NRG Conference Meet 2023

Escalante, NM

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rivera, Damian McCurdy High School
Archibeque, Elias Penasco High School
Gold, Jacob Mora High School
Nevarez, Casey 11.25 McCurdy High School
Barrens, Malik 11.43 Pecos High School
Martinez, Nathaniel 11.73 Escalante High School
Cervantes, Jordan 11.81 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Jeremiah N 11.97 Penasco High School
Torrez, Luka 12.08 Escalante High School
Herrera, Antonio 12.50h Dulce High School
Emery, Braylon 12.52 Escalante High School
Espinoza, Emelio 12.54 McCurdy High School
Sanchez, Josiah 12.59 Mora High School
Lopez-Vialpando, Josh 12.66 Pecos High School
Trujillo, Richard 12.70 Escalante High School
Gordon, Adam 12.93 Questa High School
Martinez, Marcos 13.00 Mesa Vista High School
Cisneros, Juan 13.01 Questa High School
Romero, Antonio 13.04 Mora High School
Schave, Jake 13.17 Questa High School
Tafoya, Braydyn 13.19 Dulce High School
Ingram, Diallo 13.41 Pecos High School
Chavez, Elias 13.54 Pecos High School
Atencio, Tomas s 13.57 Escalante High School
Saelvedra, Salvador 13.58 Mesa Vista High School
Valles, Omar 13.72 Pecos High School
Valdez, Ty 13.77 Mora High School
Gomez, Phil 14.00 Dulce High School
Gallegos, Jordan 14.00 Mesa Vista High School
Pena, Dillan 14.06 Mesa Vista High School
Ortega, Carlos 14.13 Questa High School
Reval, Issak 14.14 Dulce High School
Medina, Nathan 14.29 Mora High School
Mosende, Jeixner 14.36 Dulce High School
Drake, Remington 14.40 Mesa Vista High School
Willie, Jarius 15.00h Dulce High School
Ashley, Evyn 16.26 Dulce High School
Green, Maliek 18.69 Dulce High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Nathaniel 15.92 Escalante High School
Barrens, Malik 15.95 Pecos High School
Villegas, Israel 18.33 Pecos High School
Johnson, Jaren 20.48 Dulce High School
Vallejos, Jacob 20.79 Questa High School
Olivas, Estevan 21.44h Pecos High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knight, Justin McCurdy High School
Talamante, Derek Dulce High School
Abeyta, Raymond Mora High School
Vigil, Matias Penasco High School
Glover, Richard Escalante High School
Lujan, Elijah 4:52.37 Pecos High School
Nevarez, Ezequiel 5:00.24 Mesa Vista High School
Reval, Isaiah 5:00.63 Dulce High School
Martinez, Jude 5:04.83 Penasco High School
Ragland, Lawrence 5:11.87 Pecos High School
Ragland, Carlos 5:40.76 Pecos High School
Gonzales, Elijah 5:44.69 Pecos High School
Trujillo, Andres 5:46.22 Dulce High School
Martinez, Jeremiah R 5:52.86 Penasco High School
Ferrell, Charlie 6:01.82 Escalante High School
Perreira, Nathaniel 6:07.10 Pecos High School
Jaramillo, Calvin 6:13.07 Mesa Vista High School
Horan, Greyson 6:43.34 Escalante High School
Trujillo, Adrian 6:46.70 McCurdy High School
Maestas, Samuel 6:47.34 Escalante High School
Martinez, Jamison 6:55.34 Escalante High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Escalante High School
Relay Team A Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A McCurdy High School
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A 4:00.24 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 4:02.93 Dulce High School
Relay Team A 4:25.80h Questa High School
Relay Team A 5:01.02 Mora High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nevarez, Casey 23.59 McCurdy High School
Cervantes, Jordan 24.09 Mesa Vista High School
Salazar, Jayden 24.40h Escalante High School
Torrez, Luka 25.01 Escalante High School
Lopez-Vialpando, Josh 25.04 Pecos High School
Archuleta, Andres 25.62 Pecos High School
Martinez, Jeremiah N 25.93 Penasco High School
Martinez, Jordan 26.00 Mora High School
Ingram, Diallo 26.06 Pecos High School
Atencio, Tomas s 26.12 Escalante High School
Espinoza, Emelio 26.74 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Marcos 26.89 Mesa Vista High School
Rael, Noah 26.89 Questa High School
Gallegos, Jordan 27.00 Mesa Vista High School
Valles, Omar 27.36 Pecos High School
Garcia, Jonathan 27.69 Pecos High School
Herrera, Antonio 27.70h Dulce High School
Cisneros, Juan 27.99 Questa High School
Schave, Jake 28.91 Questa High School
Ortega, Carlos 28.91 Questa High School
Vaughn, Noah 29.44 Mora High School
Mosende, Jeixner 29.73 Dulce High School
Rivera, Damian 29.78 McCurdy High School
Willie, Jarius 30.26 Dulce High School
Valdez, Tim 31.55 Mora High School
Gold, Jacob 32.55 Mora High School
Talamante, Derek 34.90 Dulce High School
Lerma, Raymond 35.73 Mora High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barrens, Malik 41.28 Pecos High School
Martinez, Nathaniel 41.81 Escalante High School
Villegas, Israel 46.94 Pecos High School
Olivas, Estevan 50.64 Pecos High School
Vallejos, Jacob 51.72 Questa High School
Harrison, Bob 53.31 Dulce High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ragland, Carlos Pecos High School
Talamante, Derek Dulce High School
Martinez, Jude 10:51.36 Penasco High School
Nevarez, Ezequiel 10:54.76 Mesa Vista High School
Ragland, Lawrence 11:09.66 Pecos High School
Trujillo, Andres 12:30.49 Dulce High School
Martinez, Jeremiah R 12:32.77 Penasco High School
Gonzales, Elijah 12:33.44 Pecos High School
Tecube, Michael 12:53.98 Dulce High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chavez, Nehemiah Penasco High School
Vaughn, Noah Mora High School
Romero, Antonio 1:00.63 Mora High School
Chavez, Elias 1:02.51 Pecos High School
Mosende, Jeixner 1:07.76 Dulce High School
Willie, Jarius 1:08.24 Dulce High School
Rivera, Damian 1:10.23 McCurdy High School
Lerma, Raymond 1:22.95 Mora High School
Torrez, Luka 53.22 Escalante High School
Encinias, Brandyn 54.59 Pecos High School
Gonzales, Joshua 55.44 Pecos High School
Johnson, James 56.57 Dulce High School
Atencio, Tomas s 58.90h Escalante High School
Torres, Jesus 58.94 Pecos High School
Archuleta, Andres 59.41 Pecos High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A 46.95 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 48.37 Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A 48.76 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 49.06 Mora High School
Relay Team A 50.26 Questa High School
Relay Team A 51.32 Dulce High School
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HS Boys 4X200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A 1:38.13 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 1:40.36 Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A 1:41.90h Escalante High School
Relay Team A 1:44.40h Dulce High School
Relay Team A 1:45.10h Mora High School
Relay Team A 1:45.30h Questa High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A 3:45.16 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 3:50.12 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 4:02.73 Dulce High School
Relay Team A 4:13.99 Mora High School
Relay Team A 4:32.52 Questa High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:15.13 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 9:26.50 Dulce High School
Relay Team A 9:42.82 Mora High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abeyta, Raymond Mora High School
Talamante, Derek Dulce High School
Glover, Richard Escalante High School
Knight, Justin McCurdy High School
Fox, Zackary 2:10.94 Pecos High School
Ortega, Lorenzo 2:12.34 Pecos High School
Villegas, Israel 2:15.36 Pecos High School
Gonzales, Elijah 2:19.67 Pecos High School
Trujillo, Adrian 2:23.82 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Jeremiah R 2:25.27 Penasco High School
Martinez, Jude 2:25.54 Penasco High School
Nevarez, Ezequiel 2:27.44 Mesa Vista High School
Vigil, Matias 2:35.56 Penasco High School
Trujillo, Andres 2:36.75 Dulce High School
Horan, Greyson 2:40.00h Escalante High School
Perreira, Nathaniel 2:47.68 Pecos High School
Maestas, Samuel 2:58.10 Escalante High School
Martinez, Jamison 2:59.81 Escalante High School
Jaramillo, Calvin 3:00.00 Mesa Vista High School
Ferrell, Charlie 3:15.89 Escalante High School
Tafoya, August 3:29.51 Dulce High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salazar, Leroy 119-2 Escalante High School
Reval, Issak 114-0 Dulce High School
Martinez, Elias 102-5 Mora High School
Baca, Phillip 94-3 Pecos High School
Quintana, Vik 92-4.5 Pecos High School
Vigil, Matias 85-10 Penasco High School
Ortiz, Carlos 81-2 Pecos High School
Pena, Dillan 79-8.5 Mesa Vista High School
Green, Maliek 79-2 Dulce High School
Emery, Damon 74-8 Escalante High School
Bustos, Armando 70-9 Pecos High School
Patterson, Khalil 67-7 Mesa Vista High School
Mead, Jessie 65-6 Questa High School
Martinez, Carlos 64-2.5 Escalante High School
Medina, Nathan 51-10 Mora High School
Noll, Xavier 46-11 Penasco High School
Ashley, Evyn Dulce High School
Tafoya, August Dulce High School
Gold, Santiago Mora High School
Chavez, Lucas Mora High School
Valdez, Ty Mora High School
Trujillo, Walter Penasco High School
Martinez, jeremiah Escalante High School
Madrid, Zerjo Escalante High School
Drake, Remington Mesa Vista High School
Burke, Jason Questa High School
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HS Boys High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fox, Zackary 6-0 Pecos High School
Lopez, DeMarcus 5-10 Penasco High School
Gonzales, Juan 5-10 Questa High School
Gold, Santiago 5-8 Mora High School
Torrez, Luka 5-8 Escalante High School
Johnson, James 5-6 Dulce High School
Romero, Antonio 5-6 Questa High School
Cervantes, Jordan 5-4 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Jordan 5-2 Mora High School
Martinez, Marcos 5-2 Mesa Vista High School
Saelvedra, Salvador 5-2 Mesa Vista High School
Pacheco, Jeremiah 5-2 Mora High School
Olivas, Estevan 5-0 Pecos High School
Bastien, Walter 5-0 Pecos High School
Tecube, Michael Dulce High School
Willie, Jarius Dulce High School
Martinez, Jeremiah N Penasco High School
Chavez, Nehemiah Penasco High School
Horan, Greyson Escalante High School
Salazar, Jayden Escalante High School
Gallegos, Jordan Mesa Vista High School
Cisneros, Juan Questa High School
Chavez, Rylan Mora High School
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HS Boys Javelin 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, James 143-6 Dulce High School
Archuleta, Andres 138-8.5 Pecos High School
Reval, Issak 138-0 Dulce High School
Martinez, Jordan 137-2 Mora High School
Sandoval, Brandon 124-9 Mesa Vista High School
Gold, Santiago 114-2 Mora High School
Pacheco, Jeremiah 113-5 Mora High School
Gomez, Esteban 113-1.5 Questa High School
Emery, Damon 109-0 Escalante High School
Pena, Dillan 100-0 Mesa Vista High School
Baca, Phillip 95-0 Pecos High School
Ortiz, Carlos 94-8 Pecos High School
Valdez, Ty 83-0.5 Mora High School
Gordon, Adam 79-10 Questa High School
Drake, Remington 78-3 Mesa Vista High School
Quintana, Vik 76-8 Pecos High School
Tafoya, August 65-6 Dulce High School
Mead, Jessie 64-5 Questa High School
Bustos, Armando 64-4 Pecos High School
Patterson, Khalil 61-10 Mesa Vista High School
Ashley, Evyn 58-9 Dulce High School
Medina, Nathan 58-5 Mora High School
Talamante, Derek Dulce High School
Martinez, Miguel Escalante High School
Saelvedra, Salvador Mesa Vista High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Nathaniel 19-2.5 Escalante High School
Valdez, Andres 18-2 Mesa Vista High School
Johnson, Jaren 17-9 Dulce High School
Sanchez, Josiah 17-1 Mora High School
Gonzales, Marcos 16-11.5 Questa High School
Muller, Justin 16-11 Pecos High School
Barrens, Malik 16-8 Pecos High School
Gonzales, Juan 16-7 Questa High School
Encinias, Brandyn 16-4 Pecos High School
Saelvedra, Salvador 16-2 Mesa Vista High School
Emery, Braylon 14-7.25 Escalante High School
Atencio, Kaileb 14-7 Penasco High School
Gallegos, Kenneth 14-7 Mesa Vista High School
Bolsinger, Cody 14-4 Mora High School
Chavez, Lucas 14-3 Mora High School
Gomez, Phil 13-5.75 Dulce High School
Medina, Nathan 11-7.5 Mora High School
Willie, Jarius Dulce High School
Trujillo, Richard Escalante High School
Gordon, Adam Questa High School
Chavez, Elias Pecos High School
Bastien, Walter Pecos High School
Vaughn, Noah Mora High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salazar, Leroy 40-3 Escalante High School
Quintana, Vik 37-5 Pecos High School
Martinez, Elias 37-2 Mora High School
Reval, Issak 33-1.5 Dulce High School
Baca, Phillip 30-11.5 Pecos High School
Archuleta, Andres 30-10.5 Pecos High School
Bustos, Armando 30-8.5 Pecos High School
Pena, Dillan 30-3 Mesa Vista High School
Emery, Damon 26-6.5 Escalante High School
Ortiz, Carlos 24-11 Pecos High School
Martinez, Miguel 23-6.5 Escalante High School
Patterson, Khalil 22-9 Mesa Vista High School
Noll, Xavier 16-3 Penasco High School
Ashley, Evyn Dulce High School
Green, Maliek Dulce High School
Tafoya, August Dulce High School
Valdez, Ty Mora High School
VanNorman, Dominic Penasco High School
Trujillo, Walter Penasco High School
Martinez, jeremiah Escalante High School
Martinez, Carlos Escalante High School
Madrid, Zerjo Escalante High School
Drake, Remington Mesa Vista High School
Mead, Jessie Questa High School
Burke, Jason Questa High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzales, Marcos 37-11.75 Questa High School
Johnson, Jaren 37-1 Dulce High School
Romero, Antonio 36-2 Questa High School
Ortega, Lorenzo 35-9.25 Pecos High School
Tafoya, Braydyn 33-8 Dulce High School
Torres, Jesus 33-1.25 Pecos High School
Gonzales, Elijah 32-10 Pecos High School
Gomez, Phil 29-11 Dulce High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Medina, Lailah Mora High School
Guzman, Aimar Mesa Vista High School
Atencio, Alyssa Penasco High School
Velarde, Sierra 13.09 Mora High School
Quintana, Amarissa 13.53 Mesa Vista High School
Baca, Felice 14.04 Escalante High School
Maestas, Emma 14.21 Escalante High School
Sanchez, Linda 14.30 Pecos High School
Martinez, Jordyn 14.30 Questa High School
Ortiz, Marissa 14.30 Questa High School
Vaughn, Hailey 14.39 Mora High School
Martinez, Taya 14.50 Pecos High School
Guitterez, Chene 14.57 Mora High School
Romero, Jasmine 14.76 Mora High School
Ortiz, Jasmine 14.99 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Isabella 15.41 McCurdy High School
Lucero, Allyssa 15.43 Dulce High School
Noches, Elisa 15.55 McCurdy High School
Keith, Jasmine 15.60 Dulce High School
Tafoya, Amanda 15.64 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Cheyenne 15.67 Penasco High School
Romero, Trinity 16.00 Pecos High School
Gonzales, Estrella 16.03 Pecos High School
Silva, Shanae 16.22 Mesa Vista High School
Anaya, Alyssa 16.35 McCurdy High School
Pacheco, Arlena 16.57 Mesa Vista High School
Archuleta, Shea 17.01 Escalante High School
Baca, Aubrey 17.07 Escalante High School
Sanchez, Isabella 17.14 Pecos High School
Johnson, Camryn 17.64 Mesa Vista High School
Talamante, Rosalina 17.83 Escalante High School
Smith, Sophia 18.49 Questa High School
Brown, Sylvia 20.02 Penasco High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Haylie Penasco High School
Gilmore, Ashley 18.75 Escalante High School
Velarde, Mikayela 19.39 Mora High School
Gonzalez, Alianna 19.73 Questa High School
Rael, Karina 19.94 Questa High School
Romero, Alexius 20.62 Penasco High School
Salls, Maddison 20.80 Pecos High School
Gonzalez, Paola 20.92 McCurdy High School
Schave, Madison 21.68 Questa High School
Madrid, Ashley 21.75 Penasco High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munoz, Amy Penasco High School
Vigil, Kylee Mora High School
Vigil, Amor Mora High School
Lopez, Rochelle 5:54.44 Penasco High School
Gonzales, Charnelle 5:57.27 Penasco High School
Alire, Estrella 6:54.57 Mesa Vista High School
Knight, Avery 6:54.61 McCurdy High School
Armijo, Analiyah 7:25.31 Pecos High School
Aguilar, Alyssa 8:30.81 Escalante High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A Dulce High School
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A 5:10.34 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 5:22.65 Mora High School
Relay Team A 5:27.01 Questa High School
Relay Team A 5:30.90h McCurdy High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guzman, Aimar Mesa Vista High School
Dale, Mattie Dulce High School
Martinez, Cheyenne Penasco High School
Trujillo, Kaelynn Mesa Vista High School
Brown, Sylvia Penasco High School
Baca, Felice 25.87 Escalante High School
Quintana, Amarissa 28.38 Mesa Vista High School
Cantrell, Allison 28.50h McCurdy High School
Sandoval, Alyssia 29.70h McCurdy High School
Chavez, Hailey 30.57 Mora High School
Ortiz, Jasmine 31.34 McCurdy High School
Dimas, Rayne 31.51 Pecos High School
Schave, Madison 31.54 Questa High School
Lucero, Tristanee 31.56 Penasco High School
Romero, Trinity 31.80 Pecos High School
Romero, Jasmine 31.87 Mora High School
Gallegos, Peyton 32.10 Escalante High School
Maestas, Emma 32.28 Escalante High School
Keith, Jasmine 32.61 Dulce High School
Martinez, Isabella 33.65 McCurdy High School
Medina, Lailah 34.00 Mora High School
Armijo, Analiyah 34.97 Pecos High School
Silva, Shanae 35.48 Mesa Vista High School
Gonzales, Estrella 35.66 Pecos High School
Chavez, Rozlynn 35.82 Dulce High School
Sanchez, Isabella 36.20 Pecos High School
Baca, Aubrey 36.85 Escalante High School
Maldonado, Layla 37.71 Escalante High School
Gonzales, Destiny 39.63 Mesa Vista High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez, Paola McCurdy High School
Rael, Karina 1:00.00 Questa High School
Romero, Alexius 1:02.09 Penasco High School
Schave, Madison 1:03.19 Questa High School
Gilmore, Ashley 54.16 Escalante High School
Vigil, Mya 54.57 Mora High School
Salls, Maddison 55.87 Pecos High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ortega, Robyn Mora High School
Lopez, Rochelle 12:46.93 Penasco High School
Serna, Marisol 13:10.00 McCurdy High School
Sanchez, Ermalinda 14:01.26 Pecos High School
Alire, Estrella 15:13.12 Mesa Vista High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munoz, Amy Penasco High School
Cordova, Aubrey 1:07.13 McCurdy High School
Ragland, Kristina 1:11.29 Pecos High School
Boies, Isabella 1:13.92 Mesa Vista High School
Lucero, Tristanee 1:14.34 Penasco High School
Bustos, Brianna 1:14.76 Pecos High School
Dominguez, Janae 1:17.00 Questa High School
Medina, Ariana 1:18.00 Questa High School
Anderson, Sheree 1:20.45 Mora High School
Riley, Arlene 1:22.74 Dulce High School
Dale, Mattie 1:23.21 Dulce High School
Garza, Ariana 1:25.76 Mora High School
Sanchez, Isabella 1:27.09 Pecos High School
Gonzales, Estrella 1:27.24 Pecos High School
Gallegos, Peyton 1:27.62 Escalante High School
Archuleta, Shea 1:33.80 Escalante High School
Medina, Lailah 1:35.89 Mora High School
Baca, Aubrey 1:35.92 Escalante High School
Maldonado, Layla 1:37.70 Escalante High School
Talamante, Rosalina 1:38.43 Escalante High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A 1:01.28 Dulce High School
Relay Team A 1:03.29 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 54.90 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 55.02 Mora High School
Relay Team A 55.03 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 56.30 Questa High School
Relay Team A 58.17 Mesa Vista High School
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HS Girls 4X200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A 1:57.26 Mora High School
Relay Team A 1:58.78 Questa High School
Relay Team A 1:58.90h McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 2:01.61 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 2:17.74 Dulce High School
Relay Team A 2:22.96 Mesa Vista High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A 4:53.43 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 4:55.60h Escalante High School
Relay Team A 4:58.90h McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 5:22.02 Questa High School
Relay Team A 5:32.95 Mora High School
Relay Team A 6:22.24 Mesa Vista High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A 12:30.84 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 12:35.27 Mora High School
Relay Team A 14:04.08 Questa High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez, Maddisyn Penasco High School
Gonzales, Charnelle 2:40.66 Penasco High School
Lopez, Emma 2:49.59 Escalante High School
Vigil, Kylee 3:01.68 Mora High School
Sanchez, Ermalinda 3:04.29 Pecos High School
Lopez, Rebecca 3:10.08 Escalante High School
Armijo, Analiyah 3:19.44 Pecos High School
Ortega, Robyn 3:27.87 Mora High School
Riley, Arlene 3:30.91 Dulce High School
Vigil, Amor 3:53.64 Mora High School
Aguilar, Alyssa 3:55.23 Escalante High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santistevan, Aliyah 86-10 Questa High School
Brown, Sylvia 76-0 Penasco High School
Tanuz, Aleah 67-2 Pecos High School
Atencio, Alyssa 63-0.5 Penasco High School
Pacheco, Natasha 61-1 Mesa Vista High School
Gonzales, Angeleigh 60-10 Mora High School
Piper, Aaliyah 60-10 Questa High School
Lopez, Emma 58-5 Escalante High School
Medina, Joshlyn 56-3.5 Questa High School
Trujillo, Kaelynn 49-5 Mesa Vista High School
Espinoza, Lorriane 48-2 Mora High School
Benjamin, Morgan 46-7 Mora High School
Gonzales, Destiny 43-4 Mesa Vista High School
Velarde, Paradise 42-1 Escalante High School
Salazar, Sierra 32-11 Escalante High School
Martinez, Abbigail 26-11 Escalante High School
Chavez, Rozlynn Dulce High School
Dale, Mattie Dulce High School
Ortega, Mariana Questa High School
Salazar, Anna Escalante High School
Chavez, Christal Pecos High School
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HS Girls High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lovato, Alyse 5-0 Questa High School
Vigil, Mya 4-10 Mora High School
Silva, Shanae 4-2 Mesa Vista High School
Medina, Ariana 4-2 Questa High School
Harrison, Toccara Dulce High School
Martinez, Haylie Penasco High School
Romero, Alexius Penasco High School
Dimas, Rayne Pecos High School
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HS Girls Javelin 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santistevan, Aliyah 99-2 Questa High School
Brown, Sylvia 73-3 Penasco High School
Velarde, Mikayela 64-10 Mora High School
Lopez, Emma 63-9 Escalante High School
Medina, Joshlyn 58-1 Questa High School
Torrez, Jaslene 49-2 Mesa Vista High School
Ortega, Mariana 46-4 Questa High School
Benjamin, Morgan 44-11.5 Mora High School
Piper, Aaliyah 44-0.5 Questa High School
Anderson, Sheree 39-7 Mora High School
Chavez, Christal 39-4 Pecos High School
Tanuz, Aleah 31-5 Pecos High School
Gonzales, Angeleigh 29-7.5 Mora High School
Pacheco, Natasha Mesa Vista High School
Duarte, Shantty McCurdy High School
Noches, Elisa McCurdy High School
Martinez, Cheyenne Penasco High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Velarde, Sierra 15-4 Mora High School
Lovato, Alyse 15-3 Questa High School
Madrid, Ashley 13-8 Penasco High School
Suazo, Brittni 13-1 Mesa Vista High School
Cordova, Aubrey 12-11 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Jordyn 12-9 Questa High School
Ragland, Kristina 12-9 Pecos High School
Romero, Jasmine 12-8 Mora High School
Martinez, Kaylee 12-7.5 McCurdy High School
Dominguez, Janae 12-0 Questa High School
Armijo, Analiyah 11-7 Pecos High School
Torrez, Kylie 11-5 Mesa Vista High School
Quintana, Amarissa 11-5 Mesa Vista High School
Macias, Jayden 10-3.5 Escalante High School
Martinez, Cheyenne 10-1 Penasco High School
Talamante, Rosalina 9-4.5 Escalante High School
Anderson, Sheree Mora High School
Chavez, Rozlynn Dulce High School
Lucero, Allyssa Dulce High School
Riley, Arlene Dulce High School
Rodriguez, Maddisyn Penasco High School
Medina, Lailah Mora High School
Gilmore, Ashley Escalante High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rael, Karina 8-0 Questa High School
Gonzalez, Alianna 8-0 Questa High School
Ortiz, Marissa 7-0 Questa High School
Medina, Ariana 6-6 Questa High School
Dominguez, Janae 6-0 Questa High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tanuz, Aleah 28-8.5 Pecos High School
Brown, Sylvia 28-2.75 Penasco High School
Tafoya, Amanda 26-5.5 McCurdy High School
Johnson, Camryn 25-5.5 Mesa Vista High School
Atencio, Alyssa 24-10 Penasco High School
Velarde, Paradise 24-9 Escalante High School
Grajeda, Alondra 24-0 McCurdy High School
Piper, Aaliyah 23-11.5 Questa High School
Santistevan, Aliyah 23-11 Questa High School
Torrez, Kylie 23-7 Mesa Vista High School
Iturralde, Yhatzubely 23-0 McCurdy High School
Medina, Joshlyn 22-10 Questa High School
Chavez, Hailey 22-1 Mora High School
Gonzales, Destiny 21-10 Mesa Vista High School
Ortega, Mariana 21-8 Questa High School
Trujillo, Kaelynn 21-7 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Abbigail 21-7 Escalante High School
Benjamin, Morgan 20-1 Mora High School
Gonzales, Angeleigh 20-1 Mora High School
Espinoza, Lorriane 16-8.5 Mora High School
Chavez, Christal 14-10.5 Pecos High School
Glover, Mesa Escalante High School
Cordova, Kayla Escalante High School
Salazar, Anna Escalante High School
Lopez, Emma Escalante High School
Bustos, Brianna Pecos High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lovato, Alyse 33-10 Questa High School
Gonzalez, Alianna 28-10 Questa High School
Martinez, Haylie 28-8.5 Penasco High School
Velarde, Mikayela 28-2 Mora High School
Vaughn, Hailey 26-0.5 Mora High School
Valasquez, Areanna 25-6 Mora High School
Lujan, Ashlyn Pecos High School
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