 Cliff High School
Jemente, Sofia 4-0 Lordsburg High School
Ortiz, Alina 3-10 Deming High School
Holguin, Janelle 3-10 Deming High School
Armendariz, Aubreny Deming High School
Davenport, Laikyn Animas High School
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Girls Javelin 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzales, Alex 108-4 Hot Springs High School
Turnbow, Cadence 95-9 Deming High School
Hernandez, Mahela 93-8 Hot Springs High School
Rios, Lexi 90-5 Cobre High School
Bilyeu, Taziah 81-6 Hot Springs High School
Ortiz, Alina 81-1.5 Deming High School
Hood, Lexi 80-6 Quemado High School
Looney, Brooklyn 79-5 Cliff High School
Gonzales, Rylee 78-8.5 Cliff High School
clark, Daphne 76-11 Lordsburg High School
Hernandez, Mariah 71-11 Hot Springs High School
Martinez, Miah 69-3 Hatch Valley High School
Vacio, Karen 68-3 Hatch Valley High School
Valdespino, Tennille 65-2.5 Deming High School
Sandoval, Sapphira 64-1 Alamo Navajo High School
Coltrane, Carolyn 57-8 Silver High School
Bratcher, Abbi 57-4 Cliff High School
Hernandez, Ryley 55-7 Silver High School
Lee, Lalah 54-2 Alamo Navajo High School
Harris, Kassidy 47-5 Silver High School
Perez, Jacky 41-2 Deming High School
Ganadonegro, Kasee 40-7 Alamo Navajo High School
Carbo, Isabella (Waylon) 40-0 Animas High School
Josefy, Jenna 39-11 Animas High School
Secatero, Sharayah Alamo Navajo High School
Salas, Alexys Silver High School
Reed, Sue Cliff High School
Flores, Avelina Quemado High School
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Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguayo, Jacqueline 15-6.5 Deming High School
Cruz, Analeigh 15-4 Silver High School
Jemente, Sofia 13-5 Lordsburg High School
DeLaGarza, Navaeh 13-0 Lordsburg High School
Zamora, Olivia 12-10 Hatch Valley High School
Ullery, Mckayla 12-8.5 Cliff High School
Zavala, Paloma 12-7 Hatch Valley High School
Stailey, Ivy 12-5.5 Silver High School
Valerio, Audianna 12-4 Cobre High School
Bird, Brooklyn 12-1 Cliff High School
Siordia, Maite 11-10 Hatch Valley High School
Stockham, Katelyn 11-5 Alamo Navajo High School
Sandoval, Sapphira 11-3 Alamo Navajo High School
Summers, Kaylee 10-8 Cliff High School
McKinney, Hailey 10-5.5 Cliff High School
Leslie, Porras 10-5 Hatch Valley High School
Flores, Avelina 10-4.75 Quemado High School
Secatero, Sharayah Alamo Navajo High School
Apachito, Claire Alamo Navajo High School
Turnbow, Cadence Deming High School
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Girls Pole Vault 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDonald, Elizabeth 9-0 Silver High School
Bird, Brooklyn Cliff High School
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Girls Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salas, Alexys 38-2.5 Silver High School
clark, Daphne 33-5 Lordsburg High School
Gonzales, Alex 30-7 Hot Springs High School
Gonzales, Rylee 29-7 Cliff High School
Hood, Lexi 28-2 Quemado High School
Gomez, Guadalupe 26-11.5 Hatch Valley High School
Vargas, Miriam 26-6 Deming High School
Lee, Lalah 25-3 Alamo Navajo High School
Martinez, Miah 24-10 Hatch Valley High School
Waters, Dusty 24-5 Cliff High School
Rodriguez, Destiny 24-0 Cobre High School
Dominguez, Aaliyah 23-0.5 Silver High School
Harris, Kassidy 23-0.5 Silver High School
McClain, Dakota 23-0 Animas High School
Vacio, Karen 22-9 Hatch Valley High School
Allsup, Emmy 21-9 Cliff High School
Hernandez, Star 18-6.5 Silver High School
Piedra, Isabella 18-6 Lordsburg High School
Josefy, Jenna 17-0.5 Animas High School
Carbo, Isabella (Waylon) 14-0 Animas High School
Ganadonegro, Kasee Alamo Navajo High School
Apachito, Deja Alamo Navajo High School
Flores, Avelina Quemado High School
Secatero, Sharayah Alamo Navajo High School
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Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guerrero, Natalie 27-10 Lordsburg High School
DeLaGarza, Navaeh 27-6 Lordsburg High School
Bird, Brooklyn 26-5 Cliff High School
Holguin, Sophia 26-1 Hatch Valley High School
Zavala, Paloma 23-1 Hatch Valley High School
Woodward, Kathryn Silver High School
Drennan, Emma Silver High School
Valerio, Audianna Cobre High School
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