Meet Information
City of Natural Lakes Invitational 2023
Date: Saturday, 10/28/2023
Location: Santa Rosa Blue Hole Park
Fee: $50 per school. Please send fee prior to meet or a check day of meet.
Check to:
344 S. 4th STREET,
Registration Deadline: 10/23/2023
Event Hosts: Kristina Saiz; Ruben Trujillo
SRHS Coaches: 915-637-8234
Athletic Director: Joseph Esquibeljesquibel@srlions.com575-799-8488
Welcome! This will be a sticker meet. Please make sure your runners have stickers with their name, school, and
division. Entries for Varsity teams will
be limited to 7 runners. JV and Middle
School entries are unlimited. Teams must have at least 5 members to compete for
team awards.
The Meet will begin and end at Blue Hole Convention Center.
Address: 1085 Blue Hole Rd, Santa Rosa, NM 88435
Please register athletes on Milesplit by
October 21, 2023.Search for City of
Natural Lakes XC Meet:
AWARDS: Varsity: Team 1st/2nd
place plaques 1st -15th place medals
JV: Team1st plaques1st - 10th place medals
MS: Team1st place plaque1st -10th place medals
Meet Schedule
7:30-8:30 am- Packet Distribution
& Course Access
8:30 am- Coaches Meeting (at official's table)
9:00 am- Middle School (boys and girls together)
9:30 am- Boys Varsity
10:00 am- Girls Varsity
10:45 am- Boys JV
11:15 am- Girls JV
12:00 pm Awards Presentation*
Please contact Ruben Trujillo, Kristina Saiz, or Joseph Esquibel with any questions. Info Above.