NMAA 2A - District 5 2024

Questa, NM

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cardenas, Jacovo Questa High School
Romero, Michael Penasco High School
Garcia, Elijah Penasco High School
Cisneros, Jose Questa High School
Roybal, Jeremaya 11.74 McCurdy High School
Salazar, Jayden 11.89 Escalante High School
Valdez, Andres 12.19 Mesa Vista High School
Espinoza, Emelio 12.23 McCurdy High School
Lujan, Julio 12.41 Escalante High School
Gallegos, Kenneth 12.57 Mesa Vista High School
Romero, Jeremiah 12.59 Mora High School
Gallegos, Jordan 12.73 Mesa Vista High School
Ortega, Diego 12.82 Questa High School
Baeza, Damien 12.83 Escalante High School
Martinez, Marcos 12.84 Mesa Vista High School
Rael, Noah 12.86 Questa High School
Duran, Judah 12.93 McCurdy High School
Romero, Antonio 13.04 Mora High School
Saelvedra, Salvador 13.06 Mesa Vista High School
Gallegos, Jayden 13.66 Escalante High School
Ulibarri, Tristan 13.89 Escalante High School
Roybal, Larry 14.29 Questa High School
Vaughn, Noah 14.83 Mora High School
Vigil, Wesley 15.09 Penasco High School
Zamora, Angelo 15.28 Penasco High School
Pacheco, Jayden 16.18 Penasco High School
Lerma, Raymond 17.21 Mora High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Lucas McCurdy High School
Montoya, Camden Mora High School
Vallejos, Jacob 20.13 Questa High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pacheco, Benjamin Mora High School
Tafoya, Johnathan Mesa Vista High School
Nevarez, Ezequiel 4:49.59 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Jude 4:55.53 Penasco High School
Martinez, Jeremiah R 4:55.56 Penasco High School
Knight, Justin 5:11.03 McCurdy High School
Jaramillo, Calvin 5:15.16 Mesa Vista High School
Vigil, Matias 5:16.46 Penasco High School
Martinez, Jonathan 5:20.37 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Jamison 5:36.69 Escalante High School
Ibrahim, Khalil 5:52.86 Escalante High School
Trujillo, Gavin 6:59.62 Escalante High School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Elijah Penasco High School
Ortega, Carlos Questa High School
Gonzales, Izziah Questa High School
Zamora, Angelo Penasco High School
VanNorman, Dominic Penasco High School
Sanchez, Damian Mora High School
Mondonado, Noah Questa High School
Roybal, Jeremaya 23.74 McCurdy High School
Salazar, Jayden 24.20 Escalante High School
Atencio, Kaileb 24.65 Penasco High School
Maes, louis 24.93 Mora High School
Valdez, Andres 25.00 Mesa Vista High School
Gallegos, Jordan 25.35 Mesa Vista High School
Gallegos, Kenneth 25.41 Mesa Vista High School
Espinoza, Emelio 25.77 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Marcos 25.83 Mesa Vista High School
Chavez, Lucas 26.01 Mora High School
Duran, Judah 26.25 McCurdy High School
Baeza, Damien 27.15 Escalante High School
Gallegos, Jayden 27.55 Escalante High School
Ulibarri, Tristan 27.92 Escalante High School
Rael, Noah 28.26 Questa High School
Torrez, Mateo 28.43 Escalante High School
Roybal, Larry 28.79 Questa High School
Pacheco, Jayden 32.59 Penasco High School
Lerma, Raymond 32.73 Mora High School
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vallejos, Jacob 46.38 Questa High School
Trujillo, Richard 47.80h Escalante High School
Montoya, Camden 48.93 Mora High School
Romero, Michael 52.35 Penasco High School
Ulibarri, Tristan 53.28 Escalante High School
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trujillo, Gavin Escalante High School
Tafoya, Johnathan Mesa Vista High School
Nevarez, Ezequiel 10:36.22 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Jude 10:37.82 Penasco High School
Martinez, Jonathan 10:55.58 Mesa Vista High School
Ibrahim, Khalil 12:30.08 Escalante High School
Jaramillo, Calvin 13:26.51 Mesa Vista High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roybal, Larry Questa High School
Cardenas, Jacovo Questa High School
Madrid-Estrada, Isaac 1:00.93 McCurdy High School
Trujillo, Adrian 1:00.98 McCurdy High School
Romero, Michael 1:01.72 Penasco High School
Garcia, Dylan 1:01.99 Penasco High School
Garcia, Elijah 1:02.39 Penasco High School
Romero, Angel 1:02.64h Penasco High School
Ulibarri, Tristan 1:03.11 Escalante High School
Cisneros, Jose 1:04.95 Questa High School
Torrez, Mateo 1:08.29 Escalante High School
Vigil, Matthew 1:08.47 Questa High School
Lerma, Raymond 1:08.97 Mora High School
Ortega, Carlos 1:15.33 Questa High School
Torrez, Luka 53.22 Escalante High School
Emery, Braylon 53.88 Escalante High School
Lujan, Julio 54.09 Escalante High School
Martinez, Lucas 55.79 McCurdy High School
Aragon, Ivan 58.23 McCurdy High School
Chavez, Lucas 59.12 Mora High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 46.38 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 47.33 Mora High School
Relay Team A 47.69 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 49.06 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 49.13 Questa High School
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Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:39.90 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 1:40.30 Questa High School
Relay Team A 1:40.89 Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A 1:41.17 Mora High School
Relay Team A 1:42.41 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 1:43.54 Penasco High School
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:00.12 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 4:05.10 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 4:05.97 Questa High School
Relay Team A 4:12.84 Mora High School
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:39.06 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 14:32.89 Questa High School
Relay Team A 9:00.29 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 9:22.45 Mora High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tafoya, Johnathan Mesa Vista High School
Gallegos, Kenneth 2:07.14 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Jeremiah R 2:07.51 Penasco High School
Nevarez, Ezequiel 2:07.70 Mesa Vista High School
Vigil, Matias 2:18.00 Penasco High School
Martinez, Jonathan 2:22.82 Mesa Vista High School
Trujillo, Adrian 2:23.50 McCurdy High School
Horan, Greyson 2:28.33 Escalante High School
Martinez, Jamison 2:35.45 Escalante High School
Glover, Richard 2:42.06 Escalante High School
Casados, Eli 2:42.19 Escalante High School
Martinez, Carlos 3:03.22 Escalante High School
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Varsity Boys Discus 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Emery, Damon 108-9 Escalante High School
Roybal, Larry 102-1.5 Questa High School
Martinez, Ramon 101-10.5 Escalante High School
Vigil, Matias 87-6.5 Penasco High School
Maes, louis 87-2 Mora High School
Vigil, Matthew 85-10 Questa High School
Trujillo, Walter 84-9.5 Penasco High School
Sanchez, Damian 82-7 Mora High School
Madrid, Isaac 81-10 McCurdy High School
Martinez, jeremiah 80-0.5 Escalante High School
Ortega, Diego 77-3.5 Questa High School
Saelvedra, Salvador 73-4 Mesa Vista High School
Madrid, Zerjo 73-4 Escalante High School
Manzanares, Antonio 68-1 Mesa Vista High School
Fresquez, Waylon 61-1.5 Mora High School
Vigil, Wesley 60-6 Penasco High School
Gallegos, Gabriel 58-7.5 Mesa Vista High School
Gonzales, Izziah 58-0 Questa High School
Mondonado, Noah 57-3 Questa High School
Duran, Miguel 55-5.75 Mora High School
Torres, Austin 52-6.25 Mora High School
Zamora, Angelo Penasco High School
VanNorman, Dominic Penasco High School
Camargo, Neiamiah McCurdy High School
Allison, Joshua Escalante High School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, DeMarcus 5-10 Penasco High School
Gold, Santiago 5-10 Mora High School
Romero, Antonio 5-10 Questa High School
Torrez, Luka 5-8 Escalante High School
Cisneros, Juan 5-6 Questa High School
Trujillo, Richard 5-4 Escalante High School
Atencio, Kaileb 5-2 Penasco High School
Martinez, Marcos 5-2 Mesa Vista High School
Glover, Richard 5-2 Escalante High School
Ulibarri, Tristan 5-0 Escalante High School
Nevarez, Ezequiel Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Lucas McCurdy High School
Martinez, Jonathan Mesa Vista High School
Horan, Greyson Escalante High School
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Varsity Boys Javelin 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Emery, Damon 129-9 Escalante High School
Cardenas, Jacovo 126-11 Questa High School
Gold, Santiago 114-2 Mora High School
Pacheco, Jeremiah 113-5 Mora High School
Vigil, Matias 96-5 Penasco High School
Sanchez, Damian 95-10 Mora High School
Samaniego, Jacob 87-3 McCurdy High School
Gallegos, Gabriel 82-9 Mesa Vista High School
Gonzales, Izziah 79-4 Questa High School
Vaughn, Noah 77-2 Mora High School
Vigil, Matthew 77-0 Questa High School
Saelvedra, Salvador 76-2 Mesa Vista High School
Madrid-Estrada, Isaac 75-4 McCurdy High School
Jaramillo, Calvin 74-10 Mesa Vista High School
Lucero, Callegio 70-11 Escalante High School
Trujillo, Walter 68-0 Penasco High School
Yazza, Tyler 67-4 Penasco High School
Manzanares, Antonio 66-6 Mesa Vista High School
Mead, Jessie 64-5 Questa High School
Vigil, Wesley 52-6 Penasco High School
Pacheco, Benjamin 51-4 Mora High School
Gallegos, Jordan Mesa Vista High School
VanNorman, Dominic Penasco High School
Bolton, Ethan McCurdy High School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valdez, Andres 19-11.5 Mesa Vista High School
Romero, Antonio 19-10 Questa High School
Romero, Jeremiah 18-5 Mora High School
Rael, Noah 18-5 Questa High School
Gallegos, Kenneth 18-2 Mesa Vista High School
Lujan, Julio 18-1 Escalante High School
Martinez, Lucas 17-6 McCurdy High School
Emery, Braylon 17-3 Escalante High School
Romero, Angel 17-0 Penasco High School
Salazar, Jayden 16-6 Escalante High School
Saelvedra, Salvador 16-2 Mesa Vista High School
Ortega, Carlos 16-0.5 Questa High School
Montoya, Camden 15-8.25 Mora High School
Chavez, Nehemiah 15-5 Penasco High School
Garcia, Elijah 14-11 Penasco High School
Gallegos, Gabriel 14-6.5 Mesa Vista High School
Vaughn, Noah 13-6 Mora High School
Romero, Antonio 9-5 Mora High School
Pacheco, Jayden Penasco High School
Garcia, Dylan Penasco High School
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gordon, Adam 9-0 Questa High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roybal, Larry 37-5.5 Questa High School
Emery, Damon 35-7 Escalante High School
Martinez, jeremiah 33-2 Escalante High School
Saelvedra, Salvador 32-2.5 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Ramon 31-3.75 Escalante High School
Fresquez, Waylon 31-2 Mora High School
Gonzales, Izziah 30-5 Questa High School
Montoya, Marcus 30-0 Mora High School
Manzanares, Antonio 29-4 Mesa Vista High School
Vigil, Matthew 28-10 Questa High School
Madrid, Isaac 28-7.5 McCurdy High School
Ortega, Diego 27-0 Questa High School
Mondonado, Noah 27-0 Questa High School
Camargo, Neiamiah 26-8 McCurdy High School
Torres, Austin 25-7.5 Mora High School
Allison, Joshua 24-11 Escalante High School
VanNorman, Dominic 22-11.25 Penasco High School
Trujillo, Walter 22-4 Penasco High School
Duran, Miguel 22-0 Mora High School
Pacheco, Benjamin 21-0 Mora High School
Zamora, Angelo Penasco High School
Vigil, Wesley Penasco High School
Gallegos, Gabriel Mesa Vista High School
Madrid, Zerjo Escalante High School
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Varsity Boys Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Escalante High School
Relay Team A Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A Questa High School
Relay Team A 4:01.21 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 4:12.61 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 4:12.88 Mora High School
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Romero, Antonio 39-3.25 Questa High School
Vallejos, Jacob 36-2.75 Questa High School
Montoya, Camden 35-1.5 Mora High School
Romero, Angel 34-6.5 Penasco High School
Cisneros, Jose 31-2.75 Questa High School
Vaughn, Noah 30-4 Mora High School
Garcia, Elijah 29-3 Penasco High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maestas, Aubrey Mesa Vista High School
Baca, Felice 13.78 Escalante High School
Cisneros, Analea 14.13 Questa High School
Ortiz, Marissa 14.28 Questa High School
Ortiz, Sierra 14.31 Questa High School
Boies, Isabella 14.41 Mesa Vista High School
Romero, Jasmine 14.63 Mora High School
Arellano, Kiara 14.80 Questa High School
Madrid-Estrada, Xochitl 14.99 McCurdy High School
Dominguez, Janae 15.00 Questa High School
Gallegos, Peyton 15.13 Escalante High School
Vigil-Martinez, Brooke 15.46 Escalante High School
Gallegos, Isabella 15.50 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Cheyenne 15.67 Penasco High School
Grajeda, Alondra 15.75 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Isabella 15.85 McCurdy High School
Chavez, Kaice 15.88 Mora High School
Medina, Lailah 16.14 Mora High School
Maldonado, Layla 16.14 Escalante High School
Atencio, Sierra 16.16 Penasco High School
Trujillo, Kaelynn 16.30 Mesa Vista High School
Pino, Shanta 16.36 Mora High School
Baca, Aubrey 16.77 Escalante High School
Torrez, Jaslene 17.30 Mesa Vista High School
Lopez, Mia 19.00 Penasco High School
Gonzales, Angeleigh 19.72 Mora High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gilmore, Ashley 17.34 Escalante High School
Gonzalez, Alianna 18.70 Questa High School
Cisneros, Analea 19.21 Questa High School
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lujan, Katia Penasco High School
Gallegos, Dyani Mesa Vista High School
Arguello, Bella Questa High School
Juarez, Jackie 10:04.08 Questa High School
Lopez, Rochelle 5:57.12 Penasco High School
Knight, Avery 5:59.73 McCurdy High School
Serna, Marisol 6:01.79 McCurdy High School
Ortiz, Sierra 6:44.40 Questa High School
Lopez, Rebecca 6:49.16 Escalante High School
Aguilar, Alyssa 7:36.57 Escalante High School
Hernandez, Estrella 7:40.01 Questa High School
Medina, Yesenia 8:38.39 Questa High School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vigil, Chanelle Questa High School
Medina, Yesenia Questa High School
Lopez, Mia Penasco High School
Baca, Felice 25.87 Escalante High School
Lopez, Hannah 28.62 Escalante High School
Madrid, Ashley 29.64 Penasco High School
Vaughn, Hailey 29.74 Mora High School
Cordova, Aubrey 29.88 McCurdy High School
Vallejos, Esperanza 30.44 Questa High School
Gallegos, Peyton 30.91 Escalante High School
Martinez, Isabella 30.93 Mora High School
Maestas, Aubrey 32.08 Mesa Vista High School
Grajeda, Alondra 33.02 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Isabella 33.38 McCurdy High School
Maldonado, Layla 33.41 Escalante High School
Anaya, Alyssa 34.38 McCurdy High School
Torrez, Jaslene 34.47 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Cheyenne 34.51 Penasco High School
Valasquez, Areanna 34.55 Mora High School
Segura, Allison 34.74 Questa High School
Atencio, Sierra 35.09 Penasco High School
Gallegos, Denae 35.39 Mesa Vista High School
Silva, Shanae 35.48 Mesa Vista High School
Ramos, Mia 35.74 Questa High School
Rael, Madison 36.01 Penasco High School
Vigil, Amor 36.33 Mora High School
Trujillo, Kaelynn 36.35 Mesa Vista High School
Pino, Shanta 37.23 Mora High School
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Estrella 1:01.85 Questa High School
Gallegos, Denae 1:10.88 Mesa Vista High School
Vigil, Mya 49.42 Mora High School
Gilmore, Ashley 49.49 Escalante High School
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knight, Avery McCurdy High School
Lopez, Rochelle 12:37.15 Penasco High School
Serna, Marisol 12:38.35 McCurdy High School
Gonzales, Charnelle 13:34.60 Penasco High School
Munoz, Amy 16:16.09 Penasco High School
Aguilar, Alyssa 16:22.40 Escalante High School
Lujan, Katia 18:12.32 Penasco High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Torrez, Jaslene Mesa Vista High School
Ramos, Mia Questa High School
Lujan, Katia Penasco High School
Vigil, Chanelle Questa High School
Valasquez, Areanna Mora High School
Lovato, Alyse 1:01.88 Questa High School
Lopez, Hannah 1:04.09 Escalante High School
Cordova, Aubrey 1:07.05 McCurdy High School
Ortiz, Sierra 1:07.08 Questa High School
Anaya, Alyssa 1:13.08 McCurdy High School
Lucero, Tristanee 1:14.34 Penasco High School
Vigil-Martinez, Brooke 1:15.36 Escalante High School
Arellano, Kiara 1:15.44 Questa High School
Grajeda, Alondra 1:16.65 McCurdy High School
MacAuley, Analise 1:19.26 Penasco High School
Rael, Madison 1:22.27 Penasco High School
Vigil, Amor 1:24.39 Mora High School
Baca, Aubrey 1:26.69 Escalante High School
Pino, Shanta 1:35.55 Mora High School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 54.11 Questa High School
Relay Team A 54.52 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 56.95 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 58.66 Mora High School
Relay Team A 58.96 Penasco High School
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Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:59.21 Questa High School
Relay Team A 2:01.09 Mora High School
Relay Team A 2:03.42 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 2:11.30 Escalante High School
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 5:04.56 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 5:15.05 Questa High School
Relay Team A 5:18.28 Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A 5:50.48 Mora High School
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A 11:50.64 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 12:04.82 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 13:45.01 Mora High School
Relay Team A 15:23.39 Questa High School
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vigil, Chanelle Questa High School
Segura, Allison Questa High School
Arellano, Kiara Questa High School
Gallegos, Dyani Mesa Vista High School
Juarez, Jackie Questa High School
Medina, Yesenia Questa High School
Gonzales, Charnelle 2:41.78 Penasco High School
Lopez, Rebecca 2:51.33 Escalante High School
Rael, Madison 3:12.78 Penasco High School
Aguilar, Alyssa 3:21.65 Escalante High School
Romero, Stephanie 3:23.86 Mora High School
Chacon, Hailey 3:26.36 Mesa Vista High School
Silva, Shanae 3:37.45 Mesa Vista High School
Duran, Evangeline 3:46.71 Mora High School
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Varsity Girls Discus 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santistevan, Aliyah 92-2 Questa High School
Cardenas, Kamryn 67-1.5 Questa High School
Gonzales, Angeleigh 60-10 Mora High School
Gonzales, Destiny 55-6 Mesa Vista High School
Salazar, Sierra 55-2.5 Escalante High School
Ortega, Mariana 54-0 Questa High School
Lopez, Mia 53-7 Penasco High School
Vasquez, Kailey 48-3 Mora High School
Espinoza, Lorriane 48-2 Mora High School
Casados, Danielle 36-5.5 Mora High School
Glover, Mesa 10-0 Escalante High School
Velarde, Crystalanne Mora High School
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Varsity Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lovato, Alyse 5-0 Questa High School
Vigil, Mya 4-10 Mora High School
Lopez, Hannah 4-8 Escalante High School
Gilmore, Ashley 4-8 Escalante High School
Silva, Shanae 4-6 Mesa Vista High School
Glover, Mesa 4-6 Escalante High School
Cordova, Aubrey 4-0 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Kaylee 4-0 McCurdy High School
Arguello, Bella Questa High School
Serna, Marisol McCurdy High School
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Varsity Girls Javelin 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santistevan, Aliyah 106-0 Questa High School
Martinez, Isabella 78-9 Mora High School
Torrez, Jaslene 69-3 Mesa Vista High School
Anaya, Alyssa 61-3 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Cheyenne 59-9.5 Penasco High School
Chavez, Kaice 59-9.5 Mora High School
Cardenas, Kamryn 56-11 Questa High School
Arellano, Kiara 54-5 Questa High School
Ortega, Mariana 52-3.5 Questa High School
Atencio, Sierra 43-8 Penasco High School
Espinoza, Lorriane 40-9 Mora High School
Gallegos, Dyani 38-8 Mesa Vista High School
Munoz, Amy 38-4 Penasco High School
Lujan, Katia 36-7 Penasco High School
Casados, Danielle 31-4 Mora High School
Romero, Jasmine Mora High School
Lopez, Mia Penasco High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lovato, Alyse 16-9.25 Questa High School
Madrid, Ashley 13-4 Penasco High School
Grajeda, Alondra 13-1.5 McCurdy High School
Vigil, Mya 13-0 Mora High School
Medina, Lailah 12-11 Mora High School
Arguello, Bella 12-8.5 Questa High School
Romero, Jasmine 12-8 Mora High School
Maestas, Aubrey 12-5 Mesa Vista High School
Vallejos, Esperanza 12-4.75 Questa High School
Arellano, Kiara 12-3.25 Questa High School
Martinez, Haylie 12-2 Penasco High School
Trujillo, Kaelynn 11-8.5 Mesa Vista High School
Pino, Shanta 11-5.5 Mora High School
Ramos, Mia 11-3 Questa High School
Valasquez, Areanna Mora High School
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ortiz, Marissa 7-0 Questa High School
Dominguez, Janae 6-6 Questa High School
Rael, Madison 6-0 Penasco High School
Juarez, Jackie 6-0 Questa High School
Cisneros, Analea 5-6 Questa High School
Segura, Allison Questa High School
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Camryn 28-3.75 Mesa Vista High School
Cardenas, Kamryn 25-11 Questa High School
Trujillo, Kaelynn 24-6.75 Mesa Vista High School
Santistevan, Aliyah 24-3.5 Questa High School
Torrez, Kylie 23-7 Mesa Vista High School
Gonzales, Destiny 21-10 Mesa Vista High School
Ortega, Mariana 21-8 Questa High School
Duran, Evangeline 20-7 Mora High School
Gonzales, Angeleigh 20-1 Mora High School
Glover, Mesa 20-0 Escalante High School
Salazar, Sierra 18-1 Escalante High School
Espinoza, Lorriane 16-8.5 Mora High School
Lopez, Mia Penasco High School
Romero, MadisonRylee Mora High School
Velarde, Crystalanne Mora High School
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Varsity Girls Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Escalante High School
Relay Team A Questa High School
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A 4:54.62 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 5:43.00 Mora High School
Relay Team A 6:06.04 Mesa Vista High School
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lovato, Alyse 34-10.5 Questa High School
Martinez, Haylie 30-0 Penasco High School
Gonzalez, Alianna 29-9.75 Questa High School
Medina, Lailah 29-0 Mora High School
Vaughn, Hailey 28-4 Mora High School
Lovato, Charlee Rose 24-6.5 Mora High School
Valasquez, Areanna 24-1 Mora High School
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