Santa Rosa Middle School Invite 2024

Santa Rosa, NM

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 59 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Penny, Shane Melrose High School
Romero, Kyler Jemez Valley Middle School
Floyd, Logan Maxwell High School
Matchison, Jayden Edgewood Middle School
Cates, Stetson Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
Salazar, Tomas West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
White, Wesson Melrose High School
Romero, Andrew Springer Middle School
Hirschfeld, Joseph Edgewood Middle School
Martinez , Kingston Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gomez, Reyez Jemez Valley Middle School
Taylor, Isaiah Maxwell High School
arellanos, abran West Las Vegas Middle School
Gallegos, Zayden West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Harp, James Melrose High School
Gonzalez, Raymond Estancia Middle School
Rodriguez, Fabian Tucumcari Middle School
Lyle, Samuel Edgewood Middle School
Lucero, Branson Jemez Valley Middle School
harris, abel West Las Vegas Middle School
Galvan , Lucas Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gachupin, Tyren Jemez Valley Middle School
Lopez, Tyson Maxwell High School
Estrade, Josiah West Las Vegas Middle School
Forgue, Wesley Melrose High School
Valencia, Johnathen Estancia Middle School
Duran , Allester Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Madalena, Derek Jemez Valley Middle School
Davis, Tristan Maxwell High School
Sipes, Logan Edgewood Middle School
Jackson, Connor Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
gutierrez, eric West Las Vegas Middle School
Maestas-Martinez, Eemanuel Springer Middle School
Ortega , Jeremiah 12.55 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Portis , Muziq 13.50h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Ortega, Johnny 13.60 Santa Rosa Middle School
Martinez, Cayeden 14.06 Vaughn High School
Ipiotis, Josiah 14.21 Moriarty Middle School
Price, Aaron 14.34 Maxwell High School
Romero, Frankie 14.81 Moriarty Middle School
Campos-Temple, Anthony 14.90 Moriarty Middle School
Volk, Karsen 15.00h Moriarty Middle School
Gonzales, David 15.25 Pecos High School
salazar, cameron 15.44 West Las Vegas Middle School
Gallegos, Augustus 15.50h Pecos High School
Butler, Justin 15.55 Moriarty Middle School
Tenorio, Elias 15.86 Santa Rosa Middle School
Mejia-Giner, Brayan 15.91 Tucumcari Middle School
Bryant, Hayden 15.96 Melrose High School
Mora, Bryant 16.65 Vaughn High School
Schattschneider, Jerry 16.67 Santa Rosa Middle School
Hernandez, Michealangelo 17.01 Santa Rosa Middle School
Kirksey, Cyril 17.38 Roy Schools
Moore, Landon 18.34 Roy Schools
Baca, Justin 18.50h Pecos High School
Mestas, Jayden 19.30h Pecos High School
Tanuz, Augustine 19.59 Pecos High School
Ramirez, Ryker 20.00h Vaughn High School
Chaves, Lucas 26.03 Santa Rosa Middle School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Villafuerte, Joshua Estancia Middle School
Beukelman, Joseph Edgewood Middle School
Bowie , Marcelinas Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Martinez, Cayeden Vaughn High School
Sipes, Logan Edgewood Middle School
Jones , Adam 18:31.00 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Trujillo , Santos 20.10h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Orgass, Elijah 20.28 Edgewood Middle School
Archuleta , Pete 21.30h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Ramirez, Santiago 21.40 Springer Middle School
Martinez , Jaylen 21.50h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Hendricks, Jayden 21.82 Moriarty Middle School
Galvan, Cielo 22.82 Moriarty Middle School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez , Lorenzo Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Trujillo, Adkin Maxwell High School
Young, Jacob Edgewood Middle School
Romero, Levi Estancia Middle School
Bowie , Marcelinas Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Romero, Xavior Santa Rosa Middle School
Archuleta , Pete Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Nuckols, Kaiden Edgewood Middle School
Probst, Mateo West Las Vegas Middle School
Swope, Cylas Estancia Middle School
Ortiz , Alejandro Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Brashear, Luciano Springer Middle School
Fresquez , Jordan Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Yepa, Elijah Jemez Valley Middle School
Floyd, Logan Maxwell High School
montya, jeremy 12:03.24 West Las Vegas Middle School
Roach, Aiden 5:16.50 Melrose High School
Garcia, Thomas 5:33.23 Pecos High School
Talvitie, Gavin 5:43.69 Pecos High School
Jaramillo, Shane 5:54.39 Pecos High School
Baca, Jonas 5:56.40 Santa Rosa Middle School
Gonzalez, Joaquin 6:04.26 Santa Rosa Middle School
Valdez, Eusebio 6:10.95 Santa Rosa Middle School
tenorio, everette 6:15.05 West Las Vegas Middle School
Enriquez, Jorge 8:00.00h Tucumcari Middle School
Favela, Abraham 8:00.00h Tucumcari Middle School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wolf, Noah Edgewood Middle School
Gomez, Reyez Jemez Valley Middle School
Chaves, Lucas Santa Rosa Middle School
Taylor, Isaiah Maxwell High School
salazar, cameron West Las Vegas Middle School
Kewanwytewa, Avalino Jemez Valley Middle School
Thompson, Trey Santa Rosa Middle School
Lyle, Samuel Edgewood Middle School
Martinez, William Jemez Valley Middle School
Romero, Andrew Springer Middle School
arellanos, abran West Las Vegas Middle School
Van Buskirk, Charles Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
Forgue, Wesley Melrose High School
Gachupin, D'onte Jemez Valley Middle School
Chavez, Luke Santa Rosa Middle School
Romero, Mathew Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Rodriguez, Fabian Tucumcari Middle School
Cates, Stetson Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
Estrade, Josiah West Las Vegas Middle School
Penny, Shane Melrose High School
Beukelman, Joseph Edgewood Middle School
Romero, Kyler Jemez Valley Middle School
Allmand, Carter Maxwell High School
Aragon , Justin Pojoaque Valley Middle School
harris, abel West Las Vegas Middle School
Pebley, Samuel Estancia Middle School
Ramirez, Ryker Vaughn High School
Vigil, Clyde 26.32 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Dixon , Dion 27.50h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Hyatt, Colten 27.57 Springer Middle School
Gonzales , Mateo 27.80h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Torres, Emiliano 28.30 Pecos High School
Corvin, Kayden 28.73 Moriarty Middle School
Volk, Karsen 31.72 Moriarty Middle School
Lujan, Dominik 32.00 Pecos High School
Eldridge, Jordan 32.44 Melrose High School
Romero, Cruz 33.00 Santa Rosa Middle School
Nanez-Palma, Orlando 33.28 Santa Rosa Middle School
Hazen, Tristan 33.81 Roy Schools
Mejia-Giner, Brayan 33.91 Tucumcari Middle School
Lopez, Michael 33.91 Roy Schools
Davis, Tristan 33.97 Maxwell High School
Butler, Justin 34.04 Moriarty Middle School
Bryant, Hayden 34.74 Melrose High School
Harp, James 36.03 Melrose High School
Moore, Landon 36.41 Roy Schools
Mora, Bryant 36.89 Vaughn High School
Kirksey, Cyril 37.00 Roy Schools
Tanuz, Augustine 43.40 Pecos High School
Mestas, Jayden 48.80h Pecos High School
Baca, Justin 48.81 Pecos High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Kingston Melrose High School
Bowie , Marcelinas Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Lucero, Mateo Estancia Middle School
Martinez , Jaylen Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Swope, Cylas Estancia Middle School
Martinez, Cayeden Vaughn High School
Beukelman, Joseph Edgewood Middle School
Vigil, Ruben Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Orgass, Elijah Edgewood Middle School
Romero, Pablo Springer Middle School
Hendricks, Jayden 1:03.81 Moriarty Middle School
Galvan, Cielo 1:14.78 Moriarty Middle School
Ramirez, Santiago 52.03 Springer Middle School
Baca, Jonas 53.63 Santa Rosa Middle School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Herrera , Josh Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Wolf, Noah Edgewood Middle School
Maestas-Martinez, Eemanuel Springer Middle School
Rodriguez, Fabian Tucumcari Middle School
salazar, cameron West Las Vegas Middle School
McClaskey, Ethan Edgewood Middle School
arellanos, abran West Las Vegas Middle School
Allmand, Carter Maxwell High School
Aguilar, Kolton Jemez Valley Middle School
Turner, Cj Estancia Middle School
Probst, Mateo West Las Vegas Middle School
White, Wesson Melrose High School
Nanez-Palma, Orlando Santa Rosa Middle School
Lopez, Tyson Maxwell High School
Romero, Kyler Jemez Valley Middle School
tenorio, everette West Las Vegas Middle School
Thompson, Porter 1:02.60 Santa Rosa Middle School
Trujillo , Santos 1:04.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Aucutt, Aiden 1:05.22 Melrose High School
Price, Aaron 1:06.88 Maxwell High School
Ortiz, Jacob 1:07.78 Pecos High School
Ipiotis, Josiah 1:08.59 Moriarty Middle School
Adams, Levi 1:09.33 Melrose High School
Duran , Valentino 1:10.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Ortiz , Steven 1:11.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Rigoni, Rio 1:11.57 Roy Schools
Chavez, Luke 1:11.61 Santa Rosa Middle School
Romero, Cruz 1:11.98 Santa Rosa Middle School
Valdez, Santiago 1:12.07 Santa Rosa Middle School
Martinez , Jonah 1:14.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Bryant, Hayden 1:16.16 Melrose High School
Lopez, Michael 1:16.18 Roy Schools
Lujan, Dominik 1:20.00 Pecos High School
Mejia-Giner, Brayan 1:21.54 Tucumcari Middle School
Harp, James 1:22.44 Melrose High School
Madrid, Amaziah 1:40.00 Pecos High School
Mestas, Jayden 1:47.81 Pecos High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Santa Rosa Middle School
Relay Team A Estancia Middle School
Relay Team A Jemez Valley Middle School
Relay Team A Springer Middle School
Relay Team A Tucumcari Middle School
Relay Team A Edgewood Middle School
Relay Team A 50:40.00 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Relay Team A 51.86 Maxwell High School
Relay Team A 52.28 Moriarty Middle School
Relay Team A 54.59 Melrose High School
Relay Team A 54.65 West Las Vegas Middle School
Relay Team A 58.27 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 58.37 Roy Schools
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Edgewood Middle School
Relay Team A Santa Rosa Middle School
Relay Team A Estancia Middle School
Relay Team A Jemez Valley Middle School
Relay Team A Tucumcari Middle School
Relay Team A 1:49.45 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Relay Team A 1:50.48 Moriarty Middle School
Relay Team A 1:55.58 Melrose High School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h West Las Vegas Middle School
Relay Team A 2:02.73 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 2:18.54 Roy Schools
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Tucumcari Middle School
Relay Team A Edgewood Middle School
Relay Team A Santa Rosa Middle School
Relay Team A Estancia Middle School
Relay Team A 4.59.89 West Las Vegas Middle School
Relay Team A 4:11.32 Moriarty Middle School
Relay Team A 4:33.96 Melrose High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 4:41.85 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bencomo, Jesus Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Munoz, Jamie Santa Rosa Middle School
Swope, Cylas Estancia Middle School
Probst, Mateo West Las Vegas Middle School
Bowie , Marcelinas Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Martinez , Lorenzo Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Villaneuva, Emilio Santa Rosa Middle School
Allmand, Carter Maxwell High School
Salazar, Jeremy West Las Vegas Middle School
Ortiz , Alejandro Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Young, Jacob Edgewood Middle School
Romero, Xavior Santa Rosa Middle School
Trujillo, Adkin Maxwell High School
Toya, Keean Jemez Valley Middle School
Mora, Bryant Vaughn High School
Fresquez , Jordan Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Romero, Levi Estancia Middle School
Nuckols, Kaiden Edgewood Middle School
Van Buskirk, Charles Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
tenorio, everette West Las Vegas Middle School
Roach, Aiden 2:15.36 Melrose High School
Holton, Cameron 2:30.80 Pecos High School
Talvitie, Gavin 2:36.54 Pecos High School
Brown, Dominic 2:40.74 Moriarty Middle School
Rigoni, Rio 2:44.00h Roy Schools
Valdez, Eusebio 2:47.88 Santa Rosa Middle School
Schattschneider, Jerry 2:58.76 Santa Rosa Middle School
Madrid, Amaziah 3:00.00 Pecos High School
Fudge, Pierce 3:00.00h Roy Schools
Favela, Abraham 3:10.00h Tucumcari Middle School
Enriquez, Jorge 3:10.00h Tucumcari Middle School
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Boys Discus 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Kingston 116-11 Melrose High School
Melendez, Ryan 87-0 Tucumcari Middle School
Thompson, Trey 82-0 Santa Rosa Middle School
egger, matthew 75-10 West Las Vegas Middle School
shields, cruz 75-6 West Las Vegas Middle School
Hernandez, Michealangelo 68-7 Santa Rosa Middle School
Bodine, Aiden 67-2 Melrose High School
sanchez , nathan 66-6 West Las Vegas Middle School
collins, elias 65-7 West Las Vegas Middle School
Baca, Justin 47-2 Pecos High School
trujillo, karter 40-9 West Las Vegas Middle School
Tanuz, Augustine 40-2 Pecos High School
Gallegos, Zayden West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Salazar, Tomas West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Hernandez, Angel Estancia Middle School
Barten, Liam Estancia Middle School
Barela, Quinten Estancia Middle School
Gonzalez, Raymond Estancia Middle School
Chavez, Jeffrey Estancia Middle School
Kewanwytewa, Avalino Jemez Valley Middle School
Toya, Keean Jemez Valley Middle School
Gachupin, D'onte Jemez Valley Middle School
Aguilar, Eli Moriarty Middle School
Campos-Temple, Anthony Moriarty Middle School
Corvin, Kayden Moriarty Middle School
Romero, Frankie Moriarty Middle School
Volk, Karsen Moriarty Middle School
Brashear, Luciano Springer Middle School
Howl, Cutter Melrose High School
Stagner, Brody Melrose High School
Montoya, Jonathan Tucumcari Middle School
Reyes, Marcos Tucumcari Middle School
Melendez, Sean Tucumcari Middle School
Urioste, Jaythen Tucumcari Middle School
Romero, Jose Santa Rosa Middle School
Velasquez, Justin Santa Rosa Middle School
Villaneuva, Emilio Santa Rosa Middle School
Jackson, Connor Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
Gauna, Joaquin Edgewood Middle School
Denomme, Tanner Edgewood Middle School
Matchison, Jayden Edgewood Middle School
Maestas-Chavez , Kaiden Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Lopez , Kaiden Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Baca , Cruz Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Lucero , Albert Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Montoya , Florian Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Davis, Tristan Maxwell High School
Floyd, Logan Maxwell High School
Lopez, Tyson Maxwell High School
Taylor, Isaiah Maxwell High School
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Boys High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramirez, Santiago 5-2 Springer Middle School
shields, cruz 5-0 West Las Vegas Middle School
cordova, jordan 4-11 West Las Vegas Middle School
Zamora, Jordan 4-10 Melrose High School
Rigoni, Rio 4-4 Roy Schools
Hazen, Tristan 4-4 Roy Schools
Lujan, Dominik 4-4 Pecos High School
Gallegos, Augustus 4-2 Pecos High School
Villafuerte, Joshua Estancia Middle School
Hendricks, Jayden Moriarty Middle School
Ipiotis, Josiah Moriarty Middle School
Ortiz, Devin Moriarty Middle School
Adams, Levi Melrose High School
Forgue, Wesley Melrose High School
McClaskey, Ethan Edgewood Middle School
Nuckols, Kaiden Edgewood Middle School
Beukelman, Joseph Edgewood Middle School
Aragon , Dominik Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Jones , Adam Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Trujillo , Santos Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Benavidez, Isaac West Las Vegas Middle School
Estrade, Josiah West Las Vegas Middle School
cavanaugh, miles West Las Vegas Middle School
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Boys Long Jump 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benavidez, Isaac 16-7 West Las Vegas Middle School
Gonzalez, Joaquin 15-5 Santa Rosa Middle School
Ortega, Johnny 15-5 Santa Rosa Middle School
Baca, Jonas 15-1.75 Santa Rosa Middle School
cordova, jordan 14-10 West Las Vegas Middle School
Jaramillo, Shane 14-5 Pecos High School
Aucutt, Aiden 14-3 Melrose High School
Martinez, Uriah 13-3.75 Pecos High School
Talvitie, Gavin 13-3 Pecos High School
Martinez, Cayeden 13-3 Vaughn High School
Rodriguez, Fabian 13-2 Tucumcari Middle School
arellanos, abran 12-6 West Las Vegas Middle School
Bryant, Hayden 12-5.5 Melrose High School
Fudge, Pierce 12-3 Roy Schools
Harp, James 11-9 Melrose High School
Lopez, Michael 11-7 Roy Schools
Kirksey, Cyril 11-3 Roy Schools
Gonzales, David 11-2 Pecos High School
Mora, Bryant 11-0 Vaughn High School
cavanaugh, miles 10-4 West Las Vegas Middle School
Mestas, Jayden 9-0 Pecos High School
Pebley, Samuel Estancia Middle School
Turner, Cj Estancia Middle School
Gachupin, Tyren Jemez Valley Middle School
Lucero, Branson Jemez Valley Middle School
Madalena, Derek Jemez Valley Middle School
Yepa, Elijah Jemez Valley Middle School
Booth, Dayland Moriarty Middle School
Brown, Dominic Moriarty Middle School
Galvan, Cielo Moriarty Middle School
Nieto, Michael Moriarty Middle School
Maestas-Martinez, Eemanuel Springer Middle School
White, Wesson Melrose High School
Forgue, Wesley Melrose High School
Estrade, Josiah West Las Vegas Middle School
Encinias, Ajay Santa Rosa Middle School
Trujillo, Jason Santa Rosa Middle School
Jackson, Connor Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
Van Buskirk, Charles Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
Cates, Stetson Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
McClaskey, Ethan Edgewood Middle School
Lyle, Samuel Edgewood Middle School
Hirschfeld, Joseph Edgewood Middle School
Sipes, Logan Edgewood Middle School
Wolf, Noah Edgewood Middle School
Aragon , Dominik Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Portis , Muziq Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Dixon , Dion Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Romero, Mathew Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Jones , Adam Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Trujillo, Adkin Maxwell High School
Floyd, Logan Maxwell High School
Allmand, Carter Maxwell High School
Martinez, William Jemez Valley Middle School
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Boys Shot Put 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Kingston 34-9 Melrose High School
lesperance, gavino 32-3.5 West Las Vegas Middle School
Villaneuva, Emilio 31-3 Santa Rosa Middle School
Velasquez, Justin 30-4.5 Santa Rosa Middle School
Melendez, Ryan 29-3 Tucumcari Middle School
collins, elias 28-4 West Las Vegas Middle School
Bodine, Aiden 28-2.5 Melrose High School
Reyes, Marcos 26-6.5 Tucumcari Middle School
Montoya, Jonathan 25-4.5 Tucumcari Middle School
sanchez , nathan 25-4 West Las Vegas Middle School
egger, matthew 24-6 West Las Vegas Middle School
Trujillo, Jason 23-9 Santa Rosa Middle School
Melendez, Sean 23-2.5 Tucumcari Middle School
Price, Aaron 21-5 Maxwell High School
Ramirez, Ryker 20-0 Vaughn High School
Moore, Landon 19-6 Roy Schools
trujillo, karter 16-9 West Las Vegas Middle School
Baca, Justin 15-4 Pecos High School
Tanuz, Augustine 14-6 Pecos High School
Gallegos, Zayden West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Salazar, Tomas West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Gonzalez, Adam Estancia Middle School
Gonzalez, Raymond Estancia Middle School
Trujillo, Chase Estancia Middle School
Hernandez, Angel Estancia Middle School
Aguilar, Kolton Jemez Valley Middle School
Madalena, Derek Jemez Valley Middle School
Romero, Kyler Jemez Valley Middle School
Aguilar, Eli Moriarty Middle School
Romero, Frankie Moriarty Middle School
Butler, Justin Moriarty Middle School
Corvin, Kayden Moriarty Middle School
Volk, Karsen Moriarty Middle School
Romero, Andrew Springer Middle School
Howl, Cutter Melrose High School
Stagner, Brody Melrose High School
Urioste, Jaythen Tucumcari Middle School
Estrada, Luis Santa Rosa Middle School
Romero, Jose Santa Rosa Middle School
Jackson, Connor Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
Cates, Stetson Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
Denomme, Tanner Edgewood Middle School
Gauna, Joaquin Edgewood Middle School
Matchison, Jayden Edgewood Middle School
Ortega , Jeremiah Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Maestas-Chavez , Kaiden Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Lopez , Kaiden Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Lucero , Albert Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Vigil, Clyde Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Davis, Tristan Maxwell High School
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Boys Sprint Medley Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Edgewood Middle School
Relay Team A Jemez Valley Middle School
Relay Team A Moriarty Middle School
Relay Team A Santa Rosa Middle School
Relay Team A Estancia Middle School
Relay Team A Springer Middle School
Relay Team A 4:21.80 Melrose High School
Relay Team A 4:33.90 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 4:41.68 West Las Vegas Middle School
Relay Team A 5:48.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
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Boys Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Porter 35-0 Santa Rosa Middle School
Brashear, Luciano 33-2 Springer Middle School
Hyatt, Colten 32-0.5 Springer Middle School
Holton, Cameron 32-0 Pecos High School
Lee, Kingston 30-7 Melrose High School
Ortiz, Jacob 29-10.75 Pecos High School
Torres, Emiliano 29-1.5 Pecos High School
Garcia, Thomas 28-0 Pecos High School
Madrid, Amaziah 20-0 Pecos High School
Aguilar, Kolton Jemez Valley Middle School
Brown, Dominic Moriarty Middle School
Romero, Pablo Springer Middle School
Munoz, Jamie Santa Rosa Middle School
Brooks, Alex Edgewood Middle School
Orgass, Elijah Edgewood Middle School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 59 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baca, Kendra Jemez Valley Middle School
Apodaca, JayCee Maxwell High School
Lucero, Vanessa Estancia Middle School
villa, amaya West Las Vegas Middle School
Stevens, Aliya Melrose High School
Collins, Kathrine Springer Middle School
Jordan, Londyn Jemez Valley Middle School
martinez, gabby West Las Vegas Middle School
McCoy, Amelia Edgewood Middle School
Deines, Alina Maxwell High School
Sartori, Fiona Estancia Middle School
lovato, lily West Las Vegas Middle School
Lebow, Tru Melrose High School
Ramirez, Raqui Vaughn High School
Linsky, Symalee Springer Middle School
Pino, Mariana Jemez Valley Middle School
garcia, abbrianna West Las Vegas Middle School
Springer, Emma Estancia Middle School
Acosta, Jasmine Estancia Middle School
saiz, brittany West Las Vegas Middle School
Appel, Elizabeth Edgewood Middle School
Rodriguez, Cesalie Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
McDonough, Kylie 13.10h Edgewood Middle School
Anaya, Maaja 13.97 Tucumcari Middle School
Herrera , Ava 13.97 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gallegos, Aubreyanna 14.07 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Narnjo, Haley 14.30 Tucumcari Middle School
Naranjo , Devyn 14.60h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Martinez, Nadiyah 14.90h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Quintana, Alexia 15.00 Tucumcari Middle School
Shankles, Alexis 15.00 Tucumcari Middle School
Draper, Addy 15.50 Melrose High School
Cooper, Daylee 15.66 Melrose High School
Gonzales, Tori 15.78 Moriarty Middle School
Zamora, Julianna 15.90 Santa Rosa Middle School
Saulsberry, Kennis 16.00 Melrose High School
Zamora, Rosa 16.00h Pecos High School
Romero, Genna 16.00h Moriarty Middle School
Page, Taylor 16.11 Moriarty Middle School
Vigil, Annalee 16.20h Pecos High School
Rivera , Julia 16.30h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Duncan, Leilah 16.36 Maxwell High School
Ortiz, Jaylah 16.80h Pecos High School
Salls, Charlize 16.96 Pecos High School
Perea, Briel 17.03 Pecos High School
Chavez, Emma Rose 17.10 Moriarty Middle School
Berumen , Aubriana 17.31 Vaughn High School
Llamas, Evelyn 17.64 Santa Rosa Middle School
Bojorquez, Sadie 17.79 Santa Rosa Middle School
Andrade, Jade 17.81 Santa Rosa Middle School
Urquizu, Savannah 18.26 Tucumcari Middle School
Garcia, Jenaleigh 18.66 Vaughn High School
Mora, Ahyana 20.13 Vaughn High School
hornamen, abby 20.99 Vaughn High School
Gutierrez, Mia 4.00h West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Tafoya, Esmeralda 5.00h West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Bazan, Rebeka 6.00h West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Gutierrez, Rosavella 7.00h West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Sena, Angel 8.00h West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
villa, amaya West Las Vegas Middle School
Dial, Raylyn Melrose High School
Berumen , Aubriana Vaughn High School
martinez, gabby West Las Vegas Middle School
Valdez, Pressley Estancia Middle School
saiz, brittany West Las Vegas Middle School
Barela, Abigail Estancia Middle School
hernandez, zamantha West Las Vegas Middle School
Dunbar, Ayva Edgewood Middle School
Oyenque, Lexi Pojoaque Valley Middle School
barragan, alleyna West Las Vegas Middle School
Putman, Tenley Springer Middle School
Lackey, Jaelyn 18.86 Melrose High School
Peacock, Rozilyn 19.05 Melrose High School
Rubio , Elenna 19.57 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gallegos, Anjolie 19.60h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gomez, Arabella 20.01 Pecos High School
Otero, Brooke 20.11 Moriarty Middle School
Quintana, Emma 20.41 Edgewood Middle School
Morioni, Elena 21.02 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Duran, Amilee 21.34 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Barbosa, Elena 21.63 Moriarty Middle School
Garcia, Jaliyah 22.08 Pecos High School
Mueller, Megan 23.44 Pecos High School
Mueller, Maddison 23.87 Pecos High School
Salinas, Cristina 5.00h West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barnes, Addyson Estancia Middle School
Maestas, Isabelle Edgewood Middle School
Collins, Chloe Estancia Middle School
Pacheco, Vesper Santa Rosa Middle School
Gutierrez, Mia West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Hileman, Naomi Edgewood Middle School
archuleta, HeavenRose West Las Vegas Middle School
Leyba, Naomi Springer Middle School
Luera-Martinez, Kristiana 10:00.00 Tucumcari Middle School
Oyenque, Lexi 6:54.25 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Jaramillo, Myra 7:04.65 Santa Rosa Middle School
George , Mikaylah 7:05.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Amado, Keilana 7:05.23 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gomez , Gabriela 7:15.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Delgado, Mikayala 7:20.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Flores, Cameron 7:30.54 Melrose High School
Hazen, Brooke 8:00.34 Roy Schools
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
lamanda, lily West Las Vegas Middle School
Collins, Kathrine Springer Middle School
Valencia, Kyla Jemez Valley Middle School
Mora, Ahyana Vaughn High School
Silva, Jocelyn Estancia Middle School
Meza-Greigo, Esmeralda West Las Vegas Middle School
Deines, Alina Maxwell High School
Kailikea-Martinez, Keakulina Tucumcari Middle School
udly , zoey West Las Vegas Middle School
Rodgers, Zaylin Springer Middle School
Jordan, Londyn Jemez Valley Middle School
Garcia, Jenaleigh Vaughn High School
Lujan, Daylen Estancia Middle School
coca, hayley West Las Vegas Middle School
Quintana, Emma Edgewood Middle School
Leyba, Naomi Springer Middle School
Pino, Mariana Jemez Valley Middle School
Otero, Melanie Tucumcari Middle School
Eastman, Chloe Edgewood Middle School
hornamen, abby Vaughn High School
Baca, Kendra Jemez Valley Middle School
Barela, Abigail Estancia Middle School
Rayos-Gonzales, Azul Tucumcari Middle School
lovato, lily West Las Vegas Middle School
Murillo, Sarah Edgewood Middle School
Yeary, Layla Melrose High School
Lucero, Natalie Vaughn High School
Apodaca, JayCee Maxwell High School
Rullo, Eva 29.00 Edgewood Middle School
Anaya, Maaja 29.24 Tucumcari Middle School
Olvera , Ana 29.82 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gallegos, Aubreyanna 29.85 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Wright, Julia 30.00 Edgewood Middle School
Villegas, Elena 30.80h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Griego, Aubryelle 30.90h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Shankles, Alexis 32.00 Tucumcari Middle School
Morioni, Elena 32.20h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Cooper, Daylee 32.66 Melrose High School
Cordell, Kadence 32.99 Melrose High School
Saulsberry, Kennis 33.63 Melrose High School
Duncan, Leilah 34.17 Maxwell High School
Gonzales, Tori 34.41 Moriarty Middle School
Garcia, Jaliyah 34.68 Pecos High School
Page, Taylor 34.80 Moriarty Middle School
Hazen, Brooke 34.84 Roy Schools
Vigil, Annalee 35.00h Pecos High School
Gabaldon, Arlanni 35.50h Pecos High School
Bojorquez, Sadie 35.70 Santa Rosa Middle School
Romero, Genna 35.92 Moriarty Middle School
Lujan, Aubrie 36.00h Pecos High School
Stevens, Aliya 36.90 Melrose High School
Ortiz, Jaylah 38.30 Pecos High School
Ramirez, Raqui 46.00h Vaughn High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wagner, Elena Estancia Middle School
Dial, Raylyn Melrose High School
Roybal , Alessandra Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Dunbar, Ayva Edgewood Middle School
Brown, Raquel Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Johnson, Dachiana Estancia Middle School
Quintana, Emma Edgewood Middle School
Gonzales , Makaya Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gurule , Analina Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Collins, Chloe Estancia Middle School
Rubio , Elenna Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Otero, Brooke 1:02.18 Moriarty Middle School
Garcia, Jaliyah 1:02.88 Pecos High School
Barbosa, Elena 1:10.96 Moriarty Middle School
Lackey, Jaelyn 56.28 Melrose High School
Peacock, Rozilyn 56.77 Melrose High School
Narnjo, Haley 58.98 Tucumcari Middle School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vela-Rubio, Isabel Tucumcari Middle School
coca, hayley West Las Vegas Middle School
Hileman, Naomi Edgewood Middle School
Bazan, Rebeka West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Narvaez, Desiree Tucumcari Middle School
lovato, lily West Las Vegas Middle School
Lujan, Daylen Estancia Middle School
martinez, kristi West Las Vegas Middle School
Meza-Greigo, Esmeralda West Las Vegas Middle School
Sartori, Fiona Estancia Middle School
Gutierrez, Mia West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Stephenson, Jaelyn Tucumcari Middle School
montya, aubrey West Las Vegas Middle School
Mullen, Leia Edgewood Middle School
Ramirez, Raqui Vaughn High School
Wagner, Elena Estancia Middle School
Sena, Angel West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Tosa, Alexa Jemez Valley Middle School
Gonzales, Leah 1:07.00h Pecos High School
Griego, Aubryelle 1:10.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Villegas, Elena 1:10.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Olvera , Ana 1:15.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Bustos, Alicia 1:15.00h Pecos High School
Trujillo, Estrella 1:16.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Rush, Steely 1:19.11 Melrose High School
Elliot, Kitlee 1:19.22 Melrose High School
Lee, Criox 1:19.33 Melrose High School
Bautista, Giada 1:20.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Greenwalt, Teagan 1:20.44 Melrose High School
Mueller, Maddison 1:21.00h Pecos High School
Mueller, Megan 1:21.00h Pecos High School
Box, Ashlynn 1:21.66 Tucumcari Middle School
Duncan, Leilah 1:22.21 Maxwell High School
Saulsberry, Kennis 1:22.33 Melrose High School
Salls, Charlize 1:24.00h Pecos High School
Muniz, Aria 1:29.61 Santa Rosa Middle School
Lucero, Natalie 1:39.83 Vaughn High School
Rayos-Gonzales, Azul 1:40.07 Tucumcari Middle School
hornamen, abby 1:43.03 Vaughn High School
Mora, Ahyana 1:45.00 Vaughn High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Estancia Middle School
Relay Team A Santa Rosa Middle School
Relay Team A Jemez Valley Middle School
Relay Team A Edgewood Middle School
Relay Team A Vaughn High School
Relay Team A West Las Vegas Middle School
Relay Team A Springer Middle School
Relay Team A 1:01.31 Moriarty Middle School
Relay Team A 1:04.95 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 56.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Relay Team A 57.58 Melrose High School
Relay Team A 58:39.00 Tucumcari Middle School
Relay Team A 6.00h West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A West Las Vegas Middle School
Relay Team A Springer Middle School
Relay Team A Estancia Middle School
Relay Team A Santa Rosa Middle School
Relay Team A Edgewood Middle School
Relay Team A 1:58.44 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Relay Team A 2:05.17 Melrose High School
Relay Team A 2:10.19 Moriarty Middle School
Relay Team A 2:17.47 Pecos High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Tucumcari Middle School
Relay Team A West Las Vegas Middle School
Relay Team A Estancia Middle School
Relay Team A Santa Rosa Middle School
Relay Team A Moriarty Middle School
Relay Team A Edgewood Middle School
Relay Team A 4:54.66 Melrose High School
Relay Team A 5:28.05 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Relay Team A 6:17.22 Pecos High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Apodaca, JayCee Maxwell High School
Maestas, Isabelle Edgewood Middle School
Collins, Chloe Estancia Middle School
Kailikea-Martinez, Keakulina Tucumcari Middle School
montya, aubrey West Las Vegas Middle School
Luera-Martinez, Kristiana Tucumcari Middle School
Wright, Julia Edgewood Middle School
Tosa, Alexa Jemez Valley Middle School
hernandez, zamantha West Las Vegas Middle School
Pacheco, Vesper Santa Rosa Middle School
Ramirez, Raqui Vaughn High School
Stephenson, Jaelyn Tucumcari Middle School
archuleta, HeavenRose West Las Vegas Middle School
Barnes, Addyson Estancia Middle School
Vela-Rubio, Isabel Tucumcari Middle School
martinez, kristi West Las Vegas Middle School
Roach, Kimberly 2:40.22 Melrose High School
Oyenque, Lexi 3:08.75 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Muniz, Aria 3:10.95 Santa Rosa Middle School
Jaramillo, Myra 3:11.40 Santa Rosa Middle School
Hazen, Brooke 3:12.72 Roy Schools
Amado, Keilana 3:13.52 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gomez , Gabriela 3:18.15 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
George , Mikaylah 3:25.62 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Galvan, Estrella 3:27.86 Moriarty Middle School
Gonzales , Makaya 3:35.00h Pojoaque Valley Middle School
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Girls Discus 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Shantel 71-10 Tucumcari Middle School
Greenwalt, Teagan 64-10 Melrose High School
Linsky, Symalee 64-7 Springer Middle School
Andrade, Jade 59-11 Santa Rosa Middle School
Lucero, Neia 58-6 Melrose High School
Maestas, Jayden 56-0 Santa Rosa Middle School
Perea, Briel 54-9 Pecos High School
Urquizu, Savannah 49-2 Tucumcari Middle School
Eccles, Holly 48-6 Tucumcari Middle School
Lee, Criox 48-5 Melrose High School
Bustos, Alicia 47-5 Pecos High School
lamanda, lily 45-7 West Las Vegas Middle School
alexander, serenity 38-7 West Las Vegas Middle School
Salls, Charlize 30-0 Pecos High School
hunter , kayliee 25-5 West Las Vegas Middle School
brito, monique 20-6 West Las Vegas Middle School
Lucero, Ava 10-0 Santa Rosa Middle School
Bazan, Veronica West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Gutierrez, Rosavella West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Ramirez, Valerie Estancia Middle School
Lucero, Vanessa Estancia Middle School
Chapparo, Daleth Estancia Middle School
Jordan, Londyn Jemez Valley Middle School
Pino, Mariana Jemez Valley Middle School
Valencia, Kyla Jemez Valley Middle School
Page, Taylor Moriarty Middle School
Page, Torrance Moriarty Middle School
Romero, Genna Moriarty Middle School
Sena, Aubree Melrose High School
DeVaney, Reagan Melrose High School
Ortega-Torres, Valeria Tucumcari Middle School
Banuelos, Karina Tucumcari Middle School
Llamas, Evelyn Santa Rosa Middle School
Cordova, Arianna Santa Rosa Middle School
Rodriguez, Cesalie Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
Appel, Elizabeth Edgewood Middle School
McCoy, Amelia Edgewood Middle School
Leyba, Mariah Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Herrera , Elizabeth Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Martinez, Nia Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Vigil, Amethyst Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Ulloa , Ivana Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Deines, Alina Maxwell High School
Chavez, Emma Rose Moriarty Middle School
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Girls High Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carpenter, Kendall 4-10 Edgewood Middle School
Stagner, Kearstin 4-8 Melrose High School
Garcia, Jaliyah 4-4 Pecos High School
Lucero, Neia 4-4 Melrose High School
Elliot, Kitlee 4-4 Melrose High School
Morgan, Braylan 4-2 Melrose High School
Lujan, Leilani 4-2 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gallegos, Anjolie 4-2 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Otero, Melanie 4-0 Tucumcari Middle School
Martinez, Nia 3-8 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Herrera , Elizabeth 3-8 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Vigil, Amethyst 3-6 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Gabaldon, Arlanni 3-4 Pecos High School
Bazan, Rebeka West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Bazan, Veronica West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Salinas, Cristina West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Tafoya, Esmeralda West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Wagner, Elena Estancia Middle School
Barbosa, Elena Moriarty Middle School
Marrs, Jordyn Moriarty Middle School
Thackerson, Emmalee Moriarty Middle School
Galvan, Estrella Moriarty Middle School
Yeary, Layla Melrose High School
Hileman, Naomi Edgewood Middle School
Wright, Julia Edgewood Middle School
garcia, abbrianna West Las Vegas Middle School
lovato, lily West Las Vegas Middle School
martinez, gabby West Las Vegas Middle School
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Girls Long Jump 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anaya, Maaja 15-8 Tucumcari Middle School
Herrera , Ava 13-10 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Griego, Aubryelle 13-2 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Villegas, Elena 13-2 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Leyba, Mariah 12-5 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Chavez, Jadyn 12-2 Santa Rosa Middle School
Sanchez, Ariona 12-1 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Cordell, Kadence 11-11 Melrose High School
Sanchez, Isabel 11-7 Santa Rosa Middle School
Moncayo, Leah 11-2.5 Santa Rosa Middle School
Chavez, Kaidyn 11-2 Santa Rosa Middle School
Gomez, Arabella 11-1.75 Pecos High School
Duncan, Leilah 11-0 Maxwell High School
Flores, Zamira 10-8.5 Pecos High School
Stevens, Aliya 10-8.5 Melrose High School
Cooper, Daylee 10-6.5 Melrose High School
Hazen, Brooke 10-3.5 Roy Schools
Lujan, Aubrie 10-0 Pecos High School
Mueller, Megan 9-8.5 Pecos High School
Mueller, Maddison 9-8.5 Pecos High School
Saulsberry, Kennis 9-8.5 Melrose High School
Bazan, Rebeka West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Bazan, Veronica West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Gutierrez, Rosavella West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Tafoya, Esmeralda West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Sena, Angel West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Acosta, Jasmine Estancia Middle School
Valdez, Pressley Estancia Middle School
Lujan, Daylen Estancia Middle School
Collins, Chloe Estancia Middle School
Elliot, Braylin Moriarty Middle School
Gonzales, Tori Moriarty Middle School
Ipiotis, Mikayla Moriarty Middle School
Otero, Brooke Moriarty Middle School
Reese, Laihla Moriarty Middle School
Collins, Kathrine Springer Middle School
Rodgers, Zaylin Springer Middle School
Leyba, Naomi Springer Middle School
Draper, Addy Melrose High School
barragan, alleyna West Las Vegas Middle School
hernandez, zamantha West Las Vegas Middle School
martinez, kristi West Las Vegas Middle School
garcia, abbrianna West Las Vegas Middle School
coca, hayley West Las Vegas Middle School
Bojorquez, Sadie Santa Rosa Middle School
Maestas, Isabelle Edgewood Middle School
Rullo, Eva Edgewood Middle School
Murillo, Sarah Edgewood Middle School
Quintana, Emma Edgewood Middle School
Carpenter, Kendall Edgewood Middle School
Apodaca, JayCee Maxwell High School
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Girls Shot Put 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Shantel 32-1 Tucumcari Middle School
Greenwalt, Teagan 25-4 Melrose High School
Lackey, Jaelyn 24-4 Melrose High School
Maestas, Jayden 22-9 Santa Rosa Middle School
Lee, Criox 22-5.5 Melrose High School
Sena, Aubree 21-2.25 Melrose High School
Ortega-Torres, Valeria 21-0 Tucumcari Middle School
Salls, Charlize 19-3 Pecos High School
Zamora, Julianna 19-0.75 Santa Rosa Middle School
alexander, serenity 18-0 West Las Vegas Middle School
DeVaney, Reagan 17-10 Melrose High School
Perea, Briel 17-0 Pecos High School
lamanda, lily 15-7 West Las Vegas Middle School
brito, monique 15-0 West Las Vegas Middle School
Lucero, Natalie 15-0 Vaughn High School
Berumen , Aubriana 15-0 Vaughn High School
Garcia, Jenaleigh 15-0 Vaughn High School
hunter , kayliee 12-5 West Las Vegas Middle School
Gutierrez, Rosavella West Las Vegas Valley Middle Sch
Acosta, Carina Estancia Middle School
Ramirez, Valerie Estancia Middle School
Lucero, Vanessa Estancia Middle School
Baca, Kendra Jemez Valley Middle School
Jordan, Londyn Jemez Valley Middle School
Valencia, Kyla Jemez Valley Middle School
Page, Taylor Moriarty Middle School
Page, Torrance Moriarty Middle School
Romero, Genna Moriarty Middle School
Eccles, Holly Tucumcari Middle School
Banuelos, Karina Tucumcari Middle School
Acosta, Reyna Tucumcari Middle School
Cordova, Arianna Santa Rosa Middle School
Lucero, Ava Santa Rosa Middle School
Andrade, Jade Santa Rosa Middle School
Rodriguez, Cesalie Mosquero Municipal Schools Junio
Appel, Elizabeth Edgewood Middle School
McCoy, Amelia Edgewood Middle School
Ulloa , Ivana Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Vigil, Amethyst Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Martinez, Nia Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Leyba, Mariah Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Herrera , Elizabeth Pojoaque Valley Middle School
Deines, Alina Maxwell High School
Chavez, Emma Rose Moriarty Middle School
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Girls Sprint Medley Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Moriarty Middle School
Relay Team A Santa Rosa Middle School
Relay Team A Edgewood Middle School
Relay Team A West Las Vegas Middle School
Relay Team A Estancia Middle School
Relay Team A Tucumcari Middle School
Relay Team A 5:01.77 Melrose High School
Relay Team A 5:15.00 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 5:38.67 Pojoaque Valley Middle School
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Girls Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzales, Leah 28-3 Pecos High School
Cordell, Kadence 25-5 Melrose High School
Putman, Tenley 24-8 Springer Middle School
Rush, Steely 24-8 Melrose High School
Zamora, Rosa 23-2 Pecos High School
Lee, Criox 23-2 Melrose High School
Yeary, Layla 22-3 Melrose High School
Ortiz, Jaylah 20-0 Pecos High School
Johnson, Dachiana Estancia Middle School
Barela, Abigail Estancia Middle School
Galvan, Estrella Moriarty Middle School
McDonough, Kylie Edgewood Middle School
Eastman, Chloe Edgewood Middle School
Dunbar, Ayva Edgewood Middle School
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