Centennial Hawks Invitational 2025

Las Cruces, NM

Meet Information


Centennial Hawk Invitational

March 15th, 2025

Meet Time: Field Events @ 9:00am

Running Events @ 9:30am

Scratch Meeting: 8:00 am, no adds, deletions only

Coaches Meeting: 8:20 am

Entries: Each school may enter up to 5 athletes per event but only one relay team per event.

Camp Sites: Will be in the bleachers not on the field

Entry Deadline: Thursday, March 13th, 2025 @ 10pm. Please include current marks/times for each athlete.


LJ, TJ and Throws will have 3 Throws, 3 Jumps (TOP 7 make Finals w/ 3 additional attempts). No scratch lines.

Implement weigh-ins at the field house at the north end of the track.

HJ and PV opening heights to be determined at the coaches meeting based on entries.

Southside of Track

West Pit: Girls Long Jump followed by Girls Triple Jump

East Pit: Boys Long Jump followed by Boys Triple Jump

North end of Track

High Jump: Boys followed by Girls

Pole Vault: Girls followed by Boys

Soccer Fields East of Track

Shot Put: Girls followed by Boys

Discus: Boys followed by Girls

Javelin: Girls followed by Boys

Running Events: All running events will be timed finals.

Awards: Team 1st- 2nd Trophies Girls/Boys, Individual/Relays: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Medals

Scoring: Individual events are scored: 7-5-4-3-2-1; relays scored 10-8-6-4-2-1.

For additional information contact:

Christian Cedano (575)386-8815

Email: cjcc523@gmail.com

Work Assignments:

Centennial- High Jump, Discus, 4x100 3rd Exchange, 4x200 1st and 3rd Exchange

Las Cruces- East Pit: Boys Long Jump, Boys Triple Jump, Javelin, 4x100-1st Exchange

Mayfield - West Pit: Girls Long Jump and Triple Jump, Medley 1st Exchange

Organ Mountain - Pole Vault, Shotput, 4x100 2nd Exchange

Centennial Hawk Invitational

March 15th, 2025

Schedule of Events

Scratch Meeting: 8:20 A.M.

Weigh In: 8:20 - 8:50 A.M.

Field Events

9:00 am

Girls' Pole Vault (Boys will follow)

Boys' High Jump (Girls will follow)

Girls' Javelin (Boys will follow)

Boys' Discus (Girls will follow)

Girls' Shot put (Boys will follow)

Girls' Long Jump (TJ to follow)

Boys' Long Jump (TJ to follow)

Running Events


Girls' 3200M Run

Boys' 3200M Run


Girls' 4x800M Relay

Boys' 4X800M Relay



Girls' 4 x 100M Relay

Boys' 4 x 100M Relay

Girls' 100M High Hurdles

Boys' 110M High Hurdles

Girls' 400M Dash

Boys' 400M Dash

Girls' 4 x 200M Relay

Boys' 4 x 200M Relay

Girls' 800M Run

Boys' 800M Run

Girls' 100M Dash

Boys' 100M Dash

Girls' 300M Low Hurdles

Boys' 300M Int. Hurdles

Girls' 1600M Medley Relay

Boys' 1600M Medley Relay

Girls' 200M Dash

Boys' 200M Dash

Girls' 1600M Run

Boys' 1600M Run

Girls' 4 x 400M Relay

Boys' 4 x 400M Relay