Clovis Invite 2025

Clovis, NM

Athlete Entries

Boys Javelin 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Gideon 146-9 Portales High School
Gill, Kaleb 112-4 Hobbs High School
Parrish, Jordyn 107-5 Clovis High School
Reza, Joseph Hobbs High School
Bates, Aiden Clovis High School
Encinias, Ashton Clovis High School
Flores, Rafael Clovis High School
Steward, Daziah Clovis High School
Baldwin, Justin Clovis High School
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Girls Javelin 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanchez, Alejandra 104-8 Hobbs High School
Smith, Azlan 82-4 Portales High School
Alvarez, Karen 82-0.5 Clovis High School
Williams, Evie 49-9 Portales High School
Munoz, Natalia` Clovis High School
Richmond, Amelia Clovis High School
Hernandez, Araceli Hobbs High School
Madrigal, Milay Hobbs High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barnett, Quintin Clovis High School
Kennedy, Omarrion Hobbs High School
Rodriguez, Aiden Portales High School
Mesbah, Ihab Clovis High School
Trujillo, Josiah Clovis High School
Wheeler, Esteban Clovis High School
Chavez, Xander Legacy Academy
French, Justice Hobbs High School
Davenport, Vincent Clovis High School
Garcia, Robert Hobbs High School
Durwin, Josiah Clovis High School
Abatay, Kyle Portales High School
Pineda, Arcadius Clovis High School
Bacchus, Isaiah Clovis High School
Ambrus, Bryce Clovis High School
Ambrus, Lance Clovis High School
Ford, Hayato Clovis High School
Maldonando, Cameron Legacy Academy
Gallegos, Tegen Clovis High School
Foggie, Joshua Clovis High School
Wallace, Isaiah Clovis High School
Ramirez, Jonnathan Clovis High School
Akins, Christian Legacy Academy
Cordova, Nevan Portales High School
Benjamin, Jayden Clovis High School
Rodriguez, Rodrigo Clovis High School
Gamez-Avilez, Joel Hobbs High School
Lingala, Ayush Clovis High School
Wilson, Tyrome Portales High School
Bobo, Lucas Clovis High School
Salinas, Julien Clovis High School
Cordova, Marcus Legacy Academy
Baca, Jaxon Portales High School
Boydstun, Trenton Clovis High School
Phillips, Kyrese 11.45 Clovis High School
Mora, Adrian 11.62 Hobbs High School
Johnson, Ja'Lyn 11.78 Portales High School
Chapman, Seven 11.91 Clovis High School
Wright , Shamus 12.16 Hobbs High School
Fenstermaker, Jaydin 12.53 Clovis High School
Slade, Marcus 12.63 Clovis High School
Harvey, Kenny 12.65 Clovis High School
Lerma, Noah 12.65 Clovis High School
Castro, Gabriel 12.68 Clovis High School
Nguyen, Michael 12.71 Clovis High School
Gonzales, Giovanni 12.73 Clovis High School
Brigham, Colten 13.60 Clovis High School
Lopez, Joe 14.07 Clovis High School
Covian, Rodrigo 14.37 Clovis High School
Patton, Deandre 14.61 Clovis High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pineda, Arcadius Clovis High School
Jaquez, Leonardo Hobbs High School
Lopez, Joe Clovis High School
Rodriguez, Rodrigo Clovis High School
Reyes , Uzziah Hobbs High School
Covian, Rodrigo Clovis High School
Harvey, Kenny Clovis High School
Gallegos, Tegen Clovis High School
Orozco, Merari 18.09 Hobbs High School
Duran, Robert 19.84 Portales High School
Ambrus, Bryce 20.12 Clovis High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thamvongsa, Justin Clovis High School
Stokes, Asa Portales High School
Johnson, Christian Legacy Academy
Perez, Kratos Clovis High School
Bonney, Ryder Clovis High School
McArthur, Maxwell Clovis High School
Perez, Martin Clovis High School
Ceniceros, Antonio Clovis High School
Luedtke, Oden Clovis High School
Barcenas, Alexis Clovis High School
Lippman, Marques Clovis High School
Rendon, Marcello Clovis High School
Fuentes, Sammy 4:27.41 Clovis High School
Morales , Juan 4:32 Hobbs High School
Madrid , Elias 4:40 Hobbs High School
Morales, Andrik 4:50 Hobbs High School
Rodriguez-corral, Izael 5:00 Hobbs High School
Segovia, Julio 5:00 Hobbs High School
Allen, Ben 5:14.17 Legacy Academy
Surita, Adrian 5:14.45 Clovis High School
Munoz, Emris 5:14.45 Legacy Academy
Herrera, Aldo 5:28.16 Clovis High School
Barron , James 6:00 Hobbs High School
Munoz, Elias 6:17.68 Legacy Academy
Atkinson-Adams, Silas 6:18.54 Clovis High School
Rodriguez, Nolan 6:38.84 Clovis High School
Myers, James 7:21.37 Legacy Academy
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ambrus, Lance Clovis High School
Rodriguez, Aiden Portales High School
Wheeler, Esteban Clovis High School
Benjamin, Jayden Clovis High School
French, Justice Hobbs High School
Wallace, Isaiah Clovis High School
Mesbah, Ihab Clovis High School
Cordova, Marcus Legacy Academy
Cordova, Nevan Portales High School
Ford, Hayato Clovis High School
Boydstun, Trenton Clovis High School
Flores, Leo Portales High School
Bobo, Lucas Clovis High School
Ramirez, Jonnathan Clovis High School
Davis, Peyton Hobbs High School
Baca, Jaxon Portales High School
Barnett, Quintin Clovis High School
Davenport, Vincent Clovis High School
Gamez-Avilez, Joel Hobbs High School
Trujillo, Josiah Clovis High School
Wilson, Tyrome Portales High School
Salinas, Julien Clovis High School
Bacchus, Isaiah Clovis High School
Foggie, Joshua Clovis High School
Durwin, Josiah Clovis High School
Lingala, Ayush Clovis High School
Garcia, Jacob Hobbs High School
Lee, Jay 23.19 Legacy Academy
Slade, Marcus 23.70 Clovis High School
Phillips, Kyrese 23.96 Clovis High School
Chapman, Seven 24.34 Clovis High School
Johnson, Ja'Lyn 24.84 Portales High School
Monroe, Kc 25.12 Legacy Academy
Fenstermaker, Jaydin 25.26 Clovis High School
Castro, Gabriel 25.61 Clovis High School
Lerma, Noah 25.89 Clovis High School
Astorga, Fabian 25.89 Hobbs High School
Davila , Josh 25.92 Hobbs High School
Nguyen, Michael 26.52 Clovis High School
Gonzales, Giovanni 26.90 Clovis High School
Brigham, Colten 27.63 Clovis High School
Maldonado, Cameron 28.82 Legacy Academy
Patton, Deandre 30.14 Clovis High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gallegos, Tegen Clovis High School
Slade, Marcus Clovis High School
Fernandez, Zebastian Hobbs High School
Pineda, Arcadius Clovis High School
Lippman, Marques Clovis High School
Rodriguez, Rodrigo Clovis High School
Harvey, Kenny Clovis High School
Lee, Jay 41.98 Legacy Academy
Orozco, Merari 42.76 Hobbs High School
Jaquez, Leonardo 46.26 Hobbs High School
Duran, Robert 48.01 Portales High School
Ambrus, Bryce 49.25 Clovis High School
Reyes , Uzziah 51.85 Hobbs High School
Covian, Rodrigo 55.11 Clovis High School
Lopez, Joe 55.34 Clovis High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanchez, Victor Clovis High School
Applegarth, Paxton Clovis High School
Surita, Adrian Clovis High School
Fierro, Elijah 11:30 Hobbs High School
Perez, Eros 11:30.00 Hobbs High School
Landrum, Brayden 12:00 Hobbs High School
Carrillo, Gabriel 12:00 Hobbs High School
McQuiggan, Connor 12:17.93 Clovis High School
Rivera, Adriel 12:30 Hobbs High School
Rodriguez, Nolan 14:35.24 Clovis High School
Fuentes, Sammy 9:54.37 Clovis High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bobo, Lucas Clovis High School
Ramirez, Jonnathan Clovis High School
Nelson, Jesse Hobbs High School
Phillips, Kyrese Clovis High School
Wilson, Tyrome Portales High School
Barnett, Quintin Clovis High School
Davenport, Vincent Clovis High School
Baca, Jaxon Portales High School
Salinas, Julien Clovis High School
Bacchus, Isaiah Clovis High School
Cordova, Nevin Portales High School
Durwin, Josiah Clovis High School
Lingala, Ayush Clovis High School
Wheeler, Esteban Clovis High School
Benjamin, Jayden Clovis High School
Rodriguez, Aiden Portales High School
Wallace, Isaiah Clovis High School
Mesbah, Ihab Clovis High School
Flores, Leo Portales High School
Ford, Hayato Clovis High School
Boydstun, Trenton Clovis High School
Abatay, Kyle Portales High School
Hernandez , alfredo 1:00.36 Hobbs High School
Nguyen, Michael 1:00.58 Clovis High School
Gonzales, Giovanni 1:05.75 Clovis High School
Sanchez, Ryan 1:09.43 Legacy Academy
Cordova, Luis 54.50h Hobbs High School
Fenstermaker, Jaydin 54.63 Clovis High School
Foggie, Joshua 54.65 Clovis High School
Figueroa, Kevin 55.43 Clovis High School
Cardona , Brayan 55.77 Hobbs High School
Chapman, Seven 55.81 Clovis High School
Castro, Gabriel 56.18 Clovis High School
Davila , Josh 56.22 Hobbs High School
Verdugo, Santiago 56.90 Clovis High School
Lerma, Noah 57.53 Clovis High School
Covington , Andre 57.83 Hobbs High School
Brigham, Colten 59.09 Clovis High School
Monroe, Kc 59.75 Legacy Academy
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barcenas, Alexis Clovis High School
Atkinson-Adams, Silas Clovis High School
Applegarth, Paxton Clovis High School
Rendon, Marcello Clovis High School
Perez, Martin Clovis High School
Thamvongsa, Justin Clovis High School
Bonney, Ryder Clovis High School
Slone, Ryan Clovis High School
Lippman, Marques Clovis High School
Munoz, Elias Legacy Academy
Stokes, Asa Portales High School
Perez, Kratos Clovis High School
Sanchez, Victor Clovis High School
McArthur, Maxwell Clovis High School
Johnson, Christian Legacy Academy
Short, Musiq Portales High School
Ceniceros, Antonio Clovis High School
McQuiggan, Connor Clovis High School
Cordova, Luis 1:56 Hobbs High School
Fuentes, Sammy 2:01.94 Clovis High School
Morales , Juan 2:02 Hobbs High School
Madrid , Elias 2:02 Hobbs High School
Morales, Andrik 2:05 Hobbs High School
Rodriguez-corral, Izael 2:07 Hobbs High School
Segovia, Julio 2:07 Hobbs High School
Verdugo, Santiago 2:09.77 Clovis High School
Munoz, Emris 2:15.88 Legacy Academy
Herrera, Aldo 2:21.51 Clovis High School
Figueroa, Kevin 2:22.89 Clovis High School
Allen, Ben 2:28.28 Legacy Academy
Luedtke, Oden 2:40.74 Clovis High School
Lavery, Daniel 2:41.49 Legacy Academy
Myers, James 2:58.24 Legacy Academy
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HS Boys Discus Throw 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pickering, Kylar 148-0.5 Hobbs High School
Ontiveros, Yandel 120-1 Hobbs High School
Hernandez, Claudio 105-3 Clovis High School
Parrish, Jordyn 83-2.5 Clovis High School
Flores, Rafael 82-3.25 Clovis High School
Dominguez, Everado 81-0 Portales High School
Hernandez, Oliver Hobbs High School
Terry, Tristan Portales High School
Hamilton, Tripp Portales High School
Encinias, Ashton Clovis High School
Rodriguez, Irvin Clovis High School
Bates, Aiden Clovis High School
Garcia, Maximus Hobbs High School
Reza, Joseph Hobbs High School
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HS Boys High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mora, Adrian 6-4 Hobbs High School
Lee, Benton 5-6 Hobbs High School
Astorga, Fabian Hobbs High School
Harris, Asa Portales High School
Flores, Leo Portales High School
Akins, Christian Legacy Academy
Lavery, Daniel Legacy Academy
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HS Boys Long Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mora, Adrian 20-6 Hobbs High School
Lee, Benton 19-10 Hobbs High School
Wright , Shamus 19-5.75 Hobbs High School
Johnson, Ja'Lyn 19-1 Portales High School
Deimascio, Zackary 18-7 Hobbs High School
Cardona , Brayan 18-1.75 Hobbs High School
Barcenas, Alexis Clovis High School
Thamvongsa, Justin Clovis High School
Gamez-Avilez, Joel Hobbs High School
Chavez, Xander Legacy Academy
Trujillo, Josiah Clovis High School
Mesbah, Ihab Clovis High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Jay 14-6 Legacy Academy
Fenstermaker, Jaydin 11-6 Clovis High School
Pineda, Arcadius Clovis High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Oliver 44-9 Hobbs High School
King, Kaleb 39-7.5 Clovis High School
Mendoza, Hector 37-4.5 Hobbs High School
Pickering, Kylar 37-4 Hobbs High School
Parrish, Jordyn 35-9 Clovis High School
Rodriguez, Irvin 34-2 Clovis High School
Tomlinson, Colton 33-10 Portales High School
Hernandez, Claudio 30-5 Clovis High School
Steward, Daziah 26-10 Clovis High School
Encinias, Ashton Clovis High School
Evans, Reuben Portales High School
Ulibarri, Isaiah Clovis High School
Smith, Gideon Portales High School
Forrest, Jaxon Clovis High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Orozco, Merari 39-7 Hobbs High School
Lee, Benton 38-6.5 Hobbs High School
Hill, Demarcus 33-0.5 Hobbs High School
Ramirez, Jonnathan Clovis High School
Flores, Leo Portales High School
Wilson, Tyrome Portales High School
Trujillo, Josiah Clovis High School
Ambrus, Lance Clovis High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carreon, Genesis Hobbs High School
Marquez, Madison Clovis High School
Truesdel, Jaime Clovis High School
Mills, Cadence Clovis High School
Foggie, Gabrielle Clovis High School
Russell, Liliyan Clovis High School
Morris , Ellie Clovis High School
Reid, Lexianna Clovis High School
Dash, Nyla Clovis High School
Jones, Annika Portales High School
Zimmerman, Tara Clovis High School
Ashcraft, Kaidance Clovis High School
Abril, Isabel Clovis High School
Haight, Allyse Clovis High School
Parker, Peyton Clovis High School
Bozeman, Donnica Clovis High School
Garcia, Miya Portales High School
Nanez, Lila Clovis High School
Mitchell, Zayla 12.36 Hobbs High School
Vine, Faith 12.40 Hobbs High School
Martinez, Taliyah 12.77 Legacy Academy
Strickland, Jaelyn 12.82 Hobbs High School
Johnson, Ja'Niah 13.36 Portales High School
Mondragon, Jori 13.45 Clovis High School
Alvarez, Karen 13.52 Clovis High School
Campos, Kylee 13.58 Hobbs High School
Oborny, Lileigh 13.77 Clovis High School
Foggie, Joselyn 13.80 Clovis High School
Llewellyn, Kayla 13.82 Legacy Academy
Barros, Nevaeh 13.82 Clovis High School
Bell, Alexcia 14.00 Hobbs High School
Terrazas, Alessandra 14.06 Hobbs High School
Reid, Kenda 14.77 Clovis High School
Douma, Aubri 14.77 Portales High School
Miranda, Joanna 15.25 Clovis High School
Fleharty, Bailey 15.42 Portales High School
Strange, Madison 15.57 Portales High School
Dominguez, Maricella 15.83 Clovis High School
Richmond, Amelia 16.44 Clovis High School
Eastman, Princess 16.62 Legacy Academy
Maes, Marivel 17.27 Clovis High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Russell, Liliyan Clovis High School
Haight, Allyse Clovis High School
Carter, Faith Hobbs High School
Lee, Maddi Legacy Academy
Carreon, Genesis Hobbs High School
Lopez, Yajaira Portales High School
Gonzales, Sonrisa 16.69 Legacy Academy
Bolton, Miley 16.96 Hobbs High School
Mendoza, Jordyn 18.23 Hobbs High School
Middleton, Micah 18.32 Hobbs High School
Pena, Kaylee 18.64 Hobbs High School
Moreno, Braylea 18.87 Portales High School
Ainsworth, Molly 19.12 Portales High School
Bozeman, Donnica 21.31 Clovis High School
Mojica, Mariah 21.32 Hobbs High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Scarlett Clovis High School
Ruiz, Kloe Portales High School
Maldonado, Jelena Clovis High School
Aguilar, Brianna Portales High School
Morales, Roselia 5:43.04 Clovis High School
Lujan, Faith 5:56.46 Legacy Academy
Chavez, Joselyne 6:00.00h Hobbs High School
Trujillo, Raelynn 6:02.99 Legacy Academy
Tree, Kira 6:17.30 Clovis High School
Aguilera, Annabel 6:19.82 Hobbs High School
Estrada, Andrea 6:20.94 Hobbs High School
DeAguero, Emmaline 6:39.42 Hobbs High School
Crosby, Lety 6:57.67 Clovis High School
Silva, Daniela 7:00.00h Hobbs High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morris , Ellie Clovis High School
Gonzales, Sonrisa Legacy Academy
Dash, Nyla Clovis High School
Jones, Annika Portales High School
Lee, Maddi Legacy Academy
Marquez, Madison Clovis High School
Ashcraft, Kaidance Clovis High School
Abril, Isabel Clovis High School
Reid, Lexianna Clovis High School
Parker, Peyton Clovis High School
Martinez, Sophia Legacy Academy
Nanez, Lila Clovis High School
Johnson, Presley Clovis High School
Truesdel, Jaime Clovis High School
Mills, Cadence Clovis High School
Zimmerman, Tara Clovis High School
Mitchell, Zayla 25.79 Hobbs High School
Vine, Faith 25.84 Hobbs High School
Martinez, Taliyah 26.14 Legacy Academy
Foggie, Gabrielle 26.24 Clovis High School
Hall, Meladie 26.50 Hobbs High School
Campos, Kylee 26.58 Hobbs High School
Curry, Onesti 27.00 Hobbs High School
Bell, Alexcia 27.34 Hobbs High School
Reeves, Kadynce 27.71 Portales High School
Llewellyn, Kayla 27.91 Legacy Academy
Johnson, Ja'Niah 28.16 Portales High School
Alvarez, Karen 28.35 Clovis High School
Oborny, Lileigh 28.89 Clovis High School
Foggie, Joselyn 28.99 Clovis High School
Vaughn, Anaya 29.39 Hobbs High School
Mondragon, Jori 29.52 Clovis High School
Lopez, Jyzel 29.81 Legacy Academy
Douma, Aubri 30.26 Portales High School
Barros, Nevaeh 30.27 Clovis High School
Miranda, Joanna 30.36 Clovis High School
Garcia, Miya 30.92 Portales High School
Reid, Kenda 32.40 Clovis High School
Strange, Madison 32.86 Portales High School
Dominguez, Maricella 33.31 Clovis High School
Richmond, Amelia 33.53 Clovis High School
Maes, Marivel 39.93 Clovis High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haight, Allyse Clovis High School
Cheeks, Shamarah Hobbs High School
Terrazas, Alessandra Hobbs High School
Romero, Jenitza Hobbs High School
Lopez, Yajaira Portales High School
Cadena, Victoria Hobbs High School
Russell, Liliyan Clovis High School
Bolton, Miley 52.60 Hobbs High School
Ainsworth, Molly 52.72 Portales High School
Middleton, Micah 53.22 Hobbs High School
Moreno, Braylea 56.94 Portales High School
Pena, Kaylee 57.33 Hobbs High School
Bozeman, Donnica 59.91 Clovis High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Newcomer, Brooke 12:30.14 Clovis High School
Palacios, Areli 12:50.27 Hobbs High School
Simon, Emme 13:00.00 Hobbs High School
Morales, Roselia 13:28.28 Clovis High School
Tree, Kira 13:57.35 Clovis High School
Fierro, Marley 14:01.00 Hobbs High School
McTizic, Brooklyn 14:01.00 Hobbs High School
Windham, Morgan 14:14.97 Hobbs High School
Dominguez, Leah 16:00.00 Hobbs High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eastman, Princess Legacy Academy
Johnson, Presley Clovis High School
Parker, Peyton Clovis High School
Nanez, Lila Clovis High School
Maes, Marivel Clovis High School
Truesdel, Jaime Clovis High School
Lopez, Jyzel Legacy Academy
Zimmerman, Tara Clovis High School
Mills, Cadence Clovis High School
Dash, Nyla Clovis High School
Martinez, Sophia Legacy Academy
Marquez, Madison Clovis High School
Ashcraft, Kaidance Clovis High School
Jones, Annika Portales High School
Abril, Isabel Clovis High School
Strickland, Jaelyn 1:01.10 Hobbs High School
Reeves, Kadynce 1:01.35 Portales High School
Hall, Meladie 1:04.00 Hobbs High School
Roan, Jaycie 1:04.93 Hobbs High School
Curry, Onesti 1:05.60 Hobbs High School
Foggie, Joselyn 1:06.82 Clovis High School
Bell, Alexcia 1:07.10 Hobbs High School
Trevizo, Mayte 1:07.58 Hobbs High School
Petner, Brynn 1:08.69 Clovis High School
Fleharty, Bailey 1:08.79 Portales High School
Douma, Aubri 1:10.68 Portales High School
Garcia, Miya 1:14.08 Portales High School
Strange, Madison 1:14.99 Portales High School
Dominguez, Maricella 1:16.26 Clovis High School
Hardison, Zaylee 1:18.01 Hobbs High School
Foggie, Gabrielle 56.75 Clovis High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ruiz, Kloe Portales High School
Mitchell, Scarlett Clovis High School
Maldonado, Jelena Clovis High School
Aguilar, Brianna Portales High School
Trevizo, Mayte 2:35.00 Hobbs High School
Simon, Emme 2:35.00h Hobbs High School
Aguilera, Annabel 2:35.55 Hobbs High School
Newcomer, Brooke 2:36.55 Clovis High School
Soto, Sophia 2:40.00h Hobbs High School
Trujillo, Raelynn 2:49.20 Legacy Academy
Crosby, Lety 3:04.51 Clovis High School
Pacheco, Lilliana 3:07.04 Legacy Academy
Ibarra, Persaydes 3:20 Hobbs High School
Reza, Aubri 3:20 Hobbs High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris-Hinch, Jayla 92-1.5 Clovis High School
Salais, Valeria 88-8 Hobbs High School
Lopez, Miah 74-6 Hobbs High School
Johnson, Keisha Portales High School
Munoz, Natalia` Clovis High School
Martinez, Jaime Clovis High School
Villegas, Nancy Portales High School
Chance, Kyleigh Hobbs High School
Cortez, Lilliana Hobbs High School
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HS Girls High Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Terrazas, Alessandra 5-0 Hobbs High School
Bolton, Miley 4-10 Hobbs High School
Martinez, Taliyah 4-10 Legacy Academy
Hardison, Zaylee 4-6 Hobbs High School
Oborny, Lileigh Clovis High School
Sanchez, Alejandra Hobbs High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Zayla 17-8 Hobbs High School
Bolton, Miley 15-7.5 Hobbs High School
Maestas, J'Lyn 15-2.5 Portales High School
Fleharty, Bailey 15-1 Portales High School
Gonzales, Sonrisa 15-1 Legacy Academy
Mendoza, Jordyn 14-8.5 Hobbs High School
Vaughn, Anaya 13-4 Hobbs High School
Bozeman, Donnica Clovis High School
Mondragon, Jori Clovis High School
Reid, Kenda Clovis High School
Lee, Maddi Legacy Academy
Vigil, Revae Legacy Academy
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HS Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reeves, Kadynce 10-3 Portales High School
Barros, Nevaeh 9-6 Clovis High School
Miranda, Joanna 9-0 Clovis High School
Ainsworth, Molly 8-6 Portales High School
Morris , Ellie 8-6 Clovis High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Keisha 30-9 Portales High School
Salais, Valeria 29-2 Hobbs High School
Harris-Hinch, Jayla 26-3 Clovis High School
Lopez, Miah 21-9 Hobbs High School
Smith, Azlan Portales High School
Martinez, Jaime Clovis High School
Munoz, Natalia` Clovis High School
Chance, Kyleigh Hobbs High School
Cortez, Lilliana Hobbs High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendoza, Jordyn 32-11.25 Hobbs High School
DeAguero, Emmaline 29-7.5 Hobbs High School
Ainsworth, Molly 27-1 Portales High School
Reid, Kenda 26-9 Clovis High School
Aguilar, Brianna Portales High School
Vigil, Revae Legacy Academy
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