Rio Rancho Jamboree 2024

Rio Rancho, NM

Rio Rancho Jamboree 2024 vs Rio Rancho Jamboree 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +205 986 781
Overall Average +2:20:32.03 2:44:24.39 23:52.36
1st-10th Place -18.75 16:33.77 16:52.52
1st-25th Place -13.34 17:08.74 17:22.08
1st-50th Place -1.78 17:47.41 17:49.19
1st-100th Place +6.78 18:31.85 18:25.07
Common Athletes -- -- 63
Ran Faster 35 49 14
Ran Season Best -1 4 5
Average Time +1:44:23.25 2:09:26.06 25:02.81
Median Time -2:20.63 22:11.10 24:31.73
Middle 80% Times -1:59.91 23:00.65 25:00.56
Top 10% Times -2:09.75 17:11.30 19:21.05
Top 25% Times -2:13.99 18:23.00 20:36.99
Top 50% Times -2:02.99 19:48.89 21:51.88
Bottom 50% Times +3:27:33.76 3:55:00.55 27:26.78
Bottom 25% Times +6:57:15.04 7:27:56.74 30:41.70
Bottom 10% Times +15:55:48.48 16:28:30.89 32:42.40
Average Difference +1:44:23.25 -- --
Median Difference -2:35.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:13.72 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:50.40 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:27.52 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:42.88 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:27.52 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +3:26:53.43 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +6:57:04.49 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +15:57:19.67 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Sullivan Cody Rio Rancho High School -1:42.22 16:06.40 17:48.62
Herrera Mateo Rio Rancho High School -5:32.19 16:22.20 21:54.39
Joshua Marquez Oak Grove Classical Academy -2:50.17 16:49.40 19:39.57
Vince Madalena Sue Cleveland High School -1:40.32 17:28.90 19:09.22
Johnathan Sanchez Sue Cleveland High School -56.63 17:33.70 18:30.33
Shane Yara Cottonwood Classical Prep -3:22.15 17:48.30 21:10.45
Parsons Matthias Rio Rancho High School -3:09.19 18:10.20 21:19.39
Matthew Valencia Santa Fe Indian School -4:46.01 18:10.60 22:56.61
Johnpaul Miller Grants High School -4:21.05 18:38.30 22:59.35
Jacob Gonzales Volcano Vista High School -3:03.46 19:14.00 22:17.46
Julius Arredondo Sandia High School -2:35.44 19:17.80 21:53.24
Carysa Marquez Volcano Vista High School +47.91 20:08.70 19:20.79
Shoshone Martine Pine Hill High School -8:14.94 19:22.70 27:37.64
Jorge Garcia Del Norte High School -2:20.25 19:25.20 21:45.45
Jonathan Merrill Eldorado High School -1:56.90 19:27.90 21:24.80
Matias Tiede Pojoaque Valley High School +1:50.50 21:38.90 19:48.40
Tyller Lomayma Espanola Valley High School -1:33.67 20:03.70 21:37.37
Joshua Loretto Bernalillo High School -1:14.28 20:11.00 21:25.28
Dwight Calvin Gallup High School -4:37.09 20:21.50 24:58.59
Kenneth Gallegos Mesa Vista High School -6:25.93 20:31.80 26:57.73
Jeremy Armijo Bernalillo High School -4:29.86 20:38.20 25:08.06
Santiago Martinez Mesa Vista High School -5:05.01 20:40.20 25:45.21
Jack George Quemado High School -1:10.33 20:42.90 21:53.23
Hailey Renteria Espanola Valley High School -2:27.29 20:51.10 23:18.39
Rhys Hodges Cottonwood Classical Prep -54.39 21:03.90 21:58.29
Rowen Floyd Maxwell High School -1:13.79 21:13.10 22:26.89
Naomi St. Clair Sue Cleveland High School -0.78 21:28.50 21:29.28
Christopher Nevarez Cottonwood Classical Prep +33.86 22:10.30 21:36.44
Orlando Lopez Robertson High School -2:54.65 21:57.40 24:52.05
Diego Rael Academy for Tech and the Classics -4:08.64 22:05.60 26:14.24
Malikai Magdalena Jemez Valley High School -12:49.00 22:11.00 35:00.00
Darius Vallo Grants High School -2:35.60 22:11.10 24:46.70
MATTHEW JACQUEZ Coronado High School -4:25.56 22:13.00 26:38.56
Jason Gallegos Mesa Vista High School -4.23 22:16.00 22:20.23
Branson Holtsoi St. Michael Indian School -4:24.36 22:28.60 26:52.96
Emelio Espinoza McCurdy High School -2:12.84 22:44.50 24:57.34
MAKAYLA LOVATO Highland High School -57.57 22:57.10 23:54.67
Ainslee Heffelfinger La Cueva High School +26.25 23:28.50 23:02.25
Justin Becenti St. Michael Indian School -6:26.84 23:05.40 29:32.24
Danika Marquez Rio Rancho High School -34.80 23:13.70 23:48.50
Chloe Montoya Cottonwood Classical Prep +2:09.79 25:25.80 23:16.01
Laila Martinez Grants High School +45.11 24:06.60 23:21.49
Kaylena Chinana Jemez Valley High School -1:19.20 23:23.60 24:42.80
Haili Begay Volcano Vista High School +52.88 24:32.20 23:39.32
Kaydence Riley Santa Fe Indian School -3:38.87 23:50.20 27:29.07
Danielle Smith Santa Fe Indian School +24.78 24:27.60 24:02.82
MARCOS CHACON Coronado High School +30:26:28.27 30:51:00.00 24:31.73
Larycia Sena Pecos High School -41.24 24:59.70 25:40.94
Lailyn Romero Jemez Valley High School -53.01 25:22.90 26:15.91
Malia Hunter-Garcia Sue Cleveland High School -4.25 26:01.80 26:06.05
Leah Pedro Grants High School -3:17.30 26:59.60 30:16.90
Bethlynn Benioh Crownpoint High School -2:16.94 27:11.70 29:28.64
Christopher Ashley Miyamura High School +28:05:47.26 28:33:00.00 27:12.74
Emma Lewis Santa Fe Indian School -4:57.07 27:16.30 32:13.37
Alessia Cheromiah Laguna-Acoma High School +9.08 27:58.10 27:49.02
Kinani Pacheco Bernalillo High School -3:39.94 28:29.60 32:09.54
Madison Dennison Miyamura High School -4:27.16 28:49.70 33:16.86
Christopher Hoy Maxwell High School +28:10:49.90 28:40:00.00 29:10.10
Audrey Price Eldorado High School -1:08.48 29:19.10 30:27.58
Lillie Parten La Cueva High School -2:01.29 29:25.10 31:26.39
Sammie Cadman Gallup High School -4:40.17 29:41.50 34:21.67
Jordan Gallegos Mesa Vista High School +25:12:40.84 25:43:00.00 30:19.16
Alannah Roybal Cimarron High School +3:00.60 33:29.60 30:29.00