Santa Rosa High School Invite 2024

Santa Rosa, NM

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 100 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chavez, Ensay Jemez Valley High School
Salas, Benny Mountainair High School
Ortiz, Jael Estancia High School
Lovato, Joseph Jemez Valley High School
Archuleta, Jerry 11.68 Clayton High School
Roybal, Jeremaya 11.88 McCurdy High School
Urioste, Daymion 11.88 Tucumcari High School
Salazar, Jayden 11.89 Escalante High School
Bird, Corey 11.92 Santa Fe Indian School
Burgos, Eric 11.98 Raton High School
Saenz, Joseph 11.98 Raton High School
Nieto, Omahne 11.98 Mountainair High School
Zamora, Landyn 12.03 Santa Rosa High School
Chavez, Nicholas 12.05 Santa Rosa High School
Munoz, Mathew 12.08 Raton High School
Jimenez, Sebastian 12.08 Clayton High School
Espinoza, Emelio 12.23 McCurdy High School
Trujillo, Richard 12.24 Escalante High School
Muniz, Preston 12.31 Santa Rosa High School
Pacheco, Daryn 12.32 Santa Rosa High School
Martinez, Alijah 12.37 Tucumcari High School
Lujan, Julio 12.41 Escalante High School
McGuire, Aaedyn 12.66 Clayton High School
Griego, Julian 12.74 Tucumcari High School
Poling, Levi 12.79 Clayton High School
Monk, Christopher 12.80 Mountainair High School
Martinez, Diego 12.87 Tucumcari High School
Baeza, Damien 12.90h Escalante High School
Acosta, Eric 12.91 Tucumcari High School
Sisneros, Marcos 12.92 Mountainair High School
Mendoza, Edgar 12.92 Pecos High School
Duran, Judah 12.93 McCurdy High School
Redd, Zach 12.96 Des Moines High School
Toya, Chase 12.98 Jemez Valley High School
Gallegos, Terrance 13.01 Maxwell High School
Romero, Antonio 13.04 Mora High School
Gallegos, Jayden 13.08 Escalante High School
Lujan, Caden 13.28 Estancia High School
Lajeunesse, Jerin 13.29 Estancia High School
Ingram, Diallo 13.41 Pecos High School
Redlick, Johnny 13.47 Raton High School
Scott, Hunter 13.53 Roy High School
Kenney, Elijah 13.57 Raton High School
Gauna, Konnor 13.60 Santa Rosa High School
Mercer, Olaf 13.70 Estancia High School
DeHerrera, Thomas 13.77 Roy High School
Garcia, Colton 14.00 Wagon Mound High School
Simpson, James 14.00h Chesterton Academy
Lopez, Tagon 14.08 Roy High School
Shije, Javin 14.17 Jemez Valley High School
Lovato, Antonio 14.28 Jemez Valley High School
Price, Aaron 14.34 Maxwell High School
Valdez, Mason 14.37 Clayton High School
Gonzales, Paul 14.64 Maxwell High School
Montoya, Ryan 14.67 McCurdy High School
Torres, Emiliano 14.72 Pecos High School
Vaughn, Noah 14.83 Mora High School
Bustos, Armando 14.86 Pecos High School
Lopez, Michael 14.90h Roy High School
Martinez, Diego 14.96 Wagon Mound High School
Bravo-Hernandez, Giovanni 14.98 Estancia High School
Chavez, Antonio 15.22 Pecos High School
Rubio, Breylin 15.64 Maxwell High School
Craig, Zakere 15.85 Mountainair High School
Lerma, Raymond 17.21 Mora High School
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High School Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lujan, LeeAllen 17.21 Santa Rosa High School
Madrid, Daniel 17.44 Santa Rosa High School
Calhoon, Josh 19.07 Estancia High School
Kelley, Owen 19.35 Raton High School
Chavez, Elias 19.96 Pecos High School
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High School Boys 1600 M Medley Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jemez Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:59.29 Tucumcari High School
Relay Team A 4:06.96 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 4:07.06 Santa Rosa High School
Relay Team A 4:10.77 Mountainair High School
Relay Team A 4:25.55 Mora High School
Relay Team A 4:26.24 Estancia High School
Relay Team A 4:29.70 Clayton High School
Relay Team A 4:33.41 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 4:38.68 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 4:40.42 Maxwell High School
Relay Team A 4:59.04 Cimarron High School
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High School Boys 1600 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Monk, Christopher Mountainair High School
Baca, Jonas Santa Rosa High School
Anaya, Lorenzo Raton High School
Magdalena, Malikai Jemez Valley High School
Sandoval, Juan Clayton High School
Gonzales, Joaquin Santa Rosa High School
Montano, Isaac Raton High School
Valdez, Eusbio Santa Rosa High School
Waquie, Milan 4:51.15 Jemez Valley High School
Ragland, Lawrence 4:58.92 Pecos High School
Bueno De La O, Alex 5:09.62 Tucumcari High School
Ortega, Rylan 5:13.48 Pecos High School
Ramos, Michael 5:16.40 Estancia High School
Fudge, Grant 5:23.51 Roy High School
Ortiz, Jacob 5:26.98 Pecos High School
Romero, Nathaniel 5:30.37 Pecos High School
Toya, Chase 5:38.57 Jemez Valley High School
Hedges, Clay 5:40.27 Estancia High School
Ballard, Kale 5:43.72 Clayton High School
Trujillo, Adrian 5:47.95 McCurdy High School
Knight, Justin 5:49.10 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Jamison 5:49.91 Escalante High School
Ibrahim, Khalil 5:52.86 Escalante High School
Willie, Zane 5:56.35 Santa Fe Indian School
Teeters, dominic 6:07.92 Chesterton Academy
Quintana, Adrian 6:08.20 Pecos High School
Chavez, Ensay 6:08.43 Jemez Valley High School
Chavez, Lucas 6:10.89 Mora High School
Storrey, Sylus 6:29.65 Santa Rosa High School
Erwin, Nathaniel 6:30.00h San Jon High School
Lee, Travis 6:35.00h San Jon High School
Horan, Greyson 6:43.34 Escalante High School
Withers, John 6:47.09 Raton High School
Loretto, Rylan 6:59.00 Jemez Valley High School
Callahan, Izaac 7:04.09 Estancia High School
Trujillo, Gavin 7:38.59 Escalante High School
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High School Boys 200 Meter Dash 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Redd, Zach Des Moines High School
Torrez, Mateo Escalante High School
Regalado, Jacob Estancia High School
Ulibarri, Tristan Escalante High School
Ross, Lachlan Santa Rosa High School
Price, Aaron Maxwell High School
Shije, Jr., Elliott Jemez Valley High School
Helbig, Benjamin Estancia High School
Gallegos, Jayden Escalante High School
Lovato, Antonio Jemez Valley High School
Roybal, Jeremaya 23.74 McCurdy High School
Bird, Corey 24.07 Santa Fe Indian School
Urioste, Daymion 24.10h Tucumcari High School
Munoz, Mathew 24.31 Raton High School
Nieto, Omahne 25.03 Mountainair High School
Martinez, Isidro 25.51 San Jon High School
Trujillo, Richard 25.52 Escalante High School
Pacheco, Daryn 25.58 Santa Rosa High School
Clavel, Ayden 25.60 Roy High School
Salazar, Kaleb 25.69 Raton High School
Booth, Roy 25.71 Santa Rosa High School
Espinoza, Emelio 25.77 McCurdy High School
Hernandez, Frankie 25.90 Raton High School
Gauna, Konnor 26.04 Santa Rosa High School
Mendoza, Edgar 26.13 Pecos High School
Duran, Judah 26.25 McCurdy High School
McGuire, Aaedyn 26.54 Clayton High School
McClure, Landon 26.75 Clayton High School
Carreon Reyes, Bryan 27.02 Tucumcari High School
Ingram, Diallo 27.06 Pecos High School
Scott, Hunter 27.09 Roy High School
Aragon, Ivan 27.11 McCurdy High School
Acosta, Eric 27.25 Tucumcari High School
Brazil, Brody 27.65 Mountainair High School
Poling, Levi 27.66 Clayton High School
Peterson, Christian 27.67 Clayton High School
Gallegos, Jose 27.68 Santa Rosa High School
Madrid-Estrada, Isaac 27.69 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Diego 27.76 Tucumcari High School
Baeza, Damien 27.89 Escalante High School
Kenney, Elijah 27.91 Raton High School
Lujan, Caden 28.20 Estancia High School
Simpson, James 28.48 Chesterton Academy
Redlick, Johnny 28.69 Raton High School
DeHerrera, Thomas 28.70 Roy High School
Mercer, Olaf 28.77 Estancia High School
Kayser, Elijah 28.83 Mountainair High School
Vaughn, Noah 28.96 Mora High School
Shije, Javin 29.22 Jemez Valley High School
Salas, Benny 29.39 Mountainair High School
Chavez, Ensay 29.73 Jemez Valley High School
Lopez, Tagon 29.81 Roy High School
Torres, Emiliano 29.81 Pecos High School
Bravo-Hernandez, Giovanni 29.99 Estancia High School
Guerra, Marcos 31.04 Clayton High School
Clements, Eli 31.54 San Jon High School
Chavez, Antonio 32.01 Pecos High School
Lopez, Michael 32.60h Roy High School
Black, Alex 32.73 Maxwell High School
Craig, Zakere 33.40 Mountainair High School
Lerma, Raymond 35.73 Mora High School
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High School Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zamora, Jaden Mountainair High School
Baca, Jonas Santa Rosa High School
Osborn, Kahler Des Moines High School
Greene, Morgan Mountainair High School
Calhoon, Josh 43.79 Estancia High School
Lujan, LeeAllen 46.20 Santa Rosa High School
Madrid, Daniel 47.51 Santa Rosa High School
Kelley, Owen 48.21 Raton High School
Olivas, Estevan 48.22 Pecos High School
Apodaca, James (J.J.) 53.44 Maxwell High School
Montoya, Camden 55:01 Mora High School
Floyd, Rowen 58.51 Maxwell High School
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High School Boys 3200 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Storrey, Sylus Santa Rosa High School
Withers, John Raton High School
Trujillo, Gavin Escalante High School
Willie, Zane Santa Fe Indian School
Chavez, Ensay Jemez Valley High School
Ureste, Fernando 10:31.05 Tucumcari High School
Encinias, Brandyn 10:31.28 Pecos High School
Mastrantoni, Josh 10:44.27 Raton High School
Ragland, Lawrence 10:49.33 Pecos High School
Sisco, Logan 10:56.38 Raton High School
Bueno De La O, Alex 11:06.77 Tucumcari High School
Ragland, Carlos 11:10.09 Pecos High School
Knight, Justin 11:14.44 McCurdy High School
Chavez-Sanchez, Sean 11:36.50 Santa Rosa High School
Valdez, Christiano 11:53.29 Santa Rosa High School
Garcia, Thomas 11:55.89 Pecos High School
Fudge, Grant 12:05.89 Roy High School
Teeters, dominic 12:21.59 Chesterton Academy
Ballard, Kale 12:54.69 Clayton High School
Ibrahim, Khalil 12:58.57 Escalante High School
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High School Boys 400 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guerra, Marcos Clayton High School
Toya, Savion Jemez Valley High School
Waquie, Milan Jemez Valley High School
Osborn, Kahler Des Moines High School
Bird, Corey Santa Fe Indian School
Toya, Shane Jemez Valley High School
Ortega, Johnny 1:00 Santa Rosa High School
Thompson, Porter 1:00 Santa Rosa High School
Martinez, Diego 1:01.10 Tucumcari High School
Flowers, Gabriel 1:01.24 Mosquero High School
Aragon, Ivan 1:01.82 McCurdy High School
Scott, Hunter 1:02.24 Roy High School
Madrid-Estrada, Isaac 1:02.93 McCurdy High School
Lopez, Josh 1:02.97 Raton High School
Shije, Javin 1:03.63 Jemez Valley High School
Bonney, Sean 1:04.35 Santa Rosa High School
Ulibarri, Tristan 1:04.55 Escalante High School
DeHerrera, Thomas 1:04.70 Roy High School
Poling, Bo 1:04.71 Clayton High School
Fudge, Grant 1:05.00h Roy High School
Simpson, James 1:05.21 Chesterton Academy
Helbig, Benjamin 1:05.47 Estancia High School
Torres, Emiliano 1:06.13 Pecos High School
Regalado, Jacob 1:06.24 Estancia High School
Ortiz, Jacob 1:07.78 Pecos High School
Lerma, Raymond 1:08.97 Mora High School
Lopez, Michael 1:10.00h Roy High School
Torrez, Mateo 1:10.87 Escalante High School
Benavidez, Jeremiah 1:11.48 Santa Rosa High School
Paswaters, Wesley 1:12.19 Santa Rosa High School
Gonzales, Joseph 1:12.91 Clayton High School
Torrez, Luka 53.22 Escalante High School
Lujan, Julio 54.09 Escalante High School
Emery, Braylon 54.58 Escalante High School
Martinez, Lucas 55.79 McCurdy High School
Walton, Cael 56.00 Raton High School
Burgos, Eric 57.60 Raton High School
Olvera, Miguel 58.10 Raton High School
Clavel, Ayden 58.28 Roy High School
Maes, Louis 58.55 Mora High School
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High School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jemez Valley High School
Relay Team A Clayton High School
Relay Team A 45.44 Tucumcari High School
Relay Team A 45.91 Raton High School
Relay Team A 46.38 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 46.80 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 47.04 Santa Rosa High School
Relay Team A 47.63 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 47.74 Mora High School
Relay Team A 47.85 Mountainair High School
Relay Team A 48.30 Cimarron High School
Relay Team A 50.83 Estancia High School
Relay Team A 51.86 Maxwell High School
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High School Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jemez Valley High School
Relay Team A Clayton High School
Relay Team A 1:37.42 Tucumcari High School
Relay Team A 1:38.23 Santa Rosa High School
Relay Team A 1:38.31 Raton High School
Relay Team A 1:39.16 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 1:40.22 Cimarron High School
Relay Team A 1:41.06 Mountainair High School
Relay Team A 1:42.08 Mora High School
Relay Team A 1:43.99 Estancia High School
Relay Team A 1:47.06 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 1:49.03 Maxwell High School
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High School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Clayton High School
Relay Team A McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 3:44.47 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 3:47.34 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 3:59.48 Cimarron High School
Relay Team A 4:02.38 Mountainair High School
Relay Team A 4:02.64 Estancia High School
Relay Team A 4:03.37 Santa Rosa High School
Relay Team A 4:07.00h Roy High School
Relay Team A 4:11.84 Maxwell High School
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High School Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mountainair High School
Relay Team A Clayton High School
Relay Team A Maxwell High School
Relay Team A 10:39.06 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 9:26.57 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 9:52.58 Santa Rosa High School
Relay Team A 9:53.98 Cimarron High School
Relay Team A 9:59.75 Estancia High School
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High School Boys 800 Meter Run 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sandoval, Juan Clayton High School
Martinez, Isidro San Jon High School
Jaramillo, Dominic Wagon Mound High School
Clements, Eli San Jon High School
Gonzales, Joaquin Santa Rosa High School
Montano, Isaac Raton High School
Erwin, Nathaniel San Jon High School
Anaya, Lorenzo Raton High School
Valdez, Eusbio Santa Rosa High School
Gonzales, Joseph Clayton High School
Lee, Travis San Jon High School
Baca, Jonas Santa Rosa High School
Shije, Jr., Elliott Jemez Valley High School
Pacheco, Jeremiah Mora High School
Encinias, Brandyn 2:04.62 Pecos High School
Quintana, Adrian 2:12.23 Clayton High School
Knight, Justin 2:14.77 McCurdy High School
Sisco, Logan 2:15.76 Raton High School
Mastrantoni, Josh 2:15.98 Raton High School
Clavel, Ayden 2:16.67 Roy High School
Storey, Shaun 2:17.34 Santa Rosa High School
Flowers, Gabriel 2:19.65 Mosquero High School
Ramos, Michael 2:22.41 Estancia High School
Trujillo, Adrian 2:23.50 McCurdy High School
Ortega, Rylan 2:23.93 Pecos High School
Fudge, Grant 2:25.00h Roy High School
Romero, Nathaniel 2:25.07 Pecos High School
Storrey, Sylus 2:27.06 Santa Rosa High School
Horan, Greyson 2:28.33 Escalante High School
Poling, Bo 2:30.10 Clayton High School
Toya, Chase 2:30.45 Jemez Valley High School
Quintana, Adrian 2:31.35 Pecos High School
Romero, Antonio 2:32.96 Mora High School
Chavez, Lucas 2:34.05 Mora High School
Hedges, Clay 2:36.43 Estancia High School
Carreon Reyes, Bryan 2:37.00h Tucumcari High School
Willie, Zane 2:37.20 Santa Fe Indian School
Lopez, Michael 2:38.00h Roy High School
Magdalena, Malikai 2:38.62 Jemez Valley High School
Casiquito, Aaron 2:40.00 Jemez Valley High School
Loretto, Rylan 2:44.00 Jemez Valley High School
Bueno, Moses 2:45.82 Raton High School
Osborn, Kahler 2:46.00 Des Moines High School
Casados, Eli 2:48.19 Escalante High School
Luna, Diego 2:49.19 Mountainair High School
Lucero, Marcos 2:53.54 Estancia High School
Teeters, dominic 2:56.66 Chesterton Academy
Martinez, Jamison 2:59.81 Escalante High School
Gonzalez, Gavin 3:00.70 Estancia High School
Martinez, Carlos 3:03.22 Escalante High School
Callahan, Izaac 3:11.45 Estancia High School
Trujillo, Gavin 3:39.97 Escalante High School
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High School Boys Discus 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tenorio, Ryan 142-8.5 Santa Rosa High School
Ross, Solomon 134-11 Santa Rosa High School
Clavel, Ayden 115-5 Roy High School
Salas, Daniel 112-8 Santa Rosa High School
Emery, Damon 108-9 Escalante High School
Rincones, Jordan 106-9 Tucumcari High School
Munoz, David 103-10 Raton High School
Romero, Nick 100-0 Tucumcari High School
Lopez, Tagon 96-1 Roy High School
Martinez, Ramon 94-7 Escalante High School
Scott, Hunter 93-4 Roy High School
Garcia, Colton 90-8 Wagon Mound High School
Bustos, Armando 90-7 Pecos High School
Ryen, Nolan 85-0.5 Tucumcari High School
Archuleta, Andres 83-10 Pecos High School
Carreon Reyes, Bryan 83-2 Tucumcari High School
Martinez, jeremiah 80-0.5 Escalante High School
Madrid, Zerjo 73-4 Escalante High School
Page, Joseph 70-2 Tucumcari High School
Magdalena, Malikai 69-3 Jemez Valley High School
Craig, Zakere 68-8.5 Mountainair High School
Cruz, Beau 68-4 Des Moines High School
Rubio, Breylin 63-2.5 Maxwell High School
Fresquez, Waylon 61-1.5 Mora High School
Wick, Robert 60-10 Raton High School
Lee, Travis 60-0 San Jon High School
Ortiz, Jael 59-4 Estancia High School
Gomez, Koby 57-11.75 Raton High School
Duran, Miguel 55-5.75 Mora High School
Brown, Marcus 49-2 Mountainair High School
Erwin, Nathaniel 24-7.25 San Jon High School
Torres, Austin Mora High School
Montoya, Marcus Mora High School
Maes, Louis Mora High School
Casiquito, Aaron Jemez Valley High School
Clements, Eli San Jon High School
Armijo, Eugene Wagon Mound High School
Martinez, Diego Wagon Mound High School
Armijo, Benito Wagon Mound High School
Patno, Hayden Des Moines High School
Camargo, Neiamiah McCurdy High School
Madrid, Isaac McCurdy High School
Allison, Joshua Escalante High School
Hidalgo, Anthony Mountainair High School
Baca, Christopher Santa Rosa High School
Rael, Julien Santa Rosa High School
Vargas, Diego Tucumcari High School
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High School Boys High Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gold, Santiago 5-10 Mora High School
Olivas, Estevan 5-10 Pecos High School
Kayser, Elijah 5-8 Mountainair High School
Torrez, Luka 5-8 Escalante High School
Hedges, Clay 5-6 Estancia High School
Archuleta, Luis 5-6 Tucumcari High School
Chavez, Elias 5-6 Pecos High School
Bingham, Hayden 5-4 Mountainair High School
Kelley, Owen 5-4 Raton High School
Hernandez, Frankie 5-4 Raton High School
Pacheco, Daryn 5-4 Santa Rosa High School
Trujillo, Richard 5-2 Escalante High School
Glover, Richard 5-2 Escalante High School
Ross, Lachlan 5-2 Santa Rosa High School
Burgos, Eric 5-0 Raton High School
Rubio, Justin 5-0 Estancia High School
Ulibarri, Tristan 5-0 Escalante High School
Johnson, Major 5-0 Santa Rosa High School
Toya, Savion Jemez Valley High School
Romero, Jeremiah Mora High School
Clements, Eli San Jon High School
Jaramillo, Dominic Wagon Mound High School
Mastrantoni, Josh Raton High School
Sisco, Logan Raton High School
Lajeunesse, Jerin Estancia High School
Martinez, Lucas McCurdy High School
Horan, Greyson Escalante High School
Lujan, LeeAllen Santa Rosa High School
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High School Boys Javelin 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clavel, Ayden 156-11 Roy High School
Archuleta, Andres 138-8.5 Pecos High School
Tenorio, Ryan 132-5 Santa Rosa High School
Emery, Damon 129-9 Escalante High School
Gonzales, Antonio 123-2 Tucumcari High School
Toya, Savion 115-11 Jemez Valley High School
Brazil, Brody 114-11 Mountainair High School
Pacheco, Jeremiah 113-5 Mora High School
Waquie, Milan 113-4 Jemez Valley High School
Marquez, Jason 95-5 Santa Rosa High School
Samaniego, Jacob 87-3 McCurdy High School
Newton, Jayden 86-5.5 Clayton High School
Casiquito, Aaron 83-4 Jemez Valley High School
Gonzalez, Gavin 83-0 Estancia High School
Velasquez, Arturo 81-7 Santa Rosa High School
Flowers, Gabriel 81-0 Mosquero High School
Wick, Robert 71-4.5 Raton High School
Lucero, Callegio 70-11 Escalante High School
Toya, Chase 69-8 Jemez Valley High School
Valdez, Mason 67-7 Clayton High School
Bustos, Armando 64-4 Pecos High School
Padilla, Christian 59-0 Raton High School
Clements, Eli 56-2 San Jon High School
Gomez, Koby 53-1 Raton High School
Vaughn, Noah Mora High School
McClure, Landon Clayton High School
Quintana, Adrian Clayton High School
Guerra, Marcos Clayton High School
Madrid-Estrada, Isaac McCurdy High School
Montoya, Camden Mora High School
Lucero, Patricio Escalante High School
Black, Alex Maxwell High School
Price, Aaron Maxwell High School
Monk, Christopher Mountainair High School
Hidalgo, Anthony Mountainair High School
Bolton, Ethan McCurdy High School
Chavez, David Santa Rosa High School
Ross, Lachlan Santa Rosa High School
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High School Boys Long Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zamora, Landyn 19-7 Santa Rosa High School
Gold, Santiago 19-6 Mora High School
Bird, Corey 18-11 Santa Fe Indian School
Romero, Jeremiah 18-5 Mora High School
Jones, Jeremy 18-2 Tucumcari High School
Lujan, Julio 18-1 Escalante High School
Salazar, Kaleb 17-11.5 Raton High School
Redd, Zach 17-11 Des Moines High School
Martinez, Lucas 17-6 McCurdy High School
Gauna, Konnor 17-5.5 Santa Rosa High School
Emery, Braylon 17-3 Escalante High School
Booth, Roy 16-9.5 Santa Rosa High School
Jimenez, Sebastian 15-4 Clayton High School
Waquie, Milan 15-2 Jemez Valley High School
Apodaca, James (J.J.) 14-11.5 Maxwell High School
Lajeunesse, Jerin 14-10.75 Estancia High School
Fudge, Grant 14-9 Roy High School
Toya, Savion 14-5.75 Jemez Valley High School
Chavez, Lucas 14-3 Mora High School
Vaughn, Noah 13-6 Mora High School
Martinez, Isidro San Jon High School
Jaramillo, Dominic Wagon Mound High School
Peterson, Christian Clayton High School
Lovato, Joseph Jemez Valley High School
Lopez, Michael Roy High School
Osborn, Kahler Des Moines High School
Salazar, Jayden Escalante High School
Ortega, Johnny Santa Rosa High School
Thompson, Porter Santa Rosa High School
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High School Boys Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nieto, Omahne 11-6 Mountainair High School
Poling, Bo 11-0 Clayton High School
Gonzales, Joshua 11-0 Pecos High School
Calhoon, Josh 10-6 Estancia High School
Martinez, Isidro 9-0 San Jon High School
Springer, Braxton 8-6 Estancia High School
Greene, Morgan Mountainair High School
Chavez-Sanchez, Sean Santa Rosa High School
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High School Boys Shot Put 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tenorio, Ryan 50-0.5 Santa Rosa High School
Salas, Daniel 40-3 Santa Rosa High School
Rincones, Jordan 36-5 Tucumcari High School
Lopez, Tagon 36-2 Roy High School
Romero, Nick 36-0 Tucumcari High School
Emery, Damon 35-7 Escalante High School
Page, Joseph 34-3 Tucumcari High School
Salas, Benny 34-2 Mountainair High School
Martinez, jeremiah 33-2 Escalante High School
Archuleta, Andres 32-8.25 Pecos High School
Munoz, David 32-6.25 Raton High School
Ryen, Nolan 31-6 Tucumcari High School
Martinez, Ramon 31-3.75 Escalante High School
Bustos, Armando 30-8.5 Pecos High School
Valdez, Mason 30-5 Clayton High School
Cruz, Beau 30-3.5 Des Moines High School
Padilla, Christian 30-3 Raton High School
Wick, Robert 30-2 Raton High School
Ortiz, Jael 30-2 Estancia High School
Montoya, Marcus 30-0 Mora High School
Newton, Jayden 29-6 Clayton High School
Loretto, Rylan 27-6 Jemez Valley High School
Craig, Zakere 26-8 Mountainair High School
Rael, Julien 26-3 Santa Rosa High School
Torres, Austin 26-1 Mora High School
Gonzalez, Gavin 25-9 Estancia High School
Martinez, Diego 25-3 Wagon Mound High School
Allison, Joshua 24-11 Escalante High School
Lucero, Patricio 24-7 Escalante High School
Fresquez, Waylon 24-5 Mora High School
Rubio, Breylin 21-3 Maxwell High School
Brown, Marcus 21-3 Mountainair High School
Armijo, Eugene Wagon Mound High School
Armijo, Benito Wagon Mound High School
Archuleta, Jerry Clayton High School
Gomez, Koby Raton High School
Patno, Hayden Des Moines High School
Camargo, Neiamiah McCurdy High School
Madrid, Isaac McCurdy High School
Lovato, Antonio Jemez Valley High School
Duran, Miguel Mora High School
Hidalgo, Anthony Mountainair High School
Vargas, Diego Tucumcari High School
Baca, Christopher Santa Rosa High School
Velasquez, Justin Santa Rosa High School
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High School Boys Triple Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Calhoon, Josh 41-8 Estancia High School
Archuleta, Luis 38-9 Tucumcari High School
Muniz, Preston 38-9 Santa Rosa High School
Redd, Zach 36-4.5 Des Moines High School
Sisneros, Marcos 35-9 Mountainair High School
Zamora, Jaden 35-9 Mountainair High School
Montoya, Camden 35-1.5 Mora High School
Cordova, Josh 34-11 Santa Rosa High School
Walton, Cael 34-6 Raton High School
Chavez, David 34-6 Santa Rosa High School
Benavidez, Jeremiah 33-10.5 Santa Rosa High School
Anaya, Lorenzo 33-10 Raton High School
DeHerrera, Thomas 33-9 Roy High School
Flowers, Gabriel 33-5.5 Mosquero High School
Gonzales, Elijah 32-10 Pecos High School
Martinez, Diego 32-9 Tucumcari High School
Vaughn, Noah 30-4 Mora High School
Ortega, Rylan 30-1 Pecos High School
Torres, Emiliano 29-1.5 Pecos High School
Bird, Corey Santa Fe Indian School
Apodaca, James (J.J.) Maxwell High School
Thompson, Porter Santa Rosa High School
Back to Top

High School Girls 100 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Herrera, Angelina Clayton High School
Johnson, Hailey Des Moines High School
Romero, Aleiyah Jemez Valley High School
Romero, Stephanie Mora High School
Moncada, Victoria Clayton High School
Shije, Natalia Jemez Valley High School
Marquez, Reyna 13.17 Raton High School
Yoon, Nefertiti 13.22 Raton High School
Villanueva, Alyssa 13.73 Santa Rosa High School
Baca, Sylviana 13.74 Roy High School
Baca, Felice 13.78 Escalante High School
Lopez, Kyla 13.86 Tucumcari High School
Villafuerte, Karina 13.90 Estancia High School
Chavez, Jayden 14.00h Santa Rosa High School
Velarde, Rylynn 14.01 Estancia High School
Lopez, Bianca 14.03 Mountainair High School
Chaves, Lucia 14.06 Estancia High School
Becerra, Alexa 14.10h San Jon High School
Hamilton, Amanda 14.17 Mountainair High School
Cordova, Aubrey 14.22 McCurdy High School
Knapp, Riley 14.23 Tucumcari High School
Dimas, Rayne 14.25 Pecos High School
Archuleta, Sarah 14.34 San Jon High School
Madrid-Estrada, Xochitl 14.35 McCurdy High School
Toda, Rocky 14.45 Des Moines High School
Romero, Jasmine 14.63 Mora High School
Dominguez, Ashley 14.71 Clayton High School
Perkins, Sway 14.82 Estancia High School
Jaramillo, Selena 14.84 Jemez Valley High School
Vigil, Lariah 14.97 Raton High School
Dailey, Sofia 15.00h Chesterton Academy
Gallegos, Peyton 15.13 Escalante High School
Aldrich, Hannah 15.23 Chesterton Academy
Lucero, Kasey 15.23 Santa Rosa High School
Johnson, Willow 15.24 Santa Rosa High School
Hoy, Paige 15.28 Maxwell High School
Covarrubias, Constanza 15.38 Roy High School
Montoya, Loretta 15.62 Roy High School
Farias, Addison 15.74 Clayton High School
Ross, Caytlyn 15.81 Mountainair High School
Cde Baca, Kimberly 15.82 Pecos High School
Mastrantoni, Natalie 15.84 Raton High School
Crisp, Nora 15.87 Mosquero High School
Vigil-Martinez, Brooke 15.87 Escalante High School
Martinez, Isabella 16.03 McCurdy High School
Gonzales, Estrella 16.03 Pecos High School
Sanchez, Izzy 16.09 Santa Rosa High School
Maldonado, Layla 16.14 Escalante High School
Ware, Juliana 16.17 Raton High School
Quezada, Ximena 16.24 McCurdy High School
Sanchez, Isabella 16.27 Pecos High School
Solano, Monique 16.35 Roy High School
Medina, Lailah 16.45 Mora High School
Sorrells, Karigan 16.67 Mountainair High School
Baca, Aubrey 16.77 Escalante High School
Garcia, Azlyn 16.79 Estancia High School
Samora, Jade 16.84 Des Moines High School
Romero, Alyssa 16.95 Pecos High School
Blan, Makaylee 17.19 Clayton High School
Flores, Cayden 17.31 Maxwell High School
Berry, Jazlyn 17.49 Maxwell High School
Defrates, Briley 17.58 Mountainair High School
Benton, Marisa 17.78 Jemez Valley High School
Hoy, Brailyn 18.92 Maxwell High School
Gonzales, Angeleigh 19.72 Mora High School
Back to Top

High School Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Madalena, Myalyn Jemez Valley High School
Gilmore, Ashley 17.34 Escalante High School
Lopez, Aaliyah 17.70 Mountainair High School
Johnson, Bailey 18.30 Santa Rosa High School
Martinez, Anisia 19.74 Raton High School
Salls, Maddison 19.80 Pecos High School
Gomez, Arabella 20.01 Pecos High School
Book, Morgan 20.39 Des Moines High School
Garcia, Jaliyah 21.42 Pecos High School
Cruz, Angelica 21.53 Des Moines High School
Reese, Makiyah 22.35 San Jon High School
Valentine, Raven 23.06 Maxwell High School
Toda, Alyssa 24.71 Des Moines High School
Back to Top

High School Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munoz, Aishah Clayton High School
Lovato, Charlee Rose Mora High School
Salazar, Kalynn 5:53.77 Raton High School
Knight, Avery 5:59.73 McCurdy High School
Jaramillo, Alayna 6:15.23 Santa Rosa High School
Sanchez, Ermalinda 6:35.44 Pecos High School
Lopez, Rebecca 6:49.16 Escalante High School
Jennings, Summer 7:05.35 San Jon High School
Aragon, Avarie 7:07.38 Santa Rosa High School
Jaramillo, Myra 7:12.27 Santa Rosa High School
Sena, Rayna 7:19.88 San Jon High School
Armijo, Analiyah 7:25.31 Pecos High School
Romero, Lelani 7:26.00 Jemez Valley High School
Aguilar, Alyssa 7:36.57 Escalante High School
Smith, McKayla 7:40.37 Roy High School
Collins, Peyton 8:25.40 Estancia High School
Villarrael, Trinity 8:26.15 Roy High School
Wagner, Anya 8:34.36 Estancia High School
Back to Top

High School Girls 200 Meter Dash 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duran, Evangeline Mora High School
Hamilton, Amanda Mountainair High School
Baca, Felice 25.87 Escalante High School
Baca, Sylviana 28.19 Roy High School
Lopez, Hannah 28.80 Escalante High School
Thompson, Danni 28.96 Santa Rosa High School
Villanueva, Alyssa 29.00 Santa Rosa High School
Moncayo, Leah 29.00h Santa Rosa High School
Smith, Natalie 29.10 Roy High School
Toda, Rocky 29.51 Des Moines High School
Cordova, Aubrey 29.85 McCurdy High School
Becerra, Alexa 30.00h San Jon High School
Everett, Jasmine 30.05 Mountainair High School
Archuleta, Sarah 30.21 San Jon High School
Marquez, Leticia 30.34 Raton High School
Dominguez, Ashley 30.50 Clayton High School
Covarrubias, Arantza 30.88 Roy High School
Gallegos, Peyton 30.91 Escalante High School
Ward, Holly 30.94 Des Moines High School
Cde Baca, Kimberly 31.05 Pecos High School
Chaves, Lucia 31.25 Estancia High School
Book, Morgan 31.33 Des Moines High School
Johnson, Willow 31.46 Santa Rosa High School
Hoy, Paige 31.52 Maxwell High School
Romero, Jasmine 31.62 Mora High School
Jaramillo, Selena 31.64 Jemez Valley High School
Vigil, Lariah 32.22 Raton High School
Sanchez, Isabella 32.33 Pecos High School
Bustos, Alicia 32.42 Pecos High School
Ross, Caytlyn 33.00 Mountainair High School
Chisum, Tayla 33.35 Roy High School
Maldonado, Layla 33.41 Escalante High School
Mastrantoni, Natalie 33.41 Raton High School
Dailey, Sofia 33.46 Chesterton Academy
Farias, Addison 33.64 Clayton High School
Lucero, Kasey 33.95 Santa Rosa High School
Macias, Jayden 34.06 Escalante High School
Shije, Natalia 34.18 Jemez Valley High School
Medina, Lailah 34.41 Mora High School
Quezada, Ximena 34.55 McCurdy High School
Plazola, Juliani 34.67 Raton High School
Solano, Monique 34.75 Roy High School
Sorrells, Karigan 34.86 Mountainair High School
Reese, Makiyah 35.11 San Jon High School
Martinez, Isabella 35.14 McCurdy High School
Gonzales, Estrella 35.21 Pecos High School
Garcia, Azlyn 35.40 Estancia High School
Samora, Jade 36.08 Des Moines High School
Hoy, Anita 36.38 Maxwell High School
Defrates, Briley 36.70 Mountainair High School
Romero, Alyssa 36.79 Pecos High School
Blan, Makaylee 36.87 Clayton High School
Fisher, Dakota 36.98 San Jon High School
Benton, Marisa 38.15 Jemez Valley High School
Flores, Cayden 38.74 Maxwell High School
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High School Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Jaliyah 1:02.68 Pecos High School
Book, Morgan 1:04.11 Des Moines High School
Reese, Makiyah 1:05.17 San Jon High School
Toda, Alyssa 1:11.76 Des Moines High School
Baca, Sylviana 49.29 Roy High School
Gilmore, Ashley 49.49 Escalante High School
Vigil, Mya 50.81 Mora High School
Lopez, Kyla 54.30 Tucumcari High School
Salls, Maddison 55.71 Pecos High School
Long, Ellianna 56.24 Des Moines High School
Ward, Holly 56.96 Des Moines High School
Gomez, Arabella 57.67 Pecos High School
Johnson, Bailey 57.99 Santa Rosa High School
Valentine, Raven 58.68 Maxwell High School
Madalena, Myalyn 59.24 Jemez Valley High School
Becerra, Alexa 59.65 San Jon High School
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High School Girls 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Serna, Marisol 12:38.35 McCurdy High School
Salazar, Kalynn 13:15.78 Raton High School
Jaramillo, Alayna 13:18.52 Santa Rosa High School
Munoz, Aishah 14:59.71 Clayton High School
Aragon, Avarie 15:14.07 Santa Rosa High School
Sena, Rayna 16:09.61 San Jon High School
Smith, McKayla 16:27.63 Roy High School
Aguilar, Alyssa 16:28.35 Escalante High School
Villarrael, Trinity 18:53.07 Roy High School
Wagner, Anya 19:45.01 Estancia High School
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High School Girls 400 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Romero, Aleiyah Jemez Valley High School
Defrates, Briley Mountainair High School
Knoten, Gabriella 1:01.80 Mountainair High School
Smith, Natalie 1:03.85 Roy High School
Lopez, Hannah 1:04.88 Escalante High School
Lucero, Dakotah 1:06.91 Santa Rosa High School
Villanueva, Alyssa 1:08.23 Santa Rosa High School
Jaramillo, Alayna 1:08.59 Santa Rosa High School
Thompson, Danni 1:09.40 Santa Rosa High School
Beiland, Emerson 1:09.88 Clayton High School
Brown, Hayley 1:10.52 Des Moines High School
Jojola, Rhea 1:10.87 Raton High School
Ward, Katy 1:10.98 Des Moines High School
Zamora, Abbi 1:11.87 Pecos High School
Bojorquez, Sadie 1:12.00h Santa Rosa High School
Aldrich, Hannah 1:12.37 Chesterton Academy
Covarrubias, Constanza 1:13.03 Roy High School
Cde Baca, Kimberly 1:13.16 Pecos High School
Taylor, Caelee 1:13.35 Estancia High School
Bustos, Alicia 1:13.66 Pecos High School
Martinez, Anisia 1:14.00 Raton High School
Encinias, Nora 1:14.17 Estancia High School
Cruz, Angelica 1:14.58 Des Moines High School
Dailey, Sofia 1:15.00h Chesterton Academy
Vigil-Martinez, Brooke 1:15.36 Escalante High School
Grajeda, Alondra 1:16.00h McCurdy High School
Johnson, Hailey 1:16.34 Des Moines High School
Plazola, Juliani 1:16.87 Raton High School
Tate, Alexis 1:17.28 Maxwell High School
Anaya, Alyssa 1:18.00h McCurdy High School
Sanchez, Isabella 1:19.09 Pecos High School
Ware, Juliana 1:20.08 Raton High School
Solano, Monique 1:21.11 Roy High School
Otis, Lyndi 1:22.51 Estancia High School
Chisum, Tayla 1:23.37 Roy High School
Vigil, Amor 1:24.39 Mora High School
Romero, Alyssa 1:24.41 Pecos High School
Baca, Aubrey 1:26.69 Escalante High School
Flores, Cayden 1:30.70 Maxwell High School
Back to Top

High School Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Clayton High School
Relay Team A San Jon High School
Relay Team A 1:01.61 Maxwell High School
Relay Team A 1:02.32 Jemez Valley High School
Relay Team A 52.70 Tucumcari High School
Relay Team A 53.06 Raton High School
Relay Team A 54.52 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 54.62 Mountainair High School
Relay Team A 55.00h Santa Rosa High School
Relay Team A 55.73 Roy High School
Relay Team A 56.92 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 57.00 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 57.81 Mora High School
Relay Team A 58.94 Cimarron High School
Relay Team A 59.49 Des Moines High School
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High School Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jemez Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:52.10 Tucumcari High School
Relay Team A 1:53.37 Raton High School
Relay Team A 1:55.48 Santa Rosa High School
Relay Team A 1:56.57 Roy High School
Relay Team A 1:57.08 Mountainair High School
Relay Team A 2:00.35 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 2:00.45 Estancia High School
Relay Team A 2:01.09 Mora High School
Relay Team A 2:04.40 Des Moines High School
Relay Team A 2:09.74 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 2:11.30 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 2:14.43 Maxwell High School
Relay Team A 2:15.62 Cimarron High School
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High School Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Des Moines High School
Relay Team A Maxwell High School
Relay Team A Mountainair High School
Relay Team A 4:30.84 Tucumcari High School
Relay Team A 4:39.62 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 4:39.96 Santa Rosa High School
Relay Team A 4:48.67 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 5:15.86 Cimarron High School
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High School Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Maxwell High School
Relay Team A Roy High School
Relay Team A 11:35.30 Santa Rosa High School
Relay Team A 12:00.53 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 13:20.87 Cimarron High School
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High School Girls 800 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lovato, Charlee Rose Mora High School
Jordan, Leila Jemez Valley High School
Padilla, Cassandra Mountainair High School
Lucero, Dakotah 2:34.73 Santa Rosa High School
Knight, Avery 2:38.01 McCurdy High School
Sena, Larycia 2:40.05 Pecos High School
Jaramillo, Alayna 2:40.71 Santa Rosa High School
Gonzales, Leah 2:43.67 Pecos High School
Medina, Leylana 2:48.34 Jemez Valley High School
Thompson, Danni 2:48.90 Santa Rosa High School
DeHerrera, Sophia 2:55.08 Roy High School
Lopez, Rebecca 2:55.28 Escalante High School
Sanchez, Ermalinda 2:57.91 Pecos High School
Aragon, Avarie 3:02.30 Santa Rosa High School
Jennings, Summer 3:11.19 San Jon High School
Cruz, Angelica 3:14.28 Des Moines High School
Muniz, Aria 3:15.00 Santa Rosa High School
Romero, Lelani 3:16.26 Jemez Valley High School
Otis, Lyndi 3:17.92 Estancia High School
Aguilar, Alyssa 3:21.65 Escalante High School
Solano, Monique 3:24.72 Roy High School
Vigil, Amor 3:42.15 Mora High School
Blan, Makaylee 3:43.64 Clayton High School
Duran, Evangeline 3:46.71 Mora High School
Collins, Peyton 3:51.67 Estancia High School
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High School Girls Discus 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cuevas, Ana 103-1 Estancia High School
Crisp, Nora 88-1 Mosquero High School
Benavidez, Caylee 84-7 Tucumcari High School
Valencia, Jhenna 82-3 Estancia High School
Smith, Kirksey 76-9 Tucumcari High School
Garcia, Alanni 76-7 Santa Rosa High School
Perkins, Sway 73-0 Estancia High School
Hoy, Anita 72-9 Maxwell High School
Eister, Brooke 72-5 Estancia High School
Brown, Rylan 71-5.5 Des Moines High School
Sorrells, Karigan 70-5.5 Mountainair High School
Salvador, Aleeja 68-5 Tucumcari High School
Hernandez, Amackey 65-1 Tucumcari High School
Maestas, Jayden 65-0 Santa Rosa High School
Urquizu, Elizabeth 64-10 Tucumcari High School
Whitfield, Madison 63-4 Wagon Mound High School
Chavez, Aurelleia 63-1 Mountainair High School
Solano, Monique 62-8 Roy High School
Hoy, Brailyn 62-4 Maxwell High School
Gonzales, Angeleigh 60-10 Mora High School
Encinias, Lacy 60-0 Santa Rosa High School
Gambino, Calina 60-0 Santa Rosa High School
Sanchez, Gabby 58-10 Raton High School
Fisher, Dakota 58-5 San Jon High School
Swaggert, Destiny 56-1 Santa Rosa High School
Berry, Jazlyn 55-4 Maxwell High School
Salazar, Sierra 55-2.5 Escalante High School
Book, Morgan 48-9 Des Moines High School
Smith, McKayla 48-5 Roy High School
Vasquez, Kailey 48-3 Mora High School
Benton, Marisa 43-11 Jemez Valley High School
Moreno, Sulyana 43-2 Estancia High School
Casados, Danielle 36-5.5 Mora High School
Glover, Mesa 10-0 Escalante High School
Jordan, Leila Jemez Valley High School
Freeman, Lydia Jemez Valley High School
Chinana, Aiyana Jemez Valley High School
Velarde, Crystalanne Mora High School
Romero, MadisonRylee Mora High School
Jennings, Summer San Jon High School
Medina, Leylana Jemez Valley High School
Purley, Marissa Mountainair High School
Silva, Brooke Mountainair High School
Woznick, Jocelyn Mountainair High School
Cruz, Samantha Des Moines High School
Chavez, Daniella Pecos High School
Vigil, Lauren Pecos High School
Salls, Charlize Pecos High School
Mardo, Rachel Tucumcari High School
Flores, Maritza Tucumcari High School
Lopez, Shantel Tucumcari High School
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High School Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baca, Sylviana 5-2 Roy High School
Vigil, Mya 4-10 Mora High School
Ward, Katy 4-8 Des Moines High School
Lopez, Hannah 4-8 Escalante High School
Gilmore, Ashley 4-8 Escalante High School
Lopez, Kyla 4-8 Tucumcari High School
Glover, Mesa 4-6 Escalante High School
Garcia, Jaliyah 4-4 Pecos High School
Long, Ellianna 4-2 Des Moines High School
Thompson, Danni 4-2 Santa Rosa High School
Martinez, Kaylee 4-0 McCurdy High School
Cordova, Aubrey 4-0 McCurdy High School
Wingo, Daisy Raton High School
Montoya, Angel Pecos High School
Dimas, Rayne Pecos High School
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High School Girls Javelin 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valencia, Jhenna 113-7 Estancia High School
Gonzalez, Shandi 110-1 Estancia High School
Lafferty, July 106-1 Tucumcari High School
DeHerrera, Sophia 100-4 Roy High School
Covarrubias, Arantza 96-5 Roy High School
Jaramillo, Selena 96-3 Jemez Valley High School
Smith, Kirksey 88-8 Tucumcari High School
Beiland, Emerson 88-0 Clayton High School
Vigil, Mya 82-6 Mora High School
Martinez, Isabella 78-9 Mora High School
Lopez, Aaliyah 78-8 Mountainair High School
Montoya, Loretta 78-4 Roy High School
Stout, Natalia 71-2 Pecos High School
Salas, Alisha 67-8 Estancia High School
Fisher, Dakota 67-6 San Jon High School
Medina, Leylana 66-6 Jemez Valley High School
Perkins, Sway 66-4 Estancia High School
Jordan, Leila 64-2 Jemez Valley High School
Anaya, Alyssa 61-3 McCurdy High School
Moreno, Suleyana 60-7 Estancia High School
Chavez, Kaice 59-9.5 Mora High School
Hoy, Brailyn 58-7 Maxwell High School
Salas, Sky 50-1 Santa Rosa High School
Velasquez, Emily 49-9 Santa Rosa High School
Garcia, Alanni 46-7 Santa Rosa High School
Freeman, Lydia 37-4 Jemez Valley High School
Hoy, Anita 34-7.5 Maxwell High School
Casados, Danielle 31-4 Mora High School
Berry, Jazlyn 26-5 Maxwell High School
Medina, Lailah Mora High School
Jennings, Summer San Jon High School
Herrera, Angelina Clayton High School
Armijo, Kiana Raton High School
Sisneros, Alijahlee Raton High School
Montoya, Shiann Wagon Mound High School
Romero, Aleiyah Jemez Valley High School
Crisp, Nora Mosquero High School
Hamilton, Amanda Mountainair High School
Woznick, Jocelyn Mountainair High School
Silva, Brooke Mountainair High School
Chavez, Daniella Pecos High School
Vigil, Lauren Pecos High School
Dimas, Rayne Pecos High School
Back to Top

High School Girls Long Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huffman, Haisley 17-6.25 Tucumcari High School
Baca, Sylviana 16-4.5 Roy High School
French, Aubriana 15-0 Tucumcari High School
Villanueva, Alyssa 15-0 Santa Rosa High School
Chaves, Lucia 14-10 Estancia High School
Thompson, Danni 14-8 Santa Rosa High School
Madalena, Myalyn 13-8.5 Jemez Valley High School
Jaramillo, Alayna 13-7.5 Santa Rosa High School
Montoya, Shiann 13-6 Wagon Mound High School
Toda, Rocky 13-6 Des Moines High School
Brown, Hayley 13-5.5 Des Moines High School
Moncayo, Leah 13-5 Santa Rosa High School
Chavez, Kaydyn 13-5 Santa Rosa High School
Looper, Peyton 13-2.25 Estancia High School
Farias, Addison 13-1.75 Clayton High School
Dominguez, Ashley 13-0 Clayton High School
Romero, Jasmine 12-8 Mora High School
Cruz, Angelica 12-4 Des Moines High School
Macias, Jayden 12-2.5 Escalante High School
Salls, Maddison 12-1 Pecos High School
Ward, Holly 12-0 Des Moines High School
Armijo, Analiyah 11-7 Pecos High School
Romero, Lelani 11-2.25 Jemez Valley High School
Whitfield, Madison 11-2 Wagon Mound High School
Johnson, Hailey 11-1 Des Moines High School
Blan, Makaylee 10-6.75 Clayton High School
Jojola, Rhea 10-6 Raton High School
Sena, Rayna 10-0 San Jon High School
Hoy, Paige 10-0 Maxwell High School
Archuleta, Sarah San Jon High School
Lovato, Charlee Rose Mora High School
Romero, Stephanie Mora High School
Vigil, Amor Mora High School
Grajeda, Alondra McCurdy High School
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High School Girls Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Encinias, Nora 7-6 Estancia High School
Collins, Peyton 7-6 Estancia High School
Otis, Lyndi 7-0 Estancia High School
Villafuerte, Karina 6-6 Estancia High School
Lopez, Bianca 6-0 Mountainair High School
Becerra, Alexa San Jon High School
Back to Top

High School Girls Shot Put 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crisp, Nora 32-8.5 Mosquero High School
Lopez, Shantel 30-5 Tucumcari High School
Gonzalez, Shandi 30-3 Estancia High School
Smith, Kirksey 30-0.5 Tucumcari High School
Salas, Alisha 27-6 Estancia High School
Salvador, Aleeja 26-10 Tucumcari High School
Lopez, Kyla 26-9 Tucumcari High School
Hoy, Anita 26-6 Maxwell High School
Hoy, Brailyn 25-2 Maxwell High School
Chavez, Aurelleia 24-11 Mountainair High School
Astorga, Uzariah 24-4.5 Estancia High School
Smith, Natalie 24-4 Roy High School
Velasquez, Emily 24-4 Santa Rosa High School
Swaggert, Destiny 23-6.5 Santa Rosa High School
Maestas, Jayden 23-5 Santa Rosa High School
Sanchez, Gabby 22-11 Raton High School
Whitfield, Madison 22-1 Wagon Mound High School
Encinias, Lacy 21-9 Santa Rosa High School
Medina, Leylana 21-0 Jemez Valley High School
Duran, Evangeline 20-7 Mora High School
Urquizu, Elizabeth 20-6 Tucumcari High School
Gonzales, Angeleigh 20-1 Mora High School
Mardo, Rachel 20-1 Tucumcari High School
Glover, Mesa 20-0 Escalante High School
Smith, McKayla 18-6 Roy High School
Berry, Jazlyn 18-3 Maxwell High School
Salazar, Sierra 18-1 Escalante High School
Fisher, Dakota 18-0.5 San Jon High School
Freeman, Lydia Jemez Valley High School
Jordan, Leila Jemez Valley High School
Benton, Marisa Jemez Valley High School
Chinana, Aiyana Jemez Valley High School
Romero, MadisonRylee Mora High School
Velarde, Crystalanne Mora High School
Vasquez, Kailey Mora High School
Jennings, Summer San Jon High School
Moncada, Victoria Clayton High School
Armijo, Kiana Raton High School
Sisneros, Alijahlee Raton High School
Valencia, Jhenna Estancia High School
Wagner, Anya Estancia High School
Brown, Rylan Des Moines High School
Purley, Marissa Mountainair High School
Silva, Brooke Mountainair High School
Woznick, Jocelyn Mountainair High School
Cruz, Samantha Des Moines High School
Stout, Natalia Pecos High School
Chavez, Daniella Pecos High School
Vigil, Lauren Pecos High School
Salls, Charlize Pecos High School
Flores, Maritza Tucumcari High School
Hernandez, Amackey Tucumcari High School
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High School Girls Sprint Medley Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jemez Valley High School
Relay Team A Maxwell High School
Relay Team A 4:45.00 Raton High School
Relay Team A 4:55.17 Roy High School
Relay Team A 4:57.98 Santa Rosa High School
Relay Team A 5:06.23 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 5:06.72 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 5:18.64 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 5:22.66 Clayton High School
Relay Team A 5:27.26 Cimarron High School
Relay Team A 5:36.24 Mountainair High School
Relay Team A 5:42.14 Estancia High School
Relay Team A 5:43.00 Mora High School
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High School Girls Triple Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
French, Aubriana 32-5 Tucumcari High School
Ward, Katy 31-3.25 Des Moines High School
Montoya, Shiann 29-8 Wagon Mound High School
Medina, Lailah 29-0 Mora High School
Gonzales, Leah 28-3 Pecos High School
Johnson, Willow 27-8.25 Santa Rosa High School
Romero, Addison 27-3.25 Santa Rosa High School
Aragon, Avarie 25-0 Santa Rosa High School
Lovato, Charlee Rose 24-6.5 Mora High School
Toda, Alyssa Des Moines High School
Tate, Alexis Maxwell High School
Valentine, Raven Maxwell High School
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