Meet Information

Dear Athletic Directors and Coaches,

We would like to invite you to the 2022 Skyhawk Invitational on Saturday, September 24, 2022. The course is 3.1 miles for JV and Varsity and approx 1.5 miles for Middle School.

We will have concessions available to spectators and athletes during the event. We will also have hospitality for coaches and bus drivers. 

Meet fee will be $75.00 per school ($30.00 if you are only bringing one team-one girls or one boys) Middle School teams will be $30.00 per school. I have attached an invoice for your convenience. 

Please make payment to: Newcomb High School Cross Country

Race Schedule:

8:30amCoaches Meeting

9:00amMiddle School Girls

9:30amMiddle School Boys

10:00amVarsity Girls

10:45amVarsity Boys

11:30amJV Girlsand JV Boys together (we will have double finish chutes and double timers)


Middle School 1-20 Ribbons

JV 1-20 Ribbons

Varsity 1-10 medals 11-20 Ribbons

Please confirm attendance with an email to Coach Curley at and then enter your team rosters on MileSplit by 10:00pm on September 21. 

If you have any questions, please contact Coach Guila Curley at or 505-696-3417 (school) or 505-427-1664 (cell). 

We look forward to seeing you all and thank you for supporting our continued Cross Country tradition.

Coach Curley