District 1 4A Track and Field Championship 2021

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crawford, Cameron 10.95 Kirtland Central High School
Joe, Kyler 11.32 Kirtland Central High School
Reinhardt, Ayden 11.42 Bloomfield High School
McNeal, Tristen 11.45 Aztec High School
Roberts, Riley 11.51 Aztec High School
Thomas, Zakk 11.52 Kirtland Central High School
Beckstead, Liam 11.60 Kirtland Central High School
Rascon, George 11.69 Bloomfield High School
Bixler, Justin 11.77 Aztec High School
Livingston, Anthony 11.83 Aztec High School
Wooten, Jonathan 12.07 Bloomfield High School
Gillespie, Saleem 12.14 Miyamura High School
Whitaker, Logan 12.18 Aztec High School
Bruce, Tyrese 12.21 Shiprock High School
Chavarria, Joshe 12.30 Miyamura High School
Shahan, Nathan 12.35 Aztec High School
Chavarria, Sergio 12.53 Miyamura High School
Sisson, Caleb 12.56 Kirtland Central High School
Smith, Brayden 12.59 Aztec High School
Schaub, Austin 12.63 Aztec High School
Begay, Jarvis 12.85 Shiprock High School
Frost, Landon 12.87 Aztec High School
Harvey, Jacob 13.09 Shiprock High School
Warner, Easten 13.14 Kirtland Central High School
Cook, Kristofer 13.17 Aztec High School
House, Drake 13.31 Bloomfield High School
Maldonado, Selvino 13.58 Miyamura High School
Largo, Melegerius 13.60 Shiprock High School
Lee, Kevin 13.66 Shiprock High School
Decker, Pharrell 13.89 Kirtland Central High School
Smith, Drake 14.13 Gallup High School
Gomez, Shawn 14.46 Gallup High School
Crouch, Sean 14.67 Aztec High School
Baker, Brett 14.81 Gallup High School
Tom, Zachariah 15.02 Shiprock High School
Benally, Kasey 19.47 Gallup High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Heath Bloomfield High School
Guillen, Daniel Miyamura High School
Beevers, Ethan 16.10 Bloomfield High School
Crawford, Trace 16.82 Kirtland Central High School
Montoya, Lucas 17.79 Bloomfield High School
Beck, Patrick 18.10 Bloomfield High School
Snell-Martinez, Eli 19.39 Bloomfield High School
Roberts, Izaiha 21.06 Shiprock High School
Largo, Melegerius 21.51 Shiprock High School
Agoodie, Nicholas 24.12 Shiprock High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Godbay, Jayden Aztec High School
Agoodie, Nicholas Shiprock High School
Benson, Tayan 4:34.89 Miyamura High School
Toledo, Mauricio 4:45.45 Bloomfield High School
Roundface, Theodore 5:05.11 Gallup High School
Chavez, Javen 5:10.14 Bloomfield High School
Bates, Kyle 5:11.00 Miyamura High School
Bitsilly, Justin 5:11.31 Shiprock High School
Augare-Deal, Kendon 5:20.43 Gallup High School
Teller, Josiah 5:21.96 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson-Hood , Shance 5:25.66 Miyamura High School
Lee, Jordan 5:38.75 Kirtland Central High School
Henry, Brandon 5:39.88 Miyamura High School
Brown, Ethan 5:39.97 Gallup High School
Mikel-Royce, Daniel 5:45.30 Aztec High School
Crosby, Danny 5:48.00 Kirtland Central High School
Valdez, Isaac 5:52.06 Bloomfield High School
Gale, Adam 5:54.33 Kirtland Central High School
Hunt, Clint 5:56.44 Aztec High School
Frank, Javyn 5:57.77 Bloomfield High School
Lewis, Logan 6:05.99 Kirtland Central High School
Bitsilly, Ashton 6:13.64 Shiprock High School
Begay, Caden 6:17.59 Shiprock High School
Martinez, Carlos 6:22.50 Kirtland Central High School
Gould, Julious 6:27.87 Kirtland Central High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tom, Zachariah Shiprock High School
Smith, Brayden Aztec High School
Guillen, Daniel Miyamura High School
Joe, Kyler 23.16 Kirtland Central High School
Crawford, Cameron 23.24 Kirtland Central High School
Rascon, George 23.25 Bloomfield High School
McNeal, Tristen 23.25 Aztec High School
Reinhardt, Ayden 23.46 Bloomfield High School
Beckstead, Liam 23.92 Kirtland Central High School
Bixler, Justin 24.52 Aztec High School
Boehm, Zachary 24.65 Bloomfield High School
Pioche, Logan 25.21 Shiprock High School
Whitaker, Logan 25.27 Aztec High School
Schaub, Austin 25.32 Aztec High School
Livingston, Anthony 25.43 Aztec High School
Frost, Landon 25.64 Aztec High School
Franklin, Orye 25.75 Shiprock High School
Jones, Josh 25.90 Gallup High School
Dale, Shannon 25.96 Shiprock High School
Harvey, Jacob 26.06 Shiprock High School
Begay, Jarvis 26.46 Shiprock High School
Shahan, Nathan 27.31 Aztec High School
Wilson, Andrew 27.53 Gallup High School
Gum, Ethan 27.94 Gallup High School
Decker, Pharrell 28.39 Kirtland Central High School
Maldonado, Selvino 28.64 Miyamura High School
Lee, Kevin 29.64 Shiprock High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beevers, Ethan 41.51 Bloomfield High School
Crawford, Trace 44.30 Kirtland Central High School
Montoya, Lucas 46.75 Bloomfield High School
Snell-Martinez, Eli 48.29 Bloomfield High School
Beck, Patrick 48.98 Bloomfield High School
Johnson, Heath 53.66 Bloomfield High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benson, Tayan 10:10.64 Miyamura High School
Toledo, Mauricio 10:38.49 Bloomfield High School
Chavez, Javen 10:59.62 Bloomfield High School
Roundface, Theodore 10:59.77 Gallup High School
Bates, Kyle 11:19.75 Miyamura High School
Augare-Deal, Kendon 11:48.54 Gallup High School
Brown, Ethan 12:00.36 Gallup High School
Johnson-Hood , Shance 12:02.74 Miyamura High School
Henry, Brandon 12:31.48 Miyamura High School
Mikel-Royce, Daniel 12:37.65 Aztec High School
Valdez, Isaac 13:21.64 Bloomfield High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitaker, Logan Aztec High School
Maldonado, Selvino 1:03.36 Miyamura High School
Decker, Pharrell 1:04.00 Kirtland Central High School
Augure-Deal, Uriah 1:05.07 Gallup High School
Bixler, Justin 1:08.20 Aztec High School
Boehm, Zachary 55.83 Bloomfield High School
Chavarria, Joshe 56.56 Miyamura High School
Joe, Kyler 57.00 Kirtland Central High School
Godbay, Jayden 57.04 Aztec High School
Russell, Derrick 57.24 Kirtland Central High School
Jones, Josh 58.35 Gallup High School
McNeal, Tristen 58.70 Aztec High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.54 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 45.25 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 45.33 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 48.74 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 51.67 Gallup High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Gallup High School
Relay Team A 1:33.99 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 1:34.28 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 1:36.33 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 1:42.39 Shiprock High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:40.04 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 3:40.99 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 3:52.26 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 4:08.28 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 4:09.02 Aztec High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:40.96 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 10:47.25 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 9:06.78 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 9:19.13 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 9:51.64 Gallup High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bates, Kyle Miyamura High School
Agoodie, Nicholas Shiprock High School
Benson, Tayan 2:04.93 Miyamura High School
Toledo, Mauricio 2:04.94 Bloomfield High School
Chavez, Javen 2:19.45 Bloomfield High School
Godbay, Jayden 2:20.46 Aztec High School
Bitsilly, Justin 2:21.04 Shiprock High School
Mikel-Royce, Daniel 2:23.87 Aztec High School
Cambridge, Nick 2:24.35 Kirtland Central High School
Teller, Josiah 2:25.36 Kirtland Central High School
Lee, Jordan 2:27.26 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson-Hood , Shance 2:29.47 Miyamura High School
Jones, Josh 2:30.04 Gallup High School
Tom, Zachariah 2:32.83 Shiprock High School
Henry, Brandon 2:33.64 Miyamura High School
Augure-Deal, Uriah 2:34.46 Gallup High School
Valdez, Isaac 2:35.22 Bloomfield High School
Maynes, Bryce 2:37.00 Aztec High School
Roberts, Izaiha 2:37.82 Shiprock High School
Martinez, Carlos 2:38.70 Kirtland Central High School
Gale, Adam 2:39.57 Kirtland Central High School
Crosby, Danny 2:40.51 Kirtland Central High School
Hunt, Clint 2:43.68 Aztec High School
Begay, Caden 2:44.28 Shiprock High School
Frank, Javyn 2:44.67 Bloomfield High School
Lewis, Logan 2:46.24 Kirtland Central High School
Williams, Patrick 2:47.18 Bloomfield High School
Begaye, Elias 2:49.28 Kirtland Central High School
Bitsilly, Ashton 2:49.34 Shiprock High School
Gould, Julious 2:49.83 Kirtland Central High School
Frank, Skyler 3:15.19 Kirtland Central High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Varzeas, Caleb 125-0 Aztec High School
Jim, Nathan 121-0.5 Miyamura High School
White-David, Troy 116-3 Kirtland Central High School
Lucero, Khale 111-6 Bloomfield High School
Williams, Robert 110-7 Bloomfield High School
Grady, Dominic 105-1 Aztec High School
Heath, Samuel 101-1 Bloomfield High School
Nells, Caleb 100-1 Miyamura High School
Lee, Kayden 98-0 Aztec High School
Beck, Patrick 92-7 Bloomfield High School
Trevizo, Daniel 91-0 Kirtland Central High School
Tagaafi, John 89-10 Aztec High School
Gonzales, Isaac 89-9 Miyamura High School
Whitaker, Gage 87-2 Aztec High School
Gomez, Shawn 82-6 Gallup High School
Jim, Cole 80-5 Miyamura High School
Mendez, Nick 79-7 Aztec High School
Hood, Silas 74-10 Miyamura High School
Maxwell, Zailen 72-5 Gallup High School
Villarrial, John 70-11 Aztec High School
Pablo, Santana 69-7 Gallup High School
Williams, Patrick 59-2 Bloomfield High School
Handerson, Delvin 54-10 Aztec High School
Miller, Tristin 50-8 Bloomfield High School
Benally, Kasey 46-5 Gallup High School
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HS Boys High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crawford, Cameron 5-10 Kirtland Central High School
Schaub, Austin 5-6 Aztec High School
Rascon, George 5-4 Bloomfield High School
Shahan, Nathan 5-2 Aztec High School
Cook, Kristofer 5-0 Aztec High School
Johnson, Heath Bloomfield High School
House, Deacon Bloomfield High School
House, Drake Bloomfield High School
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HS Boys Javelin 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White-David, Troy 162-4 Kirtland Central High School
Thomas, Zakk 150-10 Kirtland Central High School
Grady, Dominic 139-0 Aztec High School
Varzeas, Caleb 127-6 Aztec High School
Williamson, Javan 119-7 Bloomfield High School
Whitaker, Gage 113-7 Aztec High School
Wooten, Jonathan 112-2 Bloomfield High School
Begay, Jarvis 108-10 Shiprock High School
Villarrial, John 107-11 Aztec High School
Trevizo, Daniel 92-3 Kirtland Central High School
Gutierrez, J 85-2 Bloomfield High School
Mendez, Nick 79-4 Aztec High School
Lee, Kayden 77-10 Aztec High School
Tagaafi, John 67-9 Aztec High School
Wallace, Caleb 57-6 Aztec High School
Handerson, Delvin 49-8 Aztec High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNeal, Tristen 22-1.5 Aztec High School
Schaub, Austin 21-2.25 Aztec High School
Reinhardt, Ayden 20-10 Bloomfield High School
Beevers, Ethan 20-8 Bloomfield High School
Crawford, Cameron 20-4 Kirtland Central High School
Toledo, Mauricio 20-0.75 Bloomfield High School
Whitaker, Logan 19-1 Aztec High School
Livingston, Anthony 19-0.25 Aztec High School
Shahan, Nathan 18-11 Aztec High School
Bixler, Justin 18-6 Aztec High School
Beckstead, Liam 18-2.25 Kirtland Central High School
Crawford, Trace 17-9 Kirtland Central High School
Roberts, Riley 17-7 Aztec High School
Smith, Brayden 17-5.5 Aztec High School
Frost, Landon 16-8.75 Aztec High School
Cook, Kristofer 16-8 Aztec High School
Russell, Derrick 16-7.75 Kirtland Central High School
Snell-Martinez, Eli 16-4.5 Bloomfield High School
Decker, Pharrell 16-0 Kirtland Central High School
Largo, Melegerius 15-11.5 Shiprock High School
Wilson, Andrew 15-5 Gallup High School
Smith, Drake 14-11.5 Gallup High School
Franklin, Orye 14-9.5 Shiprock High School
Pioche, Logan 14-6.75 Shiprock High School
Crouch, Sean 10-8 Aztec High School
Baker, Brett Gallup High School
Gum, Ethan Gallup High School
Augure-Deal, Uriah Gallup High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jordan, Lane 11-6 Bloomfield High School
Herzer, Levi 11-0 Kirtland Central High School
McNeal, Tristen 10-6 Aztec High School
Joe, Kyler 10-0 Kirtland Central High School
Smith, Brayden 8-6 Aztec High School
Warner, Easten 8-6 Kirtland Central High School
Bruce, Tyrese 8-0 Shiprock High School
Harvey, Jacob 7-6 Shiprock High School
Frank, Javyn Bloomfield High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Varzeas, Caleb 44-1 Aztec High School
Jim, Nathan 41-1.5 Miyamura High School
Aguilar, Patrick 41-0 Bloomfield High School
Grady, Dominic 37-9 Aztec High School
Nells, Caleb 37-7.5 Miyamura High School
Trevizo, Daniel 37-6.5 Kirtland Central High School
Lucero, Khale 37-1 Bloomfield High School
White-David, Troy 36-8.5 Kirtland Central High School
Gonzales, Isaac 36-6 Miyamura High School
Tagaafi, John 36-3 Aztec High School
Gomez, Shawn 35-10 Gallup High School
Williams, Robert 34-10 Bloomfield High School
Whitaker, Gage 34-3 Aztec High School
Heath, Samuel 33-10 Bloomfield High School
Jim, Cole 32-6 Miyamura High School
Lee, Kayden 31-9 Aztec High School
Villarrial, John 30-11 Aztec High School
Smith, Drake 30-6 Gallup High School
Maxwell, Zailen 30-1 Gallup High School
Hood, Silas 28-2 Miyamura High School
Mendez, Nick 27-6 Aztec High School
Baker, Brett 26-4 Gallup High School
Wallace, Caleb 26-3 Aztec High School
Pablo, Santana 26-1 Gallup High School
Williams, Patrick 21-0 Bloomfield High School
Miller, Tristin 19-10 Bloomfield High School
Handerson, Delvin 19-0 Aztec High School
Benally, Kasey 17-7 Gallup High School
Begay, Adrian Gallup High School
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HS Boys Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Aztec High School
Relay Team A Gallup High School
Relay Team A Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A Miyamura High School
Relay Team A Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 3:49.64 Bloomfield High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beevers, Ethan 44-0.5 Bloomfield High School
Toledo, Mauricio 43-8.5 Bloomfield High School
Schaub, Austin 40-3.25 Aztec High School
Dale, Shannon 38-4 Shiprock High School
Whitaker, Logan 36-6 Aztec High School
Shahan, Nathan 34-10.5 Aztec High School
Boehm, Zachary Bloomfield High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Emily Aztec High School
Armstrong, Hallie 13.10 Aztec High School
Bedonie, Madison 13.13 Bloomfield High School
Overson, Samantha 13.14 Bloomfield High School
Lovato, Typhany 13.34 Bloomfield High School
McNeal, Stevie 13.48 Aztec High School
Roberts, Brianne 13.53 Aztec High School
Work, Brianna 13.62 Aztec High School
Roberts, Erica 13.73 Aztec High School
Roberts, Kira 13.78 Aztec High School
Waite, Allison 13.84 Bloomfield High School
Sexton, Ashley 13.90 Aztec High School
Mayo, Ashlie 14.01 Aztec High School
Adcock, Rebekah 14.09 Miyamura High School
Waite, Alivia 14.22 Bloomfield High School
Shim, Monique 14.25 Kirtland Central High School
Herrera, Rheala 14.27 Aztec High School
Gurule, Desirea 14.35 Bloomfield High School
Grady, Kathryn 14.53 Aztec High School
Chavarria, Amparo 14.84 Miyamura High School
Serrano, Annette 14.88 Bloomfield High School
Medina, Jaylin 15.03 Aztec High School
Barney, Olyvia 15.13 Shiprock High School
Kannon, MacKenzie 15.16 Bloomfield High School
Pierro, Kaylee 15.19 Kirtland Central High School
Tsosie, Aleciah 15.21 Kirtland Central High School
Lara, Valaree 15.23 Shiprock High School
Vigil, Essence 15.36 Bloomfield High School
Engle, Riley 15.37 Aztec High School
Schmidt, Brooklin 15.47 Aztec High School
Chee, Eutisha 15.50 Gallup High School
Jones, Tonia 15.55 Kirtland Central High School
McGee, Emily 15.55 Bloomfield High School
DeHerrera, Avenicia 15.66 Bloomfield High School
Montoya, Makaila 15.88 Bloomfield High School
Dominguez, Jamileth 16.09 Bloomfield High School
Chapman, Hope 16.18 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Darnelle 16.25 Shiprock High School
Etsitty, Terri 16.49 Shiprock High School
Morgan, Octavia 16.67 Shiprock High School
John, Laryle 16.95 Bloomfield High School
Benally, Alyssa 16.95 Shiprock High School
Skeet, Alyssa 17.45 Gallup High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Jayden Aztec High School
Magee, Jayci Aztec High School
Schmidt, Brooklin Aztec High School
Moore, Helen 15.85 Aztec High School
Nunez, Lylie 16.49 Bloomfield High School
Hernandez, Itzel 19.69 Aztec High School
Sanchez, Alicia 19.76 Aztec High School
Aguilar, Kaitlyn 20.38 Bloomfield High School
Adcock, Rebekah 20.43 Miyamura High School
Herrera, Rheala 22.32 Aztec High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramone, Aisha 5:14.38 Kirtland Central High School
Platero, Kaydence 5:36.48 Shiprock High School
Hardy, Elena 5:41.92 Shiprock High School
Nez, Celine 5:43.68 Gallup High School
Thompson, TaSheena 5:45.61 Miyamura High School
Villanueva, Sierra 5:47.39 Aztec High School
Toledo, Chenoa 5:53.01 Bloomfield High School
Harrison, Autumn 5:57.46 Kirtland Central High School
Rockwell, Jasmine 6:06.70 Shiprock High School
Begay, Yanibah 6:28.61 Gallup High School
Jaramillo, Delilah 6:31.99 Bloomfield High School
Watson, Jordan 6:41.15 Gallup High School
Whitehorse, Brianna 6:43.58 Shiprock High School
Blackgoat, Talia 6:47.76 Gallup High School
Villarrial, Mary Kate 6:48.41 Aztec High School
Willcox, Brooke 7:02.38 Aztec High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
John, Laryle Bloomfield High School
Bedonie, Madison 27.14 Bloomfield High School
Overson, Samantha 27.18 Bloomfield High School
Armstrong, Hallie 27.23 Aztec High School
McNeal, Stevie 27.29 Aztec High School
Work, Brianna 28.16 Aztec High School
Chavarria, Amparo 28.24 Miyamura High School
Moore, Helen 28.24 Aztec High School
Frost, Madison 28.41 Aztec High School
Roberts, Erica 28.45 Aztec High School
Sexton, Ashley 28.58 Aztec High School
Waite, Allison 28.78 Bloomfield High School
Roberts, Brianne 29.02 Aztec High School
Medina, Jaylin 29.06 Aztec High School
Mayo, Ashlie 29.81 Aztec High School
Waite, Alivia 30.08 Bloomfield High School
Shim, Monique 30.25 Kirtland Central High School
Engle, Riley 30.59 Aztec High School
Palmer, Ella 30.69 Aztec High School
Adcock, Rebekah 30.73 Miyamura High School
Albright, Stella 30.86 Aztec High School
Sanchez, Alicia 30.87 Aztec High School
Serrano, Annette 30.88 Bloomfield High School
Grady, Kathryn 31.15 Aztec High School
Chee, Eutisha 31.52 Gallup High School
Pierro, Kaylee 32.07 Kirtland Central High School
Lara, Valaree 32.35 Shiprock High School
Montoya, Makaila 32.67 Bloomfield High School
Kannon, MacKenzie 32.68 Bloomfield High School
Tsosie, Aleciah 32.87 Kirtland Central High School
DeHerrera, Avenicia 33.17 Bloomfield High School
Jones, Tonia 33.25 Kirtland Central High School
Schmidt, Brooklin 33.26 Aztec High School
Barney, Olyvia 33.55 Shiprock High School
Dominguez, Jamileth 33.73 Bloomfield High School
Beevers, Naomi 34.57 Bloomfield High School
Roberts, Kira 34.57 Aztec High School
Chapman, Hope 34.87 Kirtland Central High School
Vigil, Essence 35.16 Bloomfield High School
Johnson, Darnelle 35.84 Shiprock High School
Morgan, Octavia 36.26 Shiprock High School
Etsitty, Terri 37.77 Shiprock High School
Benally, Alyssa 38.36 Shiprock High School
McGee, Emily 39.12 Bloomfield High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Armstrong, Hallie 47.56 Aztec High School
Nunez, Lylie 50.21 Bloomfield High School
Herrera, Rheala 51.79 Aztec High School
Sanchez, Alicia 54.87 Aztec High School
Davis, Jayden 56.37 Aztec High School
Aguilar, Kaitlyn 59.64 Bloomfield High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watson, Jordan 12:41.01 Gallup High School
Nez, Celine 12:41.56 Gallup High School
Ramone, Aisha 12:41.88 Kirtland Central High School
Harrison, Autumn 12:41.95 Kirtland Central High School
Thompson, TaSheena 13:10.40 Miyamura High School
Blackgoat, Talia 13:16.40 Gallup High School
Begay, Yanibah 14:17.35 Gallup High School
Jaramillo, Delilah 14:30.09 Bloomfield High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
John, Laryle Bloomfield High School
Watson, Jaymi Gallup High School
Montoya, Makaila Bloomfield High School
Lovato, Typhany 1:02.09 Bloomfield High School
Sexton, Ashley 1:04.40 Aztec High School
Work, Brianna 1:05.01 Aztec High School
Frost, Madison 1:05.41 Aztec High School
Gurule, Desirea 1:07.81 Bloomfield High School
Palmer, Ella 1:07.98 Aztec High School
Waite, Alivia 1:10.64 Bloomfield High School
Willcox, Brooke 1:11.08 Aztec High School
Jaquez, Juleima 1:11.87 Bloomfield High School
Albright, Stella 1:12.23 Aztec High School
Smith, Jazmine 1:12.42 Kirtland Central High School
Serrano, Annette 1:13.77 Bloomfield High School
Villarrial, Mary Kate 1:14.52 Aztec High School
DeHerrera, Avenicia 1:17.71 Bloomfield High School
Vigil, Essence 1:18.23 Bloomfield High School
Benally, Alyssa 1:19.08 Shiprock High School
Dominguez, Jamileth 1:20.02 Bloomfield High School
Beevers, Naomi 1:21.60 Bloomfield High School
Morgan, Octavia 1:24.51 Shiprock High School
Etsitty, Terri 1:25.00 Shiprock High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:02.26 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 50.42 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 51.78 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 58.57 Kirtland Central High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:51.67 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 1:52.58 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 2:06.56 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 2:10.70 Shiprock High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:22.71 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 4:22.79 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 4:46.74 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 5:22.86 Shiprock High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:18.90 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 11:32.10 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 11:40.12 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 11:40.46 Shiprock High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramone, Aisha 2:20.33 Kirtland Central High School
Villanueva, Sierra 2:28.94 Aztec High School
Hardy, Elena 2:33.61 Shiprock High School
Sexton, Ashley 2:33.97 Aztec High School
Thompson, TaSheena 2:35.12 Miyamura High School
Toledo, Chenoa 2:39.45 Bloomfield High School
Rockwell, Jasmine 2:45.69 Shiprock High School
Harrison, Autumn 2:45.91 Kirtland Central High School
Smith, Jazmine 2:46.87 Kirtland Central High School
Villarrial, Mary Kate 2:47.06 Aztec High School
Jaquez, Miranda 2:52.48 Bloomfield High School
Jaramillo, Delilah 2:52.97 Bloomfield High School
Albright, Stella 2:59.13 Aztec High School
Whitehorse, Brianna 3:00.18 Shiprock High School
Willcox, Brooke 3:00.64 Aztec High School
Johnson, Darnelle 3:10.01 Shiprock High School
Murphy, Lovelia 3:25.86 Kirtland Central High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gallegos, Shealee 110-11 Bloomfield High School
Newland, Aspen 107-1 Aztec High School
Dugger, Sydney 105-1 Bloomfield High School
Williams, Jaiden 102-7 Bloomfield High School
Young, Niall 101-2 Kirtland Central High School
Dodge, JoJera 88-8 Kirtland Central High School
Hadley, Leshaunie 84-2 Shiprock High School
White-David, Don'Alyssa 83-1 Kirtland Central High School
Cristello, Morgan 82-2 Bloomfield High School
Garcia, Harli 81-9.75 Kirtland Central High School
Nakai, Nikalin 79-10 Aztec High School
Huaracha, Cecilia 78-9 Aztec High School
Poyer, Beyonca 74-1 Aztec High School
Toledo, Ella 73-2 Aztec High School
Dee, Hailey 71-8 Shiprock High School
Begaii, Tenaya 69-7 Bloomfield High School
Toledo, Daezhii 67-8 Aztec High School
Clah, Kaiulani 66-10 Shiprock High School
McGee, Emily 65-3 Bloomfield High School
Burkhow, Cadence 62-7 Bloomfield High School
Yazzie, Tevielynn 62-2 Gallup High School
Skeet, Alyssa 56-5 Gallup High School
Macilla, Scarlet 55-5.5 Shiprock High School
Espinoza, Nicole 44-9 Aztec High School
Medina, Miriam 41-5 Aztec High School
Yazzie, Selu Shiprock High School
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HS Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engle, Riley 4-10 Aztec High School
Armstrong, Hallie 4-8 Aztec High School
Nunez, Lylie 4-8 Bloomfield High School
Mayo, Ashlie 4-6 Aztec High School
Frost, Madison 4-4 Aztec High School
Willcox, Brooke 4-4 Aztec High School
Palmer, Ella 4-0 Aztec High School
Toledo, Chenoa Bloomfield High School
Jaquez, Juleima Bloomfield High School
Kannon, MacKenzie Bloomfield High School
Davis, Jayden Aztec High School
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HS Girls Javelin 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Harli 105-3 Kirtland Central High School
Young, Niall 96-0 Kirtland Central High School
Gutierrez, Lanay 90-0 Bloomfield High School
Newland, Aspen 89-11 Aztec High School
White-David, Don'Alyssa 89-8 Kirtland Central High School
Williams, Jaiden 85-10 Bloomfield High School
Benally, Devon 83-4 Shiprock High School
Villanueva, Sierra 82-3 Aztec High School
Gallegos, Shealee 80-10 Bloomfield High School
Dugger, Sydney 78-5 Bloomfield High School
Huaracha, Cecilia 69-5 Aztec High School
Pena, Victoria 67-11 Bloomfield High School
Toledo, Ella 67-7 Aztec High School
Toledo, Daezhii 65-3 Aztec High School
Poyer, Beyonca 61-4 Aztec High School
Cristello, Morgan 60-5 Bloomfield High School
Clah, Kaiulani 60-3 Shiprock High School
Etsitty, Terri 58-8 Shiprock High School
Dee, Hailey 58-6 Shiprock High School
Begaii, Tenaya 58-5 Bloomfield High School
Nakai, Nikalin 54-10 Aztec High School
Hernandez, Itzel 54-9 Aztec High School
Hadley, Leshaunie 52-7 Shiprock High School
Yazzie, Selu 39-7 Shiprock High School
Yazzie, Tevielynn 39-6 Gallup High School
Macilla, Scarlet 31-8 Shiprock High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Armstrong, Hallie 17-7.25 Aztec High School
Bedonie, Madison 16-4 Bloomfield High School
Jaquez, Juleima 15-8 Bloomfield High School
Moore, Helen 15-6.5 Aztec High School
Frost, Madison 15-3 Aztec High School
Lovato, Typhany 15-2 Bloomfield High School
Mayo, Ashlie 14-11 Aztec High School
Overson, Samantha 14-9 Bloomfield High School
Roberts, Erica 14-8 Aztec High School
McNeal, Stevie 14-7 Aztec High School
Roberts, Brianne 14-5.5 Aztec High School
Garcia, Emily 14-4.25 Aztec High School
Work, Brianna 14-1.25 Aztec High School
Palmer, Ella 14-0 Aztec High School
Sexton, Ashley 13-10.5 Aztec High School
Herrera, Rheala 13-8.5 Aztec High School
Toledo, Chenoa 13-5.5 Bloomfield High School
Sanchez, Alicia 13-4 Aztec High School
Grady, Kathryn 13-2 Aztec High School
Davis, Jayden 13-1 Aztec High School
Barney, Olyvia 13-1 Shiprock High School
Roberts, Kira 13-0 Aztec High School
Dominguez, Jamileth 12-11.75 Bloomfield High School
Waite, Alivia 12-11.25 Bloomfield High School
Tsosie, Aleciah 12-5 Kirtland Central High School
Schmidt, Brooklin 11-10.5 Aztec High School
Medina, Jaylin 11-8.5 Aztec High School
Beevers, Naomi 10-7.25 Bloomfield High School
Morgan, Octavia 10-6.5 Shiprock High School
John, Laryle 9-8 Bloomfield High School
Benally, Alyssa Shiprock High School
Magee, Jayci Aztec High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Waite, Allison 7-9 Bloomfield High School
Roberts, Brianne 7-3 Aztec High School
Jones, Tonia 6-6 Kirtland Central High School
Willcox, Brooke 6-6 Aztec High School
Pierro, Kaylee 6-3 Kirtland Central High School
Davis, Jayden 6-3 Aztec High School
DeHerrera, Avenicia 6-3 Bloomfield High School
Grady, Kathryn 6-0 Aztec High School
Magee, Jayci 6-0 Aztec High School
Kannon, MacKenzie 6-0 Bloomfield High School
Serrano, Annette 5-6 Bloomfield High School
Benally, Devon 5-6 Shiprock High School
Schmidt, Brooklin Aztec High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Harli 32-0.25 Kirtland Central High School
Williams, Jaiden 31-11 Bloomfield High School
Dodge, JoJera 31-9.5 Kirtland Central High School
Newland, Aspen 31-9 Aztec High School
Dugger, Sydney 31-8 Bloomfield High School
Young, Niall 31-7.5 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Devon 31-4 Shiprock High School
Villanueva, Sierra 30-2.5 Aztec High School
Dee, Hailey 29-5 Shiprock High School
Pena, Victoria 28-10.5 Bloomfield High School
Huaracha, Cecilia 28-2 Aztec High School
Gallegos, Shealee 27-8.5 Bloomfield High School
Hadley, Leshaunie 27-8 Shiprock High School
Cristello, Morgan 27-7 Bloomfield High School
White-David, Don'Alyssa 26-3 Kirtland Central High School
Begaii, Tenaya 26-0.25 Bloomfield High School
Clah, Kaiulani 24-8.5 Shiprock High School
Nakai, Nikalin 24-7 Aztec High School
McGee, Emily 23-4 Bloomfield High School
Toledo, Daezhii 22-8 Aztec High School
Toledo, Ella 22-6 Aztec High School
Yazzie, Tevielynn 21-9 Gallup High School
Burkhow, Cadence 21-2 Bloomfield High School
Poyer, Beyonca 20-6 Aztec High School
Macilla, Scarlet 20-2 Shiprock High School
Yazzie, Selu 19-1.5 Shiprock High School
Espinoza, Nicole 19-1 Aztec High School
Skeet, Alyssa 17-11.5 Gallup High School
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HS Girls Sprint Medley Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Shiprock High School
Relay Team A Aztec High School
Relay Team A Gallup High School
Relay Team A Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 4:44.54 Bloomfield High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gutierrez, Lanay 34-3 Bloomfield High School
Engle, Riley 32-5.75 Aztec High School
Mayo, Ashlie 31-8 Aztec High School
Sanchez, Alicia 29-3.25 Aztec High School
Herrera, Rheala 29-1 Aztec High School
Aguilar, Kaitlyn 28-1.75 Bloomfield High School
Albright, Stella 27-9 Aztec High School
Harrison, Annabel 26-2.25 Bloomfield High School
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