Athlete Entries
Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Matus, Kohen | Clovis High School | |
Riess, Michael | 10:20.20 | Portales High School |
Cruz, Jair | 11:15.16 | Hobbs High School |
Chee, Chance | 11:31.74 | Mescalero Apache School |
Olson, Tobias | 11:42.67 | Moriarty High School |
Peters, Luke | 11:44.60 | Carlsbad High School |
Smith, Jonathan | 11:45.74 | Goddard High School |
Rider, Tristen | 11:56.41 | Lovington High School |
Pena, Mark | 12:03.04 | Artesia High School |
Miranda, Rudy | 12:14.95 | Lovington High School |
Webster, Cody | 12:21.20 | Portales High School |
Johnson, Ethan | 12:22.28 | Artesia High School |
Ledezma, Rodolfo | 12:26.79 | Clovis High School |
Sago, Westly | 12:43.24 | Mescalero Apache School |
Smith, Connor | 13:21.20 | Cloudcroft High School |
Grawrock, Landon | 15:12.54 | Portales High School |
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 43.60 | Hobbs High School |
Relay Team A | 43.66 | Carlsbad High School |
Relay Team A | 44.00 | Goddard High School |
Relay Team A | 44.19 | Moriarty High School |
Relay Team A | 44.71 | Clovis High School |
Relay Team A | 44.77 | Artesia High School |
Relay Team A | 45.21 | Roswell High School |
Relay Team A | 45.92 | Portales High School |
Relay Team A | 46.67 | Cloudcroft High School |
Relay Team A | 49.50h | Mescalero Apache School |
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Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 10 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 1:32.71 | Lovington High School |
Relay Team A | 1:32.79 | Carlsbad High School |
Relay Team A | 1:32.83 | Goddard High School |
Relay Team A | 1:33.35 | Moriarty High School |
Relay Team A | 1:33.59 | Hobbs High School |
Relay Team A | 1:34.05 | Clovis High School |
Relay Team A | 1:35.62 | Roswell High School |
Relay Team A | 1:35.80 | Artesia High School |
Relay Team A | 1:37.17 | Portales High School |
Relay Team A | 1:41.54 | Mescalero Apache School |
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 3:33.33 | Hobbs High School |
Relay Team A | 3:33.69 | Moriarty High School |
Relay Team A | 3:35.46 | Carlsbad High School |
Relay Team A | 3:38.13 | Lovington High School |
Relay Team A | 3:39.22 | Goddard High School |
Relay Team A | 3:40.10 | Portales High School |
Relay Team A | 3:43.43 | Roswell High School |
Relay Team A | 3:45.24 | Artesia High School |
Relay Team A | 3:50.04 | Clovis High School |
Relay Team A | 4:00.00h | Mescalero Apache School |
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | Lovington High School | |
Relay Team A | 11:51.63 | Cloudcroft High School |
Relay Team A | 8:57.97 | Moriarty High School |
Relay Team A | 9:08.47 | Roswell High School |
Relay Team A | 9:10.94 | Clovis High School |
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Varsity Boys High Jump 20 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Mora, Aaron | 6-0 | Hobbs High School |
Jarratt, Riley | 5-10 | Artesia High School |
Hall, Andrew | 5-10 | Clovis High School |
Nora, Robert | 5-10 | Clovis High School |
Romero, Eric | 5-10 | Goddard High School |
Mullen, Jeremiah | 5-8 | Artesia High School |
Ramirez, Jonathan | 5-8 | Hobbs High School |
Alvord, Chase | 5-8 | Cloudcroft High School |
Balatche, Duncan | 5-8 | Mescalero Apache School |
Lopez, Zaden | 5-6 | Artesia High School |
Riess, Michael | 5-6 | Portales High School |
Aguilar, Bradley | 5-6 | Portales High School |
Palomino, Gabriel | 5-4 | Hobbs High School |
Rueda, Xavier | 5-4 | Carlsbad High School |
Macias, Lonicio | 5-0 | Roswell High School |
Caddell, Hunter | 5-0 | Carlsbad High School |
Garcia, Miguel | Roswell High School | |
Marquez, Juan | Moriarty High School | |
Quintana, Isaiah | Moriarty High School | |
Ziegler, Benjamin | Cloudcroft High School | |
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 13 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Benge, Brian | 13-6 | Artesia High School |
Peters, Ivan | 11-6 | Lovington High School |
Skinner, Zane | 11-0 | Artesia High School |
Caddell, Hunter | 10-0 | Carlsbad High School |
Lopez, Tommy | 9-6 | Portales High School |
Brito, Christian | 9-6 | Portales High School |
Garza, Jayden | 9-6 | Lovington High School |
Vaquera, David | 9-6 | Moriarty High School |
Schuett, Henry | 9-6 | Moriarty High School |
Ramirez, Leo | 9-0 | Portales High School |
Dominguez, Isaac | 8-0 | Moriarty High School |
Harcrow, Haden | Artesia High School | |
Alexander, Haden | Lovington High School | |
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Varsity Boys Sprint Medley Relay 10 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 3:41.22 | Hobbs High School |
Relay Team A | 3:41.25 | Carlsbad High School |
Relay Team A | 3:54.00 | Moriarty High School |
Relay Team A | 3:57.47 | Roswell High School |
Relay Team A | 3:59.64 | Goddard High School |
Relay Team A | 4:01.90 | Cloudcroft High School |
Relay Team A | 4:04.94 | Portales High School |
Relay Team A | 4:05.80 | Clovis High School |
Relay Team A | 4:08.27 | Artesia High School |
Relay Team A | 4:10.09 | Lovington High School |
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Dumlao, Malia | 15.35 | Roswell High School |
Daughtry, Brynlee | 16.20 | Carlsbad High School |
Harrison, Hattie | 16.57 | Artesia High School |
Eckles, Gracie | 17.45 | Carlsbad High School |
Smith, Destiny | 17.66 | Artesia High School |
Apodaca, Molly | 17.90 | Moriarty High School |
Lionbarger, Lila | 17.98 | Moriarty High School |
Wilson, Cielo | 18.10 | Carlsbad High School |
Parkin, Madison | 18.27 | Clovis High School |
Alvarado, Victoria | 19.54 | Moriarty High School |
McNeill, Aubrey | 20.36 | Portales High School |
Thomas, Keyara | 20.40 | Goddard High School |
Sanchez, Crystal | 20.53 | Roswell High School |
Duran, Samantha | 20.81 | Roswell High School |
Lohrer, Paige | 21.15 | Artesia High School |
Scott, Ashlynn | 21.64 | Portales High School |
Seright, Shaylee | 21.96 | Portales High School |
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Pena, Molly | Mescalero Apache School | |
Crawford, Emily | Portales High School | |
Contreras, Ashley | Artesia High School | |
Hurren, Emma | 5:52.92 | Portales High School |
Jefferson, Mikayla | 5:58.97 | Carlsbad High School |
Martinez, Valeria | 6:01.32 | Goddard High School |
Bustamante, Jaelyn | 6:09.50 | Artesia High School |
Cox, Cora | 6:26.73 | Artesia High School |
Villanueva, Victoria | 6:27.21 | Hobbs High School |
Labori, Wileily | 6:32.20 | Goddard High School |
Saravia, Janelle | 6:34.23 | Hobbs High School |
Hasler, Olivia | 6:46.64 | Moriarty High School |
Alvarado, Bianca | 6:51.69 | Roswell High School |
Garza, Alicia | 6:55.63 | Roswell High School |
Volk, Evalinn | 7:09.98 | Moriarty High School |
McNeill, Brooke | 7:23.61 | Portales High School |
Miranda, Paola | 7:31.90 | Hobbs High School |
Ornelas, C'lara | 8:08.54 | Roswell High School |
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Scott, Ashlynn | 1:00.94 | Portales High School |
Seright, Shaylee | 1:04.19 | Portales High School |
Paden, Kylyie | 49.88 | Portales High School |
Harrison, Hattie | 51.00 | Artesia High School |
Apodaca, Molly | 51.97 | Moriarty High School |
Ivey, Taylor | 52.69 | Roswell High School |
Dumlao, Malia | 52.78 | Roswell High School |
Alvarado, Victoria | 52.85 | Moriarty High School |
Smith, Destiny | 52.85 | Artesia High School |
Lionbarger, Lila | 54.23 | Moriarty High School |
Duran, Samantha | 54.42 | Roswell High School |
Wilson, Cielo | 57.00 | Carlsbad High School |
Lohrer, Paige | 58.23 | Artesia High School |
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Martinez, Valeria | 11:42.17 | Goddard High School |
Palacios, Yisel | 12:01.00 | Hobbs High School |
Gallegos, Vanessa | 12:28.14 | Lovington High School |
Hasler, Olivia | 13:25.39 | Moriarty High School |
Labori, Wileily | 13:39.70 | Goddard High School |
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 50.62 | Hobbs High School |
Relay Team A | 50.99 | Artesia High School |
Relay Team A | 52.57 | Roswell High School |
Relay Team A | 52.60 | Goddard High School |
Relay Team A | 52.61 | Carlsbad High School |
Relay Team A | 53.50 | Portales High School |
Relay Team A | 53.54 | Cloudcroft High School |
Relay Team A | 53.89 | Moriarty High School |
Relay Team A | 54.22 | Lovington High School |
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Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 1:49.54 | Artesia High School |
Relay Team A | 1:51.82 | Moriarty High School |
Relay Team A | 1:52.11 | Hobbs High School |
Relay Team A | 1:52.34 | Carlsbad High School |
Relay Team A | 1:52.60 | Goddard High School |
Relay Team A | 1:54.84 | Portales High School |
Relay Team A | 1:58.00h | Lovington High School |
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 4:17.13 | Hobbs High School |
Relay Team A | 4:21.30 | Portales High School |
Relay Team A | 4:22.11 | Artesia High School |
Relay Team A | 4:24.15 | Moriarty High School |
Relay Team A | 4:27.56 | Carlsbad High School |
Relay Team A | 4:30.67 | Lovington High School |
Relay Team A | 4:35.75 | Goddard High School |
Relay Team A | 4:43.86 | Roswell High School |
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | 11:27.09 | Roswell High School |
Relay Team A | 11:43.22 | Moriarty High School |
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Varsity Girls High Jump 15 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Paden, Kylyie | 5-3 | Portales High School |
Eckles, Gracie | 5-2 | Carlsbad High School |
Teasyatwho, Ambrosia | 5-0 | Goddard High School |
Harrison, Hattie | 4-8 | Artesia High School |
Vine, Faith | 4-8 | Hobbs High School |
Fowler, Breanna | 4-6 | Roswell High School |
Low, Olivia | 4-6 | Portales High School |
Davila, Hannah | 4-6 | Hobbs High School |
Cronin, Matea | 4-4 | Moriarty High School |
Wilson, Cielo | 4-4 | Carlsbad High School |
Gilliam, Teeah | 4-4 | Cloudcroft High School |
Sanchez, Crystal | 4-0 | Roswell High School |
Reeves, Kadynce | Portales High School | |
Loza, Sofia | Artesia High School | |
Edwards, Payton | Moriarty High School | |
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Varsity Girls Javelin 21 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Beltran, Koda | 113-11 | Artesia High School |
Bosquez, Desiree | 110-10 | Hobbs High School |
Maestas, Angelina | 106-1 | Portales High School |
Borunda, Amber | 106-0 | Lovington High School |
Velo, Audrey | 103-3 | Artesia High School |
Younger, Carly | 102-9 | Carlsbad High School |
Ivy, Aubree | 101-6 | Artesia High School |
Edwards, Presley | 99-7 | Moriarty High School |
Dumlao, Malia | 97-7 | Roswell High School |
Schmutz, Loralyn | 97-0 | Moriarty High School |
Torres, Araceli | 96-5 | Hobbs High School |
Bowles, Lily | 91-11 | Goddard High School |
Cruz, Esperanza | 89-6 | Portales High School |
Lockner, Aubree | 88-2 | Cloudcroft High School |
Cruz, Irene | 87-9.5 | Portales High School |
Aguilar, Kyla | 80-4 | Cloudcroft High School |
Cordova, Serena | 80-3 | Moriarty High School |
Adams, Kylie | 80-0 | Cloudcroft High School |
Ornelas, C'lara | 79-1 | Roswell High School |
Scribner, Kiara | 78-4 | Hobbs High School |
Wieser, Erica | Lovington High School | |
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 19 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Monreal, Angela | 17-3 | Roswell High School |
Eckles, Gracie | 17-1 | Carlsbad High School |
Wright, Alexi | 16-9 | Hobbs High School |
Willard, Destiny | 16-3.5 | Goddard High School |
Clay, Leilani | 15-10 | Hobbs High School |
Wilson, Cielo | 15-9 | Carlsbad High School |
Ruiz, Ruby | 15-8 | Goddard High School |
shanta, aliciana | 14-6 | Mescalero Apache School |
Casey, Julia | 14-4 | Moriarty High School |
Smith, Daci | 14-2 | Roswell High School |
Cano, Emily | 14-0.75 | Artesia High School |
Velasco, Myela | 13-11 | Roswell High School |
Griffith, Jolie | 13-10.5 | Portales High School |
Sanchez, Mia | 13-9.5 | Artesia High School |
Hernandez, Yahiera | 13-0 | Lovington High School |
Quintana, Miranda | 13-0 | Moriarty High School |
Fleharty, Bailey | 10-5 | Portales High School |
grant, danea | 9-4.5 | Mescalero Apache School |
Chavez, Lillian | Moriarty High School | |
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 15 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Johns, Kennedy | 11-0 | Carlsbad High School |
Paden, Kylyie | 11-0 | Portales High School |
Parkin, Madison | 11-0 | Clovis High School |
Bradley, Amber | 10-0 | Carlsbad High School |
Lopez, Zailor | 9-0 | Artesia High School |
Long, Jamie | 8-6 | Clovis High School |
Contreras, Mia | 8-3 | Lovington High School |
Reeves, Kadynce | 8-0 | Portales High School |
Teasyatwho, Ambrosia | 8-0 | Goddard High School |
Dosher, Mackenzie | 7-6 | Goddard High School |
Apodaca, Molly | 7-6 | Moriarty High School |
Volk, Evalinn | 7-0 | Moriarty High School |
Lionbarger, Lila | 6-6 | Moriarty High School |
Sanchez, Mia | 6-0 | Artesia High School |
Maestas, Angelina | Portales High School | |
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Varsity Girls Sprint Medley Relay 9 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Relay Team A | Cloudcroft High School | |
Relay Team A | 4:24.84 | Hobbs High School |
Relay Team A | 4:44.21 | Roswell High School |
Relay Team A | 4:44.24 | Goddard High School |
Relay Team A | 4:50.48 | Moriarty High School |
Relay Team A | 4:55.00h | Lovington High School |
Relay Team A | 5:04.24 | Carlsbad High School |
Relay Team A | 5:08.83 | Artesia High School |
Relay Team A | 5:20.66 | Portales High School |
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 11 entries |
Athlete | Seed | Team |
Daughtry, Brynlee | 34-11 | Carlsbad High School |
Clay, Leilani | 32-9 | Hobbs High School |
Cano, Emily | 31-10 | Artesia High School |
Velasco, Myela | 31-0 | Roswell High School |
Hernandez, Yahiera | 30-3 | Lovington High School |
Volk, Evalinn | 29-7 | Moriarty High School |
Quintana, Miranda | 29-5.5 | Moriarty High School |
Banks, Janya | 28-4 | Hobbs High School |
Vasquez, Trinity | 28-2 | Hobbs High School |
Maestas, Angelina | Portales High School | |
McNeill, Aubrey | Portales High School | |
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