District 1 - 4A 2022

Aztec, NM

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Iii, Tommy Nez Kirtland Central High School
Skeet, Larvell Gallup High School
Montoya, Malachi Aztec High School
Delgarito, Lyle Gallup High School
Estrada, Trace Bloomfield High School
Hutchens, Kaleb Aztec High School
Acosta, Angel Kirtland Central High School
Hadley, Rhylee Shiprock High School
Olguin, Taner Aztec High School
Joe, Kyler 11.19 Kirtland Central High School
McNeal, Tristen 11.27 Aztec High School
Thomas, Zakk 11.45 Kirtland Central High School
Rascon, George 11.46 Bloomfield High School
Chavarria, Sergio 11.50 Miyamura High School
Ockerman, Brandon 11.61 Kirtland Central High School
Whitaker, Logan 11.75 Aztec High School
Castillo, Omar 11.77 Animas High School
Alassi, Abdullah 11.95 Miyamura High School
Gillespie, Saleem 11.98 Miyamura High School
Cambridge, Nick 12.00 Kirtland Central High School
Boehm, Zachary 12.02 Bloomfield High School
Smith, Brayden 12.12 Aztec High School
Johnson, Aaron 12.37 Bloomfield High School
Warner, Noah 12.44 Kirtland Central High School
James, Joseph 12.61 Miyamura High School
Mike, Payton 12.61 Kirtland Central High School
Touchine, Kristian 12.62 Gallup High School
Martinez, Daniel 12.63 Bloomfield High School
Gilbert, Dionte 12.65 Miyamura High School
Poling, Chad 12.66 Bloomfield High School
Grado, Edwardo 12.68 Aztec High School
Barnes, Dennis 12.69 Aztec High School
Rutledge, Jacob 12.70 Aztec High School
Fiske, Ethan 12.73 Aztec High School
Williamson, Javan 12.75 Bloomfield High School
Meador, Eli 12.81 Bloomfield High School
Gum, Ethan 12.89 Gallup High School
Jones, Jedidiah 12.91 Aztec High School
Johnson, Heath 12.95 Bloomfield High School
Baker, Johnathon 12.97 Aztec High School
Gillentine, Waylon 12.99 Aztec High School
Casey, Lane 13.08 Bloomfield High School
Wilson, Andrew 13.20 Gallup High School
Priddy, Deasyle 13.23 Bloomfield High School
Reinhardt, Tyler 13.29 Bloomfield High School
Nataren, Melvin 13.51 Aztec High School
Tso, Deronte 13.52 Kirtland Central High School
Weiss, Aiden 13.57 Aztec High School
Stovall, Jase 13.66 Aztec High School
Tom, Nathan 13.81 Kirtland Central High School
Zhumadelov, Alisher 13.84 Aztec High School
Atcitty, Amon 13.91 Gallup High School
Benally, Jakaiis 13.98 Kirtland Central High School
Watchman, Kayelem 14.15 Gallup High School
Foster, Miles 14.25 Kirtland Central High School
Sylvester, Schaffer 14.51 Kirtland Central High School
Begay, Chandler 15.25 Gallup High School
Sylvester, Devaughn 15.56 Shiprock High School
Maxwell, Jacob 16.27 Shiprock High School
Benally, Kasey 17.49 Gallup High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Himes, Andrew Bloomfield High School
Burrola, Jacob Gallup High School
Fiske, Ethan Aztec High School
Montoya, Lucas 16.81 Bloomfield High School
Beck, Patrick 17.63 Bloomfield High School
Snell-Martinez, Diego 17.63 Bloomfield High School
Snell-Martinez, Eli 18.53 Bloomfield High School
Largo, Melegerius 19.65 Shiprock High School
Guillen, Daniel 20.93 Miyamura High School
Marlow, Theodore 21.41 Aztec High School
Gallegos, Jeremiah 22.67 Miyamura High School
Chavira, Josh 22.97 Gallup High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shockey, David Aztec High School
Shockey, Samuel Aztec High School
Gurule, Gavin Bloomfield High School
Trevizo, Desiderio Kirtland Central High School
Benson, Tayan 4:31.90 Miyamura High School
Chavez, Javen 4:53.12 Bloomfield High School
Roundface, Theodore 4:57.15 Gallup High School
Kayquoptewa, Kalen 5:09.16 Miyamura High School
James, Luke 5:09.52 Miyamura High School
Begay, Nevaughn 5:11.94 Shiprock High School
Johnson-Hood , Shance 5:13.78 Miyamura High School
Higgins, Noah 5:15.88 Aztec High School
Hunt, Raymond 5:16.44 Kirtland Central High School
Tsosie, Demetri 5:18.68 Aztec High School
Mikel-Royce, Daniel 5:19.20 Aztec High School
Skeet, Titus 5:19.68 Miyamura High School
Teller, Josiah 5:21.96 Kirtland Central High School
Roberts, Izaiha 5:24.02 Shiprock High School
Silago, Quade 5:24.46 Kirtland Central High School
Begay, Caden 5:26.28 Shiprock High School
Sims, Jaden 5:26.29 Aztec High School
Johnson, Lestat 5:29.95 Kirtland Central High School
Bitsilly, Ashton 5:32.28 Shiprock High School
Brown, Ethan 5:32.99 Gallup High School
Jones, Carter 5:34.42 Aztec High School
Valdez, Isaac 5:36.32 Bloomfield High School
King, Timothy 5:37.54 Kirtland Central High School
Medina, Emiliano 5:39.31 Bloomfield High School
Shepherd, Dean 5:43.14 Bloomfield High School
Gale, Adam 5:45.22 Kirtland Central High School
Dick, Zeshawn 5:50.01 Shiprock High School
Williams, Patrick 5:55.77 Bloomfield High School
Hunt, Clint 5:56.44 Aztec High School
StVrain, Just 6:03.66 Aztec High School
Johnston, Chase 6:06.81 Aztec High School
Foster, Laron 6:10.99 Kirtland Central High School
Nakai, Korbin 6:15.93 Kirtland Central High School
Mauga, Timoteo 6:21.87 Kirtland Central High School
Tsinnnijinnie, Cody 8:18.39 Kirtland Central High School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Priddy, Deasyle Bloomfield High School
Brashear, Deagan Aztec High School
Montoya, Malachi Aztec High School
Godbay, Jayden Aztec High School
Casey, Lane Bloomfield High School
Hutchens, Kaleb Aztec High School
Acosta, Angel Kirtland Central High School
Estrada, Trace Bloomfield High School
Atcitty, Amon Gallup High School
Olguin, Taner Aztec High School
Delgarito, Lyle Gallup High School
Joe, Kyler 22.94 Kirtland Central High School
Rascon, George 23.25 Bloomfield High School
McNeal, Tristen 23.25 Aztec High School
Ockerman, Brandon 24.13 Kirtland Central High School
Gillespie, Saleem 24.16 Miyamura High School
Boehm, Zachary 24.50 Bloomfield High School
Chavarria, Sergio 24.51 Miyamura High School
Warner, Easten 25.04 Kirtland Central High School
Alassi, Abdullah 25.05 Miyamura High School
Mike, Payton 25.25 Kirtland Central High School
Whitaker, Logan 25.27 Aztec High School
Cambridge, Nick 25.43 Kirtland Central High School
Bair, Andrew 25.55 Bloomfield High School
Warner, Noah 25.58 Kirtland Central High School
Touchine, Kristian 25.78 Gallup High School
Sisson, Caleb 25.96 Kirtland Central High School
Poling, Chad 26.17 Bloomfield High School
Grado, Edwardo 26.20 Aztec High School
Martinez, Daniel 26.24 Bloomfield High School
Barnes, Dennis 26.40 Aztec High School
Castaneda, Ian 26.49 Miyamura High School
Sylvester, Devaughn 26.57 Shiprock High School
Johnson, Heath 26.62 Bloomfield High School
Shahan, Nathan 26.70 Aztec High School
Begay, Beau 26.72 Kirtland Central High School
Smith, Brayden 26.82 Aztec High School
Reinhardt, Tyler 26.92 Bloomfield High School
Baker, Johnathon 26.99 Aztec High School
Begay, Cody 27.21 Gallup High School
Meador, Eli 27.22 Bloomfield High School
Rutledge, Jacob 27.27 Aztec High School
Gum, Ethan 27.38 Gallup High School
Fiske, Ethan 27.49 Aztec High School
Wilson, Andrew 27.53 Gallup High School
Williamson, Javan 27.83 Bloomfield High School
Iii, Tommy Nez 28.61 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Jakaiis 28.72 Kirtland Central High School
Maxwell, Jacob 28.89 Shiprock High School
Tso, Deronte 29.08 Kirtland Central High School
Chavira, Josh 29.23 Gallup High School
Jones, Jedidiah 29.37 Aztec High School
Weiss, Aiden 29.49 Aztec High School
Stovall, Jase 30.26 Aztec High School
Guillen, Daniel 30.82 Miyamura High School
Sylvester, Schaffer 31.38 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Kasey 32.28 Gallup High School
Begay, Chandler 33.11 Gallup High School
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fiske, Ethan Aztec High School
Tsosie, Demetri 1:02.80 Aztec High School
Snell-Martinez, Diego 42.58 Bloomfield High School
Montoya, Lucas 43.32 Bloomfield High School
Himes, Andrew 43.91 Bloomfield High School
Snell-Martinez, Eli 45.19 Bloomfield High School
Beck, Patrick 45.70 Bloomfield High School
Marlow, Theodore 47.74 Aztec High School
Johnson, Heath 48.39 Bloomfield High School
Begay, Beau 48.48 Kirtland Central High School
Guillen, Daniel 52.16 Miyamura High School
Gallegos, Jeremiah 53.48 Miyamura High School
Higgins, Noah 53.88 Aztec High School
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shockey, David Aztec High School
Tsinnnijinnie, Cody Kirtland Central High School
Shockey, Samuel Aztec High School
Mauga, Timoteo Kirtland Central High School
Johnston, Chase Aztec High School
Foster, Laron Kirtland Central High School
Benson, Tayan 10:10.64 Miyamura High School
Chavez, Javen 10:39.13 Bloomfield High School
Roundface, Theodore 10:50.58 Gallup High School
James, Luke 10:59.60 Miyamura High School
Esson, Dathan 11:10.88 Kirtland Central High School
Skeet, Titus 11:30.84 Miyamura High School
Johnson-Hood , Shance 11:31.22 Miyamura High School
Frank, Javyn 11:34.98 Bloomfield High School
Kayquoptewa, Kalen 11:39.48 Miyamura High School
Brown, Ethan 11:54.82 Gallup High School
Valdez, Isaac 12:00.40 Bloomfield High School
Tsosie, Demetri 12:03.93 Aztec High School
Thom, Dylan 12:04.01 Miyamura High School
Johnson, Lestat 12:25.23 Kirtland Central High School
Gale, Adam 12:31.93 Kirtland Central High School
Jones, Carter 12:36.68 Aztec High School
Medina, Emiliano 13:00.43 Bloomfield High School
Shepherd, Dean 13:10.65 Bloomfield High School
House, Sword 14:16.52 Miyamura High School
Nakai, Korbin 14:21.60 Kirtland Central High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Estrada, Trace Bloomfield High School
Weiss, Aiden Aztec High School
Priddy, Deasyle Bloomfield High School
Brashear, Deagan Aztec High School
Casey, Lane Bloomfield High School
Hunt, Clint Aztec High School
Acosta, Angel Kirtland Central High School
Meador, Eli 1:00.95 Bloomfield High School
Mike, Payton 1:01.48 Kirtland Central High School
Reinhardt, Tyler 1:01.49 Bloomfield High School
Sims, Jaden 1:02.85 Aztec High School
Higgins, Noah 1:03.65 Aztec High School
StVrain, Just 1:04.13 Aztec High School
Tso, Deronte 1:04.95 Kirtland Central High School
Maxwell, Jacob 1:06.23 Shiprock High School
Sylvester, Devaughn 1:08.25 Shiprock High School
Poling, Chad 1:08.31 Bloomfield High School
Agoodie, Nicholas 1:08.32 Shiprock High School
Foster, Miles 1:09.79 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Jakaiis 1:10.58 Kirtland Central High School
Kester, Caleb 1:13.37 Kirtland Central High School
Sylvester, Schaffer 1:14.49 Kirtland Central High School
Joe, Kyler 50.24 Kirtland Central High School
Chavarria, Sergio 52.21 Miyamura High School
Villarrial, John 53.41 Aztec High School
Godbay, Jayden 54.82 Aztec High School
Ordyyna, Jarom 54.96 Bloomfield High School
Boehm, Zachary 55.83 Bloomfield High School
Telkamp, Andrew 57.09 Kirtland Central High School
Williamson, Javan 57.62 Bloomfield High School
Johnson, Heath 58.36 Bloomfield High School
Shahan, Nathan 58.66 Aztec High School
Begay, Beau 59.21 Kirtland Central High School
Warner, Easten 59.43 Kirtland Central High School
Martinez, Daniel 59.81 Bloomfield High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.14 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 44.70 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 45.00 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 45.94 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 47.73 Animas High School
Relay Team A 50.19 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 51.33 Shiprock High School
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Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:34.63 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 1:37.17 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 1:37.70 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 1:39.10 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 1:40.78 Animas High School
Relay Team A 1:49.29 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 1:49.96 Shiprock High School
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:43.02 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 3:44.76 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 3:58.44 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 4:08.80 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 4:12.81 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 4:20.01 Miyamura High School
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:01.71 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 8:56.56 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 9:09.12 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 9:39.55 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 9:42.88 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 9:54.15 Gallup High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tsosie, Demetri Aztec High School
Estrada, Trace Bloomfield High School
Brashear, Deagan Aztec High School
Gurule, Gavin Bloomfield High School
Shockey, Samuel Aztec High School
Atcitty, Amon Gallup High School
Benson, Tayan 2:02.65 Miyamura High School
Chavez, Javen 2:08.74 Bloomfield High School
Villarrial, John 2:13.98 Aztec High School
Godbay, Jayden 2:16.41 Aztec High School
Teller, Josiah 2:17.65 Kirtland Central High School
Mikel-Royce, Daniel 2:20.26 Aztec High School
Higgins, Noah 2:21.20 Aztec High School
Hunt, Clint 2:22.68 Aztec High School
Begay, Caden 2:23.43 Shiprock High School
King, Timothy 2:24.06 Kirtland Central High School
Silago, Quade 2:25.54 Kirtland Central High School
Shockey, David 2:25.61 Aztec High School
Maxwell, Jacob 2:26.80 Shiprock High School
Sims, Jaden 2:26.85 Aztec High School
Trevizo, Desiderio 2:26.95 Kirtland Central High School
James, Luke 2:27.13 Miyamura High School
Bitsilly, Ashton 2:29.43 Shiprock High School
Gale, Adam 2:29.81 Kirtland Central High School
Shepherd, Dean 2:30.48 Bloomfield High School
Hunt, Raymond 2:30.52 Kirtland Central High School
Medina, Emiliano 2:30.54 Bloomfield High School
Roberts, Izaiha 2:31.56 Shiprock High School
Johnson, Lestat 2:32.00 Kirtland Central High School
Williams, Patrick 2:33.71 Bloomfield High School
Dick, Zeshawn 2:35.12 Shiprock High School
Valdez, Isaac 2:35.22 Bloomfield High School
Thom, Dylan 2:35.41 Miyamura High School
House, Sword 2:35.98 Miyamura High School
Agoodie, Nicholas 2:36.41 Shiprock High School
StVrain, Just 2:36.59 Aztec High School
Mauga, Timoteo 2:36.75 Kirtland Central High School
Foster, Laron 2:48.13 Kirtland Central High School
Jones, Carter 2:50.75 Aztec High School
Johnston, Chase 2:54.44 Aztec High School
Kester, Caleb 3:00.43 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Draven 3:35.54 Kirtland Central High School
Tsinnnijinnie, Cody 3:41.09 Kirtland Central High School
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Varsity Boys Discus 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Petty, Landon 122-7 Aztec High School
Jim, Nathan 121-6 Miyamura High School
Williams, Robert 120-3 Bloomfield High School
Heath, Samuel 115-5 Bloomfield High School
Atencio, Markus 109-2 Aztec High School
Touchine, Kody 109-1 Gallup High School
Villarrial, John 104-7 Aztec High School
Beevers, Thomas Jack 104-5 Bloomfield High School
Whitaker, Gage 103-8 Aztec High School
Lee, Kayden 101-8 Aztec High School
Trevizo, Daniel 100-11.5 Kirtland Central High School
Beck, Patrick 96-11 Bloomfield High School
Kellogg, Boe 93-7 Animas High School
Lee, Brandon 92-4.5 Kirtland Central High School
Seabolt, Baylor 90-7 Aztec High School
Poling, Chad 89-3.5 Bloomfield High School
Priddy, Deakyn 86-0 Bloomfield High School
Cardenas, Simeon 85-1.5 Aztec High School
Taylor, Chaske 84-8 Kirtland Central High School
Nelson, Shaun 83-1 Bloomfield High School
Pinto, Bradley 82-10 Miyamura High School
Floyd, Bryton 81-5 Aztec High School
Mendez, Nick 79-7 Aztec High School
Washburn, Jacob 79-5 Bloomfield High School
Pablo, Santana 73-11 Gallup High School
Charley, Deasis 72-4 Gallup High School
Zah-Pena, Matais 72-2 Aztec High School
Miller, Tristin 71-2 Bloomfield High School
Hadley, Rhylee 70-10 Shiprock High School
Camacho, Josua 68-1 Bloomfield High School
Silva, Isreal 67-5 Aztec High School
Yazzie, Logan 65-10 Kirtland Central High School
Dodge, Nicolas 65-1 Kirtland Central High School
Murray, Samuel 63-8 Bloomfield High School
Dodge, Jeryn 61-6 Kirtland Central High School
Bentley, Tanyon 58-11 Aztec High School
Nunez, Nahum 57-11 Aztec High School
Franklin, Colin 52-6 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Jehrus 50-7 Kirtland Central High School
Spencer, Rhyver 48-7 Aztec High School
Comacho, Tomas 44-4 Kirtland Central High School
Franklin, Jayden 40-10 Kirtland Central High School
Bee, Kaden 38-1 Kirtland Central High School
Barton, Jeremiah Shiprock High School
Begay, Jaylon Shiprock High School
Lee, Delvin Shiprock High School
Aguilar, Augie Bloomfield High School
Aguilar, Filoramio Bloomfield High School
Lopez, Yahir Bloomfield High School
Griego, Angelo Aztec High School
Barron, Jacob Aztec High School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNeal, Tristen 5-10 Aztec High School
Rascon, George 5-4 Bloomfield High School
Baker, Johnathon 5-2 Aztec High School
Shahan, Nathan 5-2 Aztec High School
Sylvester, Devaughn 5-0 Shiprock High School
Marlow, Theodore 5-0 Aztec High School
Silago, Quade 4-4 Kirtland Central High School
Ockerman, Brandon Kirtland Central High School
Iii, Tommy Nez Kirtland Central High School
Telkamp, Andrew Kirtland Central High School
Sylvester, Schaffer Kirtland Central High School
Maxwell, Jacob Shiprock High School
Gum, Ethan Gallup High School
Touchine, Kristian Gallup High School
Montoya, Lucas Bloomfield High School
Frank, Javyn Bloomfield High School
Burrola, Jacob Gallup High School
Stovall, Jase Aztec High School
Nataren, Melvin Aztec High School
Grado, Edwardo Aztec High School
Higgins, Noah Aztec High School
Sims, Jaden Aztec High School
Trevizo, Desiderio Kirtland Central High School
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Varsity Boys Javelin 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Zakk 152-10 Kirtland Central High School
Seabolt, Baylor 146-2 Aztec High School
Williamson, Javan 137-2 Bloomfield High School
Whitaker, Gage 127-7 Aztec High School
Villarrial, John 123-4 Aztec High School
Mike, Payton 123-0 Kirtland Central High School
Begay, Jarvis 122-8 Shiprock High School
Petty, Landon 116-5 Aztec High School
Tom, Nathan 112-11 Kirtland Central High School
Begay, Cody 112-5 Gallup High School
Wilson, Andrew 109-2 Gallup High School
Wright, Norman 108-0 Animas High School
Atencio, Markus 104-7 Aztec High School
Lee, Kayden 83-6 Aztec High School
Griego, Angelo 81-5 Aztec High School
Yazzie, Logan 80-8 Kirtland Central High School
Mendez, Nick 79-4 Aztec High School
Washburn, Jacob 76-4 Bloomfield High School
Beevers, Thomas Jack 75-4 Bloomfield High School
Heath, Samuel 69-7 Bloomfield High School
Murray, Samuel 66-5 Bloomfield High School
Priddy, Deakyn 64-10 Bloomfield High School
Williams, Patrick 63-9 Bloomfield High School
Silva, Isreal 62-0 Aztec High School
Zah-Pena, Matais 58-9 Aztec High School
Miller, Tristin 51-3 Bloomfield High School
Johnson, Jehrus 49-0 Kirtland Central High School
Nelson, Shaun 48-10 Bloomfield High School
Camacho, Josua 47-0 Bloomfield High School
Aguilar, Augie Bloomfield High School
Aguilar, Filoramio Bloomfield High School
Williams, Robert Bloomfield High School
Lopez, Yahir Bloomfield High School
Bentley, Tanyon Aztec High School
Cardenas, Simeon Aztec High School
Floyd, Bryton Aztec High School
Nunez, Nahum Aztec High School
Barron, Jacob Aztec High School
Spencer, Rhyver Aztec High School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNeal, Tristen 22-8 Aztec High School
Castillo, Omar 21-0 Animas High School
Boehm, Zachary 20-1.5 Bloomfield High School
Whitaker, Logan 19-4 Aztec High School
Shahan, Nathan 18-11 Aztec High School
Touchine, Kristian 18-7 Gallup High School
Ordyyna, Jarom 18-3.5 Bloomfield High School
Johnson, Aaron 18-1 Bloomfield High School
Gum, Ethan 17-10 Gallup High School
Thomas, Zakk 17-8.5 Kirtland Central High School
Martinez, Daniel 17-8.5 Bloomfield High School
Godbay, Jayden 17-8 Aztec High School
Gilbert, Dionte 17-7.5 Miyamura High School
Bair, Andrew 17-5.75 Bloomfield High School
Smith, Brayden 17-5.5 Aztec High School
Largo, Melegerius 17-5 Shiprock High School
Cambridge, Nick 17-2.5 Kirtland Central High School
Stovall, Jase 17-2.5 Aztec High School
Jones, Jedidiah 17-1.75 Aztec High School
Begay, Beau 17-1 Kirtland Central High School
Telkamp, Andrew 16-10.75 Kirtland Central High School
Marlow, Theodore 16-4.75 Aztec High School
Sims, Jaden 16-4.5 Aztec High School
Baker, Johnathon 16-3 Aztec High School
James, Joseph 16-2 Miyamura High School
Grado, Edwardo 16-2 Aztec High School
Guillen, Daniel 16-0.25 Miyamura High School
Rutledge, Jacob 15-5.25 Aztec High School
Valdez, Isaac 15-5 Bloomfield High School
Chavira, Josh 15-4 Gallup High School
Reinhardt, Tyler 15-3.25 Bloomfield High School
Tsosie, Demetri 15-0.25 Aztec High School
Barnes, Dennis 14-7.5 Aztec High School
Shepherd, Dean 14-7 Bloomfield High School
King, Timothy 14-5 Kirtland Central High School
Weiss, Aiden 14-2.75 Aztec High School
Benally, Jakaiis 13-8.5 Kirtland Central High School
Iii, Tommy Nez 13-8.25 Kirtland Central High School
Watchman, Kayelem 13-8 Gallup High School
Tso, Deronte 13-7.5 Kirtland Central High School
Tsinnnijinnie, Cody 10-11.75 Kirtland Central High School
Casey, Lane Bloomfield High School
Estrada, Trace Bloomfield High School
Gurule, Gavin Bloomfield High School
Himes, Andrew Bloomfield High School
Johnson, Heath Bloomfield High School
Priddy, Deasyle Bloomfield High School
Hutchens, Kaleb Aztec High School
Olguin, Taner Aztec High School
Delgarito, Lyle Gallup High School
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Joe, Kyler 10-6 Kirtland Central High School
Warner, Easten 10-6 Kirtland Central High School
McNeal, Tristen 10-6 Aztec High School
Meador, Eli 9-6 Bloomfield High School
Warner, Noah 9-0 Kirtland Central High School
Smith, Brayden 9-0 Aztec High School
Chavez, Javen 7-6 Bloomfield High School
Snell-Martinez, Eli 7-6 Bloomfield High School
Sisson, Caleb 7-0 Kirtland Central High School
Snell-Martinez, Diego 7-0 Bloomfield High School
Acosta, Angel Kirtland Central High School
Hunt, Raymond Kirtland Central High School
Hutchens, Kaleb Aztec High School
Whitaker, Logan Aztec High School
Grado, Edwardo Aztec High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Touchine, Kody 42-6.5 Gallup High School
Jim, Nathan 42-4.5 Miyamura High School
Trevizo, Daniel 42-2 Kirtland Central High School
Heath, Samuel 38-4 Bloomfield High School
Williams, Robert 37-2.5 Bloomfield High School
Nelson, Shaun 36-11 Bloomfield High School
Aguilar, Augie 36-10 Bloomfield High School
Whitaker, Gage 36-10 Aztec High School
Villarrial, John 36-6 Aztec High School
Atencio, Markus 35-11 Aztec High School
Lee, Kayden 35-8 Aztec High School
Seabolt, Baylor 34-4 Aztec High School
Priddy, Deakyn 32-8.5 Bloomfield High School
Charley, Deasis 32-8 Gallup High School
Beevers, Thomas Jack 32-3 Bloomfield High School
Silva, Isreal 31-5 Aztec High School
Wright, Norman 30-11.5 Animas High School
Pablo, Santana 30-11 Gallup High School
Bentley, Tanyon 30-3 Aztec High School
Mendez, Nick 29-2.5 Aztec High School
Hadley, Rhylee 29-2 Shiprock High School
Petty, Landon 29-1 Aztec High School
Cardenas, Simeon 28-1 Aztec High School
Yazzie, Logan 27-5 Kirtland Central High School
Floyd, Bryton 26-11.5 Aztec High School
Pinto, Bradley 26-9 Miyamura High School
Lee, Brandon 26-8 Kirtland Central High School
Comacho, Tomas 26-7 Kirtland Central High School
Griego, Angelo 26-6 Aztec High School
Washburn, Jacob 26-5 Bloomfield High School
Murray, Samuel 26-2 Bloomfield High School
Miller, Tristin 25-11 Bloomfield High School
Franklin, Jayden 25-10 Kirtland Central High School
Camacho, Josua 25-9 Bloomfield High School
Zah-Pena, Matais 25-9 Aztec High School
Taylor, Chaske 25-6 Kirtland Central High School
Bee, Kaden 24-10 Kirtland Central High School
Dodge, Jeryn 24-9 Kirtland Central High School
Dodge, Nicolas 23-2.5 Kirtland Central High School
Franklin, Colin 23-0 Kirtland Central High School
Spencer, Rhyver 22-5 Aztec High School
Nunez, Nahum 20-8 Aztec High School
Johnson, Jehrus 19-3 Kirtland Central High School
Barton, Jeremiah Shiprock High School
Begay, Jaylon Shiprock High School
Lee, Delvin Shiprock High School
Aguilar, Filoramio Bloomfield High School
Lopez, Yahir Bloomfield High School
Montoya, Malachi Aztec High School
Barron, Jacob Aztec High School
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Varsity Boys Sprint Medley Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:45.42 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 3:57.12 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 4:05.00 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 4:09.02 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 4:09.71 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 4:28.09 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 4:32.64 Animas High School
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boehm, Zachary 41-5.5 Bloomfield High School
Whitaker, Logan 38-0 Aztec High School
Shahan, Nathan 36-4.5 Aztec High School
Ordyyna, Jarom 36-3 Bloomfield High School
Himes, Andrew Bloomfield High School
Shockey, David Aztec High School
Brashear, Deagan Aztec High School
Begay, Cody Gallup High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barney, Alysa Shiprock High School
Abney, Keira Bloomfield High School
Briggs, Jewelle Aztec High School
Charelston, MarineCorp Gallup High School
Overson, Samantha 12.54 Bloomfield High School
Adcock, Rebekah 12.63 Miyamura High School
Waite, Alivia 12.85 Bloomfield High School
McKenzie, Nika 12.94 Aztec High School
Work, Brianna 12.94 Aztec High School
Roberts, Brianne 12.98 Aztec High School
Roberts, Erica 13.01 Aztec High School
Velasquez, Evani 13.06 Bloomfield High School
McNeal, Stevie 13.31 Aztec High School
Chavarria, Amparo 13.40 Miyamura High School
Serrano, Annette 13.50 Bloomfield High School
Mayo, Ashlie 13.52 Aztec High School
Nunez, Lylie 13.60 Bloomfield High School
Roberts, Kira 13.60 Aztec High School
Morris, Daliyah 13.65 Gallup High School
Yazzie, Selu 14.36 Shiprock High School
Poling, Dakota 14.43 Bloomfield High School
Kimble, Namoi 14.46 Animas High School
Riley, Andrea 14.53 Miyamura High School
James, Carley 14.64 Miyamura High School
Medina, Angie 14.65 Aztec High School
Medina, Jaylin 14.77 Aztec High School
Walker, Capryce 14.81 Aztec High School
Duran, Riven 14.83 Aztec High School
Lara, Valaree 14.92 Shiprock High School
Esquibel, Lilly 14.94 Aztec High School
Cambridge, Mia 15.03 Kirtland Central High School
Schmidt, Brooklin 15.05 Aztec High School
DeHerrera, Avenicia 15.21 Bloomfield High School
Garcia, Jessenia 15.43 Kirtland Central High School
Veith, Aspen 15.62 Kirtland Central High School
Langlitz, Abigail 15.70 Aztec High School
Sam, Chayanne 15.82 Gallup High School
Skeet, Alyssa 15.98 Gallup High School
Cerano, Korayma 16.16 Aztec High School
Chapman, Hope 16.18 Kirtland Central High School
Kelewood, Kirsten 16.39 Shiprock High School
Etsitty, Terri 16.49 Shiprock High School
John, Larayle 16.52 Bloomfield High School
Bileen, Alyssa 16.57 Shiprock High School
Hayes, Tegan 16.74 Shiprock High School
Curley, Destiny 16.80 Aztec High School
Barber, Moriah 16.80 Miyamura High School
Brashear, Akayla 17.01 Aztec High School
Dennison, Gabirelli 17.28 Bloomfield High School
Hererra, Elizabeth 17.41 Shiprock High School
Tache, Cadance 17.42 Shiprock High School
Watchman, Keaira 17.58 Gallup High School
Benally, Kaylin 17.63 Kirtland Central High School
Begay, Bryanna 17.71 Gallup High School
Bluehorse, Summer 18.03 Shiprock High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sandoval, Nevaeh Kirtland Central High School
Nunez, Lylie 15.15 Bloomfield High School
Abney, Keira 16.82 Bloomfield High School
Herrera, Rheala 18.47 Aztec High School
Sanchez, Alicia 18.95 Aztec High School
Walker, Capryce 19.11 Aztec High School
Hernandez, Itzel 19.69 Aztec High School
Davenport, Laikyn 20.04 Animas High School
Dominguez, Camilla 20.46 Aztec High School
Johnson, Danica 21.01 Shiprock High School
Whetton, Jessie 21.06 Animas High School
Riley, Andrea 21.46 Miyamura High School
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Snell-Martinez, Lyla Bloomfield High School
Rivera, Brianna Bloomfield High School
Carlisle, Dylane Kirtland Central High School
Ramone, Aisha 5:14.38 Kirtland Central High School
Platero, Kaydence 5:36.48 Shiprock High School
Long, Merisha 6:05.97 Gallup High School
Villanueva, Autumn 6:07.38 Aztec High School
Jaquez, Miranda 6:09.75 Bloomfield High School
Whitehorse, Brianna 6:12.80 Shiprock High School
Begay, Yanibah 6:16.94 Gallup High School
Jaquez, Juleima 6:19.19 Bloomfield High School
Peters, Kailiah 6:19.78 Shiprock High School
Begay, Taylor 6:20.11 Shiprock High School
Mccray, Chevelle 6:24.01 Miyamura High School
Platero, Shanoah 6:25.53 Miyamura High School
Harrison, Kaitlyn 6:33.23 Kirtland Central High School
Rockwell, Cadence 7:26.55 Shiprock High School
Johnson, Darnelle 7:31.61 Kirtland Central High School
Morgan, Octavia 7:33.77 Shiprock High School
Yazzie, Sarayl 7:51.07 Kirtland Central High School
Pintor, Angel 7:52.11 Animas High School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Briggs, Jewelle Aztec High School
Martin, Aubrey Bloomfield High School
Chiquito, Jasmine Bloomfield High School
Charelston, MarineCorp Gallup High School
Cerano, Korayma Aztec High School
Bluehorse, Summer Shiprock High School
Means, Mariah Bloomfield High School
Work, Brianna 26.87 Aztec High School
Overson, Samantha 26.90 Bloomfield High School
McNeal, Stevie 27.29 Aztec High School
Velasquez, Evani 27.62 Bloomfield High School
Waite, Alivia 27.73 Bloomfield High School
McKenzie, Nika 27.89 Aztec High School
Roberts, Brianne 27.95 Aztec High School
Morris, Daliyah 28.18 Gallup High School
Chavarria, Amparo 28.24 Miyamura High School
Roberts, Erica 28.45 Aztec High School
Adcock, Rebekah 28.47 Miyamura High School
Sexton, Ashley 28.58 Aztec High School
Medina, Jaylin 29.06 Aztec High School
Mayo, Ashlie 29.23 Aztec High School
Dominguez, Camilla 29.25 Aztec High School
Palmer, Ella 29.76 Aztec High School
Serrano, Annette 30.49 Bloomfield High School
Steele, Summer 31.13 Aztec High School
Langlitz, Abigail 31.57 Aztec High School
DeHerrera, Avenicia 31.57 Bloomfield High School
Poling, Dakota 31.59 Bloomfield High School
Williamson, Tianna 31.84 Bloomfield High School
Veith, Aspen 32.19 Kirtland Central High School
Lara, Valaree 32.35 Shiprock High School
Garcia, Jessenia 32.40 Kirtland Central High School
Barney, Alysa 32.58 Shiprock High School
Schmidt, Brooklin 32.64 Aztec High School
Cambridge, Mia 32.90 Kirtland Central High School
Blackgoat, Talia 33.12 Gallup High School
Duran, Riven 33.13 Aztec High School
Kelewood, Kirsten 33.51 Shiprock High School
Barney, Olyvia 33.55 Shiprock High School
Barber, Moriah 33.76 Miyamura High School
Joe, Marina 33.88 Kirtland Central High School
Skeet, Alyssa 34.07 Gallup High School
Esquibel, Lilly 34.09 Aztec High School
Chapman, Hope 34.48 Kirtland Central High School
Roberts, Kira 34.57 Aztec High School
Tsosie, Sheyiana 34.94 Kirtland Central High School
Hererra, Elizabeth 35.42 Shiprock High School
Bileen, Alyssa 35.47 Shiprock High School
Sam, Chayanne 35.96 Gallup High School
Morgan, Octavia 36.22 Shiprock High School
John, Larayle 36.30 Bloomfield High School
Dennison, Gabirelli 36.59 Bloomfield High School
Benally, Kaylin 37.12 Kirtland Central High School
Rockwell, Cadence 37.58 Shiprock High School
Benally, Alyssa 38.36 Shiprock High School
Begay, Bryanna 39.32 Gallup High School
Watchman, Keaira 42.48 Gallup High School
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sandoval, Nevaeh Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Danica 1:01.29 Shiprock High School
Abney, Keira 49.04 Bloomfield High School
Nunez, Lylie 49.66 Bloomfield High School
Herrera, Rheala 49.95 Aztec High School
Dominguez, Camilla 52.25 Aztec High School
Sanchez, Alicia 54.87 Aztec High School
Tsosie, Sheyiana 55.06 Kirtland Central High School
Smith, Jazmine 57.32 Kirtland Central High School
Walker, Capryce 58.97 Aztec High School
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Platero, Kaydence 11:39.71 Shiprock High School
Long, Merisha 13:25.97 Gallup High School
Mccray, Chevelle 14:16.76 Miyamura High School
Begay, Yanibah 14:17.35 Gallup High School
Jaquez, Juleima 14:17.85 Bloomfield High School
Platero, Shanoah 14:21.63 Miyamura High School
Jaquez, Miranda 14:44.93 Bloomfield High School
Esson, Kaiden 14:48.08 Kirtland Central High School
Yazzie, Sarayl 16:55.33 Kirtland Central High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cambridge, Mia Kirtland Central High School
Overson, Samantha Bloomfield High School
Shorty, Amber Kirtland Central High School
Gomez, Jazzlyn Aztec High School
Work, Brianna 1:02.75 Aztec High School
Sexton, Ashley 1:03.97 Aztec High School
Gurule, Desirea 1:05.56 Bloomfield High School
Palmer, Ella 1:07.98 Aztec High School
Steele, Summer 1:09.36 Aztec High School
Valerio, Alisia 1:09.37 Aztec High School
Williamson, Tianna 1:09.66 Bloomfield High School
Villarrial, Mary Kate 1:10.27 Aztec High School
James, Carley 1:10.57 Miyamura High School
Willcox, Brooke 1:11.08 Aztec High School
Albright, Stella 1:11.27 Aztec High School
Poling, Dakota 1:12.21 Bloomfield High School
Pierro, Kaylee 1:12.63 Kirtland Central High School
Martin, Aubrey 1:12.94 Bloomfield High School
Joe, Marina 1:14.68 Kirtland Central High School
Huttinga, Kylie 1:16.51 Kirtland Central High School
DeHerrera, Avenicia 1:16.90 Bloomfield High School
Barreto, Kendra 1:19.74 Bloomfield High School
Barber, Moriah 1:21.80 Miyamura High School
Kelewood, Kirsten 1:28.18 Shiprock High School
Dennison, Gabirelli 1:28.46 Bloomfield High School
Tache, Cadance 1:28.50 Shiprock High School
John, Larayle 1:37.13 Bloomfield High School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.77 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 1:05.78 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 50.46 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 50.85 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 56.21 Animas High School
Relay Team A 57.02 Kirtland Central High School
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Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:49.37 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 1:49.83 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 1:58.08 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 2:03.97 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 2:07.88 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 2:13.77 Gallup High School
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:19.09 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 4:23.00 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 4:29.64 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 4:30.80 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 4:57.80 Animas High School
Relay Team A 5:24.31 Gallup High School
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:00.14 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 11:14.65 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 11:21.24 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 11:39.38 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 12:20.32 Kirtland Central High School
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Snell-Martinez, Lyla Bloomfield High School
Rivera, Brianna Bloomfield High School
Steele, Summer Aztec High School
Platero, Kaydence 2:32.47 Shiprock High School
Sexton, Ashley 2:33.37 Aztec High School
Villarrial, Mary Kate 2:38.31 Aztec High School
Toledo, Chenoa 2:39.45 Bloomfield High School
Gurule, Desirea 2:39.65 Bloomfield High School
Villanueva, Autumn 2:42.70 Aztec High School
Valerio, Alisia 2:45.75 Aztec High School
Begay, Taylor 2:46.93 Shiprock High School
Albright, Stella 2:48.47 Aztec High School
Segay, Brooke 2:48.69 Bloomfield High School
Willcox, Brooke 2:49.25 Aztec High School
Peters, Kailiah 2:52.48 Shiprock High School
Whitehorse, Brianna 2:53.39 Shiprock High School
Whetton, Jessie 2:54.32 Animas High School
Nocki, Haylee 2:54.74 Kirtland Central High School
Mccray, Chevelle 2:55.02 Miyamura High School
Martin, Aubrey 2:56.16 Bloomfield High School
Platero, Shanoah 2:57.17 Miyamura High School
Tyler, Johnaya 2:59.55 Kirtland Central High School
Gomez, Jazzlyn 3:00.85 Aztec High School
Morgan, Bryanne 3:06.84 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Alyssa 3:09.10 Shiprock High School
Johnson, Darnelle 3:12.75 Kirtland Central High School
Rockwell, Cadence 3:16.67 Shiprock High School
Tache, Cadance 3:19.56 Shiprock High School
Morgan, Octavia 3:21.44 Shiprock High School
Carlisle, Dylane 3:29.30 Kirtland Central High School
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Varsity Girls Discus 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Jaiden 105-5 Bloomfield High School
Dodge, JoJera 103-8 Kirtland Central High School
Hadley, Leshaunie 94-5.75 Shiprock High School
Brown, Allyanna 90-2.5 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Hannah 87-2 Shiprock High School
Tycksen, Layna 84-2 Bloomfield High School
Molinar, Edelweiss 84-0 Animas High School
Toledo, Daezhii 79-3 Aztec High School
Benavidez, Mariah 78-0 Bloomfield High School
Pena, Victoria 75-2 Bloomfield High School
Day, Marissa 74-5 Aztec High School
Poyer, Beyonca 74-1 Aztec High School
Yonnie, Kimora 71-2 Kirtland Central High School
Walter, Hennessy 67-4 Bloomfield High School
Fatte, Marie 66-10 Aztec High School
Yazzie, Selu 66-3 Shiprock High School
Hererra, Elizabeth 65-11.5 Shiprock High School
Yazzie, Tevielynn 64-3 Gallup High School
Burkhow, Cadence 64-1 Bloomfield High School
Barreto, Kendra 62-6.5 Bloomfield High School
Defeinbaugh, Cammie 60-6 Bloomfield High School
Beevers, Naomi 59-10 Bloomfield High School
Zohnnie, Regan 58-1 Kirtland Central High School
Bluehorse, Summer 57-4 Shiprock High School
Polancho, Amairani 54-6 Bloomfield High School
Hernandez, Itzel 53-5 Aztec High School
Ruiz, Espe 53-4 Aztec High School
Turner, Bree 49-5 Aztec High School
Bileen, Alyssa 45-5 Shiprock High School
Drake, Airyanna 43-9 Aztec High School
Hayes, Tegan 43-3 Shiprock High School
Medina, Miriam 41-5 Aztec High School
Maxwell, Katie-Ann 37-8 Bloomfield High School
Clah, Jurni Shiprock High School
Curley, Destiny Aztec High School
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Varsity Girls High Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kimble, Naomi 5-4 Animas High School
Green, Azure 4-10 Animas High School
Nunez, Lylie 4-10 Bloomfield High School
Dominguez, Camilla 4-8 Aztec High School
Mayo, Ashlie 4-6 Aztec High School
Willcox, Brooke 4-6 Aztec High School
Villanueva, Autumn 4-6 Aztec High School
Tsosie, Aleciah 4-4 Kirtland Central High School
Duran, Riven 4-4 Aztec High School
Palmer, Ella 4-4 Aztec High School
McNeal, Stevie 4-2 Aztec High School
Langlitz, Abigail 4-2 Aztec High School
Shorty, Amber 4-0 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Danica 4-0 Shiprock High School
Lara, Valaree 4-0 Shiprock High School
Peters, Kailiah 4-0 Shiprock High School
Jaquez, Juleima 4-0 Bloomfield High School
Roberts, Kira 4-0 Aztec High School
Chiquito, Jasmine Bloomfield High School
Means, Mariah Bloomfield High School
Villarrial, Mary Kate Aztec High School
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Varsity Girls Javelin 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Jaiden 95-0 Bloomfield High School
Green, Azure 91-3 Animas High School
Tycksen, Layna 89-10.5 Bloomfield High School
Etsitty, Terri 85-2 Shiprock High School
Benally, Malyha 83-2 Kirtland Central High School
Brown, Allyanna 74-9 Kirtland Central High School
Poyer, Beyonca 73-4 Aztec High School
Kelewood, Kirsten 70-11 Shiprock High School
Benally, Alyssa 69-4.5 Shiprock High School
Pena, Victoria 67-11 Bloomfield High School
Toledo, Daezhii 65-3 Aztec High School
Zohnnie, Regan 65-1 Kirtland Central High School
Hernandez, Itzel 64-6 Aztec High School
Fatte, Marie 61-4 Aztec High School
Bileen, Alyssa 60-8.5 Shiprock High School
Gomez, Jazzlyn 59-8 Aztec High School
Walter, Hennessy 51-7 Bloomfield High School
Day, Marissa 48-6 Aztec High School
Defeinbaugh, Cammie 47-11 Bloomfield High School
Medina, Miriam 45-7 Aztec High School
Beevers, Naomi 44-5 Bloomfield High School
Yonnie, Kimora 43-6 Kirtland Central High School
Curley, Destiny 42-3 Aztec High School
Drake, Airyanna 41-0 Aztec High School
Polancho, Amairani 40-0 Bloomfield High School
Hunt, Katana 33-10 Kirtland Central High School
Maxwell, Katie-Ann 24-2 Bloomfield High School
Benavidez, Mariah Bloomfield High School
Burkhow, Cadence Bloomfield High School
Briggs, Jewelle Aztec High School
Ruiz, Espe Aztec High School
Steele, Summer Aztec High School
Turner, Bree Aztec High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jaquez, Juleima 16-5.5 Bloomfield High School
Mayo, Ashlie 15-4.75 Aztec High School
Adcock, Rebekah 15-4 Miyamura High School
McKenzie, Nika 14-10.5 Aztec High School
Overson, Samantha 14-10.25 Bloomfield High School
Morris, Daliyah 14-9 Gallup High School
Roberts, Erica 14-8 Aztec High School
Work, Brianna 14-7.5 Aztec High School
McNeal, Stevie 14-7 Aztec High School
Poling, Dakota 14-6.5 Bloomfield High School
Palmer, Ella 14-5.75 Aztec High School
Williamson, Tianna 14-05.50 Bloomfield High School
Roberts, Kira 14-2.5 Aztec High School
Barney, Olyvia 14-0.75 Shiprock High School
Riley, Andrea 13-9 Miyamura High School
Herrera, Rheala 13-8.5 Aztec High School
Langlitz, Abigail 13-6 Aztec High School
Valerio, Alisia 13-6 Aztec High School
Harris-Rhea, Jaylene 13-3 Kirtland Central High School
Waite, Alivia 13-1.5 Bloomfield High School
Gomez, Jazzlyn 13-1.5 Aztec High School
Shorty, Amber 13-1 Kirtland Central High School
Aguilar, Kaitlyn 12-06.00 Bloomfield High School
Schmidt, Brooklin 12-5 Aztec High School
Segay, Brooke 12-4.5 Bloomfield High School
Tyler, Johnaya 11-9 Kirtland Central High School
Medina, Jaylin 11-8.5 Aztec High School
Esquibel, Lilly 11-8 Aztec High School
Veith, Aspen 11-7.25 Kirtland Central High School
Joe, Marina 11-7 Kirtland Central High School
Walker, Capryce 11-5.75 Aztec High School
Morgan, Octavia 11-3 Shiprock High School
Brashear, Akayla 11-0.5 Aztec High School
Dennison, Gabirelli 10-10 Bloomfield High School
Tache, Cadance 10-9 Shiprock High School
Cerano, Korayma 10-9 Aztec High School
John, Larayle 10-6 Bloomfield High School
Kelewood, Kirsten 10-2 Shiprock High School
Velasquez, Evani Bloomfield High School
Rivera, Brianna Bloomfield High School
Briggs, Jewelle Aztec High School
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberts, Brianne 9-6 Aztec High School
Pierro, Kaylee 7-6 Kirtland Central High School
Gurule, Desirea 7-6 Bloomfield High School
McNeal, Stevie 7-0 Aztec High School
Jones, Tonia 7-0 Kirtland Central High School
Barreto, Kendra 7-0 Bloomfield High School
Willcox, Brooke 6-6 Aztec High School
DeHerrera, Avenicia 6-6 Bloomfield High School
Tsosie, Sheyiana 6-0 Kirtland Central High School
Schmidt, Brooklin 5-0 Aztec High School
Abney, Keira Bloomfield High School
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Allyanna 34-9 Kirtland Central High School
Dodge, JoJera 34-9 Kirtland Central High School
Williams, Jaiden 32-8.5 Bloomfield High School
Johnson, Hannah 30-8.5 Shiprock High School
Tycksen, Layna 30-3 Bloomfield High School
Pena, Victoria 29-6 Bloomfield High School
Hadley, Leshaunie 28-8 Shiprock High School
Yazzie, Tevielynn 27-10.75 Gallup High School
Yazzie, Selu 27-8.25 Shiprock High School
Hernandez, Itzel 25-6.5 Aztec High School
Toledo, Daezhii 25-5 Aztec High School
Day, Marissa 25-4 Aztec High School
Etsitty, Terri 24-8 Shiprock High School
Poyer, Beyonca 23-10 Aztec High School
Bluehorse, Summer 23-7.75 Shiprock High School
Beevers, Naomi 23-4 Bloomfield High School
James, Carley 23-0 Miyamura High School
Defeinbaugh, Cammie 22-11 Bloomfield High School
Burkhow, Cadence 22-3 Bloomfield High School
Yonnie, Kimora 21-9 Kirtland Central High School
Hererra, Elizabeth 21-7.5 Shiprock High School
Fatte, Marie 21-5 Aztec High School
Ruiz, Espe 21-4 Aztec High School
Hayes, Tegan 20-4 Shiprock High School
Benavidez, Mariah 20-3.5 Bloomfield High School
Walter, Hennessy 19-10.5 Bloomfield High School
Hunt, Katana 18-9 Kirtland Central High School
Polancho, Amairani 17-9 Bloomfield High School
Medina, Miriam 17-2 Aztec High School
Turner, Bree 17-2 Aztec High School
Drake, Airyanna 17-1 Aztec High School
Maxwell, Katie-Ann 15-7 Bloomfield High School
Clah, Jurni Shiprock High School
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Varsity Girls Sprint Medley Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 4:31.29 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 4:34.39 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 4:52.46 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 5:03.72 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 5:11.31 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 5:12.94 Animas High School
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mayo, Ashlie 32-3 Aztec High School
McKenzie, Nika 31-8.5 Aztec High School
Valerio, Alisia 31-1.5 Aztec High School
Herrera, Rheala 30-11 Aztec High School
Sanchez, Alicia 30-4 Aztec High School
Sexton, Ashley 30-3.5 Aztec High School
Aguilar, Kaitlyn 29-6.5 Bloomfield High School
Albright, Stella 29-4 Aztec High School
Villanueva, Autumn 29-0.5 Aztec High School
Langlitz, Abigail 28-10.5 Aztec High School
Villarrial, Mary Kate 26-10.5 Aztec High School
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