Hobbs Middle School Relays 2023

Hobbs, NM

Athlete Entries

MS Boys 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munoz, Pedro Taylor Middle School
Vrska, Maddox Houston Middle School
Basurte, Isaac Heizer Middle School
Smith, Terrance Portales Junior High
Fierro, John Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Juarez, Juan Taylor Middle School
Rodriguez, Aiden Portales Junior High
Valencia, Damian Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Dean, Ja'Veion 12.00h Highland Middle School
Corrales, Jaden 12.27 Taylor Middle School
Nelson, Jesse 13.30 Highland Middle School
Barta, Trey 13.46 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Fierro, Aaron 13.52 Heizer Middle School
mendoza, emanuel 13.56 Houston Middle School
Wilson, Tyrome 13.80 Portales Junior High
Perez, Javien 13.90 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Ruiz, Devin 14.00 Highland Middle School
Hernandez, Emilio 14.22 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Torres, Bobby 15.80 Heizer Middle School
Fuentez, Diego 17.32 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Noseff, Nicholas 17.55 Houston Middle School
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MS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Corder, James Portales Junior High
Fierro, John Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Childress, Jaleel Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Ruiz, Lyjzah Taylor Middle School
Rodriguez, Jebadiah 19.36 Highland Middle School
Sanders, Aryniaus 20.34 Houston Middle School
Goodrich, Kingston 21.02 Taylor Middle School
Cardona, Brayan 21.45 Heizer Middle School
Sepulveda, Elijah 22.43 Highland Middle School
Mercado, Matthew 23.00 Highland Middle School
Crysel, Gage 23.21 Portales Junior High
Bove, Tyler 23.68 Portales Junior High
trevizo, michael 24.89 Houston Middle School
Hidalgo, Jose 25.68 Heizer Middle School
Leyva, Malachi 27.24 Houston Middle School
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MS Boys 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Graziano, Davin Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Cardoza, Angel Houston Middle School
Lynch, Jaedyn Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Medina, Luis Taylor Middle School
Deporto, Alek Houston Middle School
Scott, Javion Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Jarrell, Jaylen Houston Middle School
Anderson, Finn Portales Junior High
Vasquez, Kaleb Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Lastimoso, Jude Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Gallegos, Esteban Taylor Middle School
Madrid, Elias 5:34.14 Highland Middle School
Reynolds, Rex 5:41.96 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Gallegos, Julian 5:42.52 Taylor Middle School
Enriquez, Eduardo 5:50.00 Highland Middle School
Cueto, Xzavier 6:00.00h Highland Middle School
Bamforth, Jacoby 6:20.83 Portales Junior High
Cordova, Nevan 6:21.68 Portales Junior High
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MS Boys 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Relay Team A Houston Middle School
Relay Team A Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Relay Team A Taylor Middle School
Relay Team A Portales Junior High
Relay Team A 4:30.00 Highland Middle School
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MS Boys 200 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McBride, Kaleb Taylor Middle School
Roy, Devin Portales Junior High
Fuentez, Diego Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Barraza, Gerardo Taylor Middle School
Alvarado, Max Houston Middle School
Herrera, Ivan Taylor Middle School
Carrasco, Shane Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Garcia, Jacob Houston Middle School
Cardona, Brayan 25.65 Heizer Middle School
Fierro, Aaron 27.46 Heizer Middle School
Saenz, Luis 27.58 Highland Middle School
Taylor, Kristopher 28.00 Highland Middle School
Ruiz, Devin 28.00 Highland Middle School
De Leon, Mateo 28.93 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Martinez, Jose 29.24 Houston Middle School
Cornejo, Alex 32.21 Heizer Middle School
Castaneda, Nathaniel 32.63 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Cordova, Nevan 32.81 Portales Junior High
Hunton, Payton 33.96 Portales Junior High
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MS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hidalgo, Jose Heizer Middle School
Garcia, Joel Heizer Middle School
Fierro, John Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Childress, Jaleel Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Medina, Luis Taylor Middle School
Smith, Terrance 1:00.21 Portales Junior High
Ruiz, Lyjzah 1:00.96 Taylor Middle School
Sosa, Izaiah 1:01.46 Houston Middle School
Garcia, Gavin 1:03.02 Highland Middle School
Rodriguez, Jebadiah 50.54 Highland Middle School
Hernandez, Michael 53.87 Portales Junior High
Goodrich, Kingston 57.58 Taylor Middle School
Johnston, Adrian 57.93 Houston Middle School
Bamforth, John 58.08 Portales Junior High
Sepulveda, Elijah 58.08 Highland Middle School
trevizo, michael 58.27 Houston Middle School
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MS Boys 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fletcher, Brennan Heizer Middle School
Crysel, Gage Portales Junior High
Terrazas, Adam Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Cozart, Wade Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Gonzalez, Jaiden Heizer Middle School
Young, Zachary Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Torrres, Bobby Heizer Middle School
Lastimoso, Jude Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Davila, Josue 1:00.12 Highland Middle School
Arana, Jaden 1:00.14 Highland Middle School
Nava, Matthew 1:02.61 Taylor Middle School
Zamora, Christopher 1:05.65 Houston Middle School
Aranda, Alonzo 1:07.00 Highland Middle School
Madrid, Erasmo 1:11.96 Houston Middle School
Castaneda, Nathaniel 1:14.68 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Wilson, Tyrome 1:28.50 Portales Junior High
Medina, Luis 1:28.56 Taylor Middle School
Henry, Dylan 1:30.03 Houston Middle School
Gomes, Donnivann 59.27 Taylor Middle School
Segovia, Slade 59.99 Portales Junior High
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MS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Taylor Middle School
Relay Team A Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Relay Team A Houston Middle School
Relay Team A Portales Junior High
Relay Team A 50.00h Highland Middle School
Relay Team A 53.14 Heizer Middle School
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MS Boys 4X200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Taylor Middle School
Relay Team A Portales Junior High
Relay Team A Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Relay Team A Houston Middle School
Relay Team A 1:45.00 Highland Middle School
Relay Team A 1:48.53 Heizer Middle School
Relay Team A 1:55.08 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
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MS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Portales Junior High
Relay Team A Taylor Middle School
Relay Team A Houston Middle School
Relay Team A Heizer Middle School
Relay Team A 4:00.00h Highland Middle School
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MS Boys 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez Maldonado, Dany Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Young, Zachary Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Quiroz, John Heizer Middle School
Lynch, Jaedyn Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Graziano, Davin Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Cardoza, Angel Houston Middle School
Pennington, Nathan Heizer Middle School
Scott, Javion Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Medellin, Braxton Taylor Middle School
Deporto, Alek Houston Middle School
Martinez, Angel Heizer Middle School
Bare-Williamson, Collin Portales Junior High
Vasquez, Kaleb Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Gallegos, Julian 2:26.02 Taylor Middle School
Madrid, Elias 2:30.20 Highland Middle School
Gallegos, Esteban 2:36.08 Taylor Middle School
Enriquez, Eduardo 2:41.11 Highland Middle School
Armendariz, Seth 2:45.00 Highland Middle School
Landeros, Edgar 2:48.08 Portales Junior High
Lozano, Andru 2:51.27 Portales Junior High
knapp, nicholas 3:10.82 Houston Middle School
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MS Boys Discus Throw 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sapp, Johnathan 105-6.5 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Estrada, Bryan 97-3 Heizer Middle School
Loflin, Julian 83-6 Highland Middle School
Garcia, Gavin 80-0 Highland Middle School
Vargas, Armando 62-10.5 Portales Junior High
Bare-Williamson, Collin 62-0 Portales Junior High
Rodriguez, Emiliano 60-0 Highland Middle School
Portillo, Joel 1-7.75 Heizer Middle School
White, Sterling Taylor Middle School
Hayes, Graham Taylor Middle School
Rodriguez, Rolando Taylor Middle School
Gutierrez, Ayden Portales Junior High
Pennington, Nathan Heizer Middle School
Goodrich, Dre Houston Middle School
Castro, Adhyx Houston Middle School
Ontiveros, Yohan Houston Middle School
Rocha, Ethan Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Deanda, Michael Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Lopez II, James Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Prell, Jayden Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Marquez, Dylan Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
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MS Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomes, Donnivann 5-2 Taylor Middle School
Wright, Shamus 5-2 Highland Middle School
Cardona, Brayan 5-0 Heizer Middle School
Armendariz, Seth 4-8 Highland Middle School
Mercado, Matthew 4-8 Highland Middle School
Roy, Devin 4-6 Portales Junior High
Flores, Leonel Portales Junior High
Johnston, Adrian Houston Middle School
Estrada, Bryan Heizer Middle School
Barta, Trey Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Perez, Javien Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Fuentes, Dlayno Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Hidalgo, Jose Heizer Middle School
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MS Boys Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Ja'Lyn 17-8.5 Portales Junior High
Wright, Shamus 17-7.25 Highland Middle School
Torres, Pablo 17-2.25 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Banuelos, Brandon 16-6 Taylor Middle School
Hernandez, Alfredo 16-3 Heizer Middle School
Dean, Ja'Veion 16-0 Highland Middle School
Saenz, Luis 15-7.5 Highland Middle School
Segovia, Slade 15-0 Portales Junior High
Garcia, Jacob 15-0 Houston Middle School
Fierro, Aaron 14-6.75 Heizer Middle School
Myers, Andy 14-4 Portales Junior High
Fuentes, Dlayno 13-11 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
knapp, nicholas 11-0.5 Houston Middle School
Martinez, Jose 10-3.5 Houston Middle School
Stephens, Trevin Taylor Middle School
Caballero, Jeremiah Taylor Middle School
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MS Boys Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nguyen, Haskel 6-0 Highland Middle School
Alexander, Caison Taylor Middle School
Nave, Kolbe Taylor Middle School
Goodrich, Kingston Taylor Middle School
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MS Boys Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Sterling 37-8.75 Taylor Middle School
Sapp, Johnathan 34-9 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Ortiz, Jesus 33-9 Houston Middle School
Pinon, Sebastian 31-5.5 Taylor Middle School
Layosa, Ian 30-9.75 Houston Middle School
Hill, Demarcus 29-0 Highland Middle School
Garcia, Gavin 28-0 Highland Middle School
Rocha, Ethan 27-1 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Estrada, Bryan 27-0.75 Heizer Middle School
Portillo, Joel 26-0 Heizer Middle School
Lopez, Mario 25-10 Portales Junior High
Nelson, Jesse 25-0 Highland Middle School
Rodriguez, Rolando 22-10 Taylor Middle School
Pennington, Nathan 21-4 Heizer Middle School
Sigala, Cristos 21-1 Portales Junior High
Martinez, Oscar 19-7 Portales Junior High
Deanda, Michael 19-7 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Compos, Abrian Houston Middle School
Lopez II, James Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Marquez, Dylan Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Prell, Jayden Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
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MS Boys Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
medrano, herarrdo 30-11 Houston Middle School
Wilson, Tyrome 30-5 Portales Junior High
Fuentes, Dlayno 29-5 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Enriquez, Eduardo 28-4 Highland Middle School
Rodriguez, Jebadiah 27-5 Highland Middle School
Cordova, Leo 26-10 Portales Junior High
Henry, Dylan 26-8.5 Houston Middle School
Brumfield, Cody 26-4 Portales Junior High
Madrid, Elias Highland Middle School
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MS Girls 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCloud, Jacqueline Portales Junior High
Vazquez, Grecia Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Rodriguez, Cene Houston Middle School
Haynes, Aijinea Heizer Middle School
Payen, Kaliza Taylor Middle School
Sanders, Bella Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Ruiz, Ilyana Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Foster, Campbell 13.53 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Abeyta, Nicki 14.06 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Hernandez, Braelyn 14.21 Taylor Middle School
Rendon, Zoe 14.31 Houston Middle School
Wilson, Destynee 14.49 Highland Middle School
Hardison, Zaylee 14.62 Highland Middle School
Matthews, Victoria 14.65 Portales Junior High
Medina, Kaylei 14.71 Houston Middle School
Diaz, Brooklyn 15.02 Highland Middle School
Babb, Kimothee 15.08 Heizer Middle School
Munoz, Janaiyah 15.14 Taylor Middle School
Strange, Madison 15.27 Portales Junior High
Lopez, Athziri 16.37 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Requejo, Yamely 20.10 Heizer Middle School
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MS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sotelo, Lilith Taylor Middle School
Martinez, Jamiah Heizer Middle School
Babb, Kimothee Heizer Middle School
Tyndorf, Libby Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Dowdy, Kaylee Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Peacock, Emily Heizer Middle School
Middleton, Micah Houston Middle School
Lara, Enia Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Mendoza, Jordyn 18.23 Highland Middle School
Moreno, Braylea 18.92 Portales Junior High
Pena, Kaylee 20.14 Highland Middle School
Lopez, Yajaira 20.24 Portales Junior High
Marquez, Isabella 20.34 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Daniels, Bre'Aisia 20.83 Highland Middle School
Tirado, Natalie 20.97 Portales Junior High
Vazquez, Grecia 23.90 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Perez, Mia 24.42 Taylor Middle School
Mitchell, Lotus 32.86 Taylor Middle School
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MS Girls 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vavak, Leigha Taylor Middle School
Novak, Madisyn Portales Junior High
Aguilar, Alessandra Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Nunez, Denise Portales Junior High
Dugan, Lacey Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Rivera, Kareli 6:19.99 Houston Middle School
Everhart, Addy 6:33.08 Houston Middle School
Castillo, Angilee 6:37.58 Taylor Middle School
Deaguero, Emmaline 6:40.44 Highland Middle School
Soto, Sophia 6:47.68 Highland Middle School
Caudillo, Veronica 6:48.55 Portales Junior High
Windham, Morgan 6:53.48 Houston Middle School
Sandate, Aryanna 7:18.17 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Fierro, Marley 7:26.71 Highland Middle School
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MS Girls 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Taylor Middle School
Relay Team A Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Relay Team A Portales Junior High
Relay Team A 5:10.00h Highland Middle School
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MS Girls 200 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marquez, Isabella Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Rodriguez, Jayleen Taylor Middle School
Castro, Aubreyana Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Montana, Hanna Heizer Middle School
Foster, Campbell Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Ornelas, Pailynn Taylor Middle School
Matthews, Victoria Portales Junior High
Chavarria, Aidee Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Dodd, Chloe Taylor Middle School
Templeman, Presleigh Portales Junior High
Terrazas, Alessandra 27.00 Highland Middle School
Mendoza, Jordyn 29.00 Highland Middle School
Tarin, Gianna 30.00 Highland Middle School
Rendon, Zoe 31.28 Houston Middle School
Medina, Kaylei 31.99 Houston Middle School
Delgado, Taily 33.07 Heizer Middle School
Lopez, Chloe 34.16 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Anaya, Alysandra 34.22 Heizer Middle School
Strange, Madison 35.68 Portales Junior High
Ruiz, Ezme 36.81 Houston Middle School
Falcon, Jasmine 37.06 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
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MS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lara, Enia Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Wright, Ja'lissa Highland Middle School
Williams, Evie Portales Junior High
Castro, Aubreyana Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Sotelo, Lilith Taylor Middle School
Dowdy, Kaylee Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Tyndorf, Libby Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
McCloud, Jacqueline Portales Junior High
Perez, Mia Taylor Middle School
Mojica, Mariah 55.00h Highland Middle School
Robinson, Sadie 58.00h Highland Middle School
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MS Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Middleton, Micah Houston Middle School
Martinez, Jamiah Heizer Middle School
Campos, Ellianna Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Tavarez, Diana Taylor Middle School
Bustillos, Maria Heizer Middle School
Jimenez, Kendra Houston Middle School
Gallagher, Hannah Taylor Middle School
Rios, Regina Heizer Middle School
Ruiz, Aubri Houston Middle School
Navarette, Rowyn Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Ornelas, Pailynn Taylor Middle School
Lopez, Chloe 1:12.40 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Deaguero, Emmaline 1:16.22 Highland Middle School
Eiffert, Shylee 1:18.84 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Crider, Ann Marie 1:19.14 Portales Junior High
Caudillo, Veronica 1:19.92 Portales Junior High
Hardison, Zaylee 1:20.96 Highland Middle School
Robinson, Sadie 1:25.89 Highland Middle School
Garcia, Miya 1:26.55 Portales Junior High
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MS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Houston Middle School
Relay Team A Taylor Middle School
Relay Team A Portales Junior High
Relay Team A Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Relay Team A 1:01.43 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Relay Team A 1:04.87 Heizer Middle School
Relay Team A 53.13 Highland Middle School
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MS Girls 4X200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Portales Junior High
Relay Team A Taylor Middle School
Relay Team A Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Relay Team A 1:48.00 Highland Middle School
Relay Team A 2:16.88 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Relay Team A 2:23.93 Heizer Middle School
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MS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Heizer Middle School
Relay Team A Houston Middle School
Relay Team A Taylor Middle School
Relay Team A Portales Junior High
Relay Team A Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Relay Team A 4:40.00 Highland Middle School
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MS Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schulz, Melissa Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Garcia, Elida Taylor Middle School
Cota, Isabella Portales Junior High
Elizondo, Isabella Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Vavak, Leigha Taylor Middle School
Lopez Barraza, Jatziri Portales Junior High
Chavez, Salome Houston Middle School
Harmer, Violet Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Gallagher, Hannah Taylor Middle School
Ainsworth, Emma Portales Junior High
Rivera, Kareli 2:42.65 Houston Middle School
Hall, Meladie 2:51.20 Highland Middle School
Mojica, Mariah 3:01.55 Highland Middle School
Manry, Kamryn 3:03.74 Highland Middle School
Carreon, Genesis 3:14.83 Heizer Middle School
Romero Martinez, Yahritza 3:19.33 Houston Middle School
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MS Girls Discus Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chance, Kyleigh 76-0 Highland Middle School
Bare-Williamson, Valerie 63-9.5 Portales Junior High
Salais, Valeria 62-4 Houston Middle School
Ramirez, Andrea 62-1 Portales Junior High
McBroom, Raley 43-0 Portales Junior High
Silva, Valeria Taylor Middle School
Peterson, Presleigh Taylor Middle School
Hernandez, Jasmin Taylor Middle School
Rico, Jazareth Heizer Middle School
Saenz Soto, Joselyn Heizer Middle School
Ruiz, Ezme Houston Middle School
Miller, Maci'Ann Houston Middle School
Segura, Zyniah Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Mendoza, Kyara Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Rubio, Milagros Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Gonzalez, Jeannette Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Humphus, Cambria Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Bixler, Erica Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
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MS Girls High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Terrazas, Alessandra 4-6 Highland Middle School
Mojica, Mariah 4-0 Highland Middle School
Hardison, Zaylee 4-0 Highland Middle School
Nieto, Paola 4-0 Portales Junior High
Aguilar, Brianna Portales Junior High
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MS Girls Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hall, Meladie 14-9 Highland Middle School
Nieto, Paola 14-5 Portales Junior High
Mendoza, Jordyn 14-1 Highland Middle School
Rendon, Zoe 12-11 Houston Middle School
Chavarria, Aidee 12-7 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Douma, Aubri 12-3 Portales Junior High
Munoz, Khole 11-9.5 Highland Middle School
Everhart, Addy 11-9.5 Houston Middle School
Coggin, Linzie 10-11 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Nichols, Abbigail 10-9 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Carreon, Kianna 10-0.5 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Carreon, Genesis 9-9 Heizer Middle School
Crider, Ann Marie 8-2 Portales Junior High
Roan, Jaycie Houston Middle School
Haynes, Aijinea Heizer Middle School
Mitchell, Lotus Taylor Middle School
Ayvar, Jade Taylor Middle School
Bramblett, Zoey Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
James, Jayden Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Foust, Sheridan Taylor Middle School
Hernandez, America Heizer Middle School
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MS Girls Pole Vault 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dunlap, Shaelyn 6-6 Taylor Middle School
Williams, Evie Portales Junior High
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MS Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tirado, Natalie 34-5.5 Portales Junior High
Ramirez, Andrea 31-2 Portales Junior High
Salais, Valeria 30-9 Houston Middle School
Chance, Kyleigh 30-0 Highland Middle School
Bare-Williamson, Valerie 28-9 Portales Junior High
Kelley, Elisha 28-4 Houston Middle School
Bixler, Erica 23-5 Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Rubio, Milagros 23-2 Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Gandy, Emery 21-4 Houston Middle School
Silva, Valeria 20-1 Taylor Middle School
Snell, Abigale 20-0 Highland Middle School
Hernandez, America 4-11 Heizer Middle School
Hernandez, Jasmin Taylor Middle School
Peterson, Presleigh Taylor Middle School
Saenz-Soto, Jocelyn Heizer Middle School
Rico, Jazareth Heizer Middle School
Segura, Zyniah Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Mendoza, Kyara Carlsbad Intermediate School-Alt
Gonzalez, Jeannette Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
Humphus, Cambria Carlsbad Intermediate School PR
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MS Girls Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendoza, Jordyn 30-9 Highland Middle School
Hall, Meladie 28-0 Highland Middle School
Deaguero, Emmaline 27-0 Highland Middle School
Viscaino, Zaliyah 23-10 Portales Junior High
Strange, Madison 19-10 Portales Junior High
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