Artesia Invitational 2022

Artesia, NM

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Asay, Eli 11.05 Carlsbad High School
Trevino, Kaden 11.08 Hobbs High School
Aguilera, Adam 11.18 Lovington High School
Solis, Adrian 11.24 Goddard High School
Gutierrez, Elijah 11.34 Cloudcroft High School
Duran, Juan Diego 11.34 Artesia High School
Blanchard, Alex 11.38 Hobbs High School
Bedwell, Marcus 11.53 Artesia High School
Hernandez, Christian 11.64 Roswell High School
Foggie, Kaleb 11.86 Clovis High School
Truex, Robert 11.88 Roswell High School
Rodriguez, Malachi 11.94 Hobbs High School
Johnson, Seth 11.97 Artesia High School
Morales, Javyn 11.98 Goddard High School
Godoy, Luis 12.02 Roswell High School
Hooks, Peyton 12.05 Lovington High School
Velarde, Kenneth 12.06 Goddard High School
Garcia, Jason 12.12 Moriarty High School
Corrales, Javier 12.13 Lovington High School
Miller, Caleb 12.38 Portales High School
Marquez, Juan 12.39 Moriarty High School
Sandoval, Ian 12.41 Carlsbad High School
Quintana, Isaiah 12.45 Moriarty High School
Matus, Kohen 12.50 Clovis High School
Rodriguez, Jessie 12.53 Carlsbad High School
Rocha, AJ 12.54 Mescalero Apache School
LaPaz, Jarien 13.02 Mescalero Apache School
Ramirez, Leo 13.06 Portales High School
Hurley, Josiah 13.14 Portales High School
Villegas, Christian 13.81 Clovis High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nora, Robert 14.75 Clovis High School
Naylor, Dane 15.54 Carlsbad High School
Benge, Brian 16.32 Artesia High School
Shores, Ty 16.90 Carlsbad High School
Palomino, Gabriel 17.55 Hobbs High School
Middleton, Ryan 17.63 Hobbs High School
Thomas, Ryan 17.64 Artesia High School
Conn, Ethan 17.93 Artesia High School
Lopez, Erik 18.03 Goddard High School
Chavez, Manny 18.23 Portales High School
Ramirez, Jonathan 18.58 Hobbs High School
Peters, Ivan 18.93 Lovington High School
Dick, Ben 19.67 Moriarty High School
Brito, Christian 19.81 Portales High School
kanseah, jason 21.20 Mescalero Apache School
Hanson, Jesse 21.28 Lovington High School
Lucero, Aerailius 22.04 Roswell High School
Carter, Drex 22.29 Clovis High School
Garcia, Miguel 22.62 Roswell High School
Flores, Noe 22.94 Lovington High School
Silva, Dominic 23.43 Roswell High School
douglass, Thomas 23.50 Mescalero Apache School
Rocha, angelo 23.58 Mescalero Apache School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Connor Cloudcroft High School
Ziegler, Alexander Cloudcroft High School
Diaz, Angel Clovis High School
Riess, Michael 4:31.51 Portales High School
Villegas, Adrian 4:42.43 Hobbs High School
Preslar, Max 4:43.79 Cloudcroft High School
Castellanos, Derick 4:44.54 Lovington High School
Baize, Zane 4:45.41 Artesia High School
Vega, Diego 4:46.85 Hobbs High School
Owens, Bryce 4:57.38 Carlsbad High School
Levy, Hayden 4:57.45 Clovis High School
Schuett, Henry 4:59.75 Moriarty High School
Carbajal, Evan 4:59.91 Portales High School
Nordgren, Jase 5:00.69 Clovis High School
Smith, Jonathan 5:08.34 Goddard High School
Young, Michael 5:19.23 Goddard High School
Olson, Tobias 5:23.76 Moriarty High School
Castorena, Marcelo 5:28.32 Hobbs High School
Pena, Mark 5:32.25 Artesia High School
Miranda, Rudy 5:34.26 Lovington High School
Chee, Chance 5:38.84 Mescalero Apache School
Peters, Luke 5:40.90 Carlsbad High School
Mojica, Cesar 5:46.25 Goddard High School
Rider, Tristen 5:48.26 Lovington High School
Castillo, Gavin 5:49.14 Mescalero Apache School
Duran, Gabriel 5:53.24 Portales High School
Garcia, Pablo 5:53.73 Roswell High School
Apodaca, Daunte 5:55.81 Roswell High School
Martinito, Charles 5:59.52 Roswell High School
Romo, Christian 6:08.08 Artesia High School
Sago, Westly 6:12.97 Mescalero Apache School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Asay, Eli 22.09 Carlsbad High School
Aguilera, Adam 22.40 Lovington High School
Duran, Juan Diego 23.05 Artesia High School
Trevino, Kaden 23.08 Hobbs High School
Solis, Adrian 23.10 Goddard High School
Romero, Eric 23.90 Goddard High School
Arras, Saul 23.99 Roswell High School
Blanchard, Alex 24.17 Hobbs High School
Romero, Jacob 24.17 Portales High School
Baca, Nicholas 24.29 Goddard High School
Deans, Payton 24.92 Artesia High School
Rodriguez, Malachi 24.95 Hobbs High School
Tarpeh, Xavier 24.96 Portales High School
Rodriguez, Jessie 25.04 Carlsbad High School
McGrath, Christopher 25.11 Moriarty High School
Dick, Ben 25.12 Moriarty High School
Carrasco, Joseph 25.13 Artesia High School
Dominguez, Isaac 25.23 Moriarty High School
Godoy, Luis 25.31 Roswell High School
Rubio, Aiden 25.33 Lovington High School
Vigil, Fabian 25.45 Roswell High School
Hooks, Peyton 25.75 Lovington High School
Sandoval, Ian 26.25 Carlsbad High School
Matus, Kohen 27.04 Clovis High School
Fisher, Jordan 27.40 Clovis High School
Alvarez, Abel 27.76 Clovis High School
Standifer, Toby 28.56 Portales High School
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ziegler, Benjamin Cloudcroft High School
Alvord, Chase Cloudcroft High School
Naylor, Dane 41.42 Carlsbad High School
Palomino, Gabriel 42.68 Hobbs High School
Bedwell, Marcus 42.78 Artesia High School
Middleton, Ryan 43.07 Hobbs High School
Dominguez, Isaac 43.82 Moriarty High School
Lopez, Erik 44.04 Goddard High School
Shores, Ty 44.11 Carlsbad High School
Benge, Brian 44.20 Artesia High School
Griego, Cade 44.79 Moriarty High School
Thomas, Ryan 45.82 Artesia High School
Peters, Ivan 46.06 Lovington High School
Chavez, Manny 46.12 Portales High School
Dick, Ben 47.73 Moriarty High School
Juarez, Javier 48.15 Hobbs High School
Fierro, Cesar 48.54 Goddard High School
Brito, Christian 48.61 Portales High School
Hanson, Jesse 49.94 Lovington High School
Garcia, Miguel 50.77 Roswell High School
Alvarez, Abel 52.00h Clovis High School
Villegas, Christian 52.00h Clovis High School
Carter, Drex 52.00h Clovis High School
Flores, Noe 52.42 Lovington High School
Rocha, angelo 56.04 Mescalero Apache School
douglass, Thomas 57.91 Mescalero Apache School
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matus, Kohen Clovis High School
Riess, Michael 10:20.20 Portales High School
Cruz, Jair 11:15.16 Hobbs High School
Chee, Chance 11:31.74 Mescalero Apache School
Olson, Tobias 11:42.67 Moriarty High School
Peters, Luke 11:44.60 Carlsbad High School
Smith, Jonathan 11:45.74 Goddard High School
Rider, Tristen 11:56.41 Lovington High School
Pena, Mark 12:03.04 Artesia High School
Miranda, Rudy 12:14.95 Lovington High School
Webster, Cody 12:21.20 Portales High School
Johnson, Ethan 12:22.28 Artesia High School
Ledezma, Rodolfo 12:26.79 Clovis High School
Sago, Westly 12:43.24 Mescalero Apache School
Smith, Connor 13:21.20 Cloudcroft High School
Grawrock, Landon 15:12.54 Portales High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Payton Lovington High School
Godoy, Luis 1:00.24 Roswell High School
Quinones, Michael 1:02.36 Artesia High School
Garcia, Lucas 1:02.72 Artesia High School
Nora, Robert 52.00h Clovis High School
Richards, Tilmon 53.91 Portales High School
Alpers, Corbin 54.18 Goddard High School
Gutierrez, Elijah 54.23 Cloudcroft High School
Argott, Omar 54.26 Hobbs High School
Sedillo, Jacob 54.33 Roswell High School
Jackson, LJ 54.52 Portales High School
Willard, Damon 54.84 Lovington High School
Espino, Christopher 55.60 Hobbs High School
Garcia, Jason 56.07 Moriarty High School
Hammond, David 56.18 Artesia High School
Barajas, Bryan 56.58 Goddard High School
Marquez, Ryan 56.96 Lovington High School
Quintana, Isaiah 57.16 Moriarty High School
Hinkle, Ethan 57.42 Roswell High School
Harriman, Cooper 58.00h Clovis High School
Standifer, Toby 58.32 Portales High School
Magofe, Michael 58.35 Moriarty High School
Orona, Miasel 59.45 Hobbs High School
Velarde, Kenneth 59.59 Goddard High School
Fisher, Jordan 59.87 Clovis High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.60 Hobbs High School
Relay Team A 43.66 Carlsbad High School
Relay Team A 44.00 Goddard High School
Relay Team A 44.19 Moriarty High School
Relay Team A 44.71 Clovis High School
Relay Team A 44.77 Artesia High School
Relay Team A 45.21 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 45.92 Portales High School
Relay Team A 46.67 Cloudcroft High School
Relay Team A 49.50h Mescalero Apache School
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Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:32.71 Lovington High School
Relay Team A 1:32.79 Carlsbad High School
Relay Team A 1:32.83 Goddard High School
Relay Team A 1:33.35 Moriarty High School
Relay Team A 1:33.59 Hobbs High School
Relay Team A 1:34.05 Clovis High School
Relay Team A 1:35.62 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 1:35.80 Artesia High School
Relay Team A 1:37.17 Portales High School
Relay Team A 1:41.54 Mescalero Apache School
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:33.33 Hobbs High School
Relay Team A 3:33.69 Moriarty High School
Relay Team A 3:35.46 Carlsbad High School
Relay Team A 3:38.13 Lovington High School
Relay Team A 3:39.22 Goddard High School
Relay Team A 3:40.10 Portales High School
Relay Team A 3:43.43 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 3:45.24 Artesia High School
Relay Team A 3:50.04 Clovis High School
Relay Team A 4:00.00h Mescalero Apache School
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lovington High School
Relay Team A 11:51.63 Cloudcroft High School
Relay Team A 8:57.97 Moriarty High School
Relay Team A 9:08.47 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 9:10.94 Clovis High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ledezma, Rodolfo Clovis High School
Dodson, Jacob Cloudcroft High School
Douglas, Tristin Cloudcroft High School
Barnes, Derek Moriarty High School
Riess, Michael 2:01.00 Portales High School
Villasenor, Alexander 2:04.96 Lovington High School
Owens, Bryce 2:05.12 Carlsbad High School
Castorena, Marcelo 2:07.22 Hobbs High School
Villegas, Adrian 2:08.34 Hobbs High School
Carbajal, Evan 2:08.79 Portales High School
Baize, Zane 2:08.81 Artesia High School
Vega, Diego 2:09.07 Hobbs High School
Young, Michael 2:14.01 Goddard High School
Lopez, Tommy 2:14.50h Portales High School
Arrieta, Hector 2:15.13 Goddard High School
Jarratt, Parker 2:17.46 Artesia High School
Romero, Matthew 2:18.23 Moriarty High School
Vazquez , Samuel 2:18.30 Artesia High School
Mojica, Cesar 2:19.06 Goddard High School
Madrid, Fidel 2:23.72 Clovis High School
Nichols, Conner 2:24.68 Roswell High School
Martinito, Charles 2:31.83 Roswell High School
Diaz, Angel 2:35.95 Clovis High School
Garcia, Pablo 2:39.32 Roswell High School
West, Arthur 2:42.09 Cloudcroft High School
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Varsity Boys Discus 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Argott, Aldo 133-11 Hobbs High School
Siaosi, Soni 124-5.5 Hobbs High School
Garcia, Brennan 121-3 Lovington High School
Masters, Braxton 116-11 Clovis High School
Cordova, Gregorio 116-6.5 Clovis High School
Maganda, Jesus 115-8 Hobbs High School
Dacanay, Christian 111-10 Goddard High School
Velasquez , Jacob 111-2 Artesia High School
Vaquera, David 111-1 Moriarty High School
Carrasco, Richard 110-1 Carlsbad High School
Gutierrez, Jesus 108-8 Roswell High School
Montoya, Josh 107-3 Moriarty High School
Estrada, Tarren 106-8 Roswell High School
Wooten, Kolby 101-10 Artesia High School
Herrera, Cristien 97-11 Moriarty High School
Lavalle, Nick 96-1 Portales High School
Caleyo, Francisco 95-9 Artesia High School
Ybarra, Dominick 94-8 Carlsbad High School
Barraza, Adrian 94-1 Roswell High School
Chavez, Gabe 91-11 Goddard High School
LaPaz, Jarien 91-2 Mescalero Apache School
Gutierrez, Bryan 89-3 Lovington High School
Ciulla, Dominic 89-2 Cloudcroft High School
Nigerville, Jaden 88-0 Clovis High School
Brown, Gregory 84-4 Carlsbad High School
Hodges, Zaine 80-4 Cloudcroft High School
Chavez, Maddox 80-3 Goddard High School
Morgan, Rueben 77-10 Mescalero Apache School
skin, gary 74-3 Mescalero Apache School
Chavez, Manny Portales High School
Webster, Brandon Portales High School
Neece, Kalob Lovington High School
Renfro, Wyatt Cloudcroft High School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mora, Aaron 6-0 Hobbs High School
Jarratt, Riley 5-10 Artesia High School
Hall, Andrew 5-10 Clovis High School
Nora, Robert 5-10 Clovis High School
Romero, Eric 5-10 Goddard High School
Mullen, Jeremiah 5-8 Artesia High School
Ramirez, Jonathan 5-8 Hobbs High School
Alvord, Chase 5-8 Cloudcroft High School
Balatche, Duncan 5-8 Mescalero Apache School
Lopez, Zaden 5-6 Artesia High School
Riess, Michael 5-6 Portales High School
Aguilar, Bradley 5-6 Portales High School
Palomino, Gabriel 5-4 Hobbs High School
Rueda, Xavier 5-4 Carlsbad High School
Macias, Lonicio 5-0 Roswell High School
Caddell, Hunter 5-0 Carlsbad High School
Garcia, Miguel Roswell High School
Marquez, Juan Moriarty High School
Quintana, Isaiah Moriarty High School
Ziegler, Benjamin Cloudcroft High School
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Varsity Boys Javelin 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Molinar, Vernan 164-1 Roswell High School
Adams, Keygan 150-3 Cloudcroft High School
Griego, Cade 144-7 Moriarty High School
Chavez, Manny 143-8 Portales High School
Llams, Alec 141-11 Hobbs High School
Argott, Omar 141-10 Hobbs High School
Ornelas, Jose 139-6.5 Lovington High School
Lopez, Zaden 137-10 Artesia High School
Velasquez , Jacob 133-2 Artesia High School
Guzman, Ezekiel 133-2 Lovington High School
Burns, Blaze 128-1 Artesia High School
Carrasco, Richard 126-3 Carlsbad High School
Blair, Austin 125-4 Carlsbad High School
Padilla, Andrew 123-10 Roswell High School
Hall, Andrew 119-0 Clovis High School
Garcia, Javier 116-10 Roswell High School
Price, Rhett 111-10 Goddard High School
Romero, Matthew 109-2 Moriarty High School
Fossum, Maekquin 108-9 Mescalero Apache School
Lujan, Josiah 107-2 Moriarty High School
Rietkerk, Tristen 104-10 Goddard High School
Neece, Kalob 101-2 Lovington High School
Dolan, Fabian 100-0 Mescalero Apache School
Quiroz, Elijah 94-5 Goddard High School
Dominguez, Juan 88-6 Portales High School
Lopez, A. J. 80-0 Portales High School
Hernandez, Gabriel Clovis High School
Alvord, Chase Cloudcroft High School
Hodges, Zaine Cloudcroft High School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blanchard, Alex 21-1 Hobbs High School
Solis, Adrian 20-4 Goddard High School
Hicks, Jaison 20-1.75 Roswell High School
Gutierrez, Elijah 20-1.5 Cloudcroft High School
Bedwell, Marcus 19-10 Artesia High School
Barrera, Jake 19-5 Artesia High School
Price, Rhett 19-4 Goddard High School
Corrales, Javier 19-2 Lovington High School
Martinez, Joshua 19-1.5 Roswell High School
Rodriguez, Malachi 19-1 Hobbs High School
Quintana, Isaiah 18-11.5 Moriarty High School
Quiroz, Elijah 18-10 Goddard High School
Magofe, Michael 18-9 Moriarty High School
Rodriguez, Jessie 18-7.5 Carlsbad High School
Shores, Ty 18-7 Carlsbad High School
Duran, Juan Diego 18-6.5 Artesia High School
Ramirez, Eric 18-6.5 Portales High School
Morales, Donavan 18-6 Roswell High School
Tarpeh, Xavier 18-4.25 Portales High School
LaPaz, Jarien 18-1.5 Mescalero Apache School
Munoz, Antonio 17-11.5 Moriarty High School
pollock, dewey 17-11 Mescalero Apache School
Jaquez, Jeremiah 17-9 Hobbs High School
Rubio, Aiden 17-7 Lovington High School
Ramirez, Leo 17-3 Portales High School
kanseah, jason 16-11.5 Mescalero Apache School
Matus, Kohen 16-10.7 Clovis High School
Harriman, Cooper Clovis High School
Hernandez, Payton Lovington High School
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benge, Brian 13-6 Artesia High School
Peters, Ivan 11-6 Lovington High School
Skinner, Zane 11-0 Artesia High School
Caddell, Hunter 10-0 Carlsbad High School
Lopez, Tommy 9-6 Portales High School
Brito, Christian 9-6 Portales High School
Garza, Jayden 9-6 Lovington High School
Vaquera, David 9-6 Moriarty High School
Schuett, Henry 9-6 Moriarty High School
Ramirez, Leo 9-0 Portales High School
Dominguez, Isaac 8-0 Moriarty High School
Harcrow, Haden Artesia High School
Alexander, Haden Lovington High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brumley, Gavin 45-11.5 Hobbs High School
Cordova, Gregorio 43-11.5 Clovis High School
Lavalle, Nick 43-2.5 Portales High School
Irish, Jeff 42-11 Roswell High School
Angeles, Gage 42-4.25 Clovis High School
Johnson, Jeremiah 42-3.75 Clovis High School
Maganda, Jesus 41-0 Hobbs High School
Carrasco, Richard 40-11 Carlsbad High School
Guzman, Ezekiel 39-9 Lovington High School
Yorfee, Nehemiah 39-8 Portales High School
Baeza, Sage 39-2.5 Hobbs High School
Anguiano, Andrew 38-9 Artesia High School
Borunda, Michael 38-4.25 Artesia High School
Garcia, Brennan 38-1.5 Lovington High School
Villa, Remi 37-4 Roswell High School
Ybarra, Dominick 36-10.5 Carlsbad High School
Chavez, Gabe 36-5.5 Goddard High School
Velasquez , Jacob 35-2 Artesia High School
Brown, Gregory 35-1 Carlsbad High School
LaPaz, Jarien 34-11 Mescalero Apache School
Chavez, Maddox 34-7 Goddard High School
Zamubil, Ramon 34-3 Roswell High School
Martin, Aiden 33-10 Goddard High School
Dunor, Abraham 33-8 Portales High School
Gutierrez, Bryan 32-8 Lovington High School
Page, Royal 32-2.5 Moriarty High School
Hatten, Preston 31-8 Moriarty High School
Morgan, Rueben 31-7 Mescalero Apache School
Montoya, Josh 29-6.25 Moriarty High School
skin, gary 29-0 Mescalero Apache School
Martinez, Rolland Cloudcroft High School
Renfro, Wyatt Cloudcroft High School
Ciulla, Dominic Cloudcroft High School
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Varsity Boys Sprint Medley Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:41.22 Hobbs High School
Relay Team A 3:41.25 Carlsbad High School
Relay Team A 3:54.00 Moriarty High School
Relay Team A 3:57.47 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 3:59.64 Goddard High School
Relay Team A 4:01.90 Cloudcroft High School
Relay Team A 4:04.94 Portales High School
Relay Team A 4:05.80 Clovis High School
Relay Team A 4:08.27 Artesia High School
Relay Team A 4:10.09 Lovington High School
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nora, Robert 45-0.25 Clovis High School
Ramirez, Jonathan 42-2.75 Hobbs High School
Hicks, Jaison 41-5.5 Roswell High School
Garcia, Jason 40-9.5 Moriarty High School
Naylor, Dane 40-2.25 Carlsbad High School
Lynch, Brad 39-11 Cloudcroft High School
Rodriguez, Malachi 39-8 Hobbs High School
Thorp, Cameron 39-4.5 Artesia High School
Barrera, Jake 39-4.5 Artesia High School
Shores, Ty 39-4 Carlsbad High School
Quiroz, Elijah 38-2.25 Goddard High School
Alvord, Chase 38-1 Cloudcroft High School
Conn, Ethan 38-0.5 Artesia High School
Barajas, Bryan 37-4.5 Goddard High School
Lopez, Erik 36-11 Goddard High School
Macias, Lonicio 36-8 Roswell High School
Dick, Ben 36-3 Moriarty High School
Lopez, Tommy 35-3.25 Portales High School
Romero, Dominic 34-1 Cloudcroft High School
Rubio, Aiden 33-5 Lovington High School
Carter, Drex 31-10.25 Clovis High School
Prieto, Javier 31-9 Lovington High School
Hernandez, Payton Lovington High School
Magofe, Michael Moriarty High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Jamie Clovis High School
Smith, Destiny 12.55 Artesia High School
Vine, Faith 12.80 Hobbs High School
Caleyo, Isabel 12.97 Artesia High School
Wright, Alexi 12.98 Hobbs High School
Gabaldon, Kristen 13.05 Artesia High School
Porras, Alessandra 13.20 Goddard High School
Maldonado, Mariana 13.20 Roswell High School
Munoz, Electra 13.55 Carlsbad High School
Clay, Leilani 13.57 Hobbs High School
shanta, aliciana 13.62 Mescalero Apache School
Aguilar, Kyla 13.70 Cloudcroft High School
Edwards, Payton 13.71 Moriarty High School
Castro, Bryana 13.72 Roswell High School
Pinon, Lexi 13.73 Goddard High School
Casey, Julia 13.87 Moriarty High School
Enloe, Chloe 13.88 Carlsbad High School
Bradley, Amber 13.99 Carlsbad High School
Chavez, Lillian 14.36 Moriarty High School
grant, danea 14.37 Mescalero Apache School
Johns, Kennedy 14.41 Carlsbad High School
Salcido, Erlin 14.57 Lovington High School
Chavira, Eden 14.84 Goddard High School
Mansell, KarterAnn 15.00 Cloudcroft High School
Smith, Daci 15.08 Roswell High School
Reza, Kiaya 15.08 Lovington High School
Small, Maya 15.31 Lovington High School
Fleharty, Bailey 16.49 Portales High School
Griffith, Addie 16.60 Portales High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dumlao, Malia 15.35 Roswell High School
Daughtry, Brynlee 16.20 Carlsbad High School
Harrison, Hattie 16.57 Artesia High School
Eckles, Gracie 17.45 Carlsbad High School
Smith, Destiny 17.66 Artesia High School
Apodaca, Molly 17.90 Moriarty High School
Lionbarger, Lila 17.98 Moriarty High School
Wilson, Cielo 18.10 Carlsbad High School
Parkin, Madison 18.27 Clovis High School
Alvarado, Victoria 19.54 Moriarty High School
McNeill, Aubrey 20.36 Portales High School
Thomas, Keyara 20.40 Goddard High School
Sanchez, Crystal 20.53 Roswell High School
Duran, Samantha 20.81 Roswell High School
Lohrer, Paige 21.15 Artesia High School
Scott, Ashlynn 21.64 Portales High School
Seright, Shaylee 21.96 Portales High School
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pena, Molly Mescalero Apache School
Crawford, Emily Portales High School
Contreras, Ashley Artesia High School
Hurren, Emma 5:52.92 Portales High School
Jefferson, Mikayla 5:58.97 Carlsbad High School
Martinez, Valeria 6:01.32 Goddard High School
Bustamante, Jaelyn 6:09.50 Artesia High School
Cox, Cora 6:26.73 Artesia High School
Villanueva, Victoria 6:27.21 Hobbs High School
Labori, Wileily 6:32.20 Goddard High School
Saravia, Janelle 6:34.23 Hobbs High School
Hasler, Olivia 6:46.64 Moriarty High School
Alvarado, Bianca 6:51.69 Roswell High School
Garza, Alicia 6:55.63 Roswell High School
Volk, Evalinn 7:09.98 Moriarty High School
McNeill, Brooke 7:23.61 Portales High School
Miranda, Paola 7:31.90 Hobbs High School
Ornelas, C'lara 8:08.54 Roswell High School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Puente, Nya Hobbs High School
Olivas, Brooklynn Moriarty High School
grant, danea Mescalero Apache School
Griffith, Addie Portales High School
Wright, Alexi 27.43 Hobbs High School
Gabaldon, Kristen 27.65 Artesia High School
Vine, Faith 27.74 Hobbs High School
Munoz, Electra 27.91 Carlsbad High School
Castro, Bryana 28.22 Roswell High School
Aguilar, Kyla 28.25 Cloudcroft High School
shanta, aliciana 28.40 Mescalero Apache School
Maldonado, Mariana 28.59 Roswell High School
Edwards, Payton 28.66 Moriarty High School
Carrasco, Raeann 28.75 Carlsbad High School
Smith, Destiny 28.78 Artesia High School
Duran, Samantha 28.94 Roswell High School
Johns, Kennedy 28.98 Carlsbad High School
Daughtry, Brynlee 29.00 Carlsbad High School
Ruiz, Ruby 29.25 Goddard High School
Kilpatrick, Lexi 29.27 Lovington High School
Lockner, Hailey 29.52 Cloudcroft High School
Casey, Julia 29.52 Moriarty High School
Enloe, Chloe 29.73 Carlsbad High School
Bradley, Amber 30.18 Carlsbad High School
Griffith, Jolie 30.33 Portales High School
Loza, Kenadi 30.39 Goddard High School
Salcido, Erlin 30.76 Lovington High School
Flores, Bella 30.86 Goddard High School
Cervantez, Melaine 31.00 Lovington High School
Mansell, KarterAnn 31.00 Cloudcroft High School
Loza, Sofia 32.16 Artesia High School
Low, Olivia 33.48 Portales High School
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scott, Ashlynn 1:00.94 Portales High School
Seright, Shaylee 1:04.19 Portales High School
Paden, Kylyie 49.88 Portales High School
Harrison, Hattie 51.00 Artesia High School
Apodaca, Molly 51.97 Moriarty High School
Ivey, Taylor 52.69 Roswell High School
Dumlao, Malia 52.78 Roswell High School
Alvarado, Victoria 52.85 Moriarty High School
Smith, Destiny 52.85 Artesia High School
Lionbarger, Lila 54.23 Moriarty High School
Duran, Samantha 54.42 Roswell High School
Wilson, Cielo 57.00 Carlsbad High School
Lohrer, Paige 58.23 Artesia High School
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Valeria 11:42.17 Goddard High School
Palacios, Yisel 12:01.00 Hobbs High School
Gallegos, Vanessa 12:28.14 Lovington High School
Hasler, Olivia 13:25.39 Moriarty High School
Labori, Wileily 13:39.70 Goddard High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Porras, Alessandra 1:03.38 Goddard High School
Castro, Bryana 1:03.42 Roswell High School
Paden, Audrey 1:04.25 Portales High School
Reeves, Kadynce 1:04.45 Portales High School
Dominguez, Celeste 1:05.08 Lovington High School
Glissen, Emily 1:05.87 Carlsbad High School
Strickland, Jaelyn 1:06.36 Hobbs High School
Ontiveros, Abby 1:07.13 Portales High School
Vasquez, Trinity 1:07.40 Hobbs High School
Enloe, Chloe 1:08.00 Carlsbad High School
Olivas, Brooklynn 1:09.69 Moriarty High School
Chavez, Lillian 1:10.28 Moriarty High School
Puente, Nya 1:11.58 Hobbs High School
Quintana, Miranda 1:11.74 Moriarty High School
Royo-Begueria, Sara 1:12.29 Goddard High School
Thomas, Keyara 1:13.49 Goddard High School
Montanez, Arlette 1:14.46 Roswell High School
Loza, Sofia 1:14.55 Artesia High School
Rice, Madison 1:14.77 Lovington High School
Shaw, Shanery 1:18.31 Artesia High School
Reza, Kiaya 1:18.84 Lovington High School
Ramirez, Anissa 1:25.20 Artesia High School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.62 Hobbs High School
Relay Team A 50.99 Artesia High School
Relay Team A 52.57 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 52.60 Goddard High School
Relay Team A 52.61 Carlsbad High School
Relay Team A 53.50 Portales High School
Relay Team A 53.54 Cloudcroft High School
Relay Team A 53.89 Moriarty High School
Relay Team A 54.22 Lovington High School
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Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:49.54 Artesia High School
Relay Team A 1:51.82 Moriarty High School
Relay Team A 1:52.11 Hobbs High School
Relay Team A 1:52.34 Carlsbad High School
Relay Team A 1:52.60 Goddard High School
Relay Team A 1:54.84 Portales High School
Relay Team A 1:58.00h Lovington High School
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:17.13 Hobbs High School
Relay Team A 4:21.30 Portales High School
Relay Team A 4:22.11 Artesia High School
Relay Team A 4:24.15 Moriarty High School
Relay Team A 4:27.56 Carlsbad High School
Relay Team A 4:30.67 Lovington High School
Relay Team A 4:35.75 Goddard High School
Relay Team A 4:43.86 Roswell High School
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:27.09 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 11:43.22 Moriarty High School
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitlock, Rileigh Cloudcroft High School
Pinon, Lexi Goddard High School
Moos, Aspen Cloudcroft High School
Palacios, Yisel 2:27.31 Hobbs High School
Waltmire, Morgan 2:28.10 Goddard High School
Hurren, Emma 2:29.00 Portales High School
Cox, Cora 2:29.27 Artesia High School
Jefferson, Mikayla 2:32 Carlsbad High School
Oaxaca, Celeste 2:35.47 Hobbs High School
Reed, Elena 2:40.08 Carlsbad High School
Mojica, Nakia 2:40.50 Hobbs High School
Herrera, Jenitza 2:45.47 Lovington High School
Herrera, Stephanie 2:46.07 Lovington High School
Crawford, Emily 2:49.40 Portales High School
Bustamante, Jaelyn 2:50.34 Artesia High School
Macias, Brittney 2:54.00 Roswell High School
Wiltbank, Kyndal 2:55.43 Moriarty High School
Barrera, Anahi 2:59.18 Carlsbad High School
Owens, Kailyn 3:00.45 Artesia High School
Volk, Evalinn 3:01.33 Moriarty High School
Garza, Alicia 3:12.17 Roswell High School
McNeill, Brooke 3:21.00 Portales High School
Ornelas, C'lara 3:44.22 Roswell High School
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Varsity Girls Discus 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mccorvey, Ibree 104-6 Hobbs High School
Low, Olivia 100-5.5 Portales High School
Esparza, Vanessa 98-5.5 Hobbs High School
Elkins, Shana 92-9 Artesia High School
Cordova, Serena 92-6 Moriarty High School
Borunda, Amber 91-11 Lovington High School
Younger, Carly 90-10 Carlsbad High School
Cruz, Irene 88-5 Portales High School
Beltran, Kymber 88-2.5 Artesia High School
Lujan, Sophia 86-3 Lovington High School
Killette, Keariana 85-8 Portales High School
Bowles, Lily 82-7 Goddard High School
Gutierrez, Micah 79-9 Cloudcroft High School
Madrid-Kane, Emily 76-1 Goddard High School
Hernandez, Brissa 75-7.5 Roswell High School
Ivy, Jadyn 69-2 Artesia High School
Guerra, Bianca 67-10 Hobbs High School
Schmutz, Loralyn 63-10 Moriarty High School
Edwards, Carrie 59-8 Roswell High School
Olvera, Ariana 58-11 Roswell High School
Burke, Kiralee 53-11 Carlsbad High School
valdez, Isdzane “Bubbles” 47-3 Mescalero Apache School
Anderson, Linda Lovington High School
Edwards, Presley Moriarty High School
Romero, Marisa Cloudcroft High School
Kimble, Carly Cloudcroft High School
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Varsity Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paden, Kylyie 5-3 Portales High School
Eckles, Gracie 5-2 Carlsbad High School
Teasyatwho, Ambrosia 5-0 Goddard High School
Harrison, Hattie 4-8 Artesia High School
Vine, Faith 4-8 Hobbs High School
Fowler, Breanna 4-6 Roswell High School
Low, Olivia 4-6 Portales High School
Davila, Hannah 4-6 Hobbs High School
Cronin, Matea 4-4 Moriarty High School
Wilson, Cielo 4-4 Carlsbad High School
Gilliam, Teeah 4-4 Cloudcroft High School
Sanchez, Crystal 4-0 Roswell High School
Reeves, Kadynce Portales High School
Loza, Sofia Artesia High School
Edwards, Payton Moriarty High School
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Varsity Girls Javelin 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beltran, Koda 113-11 Artesia High School
Bosquez, Desiree 110-10 Hobbs High School
Maestas, Angelina 106-1 Portales High School
Borunda, Amber 106-0 Lovington High School
Velo, Audrey 103-3 Artesia High School
Younger, Carly 102-9 Carlsbad High School
Ivy, Aubree 101-6 Artesia High School
Edwards, Presley 99-7 Moriarty High School
Dumlao, Malia 97-7 Roswell High School
Schmutz, Loralyn 97-0 Moriarty High School
Torres, Araceli 96-5 Hobbs High School
Bowles, Lily 91-11 Goddard High School
Cruz, Esperanza 89-6 Portales High School
Lockner, Aubree 88-2 Cloudcroft High School
Cruz, Irene 87-9.5 Portales High School
Aguilar, Kyla 80-4 Cloudcroft High School
Cordova, Serena 80-3 Moriarty High School
Adams, Kylie 80-0 Cloudcroft High School
Ornelas, C'lara 79-1 Roswell High School
Scribner, Kiara 78-4 Hobbs High School
Wieser, Erica Lovington High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Monreal, Angela 17-3 Roswell High School
Eckles, Gracie 17-1 Carlsbad High School
Wright, Alexi 16-9 Hobbs High School
Willard, Destiny 16-3.5 Goddard High School
Clay, Leilani 15-10 Hobbs High School
Wilson, Cielo 15-9 Carlsbad High School
Ruiz, Ruby 15-8 Goddard High School
shanta, aliciana 14-6 Mescalero Apache School
Casey, Julia 14-4 Moriarty High School
Smith, Daci 14-2 Roswell High School
Cano, Emily 14-0.75 Artesia High School
Velasco, Myela 13-11 Roswell High School
Griffith, Jolie 13-10.5 Portales High School
Sanchez, Mia 13-9.5 Artesia High School
Hernandez, Yahiera 13-0 Lovington High School
Quintana, Miranda 13-0 Moriarty High School
Fleharty, Bailey 10-5 Portales High School
grant, danea 9-4.5 Mescalero Apache School
Chavez, Lillian Moriarty High School
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johns, Kennedy 11-0 Carlsbad High School
Paden, Kylyie 11-0 Portales High School
Parkin, Madison 11-0 Clovis High School
Bradley, Amber 10-0 Carlsbad High School
Lopez, Zailor 9-0 Artesia High School
Long, Jamie 8-6 Clovis High School
Contreras, Mia 8-3 Lovington High School
Reeves, Kadynce 8-0 Portales High School
Teasyatwho, Ambrosia 8-0 Goddard High School
Dosher, Mackenzie 7-6 Goddard High School
Apodaca, Molly 7-6 Moriarty High School
Volk, Evalinn 7-0 Moriarty High School
Lionbarger, Lila 6-6 Moriarty High School
Sanchez, Mia 6-0 Artesia High School
Maestas, Angelina Portales High School
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wagner, Lorin 37-7.5 Artesia High School
Elkins, Shana 34-5 Artesia High School
Beltran, Kymber 32-5 Artesia High School
Mccorvey, Ibree 30-7.5 Hobbs High School
Low, Olivia 30-0 Portales High School
Borunda, Amber 29-10 Lovington High School
Anderson, Linda 29-6.5 Lovington High School
Bowles, Lily 28-10 Goddard High School
Lujan, Sophia 28-9.5 Lovington High School
Madrid-Kane, Emily 28-8 Goddard High School
Cordova, Serena 27-9 Moriarty High School
Edwards, Carrie 27-7 Roswell High School
Olvera, Ariana 27-5 Roswell High School
Esparza, Vanessa 26-10.5 Hobbs High School
Clay, Makaelie 26-8.25 Hobbs High School
Schmutz, Loralyn 26-5.5 Moriarty High School
Cruz, Irene 24-1 Portales High School
Hernandez, Brissa 24-1 Roswell High School
Edwards, Presley 23-9 Moriarty High School
Pfaffenberger, Alexis 21-11 Portales High School
Gutierrez, Micah 21-8.5 Cloudcroft High School
valdez, Isdzane “Bubbles” 20-8.5 Mescalero Apache School
Burke, Kiralee 19-10 Carlsbad High School
Romero, Marisa Cloudcroft High School
Newton, Sophia Cloudcroft High School
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Varsity Girls Sprint Medley Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cloudcroft High School
Relay Team A 4:24.84 Hobbs High School
Relay Team A 4:44.21 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 4:44.24 Goddard High School
Relay Team A 4:50.48 Moriarty High School
Relay Team A 4:55.00h Lovington High School
Relay Team A 5:04.24 Carlsbad High School
Relay Team A 5:08.83 Artesia High School
Relay Team A 5:20.66 Portales High School
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daughtry, Brynlee 34-11 Carlsbad High School
Clay, Leilani 32-9 Hobbs High School
Cano, Emily 31-10 Artesia High School
Velasco, Myela 31-0 Roswell High School
Hernandez, Yahiera 30-3 Lovington High School
Volk, Evalinn 29-7 Moriarty High School
Quintana, Miranda 29-5.5 Moriarty High School
Banks, Janya 28-4 Hobbs High School
Vasquez, Trinity 28-2 Hobbs High School
Maestas, Angelina Portales High School
McNeill, Aubrey Portales High School
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