NRG Conference Meet 2022

Escalante, NM

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Romero, Jeramiah Mora High School
Cintas, Jared Questa High School
Nevarez, Casey 11.54 McCurdy High School
Gasca, Marcos 11.64 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Markus 11.84 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Ruben 11.88 Escalante High School
Martinez, Nathaniel 11.90 Escalante High School
Cervantes, Jordan 11.97 Mesa Vista High School
Espinoza, Emelio 12.06 McCurdy High School
Archuleta, Trey 12.08 Escalante High School
Salazar, Jayden 12.20 Escalante High School
Romero, Shia 12.52 Penasco High School
Cobos, Sean 13.01 Pecos High School
Emery, Braylon 13.03 Escalante High School
Romero, Nehemiah 13.17 Penasco High School
Romero, Angel 13.42 Penasco High School
Cardenas, Jose 13.55 Mora High School
Duran, Derik 13.72 Mora High School
Valles, Omar 14.04 Pecos High School
Martinez, Jordan 14.14 Pecos High School
Reval, Issak 14.21 Dulce High School
Garcia, Jonathan 14.70 Pecos High School
Chavez, Elias 14.80 Pecos High School
Torrez, Roberto 15.03 Escalante High School
Largo, Santiago 15.64 Dulce High School
Trujillo, Trejan 16.52 Dulce High School
Perreira, Nathaniel 18.02 Pecos High School
Nelson, Jeffery 18.81 Dulce High School
Smith, Miles 18.91 Dulce High School
Marden, Elijah 19.26 Dulce High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harrison, Bob Dulce High School
Vallejos, Jacob Questa High School
Santistevan, Donny Questa High School
Martinez, Nathaniel 17.84h Escalante High School
Villegas, Israel 18.93 Pecos High School
Romero, Nehemiah 20.54 Penasco High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baca, Domanic Escalante High School
Perreira, Nathaniel Pecos High School
Valdez, Gilbert 4:46.16 Penasco High School
Reval, Isaiah 5:02.46 Dulce High School
Martinez, Jude 5:14.27 Penasco High School
Lujan, Elijah 5:14.67 Pecos High School
Ortega, Lorenzo 5:27.22 Pecos High School
Archuleta, Andres 5:40.11 Pecos High School
Martinez, Jeremiah R 5:52.86 Penasco High School
Gonzales, Elijah 6:01.40 Pecos High School
Martinez, Santiago 6:05.00h Mesa Vista High School
Gallegos, Gabriel 6:05.00h Mesa Vista High School
Salazar, Noah 6:10.19 Dulce High School
Vigil, Juan Diego 6:15.07 Mora High School
Trujillo, Adrian 6:46.70 McCurdy High School
Marden, Elijah 8:06.07 Dulce High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mora High School
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A Dulce High School
Relay Team A 3:48.64 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 4:25.80h Questa High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cintas, Jared Questa High School
Romero, Shia Penasco High School
Martinez, Ruben 24.38 Escalante High School
Martinez, Gilbert 24.43 Escalante High School
Nevarez, Casey 24.64 McCurdy High School
Gasca, Marcos 24.74 McCurdy High School
Cervantes, Jordan 24.84h Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Markus 25.55 McCurdy High School
Chavez, Diego 25.71 Mora High School
Espinoza, Emelio 25.84 McCurdy High School
Gomez, Manuel 26.49 Dulce High School
Garcia, Ethan 26.54 Mora High School
Archuleta, Trey 26.94 Escalante High School
Harrison, Bob 28.10 Dulce High School
Largo, Santiago 28.69 Dulce High School
Gomez, Noah 28.70 Dulce High School
Emery, Braylon 29.64 Escalante High School
Torrez, Roberto 30.01 Escalante High School
Gomez, Phil 30.62 Dulce High School
Salazar, Noah 32.12 Dulce High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vallejos, Jacob Questa High School
Santistevan, Donny Questa High School
Johnson, Jaren Dulce High School
Duran, Derik Mora High School
Vigil, Juan Diego 1:03.89 Mora High School
Barrens, Malik 43.58 Pecos High School
Martinez, Nathaniel 46.77 Escalante High School
Villegas, Israel 48.08 Pecos High School
Salazar, Jayden 48.14 Escalante High School
Romero, Nehemiah 54.24 Penasco High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vigil, Juan Diego Mora High School
Largo, Santiago Dulce High School
Archuleta, Andres Pecos High School
Trujillo, Andres Dulce High School
Gonzales, Elijah Pecos High School
Valdez, Gilbert 10:08.62 Penasco High School
Martinez, Jude 10:51.36 Penasco High School
Lujan, Elijah 11:22.55 Pecos High School
Martinez, Jeremiah R 14:12.05 Penasco High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chavez, Elias Pecos High School
Marden, Elijah Dulce High School
Romero, Shia Penasco High School
Espinoza, Justin Mora High School
Romero, Antonio 1:00.45 Mora High School
Emery, Braylon 1:01.02 Escalante High School
Cobos, Sean 1:02.00h Pecos High School
Tafoya, Braydyn 1:03.63 Dulce High School
Valles, Omar 1:03.72 Pecos High School
Romero, Logan 1:04.68 Penasco High School
Alcon, Dante 1:06.94 Mora High School
Badash-Dyer, Lucian 1:07.21 Penasco High School
Vigil, Matias 1:08.00 Penasco High School
Salazar, Noah 1:10.18 Dulce High School
Garcia, Jonathan 1:11.28 Pecos High School
Torrez, Roberto 1:17.20 Escalante High School
Torrez, Luka 54.36 Escalante High School
Gonzales, Jarvis 56.78 Pecos High School
Martinez, Gilbert 57.94h Escalante High School
Johnson, James 58.29 Dulce High School
Martinez, Lucas 58.44 McCurdy High School
Chavez, Diego 58.94 Mora High School
Luna, Chris 59.02 Escalante High School
Lopez, Ramon 59.82 Escalante High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A 46.81 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 48.24 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 48.34 Dulce High School
Relay Team A 49.75 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 51.64 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 54.78 Questa High School
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HS Boys 4X200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:38.77 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 1:40.20h McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 1:40.94 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 1:41.80 Mora High School
Relay Team A 1:45.40h Questa High School
Relay Team A 1:46.46 Dulce High School
Relay Team A 1:48.66 Penasco High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A 3:49.66 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 3:50.20h McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 4:04.25 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 4:08.02 Mora High School
Relay Team A 4:28.00h Questa High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mora High School
Relay Team A Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team A 10:07.01 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 9:22.08 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 9:57.68 Dulce High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pacheco, Jeremiah Mora High School
Santistevan, Donny Questa High School
Espinoza, Justin Mora High School
Valdez, Gilbert 2:01.73 Penasco High School
Johnson, Jaren 2:26.36 Dulce High School
Romero, Antonio 2:32.96 Mora High School
Martinez, Jeremiah R 2:40.25 Penasco High School
Martinez, Santiago 2:42.70 Mesa Vista High School
Gallegos, Gabriel 2:42.90 Mesa Vista High School
Rael, Nathaniel 2:46.80 Questa High School
Vigil, Juan Diego 2:48.15 Mora High School
Horan, Greyson 2:54.00 Escalante High School
Stone, Ethan 3:23.44 Escalante High School
Torrez, Roberto 3:30.64 Escalante High School
Marden, Elijah 3:33.82 Dulce High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lucero, Elijah 107-5 Penasco High School
Salazar, Leroy 98-8.5 Escalante High School
Reval, Issak 86-1 Dulce High School
Stone, Ethan 84-2.25 Escalante High School
Romero, Jeramiah 81-4.5 Mora High School
Martinez, Elias 77-3.5 Mora High School
Horan, Greyson 75-0.75 Escalante High School
Sanchez, Ricardo 70-11 Questa High School
Vigil, Matias 65-3.5 Penasco High School
Pena, Dillan 60-0 Mesa Vista High School
Lovato, Floyd 59-5.5 Mora High School
Torrez, Jose 48-5 Escalante High School
Smith, Miles 40-8 Dulce High School
Nelson, Jeffery 39-1 Dulce High School
Pacheco, Jeremiah Mora High School
Cintas, Jared Questa High School
Garcia, James Questa High School
Mead, Jessie Questa High School
Trujillo, Trejan Dulce High School
Martinez, Ezekiel Escalante High School
Emery, Damon Escalante High School
VanNorman, Dominic Penasco High School
Medina, Nathan Mora High School
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HS Boys High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Danis, Tate 5-8 Questa High School
Torrez, Luka 5-8 Escalante High School
Lopez, DeMarcus 5-2 Penasco High School
Garcia, Ethan 5-2 Mora High School
Gonzales, Jarvis 5-2 Pecos High School
Romero, Antonio 5-0 Questa High School
Johnson, James 5-0 Dulce High School
Gonzales, Juan 4-8 Questa High School
Cervantes, Jordan Mesa Vista High School
Saelvedra, Salvador Mesa Vista High School
Gallegos, Gabriel Mesa Vista High School
Salazar, Jayden Escalante High School
Lopez, Ramon Escalante High School
Fernandez, Joey McCurdy High School
Harrison, Bob Dulce High School
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HS Boys Javelin 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, James 128-7 Dulce High School
Chavez, Diego 126-9.25 Mora High School
Largo, Santiago 120-9 Dulce High School
Reval, Issak 116-2 Dulce High School
Sandoval, Brandon 110-10 Mesa Vista High School
Archuleta, Andres 104-0 Pecos High School
Lucero, Elijah 95-1 Penasco High School
Pena, Dillan 80-4 Mesa Vista High School
Gomez, Esteban 80-3 Questa High School
Torres, Jose 72-11 Escalante High School
Medina, Nathan 58-5 Mora High School
Vigil, Matias 52-8 Penasco High School
Horan, Greyson 47-4 Escalante High School
Fernandez, Joey McCurdy High School
Martinez, Lucas McCurdy High School
Sanchez, Ricardo Questa High School
Nelson, Jeffery Dulce High School
Smith, Miles Dulce High School
Trujillo, Trejan Dulce High School
Cassador, Christopher Dulce High School
Martinez, Ezekiel Escalante High School
Luna, Chris Escalante High School
Emery, Damon Escalante High School
VanNorman, Dominic Penasco High School
Romero, Jeramiah Mora High School
Pacheco, Jeremiah Mora High School
Martinez, Markus McCurdy High School
Alcon, Dante Mora High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sandoval, Brandon 18-10.5 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Nathaniel 18-10 Escalante High School
Danis, Tate 17-1 Questa High School
Lopez, Ramon 16-10.5 Escalante High School
Romero, Nehemiah 16-10 Penasco High School
Garcia, Ethan 16-9 Mora High School
Gomez, Esteban 15-9.5 Questa High School
Baca, Domanic 15-9.5 Escalante High School
Johnson, Jaren 15-1.5 Dulce High School
Perreira, Nathaniel 15-0.75 Pecos High School
Saelvedra, Salvador 14-10.5 Mesa Vista High School
Atencio, Kaileb 14-7 Penasco High School
Gallegos, Kenneth 14-4 Mesa Vista High School
Vigil, Juan Diego 14-0 Mora High School
Cobos, Sean 13-9.5 Pecos High School
Gomez, Phil 13-5.75 Dulce High School
Medina, Nathan 11-7.5 Mora High School
Valles, Omar 10-11.5 Pecos High School
Fernandez, Joey McCurdy High School
Gasca, Marcos McCurdy High School
Gonzales, Juan Questa High School
Gonzales, Marcos Questa High School
Archuleta, Trey Escalante High School
Martinez, Markus McCurdy High School
Martinez, Lucas McCurdy High School
Duran, Derik Mora High School
Espinoza, Justin Mora High School
Romero, Antonio Mora High School
Chavez, Elias Pecos High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzales, Joshua 9-6 Pecos High School
Rael, Matt 6-4 Questa High School
Rael, Nathaniel Questa High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Largo, Santiago 39-10 Dulce High School
Martinez, Elias 35-2 Mora High School
Salazar, Leroy 34-0.5 Escalante High School
Stone, Ethan 32-5 Escalante High School
Pacheco, Jeremiah 31-8 Mora High School
Lucero, Elijah 31-0 Penasco High School
Saelvedra, Salvador 29-6 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Ezekiel 28-0 Escalante High School
Reval, Issak 27-9 Dulce High School
Archuleta, Andres 26-6 Pecos High School
Sanchez, Ricardo 26-5.5 Questa High School
Torres, Jose 24-8 Escalante High School
Lovato, Floyd 23-1 Mora High School
Trujillo, Trejan 21-8 Dulce High School
Nelson, Jeffery 20-7 Dulce High School
Smith, Miles 17-7 Dulce High School
Cintas, Jared Questa High School
Garcia, James Questa High School
Pena, Dillan Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Ruben Escalante High School
Emery, Damon Escalante High School
Martinez, Gilbert Escalante High School
Luna, Chris Escalante High School
VanNorman, Dominic Penasco High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barrens, Malik 37-5 Pecos High School
Danis, Tate 35-3.5 Questa High School
Ortega, Lorenzo 34-8 Pecos High School
Romero, Jeramiah 32-11 Mora High School
Luna, Chris 32-5.75 Escalante High School
Duran, Derik 32-3.75 Mora High School
Tafoya, Braydyn 30-7 Dulce High School
Gonzales, Elijah 29-5 Pecos High School
Gonzales, Marcos Questa High School
Romero, Antonio Questa High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jaramillo, Trinidad Mesa Vista High School
Turpin, Makaila Mora High School
Muller, Abbileigh Questa High School
Johnson, Camryn Mesa Vista High School
Espinoza, Samantha McCurdy High School
Trujillo, Kaelynn Mesa Vista High School
Ortiz, Marissa Questa High School
Trujillo, Kristen Mora High School
Gonzales, Destiny Mesa Vista High School
Guiterrez, Chene Mora High School
Montoya, Anika McCurdy High School
Mascareñas, Martina Questa High School
Torrez, Jaslene Mesa Vista High School
Valasquez, Areanna Mora High School
Velarde, Sierra 12.94 Mora High School
Terrazas, Reina 13.04 Escalante High School
Martinez, Jordyn 13.55 Questa High School
Baca, Felice 13.58 Escalante High School
Quintana, Amarissa 13.87 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Brycelyn 14.01 Escalante High School
Mondragon, Jasmine 14.39 McCurdy High School
Gilmore, Ashley 14.42 Escalante High School
Vaughn, Hailey 14.70 Mora High School
Romero, Alexius 14.82 Penasco High School
Boies, Isabella 14.96 Mesa Vista High School
Chavez, Hailey 15.03 Mora High School
Grajeda, Alondra 15.15 McCurdy High School
Maestas, Audriana 15.19 McCurdy High School
Barbero, Angelica 16.04 Pecos High School
Atencio, Sierra 16.16 Penasco High School
Ortiz, Katlyn 16.35 Pecos High School
Bustos, Brianna 16.45 Pecos High School
Pacheco, Arlena 16.57 Mesa Vista High School
Rael, Madison 16.84 Penasco High School
Baca, Aubrey 17.40 Escalante High School
Amaya, Tafoya 17.57 Dulce High School
Salazar, Chailyn 17.97 Escalante High School
Torivio, Sidnieta 18.19 Dulce High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Romero, Alexius Penasco High School
Vigil, Mya Mora High School
Gonzalez, Alianna 19.15 Questa High School
Rael, Karina 20.59 Questa High School
Gilmore, Ashley 21.02 Escalante High School
Velarde, Mikayela 21.25 Mora High School
Gonzalez, Amalia 21.62 Questa High School
Salls, Maddison 21.88 Pecos High School
Vigil, Ayana 22.20 Mora High School
Vallejos, Marlena 23.54 Questa High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Archuleta, Ashleigh Questa High School
Medina, Emelina Questa High School
Martinez, Ellianna Mora High School
Martinez, Isabella Mora High School
Lovato, Mya Questa High School
Valasquez, Areanna Mora High School
Medina, Yesenia Questa High School
Romero, Denajah 10:16.90 Escalante High School
Gonzales, Charnelle 6:02.94 Penasco High School
Lopez, Rochelle 6:04.17 Penasco High School
Vigil, Mya 6:57.94 Mora High School
Vigil, Kylee 7:11.34 Mora High School
Valdez, Aubrey 7:49.04 Escalante High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mora High School
Relay Team A Penasco High School
Relay Team B Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 5:40.38 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 5:53.80h Questa High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jaramillo, Trinidad Mesa Vista High School
Pacheco, Arlena Mesa Vista High School
Gurule, Jenica Penasco High School
Ortiz, Jasmine McCurdy High School
Silva, Shanae Mesa Vista High School
Lucero, Ariana Mora High School
Yordy, Missy McCurdy High School
Pacheco, Natasha Mesa Vista High School
Vigil, Christa Mora High School
Velarde, Sierra 27.65 Mora High School
Martinez, Brycelyn 28.20h Escalante High School
Quintana, Amarissa 28.70 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Jordyn 29.18 Questa High School
Sandoval, Alyssia 29.56 McCurdy High School
Martinez, Leah 29.65 Questa High School
Guiterrez, Chene 30.63 Mora High School
Amaya, Tafoya 31.00h Dulce High School
Boies, Isabella 31.36 Mesa Vista High School
Espinoza, Isabella 31.70 McCurdy High School
Mascareñas, Martina 33.40 Questa High School
Gilmore, Ashley 33.40 Escalante High School
Hines, Katelyn 33.44 Escalante High School
Peña, Annalise 33.64h Mesa Vista High School
Baca, Aubrey 33.88 Escalante High School
Maestas, Audriana 34.03 McCurdy High School
Salazar, Chailyn 34.77 Escalante High School
Atencio, Sierra 35.09 Penasco High School
Rael, Madison 36.01 Penasco High School
Macias, Jayden 36.54h Escalante High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Medina, Yesenia Questa High School
Turpin, Makaila Mora High School
Martinez, Haylie Penasco High School
Atencio, Sierra Penasco High School
Vigil, Ayana 1:02.84 Mora High School
Ortiz, Marissa 1:02.90h Questa High School
Velarde, Mikayela 1:05.15 Mora High School
Gilmore, Ashley 1:15.00h Escalante High School
Vigil, Mya 54.94 Mora High School
Rael, Karina 58.28 Questa High School
Gonzalez, Amalia 59.46 Questa High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Archuleta, Ashleigh Questa High School
Medina, Emelina Questa High School
Martinez, Kaylee McCurdy High School
Lovato, Mya Questa High School
Gonzales, Charnelle Penasco High School
Lopez, Rochelle 13:52.72 Penasco High School
Lovato, Charlee Rose 15:59.31 Mora High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Medina, Ariana Questa High School
Gurule, Jenica Penasco High School
Ortiz, Marissa Questa High School
Amaya, Tafoya Dulce High School
Mascareñas, Martina Questa High School
Gonzales, Araceli Questa High School
Dominguez, Janae Questa High School
Terrazas, Reina 1:02.05 Escalante High School
Cordova, Aubrey 1:10.00h McCurdy High School
Cantrell, Allison 1:11.02 McCurdy High School
Salazar, Sherydan 1:12 Escalante High School
Lucero, Tristanee 1:14.34 Penasco High School
Baca, Aubrey 1:15.00 Escalante High School
Ortiz, Jasmine 1:16.00h McCurdy High School
Vigil, Rhyen 1:16.22 Penasco High School
Macias, Jayden 1:20.00h Escalante High School
Salazar, Chailyn 1:20.08 Escalante High School
Salls, Maddison 1:22.00h Pecos High School
Bustos, Brianna 1:23.00h Pecos High School
Barbero, Angelica 1:23.00h Pecos High School
Turpin, Makaila 1:27.13 Mora High School
Vigil, Christa 1:37.19 Mora High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A 1:02.58 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 1:03.64 Pecos High School
Relay Team A 54.28 Mora High School
Relay Team A 54.34 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 55.00 Questa High School
Relay Team A 56.24 McCurdy High School
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HS Girls 4X200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:57.30h Questa High School
Relay Team A 1:59.43 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 2:04.89 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 2:06.94 Mesa Vista High School
Relay Team A 2:11.57 Mora High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 4:47.00h Escalante High School
Relay Team A 4:54.86 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 5:15.07 Questa High School
Relay Team A 5:30.54 Mora High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:23.61 Penasco High School
Relay Team A 11:46:14 Escalante High School
Relay Team A 12:16.01 Mora High School
Relay Team A 12:30.00 McCurdy High School
Relay Team A 14:58.00 Questa High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Muller, Abbileigh Questa High School
Vallejos, Marlena Questa High School
Vigil, Rhyen Penasco High School
Medina, Yesenia Questa High School
Gonzales, Charnelle 2:40.66 Penasco High School
Valasquez, Areanna 3:37.74 Mora High School
Turpin, Makaila 3:40.03 Mora High School
Garza, Ariana 3:45.86 Mora High School
Lopez, Emma 3:48.65 Escalante High School
Valdez, Aubrey 3:50.45 Escalante High School
Romero, Denajah 4:10.20 Escalante High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Sylvia 71-8 Penasco High School
Atencio, Alyssa 63-0.5 Penasco High School
Herrera, Lorena 60-2 Mora High School
Martinez, Heklia 57-3.5 Escalante High School
Torivio, Sidnieta 56-0 Dulce High School
Sanchez, Melania 48-11 Mora High School
Griego, Gabriella 47-8 Mesa Vista High School
Espinoza, Loraine 34-5 Mora High School
Velarde, Mikayela Mora High School
Gonzales, Araceli Questa High School
Lovato, Angelica Questa High School
Santistevan, Aliyah Questa High School
Medina, Joshlyn Questa High School
Piper, Aaliyah Questa High School
Pacheco, Natasha Mesa Vista High School
Gonzalez, Davina Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Abbigail Escalante High School
Salazar, Anna Escalante High School
Lopez, Emma Escalante High School
Marquez, Hailey Escalante High School
Velarde, Paradise Escalante High School
Chavez, Hailey Mora High School
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HS Girls High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lovato, Alyse 4-10 Questa High School
Vigil, Mya 4-8 Mora High School
Cantrell, Allison 4-7 McCurdy High School
Lopez, Hannah 4-7 Escalante High School
Martinez, Jordyn 4-4 Questa High School
Rivera, Annaliese 4-4 Questa High School
Velarde, Mikayela 4-0 Mora High School
Rael, Ashlynn Questa High School
Medina, Ariana Questa High School
Gurule, Jenica Penasco High School
Martinez, Haylie Penasco High School
MacAuley, Analise Penasco High School
Vigil, Ayana Mora High School
Barbero, Angelica Pecos High School
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HS Girls Javelin 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maestas, Alissa 87-10 McCurdy High School
Hines, Katelyn 84-0 Escalante High School
Martinez, Heklia 72-11 Escalante High School
Brown, Sylvia 67-8 Penasco High School
Griego, Gabriella 64-10 Mesa Vista High School
Atencio, Alyssa 58-3 Penasco High School
Torivio, Sidnieta 55-0 Dulce High School
Sanchez, Melania 46-5 Mora High School
Macias, Jayden 42-2 Escalante High School
Torrez, Jaslene 40-0 Mesa Vista High School
Benjamin, Morgan 35-4 Mora High School
Gonzales, Araceli Questa High School
Lovato, Angelica Questa High School
Santistevan, Aliyah Questa High School
Martinez, Isabella Mora High School
Medina, Joshlyn Questa High School
Gonzales, Destiny Mesa Vista High School
Gonzalez, Davina Mesa Vista High School
Pacheco, Natasha Mesa Vista High School
Johnson, Camryn Mesa Vista High School
Piper, Aaliyah Questa High School
Trujillo, Kaelynn Mesa Vista High School
Salazar, Chailyn Escalante High School
Salazar, Anna Escalante High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Hannah 15-6 Escalante High School
Baca, Felice 13-3 Escalante High School
Vigil, Ayana 12-3 Mora High School
Lopez, Rochelle 12-3 Penasco High School
Baca, Aubrey 12-2 Escalante High School
Sandoval, Alyssia 12-1 McCurdy High School
Lucero, Tristanee 12-1 Penasco High School
Velarde, Mikayela 11-9 Mora High School
Salazar, Sherydan 11-9 Escalante High School
Sanchez, Pilar 11-1 Mora High School
Armijo, Analiyah 11-0 Pecos High School
Bustos, Brianna 10-6 Pecos High School
Romero, Denajah 10-2 Escalante High School
Salazar, Chailyn 10-2 Escalante High School
Martinez, Kaylee McCurdy High School
Gonzalez, Paola McCurdy High School
Vigil, Mya Mora High School
Lovato, Alyse Questa High School
Martinez, Leah Questa High School
Rivera, Annaliese Questa High School
Medina, Emelina Questa High School
Dominguez, Janae Questa High School
Amaya, Tafoya Dulce High School
Lucero, Ariana Mora High School
Velarde, Sierra Mora High School
Valasquez, Areanna Mora High School
Benjamin, Morgan Mora High School
Salls, Maddison Pecos High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez, Alianna Questa High School
Medina, Ariana Questa High School
Rael, Karina Questa High School
Dominguez, Janae Questa High School
Ortiz, Marissa Questa High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Herrera, Lorena 27-8 Mora High School
Brown, Sylvia 26-3 Penasco High School
Atencio, Alyssa 24-2 Penasco High School
Benjamin, Morgan 24-1 Mora High School
Tafoya, Amanda 24-0 McCurdy High School
Marquez, Hailey 24-0 Escalante High School
Johnson, Camryn 23-10 Mesa Vista High School
Torivio, Sidnieta 23-0 Dulce High School
Velarde, Paradise 22-9.5 Escalante High School
Martinez, Heklia 22-5.5 Escalante High School
Gonzales, Destiny 21-10 Mesa Vista High School
Martinez, Abbigail 21-7 Escalante High School
Iturralde, Yhatzubely 21-0 McCurdy High School
Griego, Gabriella 20-8 Mesa Vista High School
Espinoza, Loraine 20-6 Mora High School
Grajeda, Alondra McCurdy High School
Gonzales, Araceli Questa High School
Lovato, Angelica Questa High School
Santistevan, Aliyah Questa High School
Muller, Abbileigh Questa High School
Chavez, Hailey Mora High School
Gallegos, Kyaunna Mora High School
Gonzalez, Davina Mesa Vista High School
Pacheco, Natasha Mesa Vista High School
Torrez, Kylie Mesa Vista High School
Vallejos, Marlena Questa High School
Trujillo, Kaelynn Mesa Vista High School
Salazar, Anna Escalante High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hines, Katelyn 27-4 Escalante High School
MacAuley, Maricela 27-2.75 Penasco High School
Martinez, Haylie 26-5 Penasco High School
Vaughn, Hailey 25-8 Mora High School
Martinez, Ellianna 24-5.5 Mora High School
Sanchez, Pilar 23-11 Mora High School
Lovato, Alyse Questa High School
Gonzalez, Alianna Questa High School
Martinez, Leah Questa High School
Rivera, Annaliese Questa High School
Lucero, Ariana Mora High School
Amaya, Tafoya Dulce High School
Valasquez, Areanna Mora High School
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