Athlete Entries
Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 3 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Martinez, Lucas | McCurdy High School | |
Montoya, Camden | Mora High School | |
Vallejos, Jacob | 20.13 | Questa High School |
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 12 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Pacheco, Benjamin | Mora High School | |
Tafoya, Johnathan | Mesa Vista High School | |
Nevarez, Ezequiel | 4:49.59 | Mesa Vista High School |
Martinez, Jude | 4:55.53 | Penasco High School |
Martinez, Jeremiah R | 4:55.56 | Penasco High School |
Knight, Justin | 5:11.03 | McCurdy High School |
Jaramillo, Calvin | 5:15.16 | Mesa Vista High School |
Vigil, Matias | 5:16.46 | Penasco High School |
Martinez, Jonathan | 5:20.37 | Mesa Vista High School |
Martinez, Jamison | 5:36.69 | Escalante High School |
Ibrahim, Khalil | 5:52.86 | Escalante High School |
Trujillo, Gavin | 6:59.62 | Escalante High School |
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 5 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Vallejos, Jacob | 46.38 | Questa High School |
Trujillo, Richard | 47.80h | Escalante High School |
Montoya, Camden | 48.93 | Mora High School |
Romero, Michael | 52.35 | Penasco High School |
Ulibarri, Tristan | 53.28 | Escalante High School |
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 7 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Trujillo, Gavin | Escalante High School | |
Tafoya, Johnathan | Mesa Vista High School | |
Nevarez, Ezequiel | 10:36.22 | Mesa Vista High School |
Martinez, Jude | 10:37.82 | Penasco High School |
Martinez, Jonathan | 10:55.58 | Mesa Vista High School |
Ibrahim, Khalil | 12:30.08 | Escalante High School |
Jaramillo, Calvin | 13:26.51 | Mesa Vista High School |
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 20 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Roybal, Larry | Questa High School | |
Cardenas, Jacovo | Questa High School | |
Madrid-Estrada, Isaac | 1:00.93 | McCurdy High School |
Trujillo, Adrian | 1:00.98 | McCurdy High School |
Romero, Michael | 1:01.72 | Penasco High School |
Garcia, Dylan | 1:01.99 | Penasco High School |
Garcia, Elijah | 1:02.39 | Penasco High School |
Romero, Angel | 1:02.64h | Penasco High School |
Ulibarri, Tristan | 1:03.11 | Escalante High School |
Cisneros, Jose | 1:04.95 | Questa High School |
Torrez, Mateo | 1:08.29 | Escalante High School |
Vigil, Matthew | 1:08.47 | Questa High School |
Lerma, Raymond | 1:08.97 | Mora High School |
Ortega, Carlos | 1:15.33 | Questa High School |
Torrez, Luka | 53.22 | Escalante High School |
Emery, Braylon | 53.88 | Escalante High School |
Lujan, Julio | 54.09 | Escalante High School |
Martinez, Lucas | 55.79 | McCurdy High School |
Aragon, Ivan | 58.23 | McCurdy High School |
Chavez, Lucas | 59.12 | Mora High School |
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 46.38 | Escalante High School |
Relay Team A | 47.33 | Mora High School |
Relay Team A | 47.69 | McCurdy High School |
Relay Team A | 49.06 | Penasco High School |
Relay Team A | 49.13 | Questa High School |
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Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 1:39.90 | Escalante High School |
Relay Team A | 1:40.30 | Questa High School |
Relay Team A | 1:40.89 | Mesa Vista High School |
Relay Team A | 1:41.17 | Mora High School |
Relay Team A | 1:42.41 | McCurdy High School |
Relay Team A | 1:43.54 | Penasco High School |
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 4:00.12 | McCurdy High School |
Relay Team A | 4:05.10 | Penasco High School |
Relay Team A | 4:05.97 | Questa High School |
Relay Team A | 4:12.84 | Mora High School |
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 10:39.06 | Escalante High School |
Relay Team A | 14:32.89 | Questa High School |
Relay Team A | 9:00.29 | Penasco High School |
Relay Team A | 9:22.45 | Mora High School |
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 12 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Tafoya, Johnathan | Mesa Vista High School | |
Gallegos, Kenneth | 2:07.14 | Mesa Vista High School |
Martinez, Jeremiah R | 2:07.51 | Penasco High School |
Nevarez, Ezequiel | 2:07.70 | Mesa Vista High School |
Vigil, Matias | 2:18.00 | Penasco High School |
Martinez, Jonathan | 2:22.82 | Mesa Vista High School |
Trujillo, Adrian | 2:23.50 | McCurdy High School |
Horan, Greyson | 2:28.33 | Escalante High School |
Martinez, Jamison | 2:35.45 | Escalante High School |
Glover, Richard | 2:42.06 | Escalante High School |
Casados, Eli | 2:42.19 | Escalante High School |
Martinez, Carlos | 3:03.22 | Escalante High School |
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Varsity Boys High Jump 14 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Lopez, DeMarcus | 5-10 | Penasco High School |
Gold, Santiago | 5-10 | Mora High School |
Romero, Antonio | 5-10 | Questa High School |
Torrez, Luka | 5-8 | Escalante High School |
Cisneros, Juan | 5-6 | Questa High School |
Trujillo, Richard | 5-4 | Escalante High School |
Atencio, Kaileb | 5-2 | Penasco High School |
Martinez, Marcos | 5-2 | Mesa Vista High School |
Glover, Richard | 5-2 | Escalante High School |
Ulibarri, Tristan | 5-0 | Escalante High School |
Nevarez, Ezequiel | Mesa Vista High School | |
Martinez, Lucas | McCurdy High School | |
Martinez, Jonathan | Mesa Vista High School | |
Horan, Greyson | Escalante High School | |
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 20 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Valdez, Andres | 19-11.5 | Mesa Vista High School |
Romero, Antonio | 19-10 | Questa High School |
Romero, Jeremiah | 18-5 | Mora High School |
Rael, Noah | 18-5 | Questa High School |
Gallegos, Kenneth | 18-2 | Mesa Vista High School |
Lujan, Julio | 18-1 | Escalante High School |
Martinez, Lucas | 17-6 | McCurdy High School |
Emery, Braylon | 17-3 | Escalante High School |
Romero, Angel | 17-0 | Penasco High School |
Salazar, Jayden | 16-6 | Escalante High School |
Saelvedra, Salvador | 16-2 | Mesa Vista High School |
Ortega, Carlos | 16-0.5 | Questa High School |
Montoya, Camden | 15-8.25 | Mora High School |
Chavez, Nehemiah | 15-5 | Penasco High School |
Garcia, Elijah | 14-11 | Penasco High School |
Gallegos, Gabriel | 14-6.5 | Mesa Vista High School |
Vaughn, Noah | 13-6 | Mora High School |
Romero, Antonio | 9-5 | Mora High School |
Pacheco, Jayden | Penasco High School | |
Garcia, Dylan | Penasco High School | |
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 1 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Gordon, Adam | 9-0 | Questa High School |
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Varsity Boys Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | Escalante High School | |
Relay Team A | Mesa Vista High School | |
Relay Team A | Questa High School | |
Relay Team A | 4:01.21 | McCurdy High School |
Relay Team A | 4:12.61 | Penasco High School |
Relay Team A | 4:12.88 | Mora High School |
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 7 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Romero, Antonio | 39-3.25 | Questa High School |
Vallejos, Jacob | 36-2.75 | Questa High School |
Montoya, Camden | 35-1.5 | Mora High School |
Romero, Angel | 34-6.5 | Penasco High School |
Cisneros, Jose | 31-2.75 | Questa High School |
Vaughn, Noah | 30-4 | Mora High School |
Garcia, Elijah | 29-3 | Penasco High School |
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 3 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Gilmore, Ashley | 17.34 | Escalante High School |
Gonzalez, Alianna | 18.70 | Questa High School |
Cisneros, Analea | 19.21 | Questa High School |
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 12 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Lujan, Katia | Penasco High School | |
Gallegos, Dyani | Mesa Vista High School | |
Arguello, Bella | Questa High School | |
Juarez, Jackie | 10:04.08 | Questa High School |
Lopez, Rochelle | 5:57.12 | Penasco High School |
Knight, Avery | 5:59.73 | McCurdy High School |
Serna, Marisol | 6:01.79 | McCurdy High School |
Ortiz, Sierra | 6:44.40 | Questa High School |
Lopez, Rebecca | 6:49.16 | Escalante High School |
Aguilar, Alyssa | 7:36.57 | Escalante High School |
Hernandez, Estrella | 7:40.01 | Questa High School |
Medina, Yesenia | 8:38.39 | Questa High School |
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 4 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Hernandez, Estrella | 1:01.85 | Questa High School |
Gallegos, Denae | 1:10.88 | Mesa Vista High School |
Vigil, Mya | 49.42 | Mora High School |
Gilmore, Ashley | 49.49 | Escalante High School |
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Knight, Avery | McCurdy High School | |
Lopez, Rochelle | 12:37.15 | Penasco High School |
Serna, Marisol | 12:38.35 | McCurdy High School |
Gonzales, Charnelle | 13:34.60 | Penasco High School |
Munoz, Amy | 16:16.09 | Penasco High School |
Aguilar, Alyssa | 16:22.40 | Escalante High School |
Lujan, Katia | 18:12.32 | Penasco High School |
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Torrez, Jaslene | Mesa Vista High School | |
Ramos, Mia | Questa High School | |
Lujan, Katia | Penasco High School | |
Vigil, Chanelle | Questa High School | |
Valasquez, Areanna | Mora High School | |
Lovato, Alyse | 1:01.88 | Questa High School |
Lopez, Hannah | 1:04.09 | Escalante High School |
Cordova, Aubrey | 1:07.05 | McCurdy High School |
Ortiz, Sierra | 1:07.08 | Questa High School |
Anaya, Alyssa | 1:13.08 | McCurdy High School |
Lucero, Tristanee | 1:14.34 | Penasco High School |
Vigil-Martinez, Brooke | 1:15.36 | Escalante High School |
Arellano, Kiara | 1:15.44 | Questa High School |
Grajeda, Alondra | 1:16.65 | McCurdy High School |
MacAuley, Analise | 1:19.26 | Penasco High School |
Rael, Madison | 1:22.27 | Penasco High School |
Vigil, Amor | 1:24.39 | Mora High School |
Baca, Aubrey | 1:26.69 | Escalante High School |
Pino, Shanta | 1:35.55 | Mora High School |
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 54.11 | Questa High School |
Relay Team A | 54.52 | Escalante High School |
Relay Team A | 56.95 | McCurdy High School |
Relay Team A | 58.66 | Mora High School |
Relay Team A | 58.96 | Penasco High School |
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Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 1:59.21 | Questa High School |
Relay Team A | 2:01.09 | Mora High School |
Relay Team A | 2:03.42 | Penasco High School |
Relay Team A | 2:11.30 | Escalante High School |
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 5:04.56 | Penasco High School |
Relay Team A | 5:15.05 | Questa High School |
Relay Team A | 5:18.28 | Mesa Vista High School |
Relay Team A | 5:50.48 | Mora High School |
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | Mesa Vista High School | |
Relay Team A | 11:50.64 | McCurdy High School |
Relay Team A | 12:04.82 | Penasco High School |
Relay Team A | 13:45.01 | Mora High School |
Relay Team A | 15:23.39 | Questa High School |
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 14 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Vigil, Chanelle | Questa High School | |
Segura, Allison | Questa High School | |
Arellano, Kiara | Questa High School | |
Gallegos, Dyani | Mesa Vista High School | |
Juarez, Jackie | Questa High School | |
Medina, Yesenia | Questa High School | |
Gonzales, Charnelle | 2:41.78 | Penasco High School |
Lopez, Rebecca | 2:51.33 | Escalante High School |
Rael, Madison | 3:12.78 | Penasco High School |
Aguilar, Alyssa | 3:21.65 | Escalante High School |
Romero, Stephanie | 3:23.86 | Mora High School |
Chacon, Hailey | 3:26.36 | Mesa Vista High School |
Silva, Shanae | 3:37.45 | Mesa Vista High School |
Duran, Evangeline | 3:46.71 | Mora High School |
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Varsity Girls Discus 12 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Santistevan, Aliyah | 92-2 | Questa High School |
Cardenas, Kamryn | 67-1.5 | Questa High School |
Gonzales, Angeleigh | 60-10 | Mora High School |
Gonzales, Destiny | 55-6 | Mesa Vista High School |
Salazar, Sierra | 55-2.5 | Escalante High School |
Ortega, Mariana | 54-0 | Questa High School |
Lopez, Mia | 53-7 | Penasco High School |
Vasquez, Kailey | 48-3 | Mora High School |
Espinoza, Lorriane | 48-2 | Mora High School |
Casados, Danielle | 36-5.5 | Mora High School |
Glover, Mesa | 10-0 | Escalante High School |
Velarde, Crystalanne | Mora High School | |
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Varsity Girls High Jump 10 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Lovato, Alyse | 5-0 | Questa High School |
Vigil, Mya | 4-10 | Mora High School |
Lopez, Hannah | 4-8 | Escalante High School |
Gilmore, Ashley | 4-8 | Escalante High School |
Silva, Shanae | 4-6 | Mesa Vista High School |
Glover, Mesa | 4-6 | Escalante High School |
Cordova, Aubrey | 4-0 | McCurdy High School |
Martinez, Kaylee | 4-0 | McCurdy High School |
Arguello, Bella | Questa High School | |
Serna, Marisol | McCurdy High School | |
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Varsity Girls Javelin 17 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Santistevan, Aliyah | 106-0 | Questa High School |
Martinez, Isabella | 78-9 | Mora High School |
Torrez, Jaslene | 69-3 | Mesa Vista High School |
Anaya, Alyssa | 61-3 | McCurdy High School |
Martinez, Cheyenne | 59-9.5 | Penasco High School |
Chavez, Kaice | 59-9.5 | Mora High School |
Cardenas, Kamryn | 56-11 | Questa High School |
Arellano, Kiara | 54-5 | Questa High School |
Ortega, Mariana | 52-3.5 | Questa High School |
Atencio, Sierra | 43-8 | Penasco High School |
Espinoza, Lorriane | 40-9 | Mora High School |
Gallegos, Dyani | 38-8 | Mesa Vista High School |
Munoz, Amy | 38-4 | Penasco High School |
Lujan, Katia | 36-7 | Penasco High School |
Casados, Danielle | 31-4 | Mora High School |
Romero, Jasmine | Mora High School | |
Lopez, Mia | Penasco High School | |
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 15 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Lovato, Alyse | 16-9.25 | Questa High School |
Madrid, Ashley | 13-4 | Penasco High School |
Grajeda, Alondra | 13-1.5 | McCurdy High School |
Vigil, Mya | 13-0 | Mora High School |
Medina, Lailah | 12-11 | Mora High School |
Arguello, Bella | 12-8.5 | Questa High School |
Romero, Jasmine | 12-8 | Mora High School |
Maestas, Aubrey | 12-5 | Mesa Vista High School |
Vallejos, Esperanza | 12-4.75 | Questa High School |
Arellano, Kiara | 12-3.25 | Questa High School |
Martinez, Haylie | 12-2 | Penasco High School |
Trujillo, Kaelynn | 11-8.5 | Mesa Vista High School |
Pino, Shanta | 11-5.5 | Mora High School |
Ramos, Mia | 11-3 | Questa High School |
Valasquez, Areanna | Mora High School | |
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 6 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Ortiz, Marissa | 7-0 | Questa High School |
Dominguez, Janae | 6-6 | Questa High School |
Rael, Madison | 6-0 | Penasco High School |
Juarez, Jackie | 6-0 | Questa High School |
Cisneros, Analea | 5-6 | Questa High School |
Segura, Allison | Questa High School | |
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 15 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Johnson, Camryn | 28-3.75 | Mesa Vista High School |
Cardenas, Kamryn | 25-11 | Questa High School |
Trujillo, Kaelynn | 24-6.75 | Mesa Vista High School |
Santistevan, Aliyah | 24-3.5 | Questa High School |
Torrez, Kylie | 23-7 | Mesa Vista High School |
Gonzales, Destiny | 21-10 | Mesa Vista High School |
Ortega, Mariana | 21-8 | Questa High School |
Duran, Evangeline | 20-7 | Mora High School |
Gonzales, Angeleigh | 20-1 | Mora High School |
Glover, Mesa | 20-0 | Escalante High School |
Salazar, Sierra | 18-1 | Escalante High School |
Espinoza, Lorriane | 16-8.5 | Mora High School |
Lopez, Mia | Penasco High School | |
Romero, MadisonRylee | Mora High School | |
Velarde, Crystalanne | Mora High School | |
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Varsity Girls Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | Escalante High School | |
Relay Team A | Questa High School | |
Relay Team A | Penasco High School | |
Relay Team A | 4:54.62 | McCurdy High School |
Relay Team A | 5:43.00 | Mora High School |
Relay Team A | 6:06.04 | Mesa Vista High School |
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 7 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Lovato, Alyse | 34-10.5 | Questa High School |
Martinez, Haylie | 30-0 | Penasco High School |
Gonzalez, Alianna | 29-9.75 | Questa High School |
Medina, Lailah | 29-0 | Mora High School |
Vaughn, Hailey | 28-4 | Mora High School |
Lovato, Charlee Rose | 24-6.5 | Mora High School |
Valasquez, Areanna | 24-1 | Mora High School |
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