District 1-4A Track & Field Championship 2019

Aztec, NM

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 1,600 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harrison, Kashon 4:20.52 Kirtland Central High School
Mccray, Ty 4:38.53 Miyamura High School
Benson, Tayan 4:42.84 Miyamura High School
Watson, Riley 4:43.66 Miyamura High School
Hawkins, Jacob 4:51.55 Kirtland Central High School
Villegas, Anesio 4:55.33 Kirtland Central High School
Jones, Jalen 4:56.55 Shiprock High School
Piatere, C 4:57.17 Miyamura High School
Hawkins, Matthew 4:58.97 Kirtland Central High School
Chavez, Javen 5:00.77 Bloomfield High School
Jones, Adam 5:03.64 Aztec High School
Begay, Elijah 5:03.79 Miyamura High School
Hale, Trystan 5:04.61 Shiprock High School
Nez, Osean 5:07.28 Kirtland Central High School
Lucero, Pedro 5:08.85 Aztec High School
Benally, Cameron 5:09.35 Gallup High School
Eveland, Samuel 5:11.35 Bloomfield High School
Iii, Patterson Yazzie 5:11.50 Gallup High School
Holiday, Caleb 5:14.31 Shiprock High School
Dale, Shannon 5:15.09 Shiprock High School
Eriacho, Thomas 5:16.19 Gallup High School
Martinez, Caleb 5:16.38 Bloomfield High School
Bitsilly, Justin 5:18.26 Shiprock High School
Yonnie, Hyrum 5:23.95 Kirtland Central High School
Long, Dustin 5:25.67 Gallup High School
Kosea, Kurt 5:25.72 Bloomfield High School
Downing, Cobe 5:28.05 Bloomfield High School
Mirabel, Noah 5:28.89 Aztec High School
Teller, Josiah 5:29.88 Kirtland Central High School
Valdez, Alexander 5:32.91 Bloomfield High School
Martine-Redsteer, Andre 5:37.05 Aztec High School
Jim, Dustin 5:40.01 Shiprock High School
Curley, Tovi 5:44.54 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Ethan 5:51.21 Bloomfield High School
Harvey, Jacob 5:59.52 Shiprock High School
Brown, Kaelob 6:10.68 Aztec High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 72 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grady, Dominic Aztec High School
Mitchell, Josh Aztec High School
Jack, Levi Kirtland Central High School
Whedbee, Mason Aztec High School
Wooten, Jonathan Bloomfield High School
Chavez, Opialan Aztec High School
Detsoi, Jaden Bloomfield High School
Dalton, Brody Aztec High School
Henry, Marcquis Aztec High School
Miles, Raemondo Kirtland Central High School
Alfred, Jaedan 11.13 Kirtland Central High School
Alejo, Aaron 11.28 Miyamura High School
Mosley, Kenyon 11.28 Bloomfield High School
Reinhardt, Ayden 11.35 Bloomfield High School
Mangelson, Dallin 11.42 Kirtland Central High School
Roundy, Easton 11.52 Aztec High School
Thomas, Zakk 11.52 Kirtland Central High School
Curry, Josh 11.54 Aztec High School
Joe, Kyler 11.65 Kirtland Central High School
dowling, john 11.78 Miyamura High School
Franco, Jacob 11.92 Kirtland Central High School
Crawford, Cameron 11.92 Kirtland Central High School
Henderson, Zackaryah 11.96 Aztec High School
Wallace, Blake 11.97 Gallup High School
McNeal, Tristen 12.04 Aztec High School
Wooley, Bode 12.05 Aztec High School
Boehm, Zachary 12.08 Bloomfield High School
Alassi, Abdullah 12.11 Miyamura High School
Roberts, Riley 12.11 Aztec High School
Rutledge, Dusty 12.11 Bloomfield High School
Newton, Tyris 12.12 Shiprock High School
Garcia, Malakai 12.14 Aztec High School
Jimenez, Chris 12.14 Bloomfield High School
Livingston, Anthony 12.20 Aztec High School
Varzeas, Caleb 12.21 Aztec High School
Hemmingson, Vance 12.23 Aztec High School
Benally, Jerrett 12.24 Miyamura High School
West, Crimson 12.33 Kirtland Central High School
Grady, Kenneth 12.48 Aztec High School
Sanchez, Xavier 12.51 Aztec High School
Russell, Derrick 12.55 Kirtland Central High School
Lee, B 12.60 Miyamura High School
Valverde, Alex 12.62 Bloomfield High School
Neal, Troy 12.79 Shiprock High School
Coca, Jerome 12.83 Kirtland Central High School
King, Michael 12.89 Bloomfield High School
DeMadona, Dominic 12.91 Aztec High School
James, Cjay 12.96 Kirtland Central High School
Russel, Gabriel 13.09 Shiprock High School
Gibbs, Byron 13.10 Kirtland Central High School
Dale, Shannon 13.11 Shiprock High School
Woody, Dillon 13.12 Kirtland Central High School
Yazzie, Jabez 13.20 Shiprock High School
Schaub, Austin 13.30 Aztec High School
Thomas, Ian 13.36 Kirtland Central High School
Nez, Morgan 13.37 Shiprock High School
Herrera, Joseph 13.39 Bloomfield High School
Francisco, Michael 13.42 Bloomfield High School
Yazzie, Jayred 13.45 Kirtland Central High School
Mirto, Julio 13.46 Shiprock High School
Spencer, Elias 13.51 Gallup High School
Slaugh, Shane 13.52 Bloomfield High School
Boren, Daxton 13.83 Bloomfield High School
Cristello, Darren 13.91 Bloomfield High School
Yazzie-Chavez, Nehemiah 13.96 Kirtland Central High School
Ilagan, Philip 14.15 Gallup High School
Smith, Jaron 14.20 Aztec High School
Craig, Miles 14.87 Gallup High School
Lomaintewa, Orion 14.99 Gallup High School
Touchine, Trenton 15.44 Gallup High School
Poling, Chad 15.93 Bloomfield High School
Snyder, Darren 16.57 Gallup High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henry, Marcquis Aztec High School
Garcia, Malakai Aztec High School
Mangelson, Dallin 15.26 Kirtland Central High School
Mosley, Kenyon 15.37 Bloomfield High School
Dobbs, Tristen 16.04 Kirtland Central High School
Pierro, Ethan 16.12 Kirtland Central High School
Mitchell, Josh 16.20 Aztec High School
Beevers, Ethan 16.42 Bloomfield High School
Kruis, Josiah 16.54 Miyamura High School
Crawford, Trace 17.63 Kirtland Central High School
Montoya, Lucas 18.34 Bloomfield High School
Beck, Patrick 19.64 Bloomfield High School
Sharpe, Ryan 20.18 Bloomfield High School
Jones, Josh 20.34 Gallup High School
Boren, Daxton 20.60 Bloomfield High School
Chavez, Opialan 21.12 Aztec High School
Morales, Aiden 21.27 Miyamura High School
Wallace, Kaleb 21.98 Shiprock High School
Jim, Deandre 22.43 Gallup High School
Hannaweke, Amadaeus 22.76 Miyamura High School
Cristello, Darren 23.33 Bloomfield High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 67 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Newton, Tyris Shiprock High School
Chavez, Opialan Aztec High School
Crawford, Cameron Kirtland Central High School
Cristello, Darren Bloomfield High School
Franco, Jacob Kirtland Central High School
Jack, Levi Kirtland Central High School
Herzer, Levi Kirtland Central High School
Henry, Marcquis Aztec High School
Grady, Kenneth Aztec High School
Mitchell, Josh Aztec High School
Alfred, Jaedan 22.87 Kirtland Central High School
Boehm, Josh 23.09 Bloomfield High School
Roundy, Easton 23.29 Aztec High School
Joe, Kyler 23.40 Kirtland Central High School
Reinhardt, Ayden 23.78 Bloomfield High School
Wallace, Blake 23.99 Gallup High School
Alejo, Aaron 24.03 Miyamura High School
Jones, Adam 24.26 Aztec High School
McNeal, Tristen 24.32 Aztec High School
Curry, Josh 24.40 Aztec High School
Benally, Jerrett 24.62 Miyamura High School
Boehm, Zachary 24.77 Bloomfield High School
Rutledge, Dusty 25.11 Bloomfield High School
Henderson, Zackaryah 25.21 Aztec High School
Jimenez, Chris 25.22 Bloomfield High School
Neal, Troy 25.26 Shiprock High School
Wooten, Jonathan 25.31 Bloomfield High School
Wooley, Bode 25.33 Aztec High School
Roberts, Riley 25.36 Aztec High School
West, Crimson 25.39 Kirtland Central High School
Russell, Derrick 25.56 Kirtland Central High School
Lee, B 25.57 Miyamura High School
Livingston, Anthony 25.64 Aztec High School
Hemmingson, Vance 25.71 Aztec High School
Sanchez, Xavier 26.13 Aztec High School
Miles, Raemondo 26.24 Kirtland Central High School
Garcia, Malakai 26.40 Aztec High School
Coca, Jerome 26.42 Kirtland Central High School
James, Cjay 26.45 Kirtland Central High School
Alassi, Abdullah 26.47 Miyamura High School
Hannaweke, Amadaeus 26.76 Miyamura High School
Schaub, Austin 26.79 Aztec High School
King, Michael 26.82 Bloomfield High School
Detsoi, Jaden 26.90 Bloomfield High School
Gibbs, Byron 27.26 Kirtland Central High School
Yazzie, Jabez 27.26 Shiprock High School
Dale, Shannon 27.29 Shiprock High School
Smith, Jaron 27.34 Aztec High School
Huttinga, Tyler 27.41 Kirtland Central High School
Woody, Dillon 27.47 Kirtland Central High School
Touchine, Trenton 27.50 Gallup High School
Valverde, Alex 27.57 Bloomfield High School
Francisco, Michael 27.62 Bloomfield High School
Beck, Patrick 27.64 Bloomfield High School
DeMadona, Dominic 28.07 Aztec High School
Herrera, Joseph 28.21 Bloomfield High School
Nez, Morgan 28.26 Shiprock High School
Montoya, Lucas 28.31 Bloomfield High School
Slaugh, Shane 28.48 Bloomfield High School
Yazzie, Jayred 28.54 Kirtland Central High School
Yazzie-Chavez, Nehemiah 28.92 Kirtland Central High School
Mirto, Julio 29.04 Shiprock High School
Boren, Daxton 29.45 Bloomfield High School
Lomaintewa, Orion 29.62 Gallup High School
Craig, Miles 31.96 Gallup High School
Poling, Chad 32.10 Bloomfield High School
Snyder, Darren 35.31 Gallup High School
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HS Boys 3,200 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Teller, Josiah Kirtland Central High School
Martine-Redsteer, Andre Aztec High School
Curley, Tovi Kirtland Central High School
Benson, Tayan 10:23.23 Miyamura High School
Villegas, Anesio 10:41.18 Kirtland Central High School
Hawkins, Matthew 10:41.72 Kirtland Central High School
Watson, Riley 10:42.38 Miyamura High School
Nez, Osean 10:52.35 Kirtland Central High School
Chavez, Javen 10:53.40 Bloomfield High School
Jones, Jalen 11:04.21 Shiprock High School
Yonnie, Hyrum 11:10.03 Kirtland Central High School
Begay, Elijah 11:10.89 Miyamura High School
Valdez, Alexander 11:13.11 Bloomfield High School
Eriacho, Thomas 11:18.94 Gallup High School
Benally, Cameron 11:19.77 Gallup High School
Iii, Patterson Yazzie 11:32.04 Gallup High School
Bitsilly, Justin 11:34.96 Shiprock High School
Harvey, Jacob 11:47.60 Shiprock High School
Lucero, Pedro 11:55.99 Aztec High School
Long, Dustin 11:56.20 Gallup High School
Kosea, Kurt 12:04.75 Bloomfield High School
Jim, Dustin 12:23.58 Shiprock High School
Harrison, Kashon 8:58.90 Kirtland Central High School
Mccray, Ty 9:54.70 Miyamura High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mosley, Kenyon 39.37 Bloomfield High School
Mangelson, Dallin 40.84 Kirtland Central High School
Mitchell, Josh 42.73 Aztec High School
Pierro, Ethan 42.78 Kirtland Central High School
Dobbs, Tristen 43.12 Kirtland Central High School
Beevers, Ethan 43.24 Bloomfield High School
Kruis, Josiah 43.55 Miyamura High School
Crawford, Trace 45.95 Kirtland Central High School
Garcia, Malakai 46.00 Aztec High School
Montoya, Lucas 47.79 Bloomfield High School
Wallace, Kaleb 49.95 Shiprock High School
Beck, Patrick 50.36 Bloomfield High School
Holiday, Caleb 50.54 Shiprock High School
Sharpe, Ryan 50.96 Bloomfield High School
Jones, Josh 51.29 Gallup High School
Henry, Marcquis 51.50 Aztec High School
Eriacho, Thomas 51.95 Gallup High School
Hannaweke, Amadaeus 52.49 Miyamura High School
Jim, Deandre 53.44 Gallup High School
Morales, Aiden 53.58 Miyamura High School
Boren, Daxton 54.17 Bloomfield High School
Chavez, Opialan 56.86 Aztec High School
Cristello, Darren 57.60 Bloomfield High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNeal, Tristen Aztec High School
Sanchez, Xavier Aztec High School
Eveland, Samuel Bloomfield High School
Jim, Deandre Gallup High School
Wooley, Bode Aztec High School
Curry, Josh Aztec High School
Smith, Jaron Aztec High School
Roberts, Riley Aztec High School
Hemmingson, Vance Aztec High School
Livingston, Anthony 1:00.13 Aztec High School
Francisco, Michael 1:00.13 Bloomfield High School
Huttinga, Tyler 1:00.78 Kirtland Central High School
James, Cjay 1:00.86 Kirtland Central High School
King, Michael 1:04.07 Bloomfield High School
Lomaintewa, Orion 1:05.38 Gallup High School
Boehm, Josh 50.95 Bloomfield High School
Benedict, Jacob 51.13 Bloomfield High School
Hawkins, Jacob 51.49 Kirtland Central High School
Roundy, Easton 53.10 Aztec High School
Jones, Adam 53.71 Aztec High School
Thomas, Isaac 54.08 Kirtland Central High School
Wallace, Blake 54.39 Gallup High School
Hale, Trystan 54.45 Shiprock High School
Henderson, Zackaryah 55.37 Aztec High School
West, Crimson 56.14 Kirtland Central High School
Lee, B 56.76 Miyamura High School
Russell, Derrick 57.24 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Jerrett 57.25 Miyamura High School
Wethington, Cristopher 58.86 Bloomfield High School
Morales, Aiden 59.65 Miyamura High School
Downing, Cobe 59.76 Bloomfield High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.78 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 43.88 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 45.52 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 45.56 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 47.17 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 48.40 Gallup High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:31.88 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 1:32.11 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 1:34.48 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 1:40.35 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 1:40.57 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 1:44.02 Shiprock High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:29.73 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 3:32.67 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 3:37.55 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 3:45.63 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 3:52.33 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 4:01.16 Gallup High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holiday, Caleb Shiprock High School
Mccray, Ty Miyamura High School
Eveland, Samuel Bloomfield High School
Hawkins, Jacob 1:58.84 Kirtland Central High School
Harrison, Kashon 1:59.84 Kirtland Central High School
Jones, Adam 2:05.84 Aztec High School
Toledo, Mauricio 2:08.15 Bloomfield High School
Benedict, Jacob 2:08.31 Bloomfield High School
Platero, Collin 2:12.83 Miyamura High School
Lucero, Pedro 2:13.84 Aztec High School
Jones, Jalen 2:15.66 Shiprock High School
Downing, Cobe 2:15.87 Bloomfield High School
Nez, Osean 2:16.39 Kirtland Central High School
Watson, Rylie 2:16.83 Miyamura High School
Valdez, Alexander 2:17.06 Bloomfield High School
Villegas, Anesio 2:17.92 Kirtland Central High School
Chavez, Javen 2:18.96 Bloomfield High School
Curley, Tovi 2:19.13 Kirtland Central High School
Yonnie, Hyrum 2:19.39 Kirtland Central High School
Begay, Elijah 2:19.76 Miyamura High School
Hawkins, Matthew 2:23.44 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Ethan 2:23.48 Bloomfield High School
Wethington, Cristopher 2:24.88 Bloomfield High School
Eriacho, Thomas 2:25.02 Gallup High School
Iii, Patterson Yazzie 2:25.10 Gallup High School
Kosea, Kurt 2:25.19 Bloomfield High School
Martinez, Caleb 2:25.36 Bloomfield High School
Bitsilly, Justin 2:25.76 Shiprock High School
Martine-Redsteer, Andre 2:26.14 Aztec High School
Teller, Josiah 2:26.29 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Cameron 2:28.46 Gallup High School
Brown, Kaelob 2:30.32 Aztec High School
Jim, Dustin 2:31.12 Shiprock High School
Brown, Bryant 2:34.90 Gallup High School
Harvey, Jacob 2:37.95 Shiprock High School
Mirabel, Noah 2:54.51 Aztec High School
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HS Boys Discus 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cole, James 126-8 Bloomfield High School
Lee, Terrell 122-7 Kirtland Central High School
Tucon, C 112-11 Miyamura High School
White-David, Troy 112-6 Kirtland Central High School
Grady, Kenneth 112-3 Aztec High School
Varzeas, Caleb 110-6 Aztec High School
Charley, Deion 107-1 Gallup High School
Valverde, Alex 102-0 Bloomfield High School
Jensen, Sheldon 101-8.5 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Tyrell 101-0 Shiprock High School
Lucero, Khale 99-6 Bloomfield High School
Talamantes, Emannuel 99-3 Aztec High School
Craig, Miles 98-5.5 Gallup High School
Brown, Josiah 94-2 Bloomfield High School
Jensen, Leighthan 93-1 Kirtland Central High School
Becenti, Brennen 92-3 Gallup High School
Ilagan, Philip 91-9 Gallup High School
Archuleta, Shane 91-5 Bloomfield High School
Smart, Alfred 90-4 Shiprock High School
Dan, Emmitt 84-2 Kirtland Central High School
Beck, Patrick 83-9 Bloomfield High School
Becenti, Marcus 83-8 Miyamura High School
Kosea, Kurt 83-3 Bloomfield High School
John, Eeyan 81-7 Shiprock High School
Lowley, Trymayne 80-8 Gallup High School
Carlo, Nassar 80-2 Kirtland Central High School
Watson, Nicholas 77-6.5 Gallup High School
Minson, Robert 74-10 Bloomfield High School
Harvey, Corey 69-6 Shiprock High School
Beevers, Thomas Jack 67-8 Bloomfield High School
Wero, Rylin 66-9 Shiprock High School
Trevizo, Daniel 62-10 Kirtland Central High School
Jim, Cole 61-11 Miyamura High School
Poling, Chad 58-2.5 Bloomfield High School
Miller, John 51-1 Kirtland Central High School
BlueEyes, Nicholas Kirtland Central High School
Whedbee, Mason Aztec High School
Ferrer, Triston Aztec High School
Hoggard, Chance Aztec High School
Dalton, Brody Aztec High School
DeMadona, Dominic Aztec High School
Nunez, Diego Aztec High School
Lee, Kayden Aztec High School
Whitaker, Gage Aztec High School
Grady, Dominic Aztec High School
Lopez, Isaiah Aztec High School
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HS Boys High Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Newton, Tyris 6-2 Shiprock High School
dowling, john 5-8 Miyamura High School
Crawford, Cameron 5-8 Kirtland Central High School
Boehm, Josh 5-6 Bloomfield High School
Beevers, Ethan 5-6 Bloomfield High School
Crawford, Trace 5-4 Kirtland Central High School
Curry, Josh 5-4 Aztec High School
Kinsel, Lawrence 5-4 Gallup High School
Pierro, Ethan 5-2 Kirtland Central High School
Miles, Raemondo 5-2 Kirtland Central High School
Russel, Gabriel 5-2 Shiprock High School
Neal, Troy 5-2 Shiprock High School
Mitchell, Josh 5-2 Aztec High School
Wooley, Bode 5-0 Aztec High School
Wero, Ky 4-10 Gallup High School
Sharpe, Ryan Bloomfield High School
Yazzie, Jabez Shiprock High School
Holiday, Caleb Shiprock High School
Nez, Morgan Shiprock High School
Roundy, Easton Aztec High School
Schaub, Austin Aztec High School
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HS Boys Javelin 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Isaac 167-4 Kirtland Central High School
Thomas, Ian 165-0 Kirtland Central High School
Grady, Kenneth 161-11 Aztec High School
Lee, Terrell 152-3 Kirtland Central High School
Rutledge, Dusty 141-4 Bloomfield High School
White-David, Troy 139-4 Kirtland Central High School
Thomas, Zakk 138-11 Kirtland Central High School
Kinsel, Lawrence 132-0 Gallup High School
Miles, Raemondo 127-1 Kirtland Central High School
Charley, Deion 124-6 Gallup High School
Grady, Dominic 115-9 Aztec High School
Varzeas, Caleb 114-10 Aztec High School
Lopez, Isaiah 114-5 Aztec High School
Brown, Bryant 100-6 Gallup High School
Smart, Alfred 96-5 Shiprock High School
Wooten, Jonathan 93-5 Bloomfield High School
Detsoi, Jaden 88-0 Bloomfield High School
Becenti, Brennen 71-0 Gallup High School
Benally, Tyrell Shiprock High School
Whitaker, Gage Aztec High School
Talamantes, Emannuel Aztec High School
Whedbee, Mason Aztec High School
Hoggard, Chance Aztec High School
Lee, Kayden Aztec High School
DeMadona, Dominic Aztec High School
Ferrer, Triston Aztec High School
Dalton, Brody Aztec High School
Nunez, Diego Aztec High School
Chavez, Opialan Aztec High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mosley, Kenyon 21-2.5 Bloomfield High School
Newton, Tyris 20-7 Shiprock High School
Benedict, Jacob 20-5 Bloomfield High School
Alfred, Jaedan 20-1 Kirtland Central High School
Alejo, Aaron 20-0.75 Miyamura High School
Mangelson, Dallin 19-9.75 Kirtland Central High School
Reinhardt, Ayden 19-6 Bloomfield High School
Hemmingson, Vance 19-2.5 Aztec High School
Boehm, Zachary 18-4.25 Bloomfield High School
Beevers, Ethan 18-4 Bloomfield High School
McNeal, Tristen 18-4 Aztec High School
Toledo, Mauricio 18-3.25 Bloomfield High School
Livingston, Anthony 17-7.5 Aztec High School
King, Michael 17-7.25 Bloomfield High School
Roberts, Riley 16-5.25 Aztec High School
Valdez, Alexander 16-4 Bloomfield High School
Boren, Daxton 15-8 Bloomfield High School
Wero, Ky 15-6 Gallup High School
Gibbs, Byron 15-1 Kirtland Central High School
Sharpe, Ryan 14-10.75 Bloomfield High School
Nez, Morgan 14-7.5 Shiprock High School
Benally, Cameron 14-2 Gallup High School
Lomaintewa, Orion 13-4.5 Gallup High School
Henry, Marcquis Aztec High School
Jones, Adam Aztec High School
Schaub, Austin Aztec High School
Kinsel, Lawrence Gallup High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miles, Noah 11-0 Kirtland Central High School
Herzer, Levi 10-0 Kirtland Central High School
Henderson, Zackaryah 9-6 Aztec High School
Smith, Jaron 9-6 Aztec High School
Jordan, Lane 9-0 Bloomfield High School
Coca, Jerome 9-0 Kirtland Central High School
Huttinga, Tyler 8-0 Kirtland Central High School
Eveland, Samuel Bloomfield High School
McNeal, Tristen Aztec High School
Sanchez, Xavier Aztec High School
Jack, Levi Kirtland Central High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Charley, Deion 42-6 Gallup High School
Cole, James 42-5.25 Bloomfield High School
Varzeas, Caleb 41-2 Aztec High School
Thomas, Ian 39-3 Kirtland Central High School
Talamantes, Emannuel 39-1.5 Aztec High School
Jensen, Leighthan 38-4 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Tyrell 37-10.5 Shiprock High School
Ilagan, Philip 37-6 Gallup High School
Tucson, Cameron 37-3.5 Miyamura High School
Grady, Kenneth 36-2.25 Aztec High School
Lee, Terrell 36-2 Kirtland Central High School
Hoggard, Chance 36-2 Aztec High School
Lowley, Trymayne 35-9.5 Gallup High School
Aguilar, Patrick 35-9 Bloomfield High School
Jensen, Sheldon 35-1.5 Kirtland Central High School
Brown, Josiah 34-9 Bloomfield High School
Becenti, Brennen 34-7 Gallup High School
Smart, Alfred 34-2.5 Shiprock High School
Dan, Emmitt 34-1 Kirtland Central High School
Lucero, Khale 31-6 Bloomfield High School
Wero, Rylin 31-5.5 Shiprock High School
John, Eeyan 31-3.5 Shiprock High School
Grady, Dominic 31-3 Aztec High School
Becenti, Marcus 30-8.5 Miyamura High School
Trevizo, Daniel 29-4 Kirtland Central High School
Carlo, Nassar 29-1 Kirtland Central High School
Beevers, Thomas Jack 28-10 Bloomfield High School
Archuleta, Shane 28-9 Bloomfield High School
Whitaker, Gage 28-3 Aztec High School
Craig, Miles 28-1.25 Gallup High School
Whedbee, Mason 28-0 Aztec High School
Litson, Kieran 27-3.5 Kirtland Central High School
Gonzales, Fernando 26-8.5 Bloomfield High School
Jim, Cole 26-7.5 Miyamura High School
Watson, Nicholas 26-0 Gallup High School
Minson, Robert 25-8 Bloomfield High School
Lopez, Isaiah 25-3 Aztec High School
Harvey, Corey 23-11 Shiprock High School
Nunez, Diego 22-3 Aztec High School
Carlo, Triston 21-5 Kirtland Central High School
BlueEyes, Nicholas 19-6 Kirtland Central High School
Miller, John 19-0.5 Kirtland Central High School
Beyale, Adrian 16-4 Kirtland Central High School
Lee, Kayden Aztec High School
Ferrer, Triston Aztec High School
Dalton, Brody Aztec High School
DeMadona, Dominic Aztec High School
Valverde, Alex Bloomfield High School
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HS Boys Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:42.94 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 3:43.45 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 3:55.49 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 3:59.08 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 3:59.74 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 4:18.59 Gallup High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mangelson, Dallin 42-4 Kirtland Central High School
Beevers, Ethan 41-4.5 Bloomfield High School
Schaub, Austin 38-2.75 Aztec High School
Alejo, Aaron 38-0.25 Miyamura High School
Dobbs, Tristen 37-10.5 Kirtland Central High School
Neal, Troy 37-10.00 Shiprock High School
Dale, Shannon 37-4.5 Shiprock High School
Yazzie, Jayred 36-5.25 Kirtland Central High School
Kinsel, Lawrence 35-11.5 Gallup High School
Garcia, Malakai 35-10.5 Aztec High School
Woody, Dillon 35-9 Kirtland Central High School
Joe, Kyler 35-2.5 Kirtland Central High School
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HS Girls 1,600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Aaryanna Kirtland Central High School
Ramone, Aisha 5:21.66 Kirtland Central High School
Yazzie, LaKyla 5:22.03 Kirtland Central High School
Nez, Tiajhae 5:35.24 Kirtland Central High School
Platero, Kaydence 5:41.73 Shiprock High School
Nez, Celine 5:43.68 Gallup High School
Thompson, TaSheena 5:45.61 Miyamura High School
Hardy, Elena 5:47.63 Shiprock High School
Lapahie, Khadija 5:48.00 Shiprock High School
Hawkins, Michaela 5:51.98 Kirtland Central High School
Villanueva, Sierra 5:53.85 Aztec High School
Rockwell, Jasmine 6:06.70 Shiprock High School
Harrison, Autumn 6:10.06 Kirtland Central High School
Smith, Jazmine 6:16.81 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Daniella 6:22.76 Shiprock High School
Light, Leiyah 6:27.90 Kirtland Central High School
Biggs, Uriah 6:28.07 Shiprock High School
Eveland, Natalia 6:30.57 Bloomfield High School
Yazzie, Chynitta 6:31.76 Kirtland Central High School
Harrison, Kaitlyn 6:33.23 Kirtland Central High School
Jaramillo, Delilah 6:38.58 Bloomfield High School
Begay, Cora 6:42.86 Aztec High School
Gonzales, DeShauntee 6:42.88 Aztec High School
John, Elora 7:02.25 Shiprock High School
John-Curley, Kiana 7:26.17 Shiprock High School
Frank, Valaria 7:36.78 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Autumn 7:47.25 Kirtland Central High School
Back to Top

HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lapahie, Krystal Kirtland Central High School
Poyer, Beyonca Aztec High School
Harrison, Annabel Bloomfield High School
Josafat, Ariel 12.98 Miyamura High School
Roundy, Autumn 13.09 Aztec High School
Arthur, Kianna 13.43 Kirtland Central High School
McNeal, Stevie 13.50 Aztec High School
Nunez, Lylie 13.60 Bloomfield High School
Cope, Lauren 13.65 Miyamura High School
Waite, Allison 13.99 Bloomfield High School
Kruis, Ruthann 14.09 Miyamura High School
Mayo, Ashlie 14.12 Aztec High School
Holmes, Layla 14.13 Aztec High School
Shim, Monique 14.25 Kirtland Central High School
Spencer, D 14.38 Miyamura High School
Frost, Madison 14.41 Aztec High School
Moore, Helen 14.48 Aztec High School
Palmer, Ella 14.56 Aztec High School
Maestas, Candice 14.69 Bloomfield High School
Viramontes, Jacki 14.70 Bloomfield High School
Funk, Hailey 14.79 Aztec High School
Nielsen, Daelynn 14.91 Bloomfield High School
Roper, Kira 14.97 Aztec High School
Huaracha, Araceli 15.04 Aztec High School
Joe, Katherine 15.06 Kirtland Central High School
Bixler, Julianna 15.12 Aztec High School
Lara, Valaree 15.16 Shiprock High School
Lovato, Octavia 15.18 Aztec High School
Alassi, Jamileh 15.34 Miyamura High School
Vigil, Essence 15.36 Bloomfield High School
Bennett, Cherianna 15.36 Gallup High School
Poling, Dakota 15.47 Bloomfield High School
Klepac, Katelin 15.54 Aztec High School
Mendoza, Andrea 15.56 Bloomfield High School
Garcia, Sadie 15.67 Aztec High School
Garcia, Kairi 15.71 Gallup High School
Tsosie, Rainidae 15.78 Shiprock High School
Santana, America 15.80 Bloomfield High School
Frank, Felicia 15.89 Shiprock High School
Tsinnijinnie, Takayla 16.25 Shiprock High School
Draper, Gabrielle 16.93 Gallup High School
Switch, Sophia 17.51 Shiprock High School
Silversmith, Alyannah 17.82 Gallup High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lapahie, Krystal Kirtland Central High School
Maestas, Candice Bloomfield High School
Pierro, Kambree 16.02 Kirtland Central High School
George, Ashinee 16.44 Shiprock High School
Smith, Carley 16.73 Aztec High School
Moore, Helen 17.20 Aztec High School
Fields, Rachelle 17.34 Gallup High School
Nunez, Lylie 17.34 Bloomfield High School
Lii"bilNaghahi, Siigrid 17.81 Kirtland Central High School
Pinon, Yazlyn 19.17 Bloomfield High School
Moffett, Cataya 19.65 Aztec High School
Begay, K 19.67 Miyamura High School
Williams, Jaiden 19.78 Bloomfield High School
Kirby, Brynn 21.44 Aztec High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daugherty, Cathryn Aztec High School
Higgins, Ella Aztec High School
Rockwell, Jasmine Shiprock High School
Platero, Kaydence Shiprock High School
Spencer, D Miyamura High School
Harrison, Annabel Bloomfield High School
Benally, Devon Shiprock High School
Poyer, Beyonca Aztec High School
Poling, Dakota Bloomfield High School
Funk, Hailey Aztec High School
Bixler, Julianna Aztec High School
Roper, Kira Aztec High School
Tsosie, Rainidae Shiprock High School
Roundy, Autumn 26.89 Aztec High School
Josafat, Ariel 27.25 Miyamura High School
Overson, Samantha 27.44 Bloomfield High School
Adams, Rhakel Lewis 27.70 Shiprock High School
Cope, Lauren 27.77 Miyamura High School
Arthur, Kianna 27.82 Kirtland Central High School
McNeal, Stevie 28.89 Aztec High School
Smith, Carley 28.94 Aztec High School
Moore, Helen 29.13 Aztec High School
Kruis, Ruthann 29.89 Miyamura High School
Joe, Vivianne 30.16 Miyamura High School
Guillory, Jayden 30.42 Kirtland Central High School
Shim, Monique 30.50 Kirtland Central High School
Holmes, Layla 30.51 Aztec High School
Fields, Rachelle 30.54 Gallup High School
Pinon, Yazlyn 30.67 Bloomfield High School
Nielsen, Daelynn 30.76 Bloomfield High School
Alassi, Jamileh 30.89 Miyamura High School
Palmer, Ella 31.18 Aztec High School
Joe, Katherine 31.29 Kirtland Central High School
Klepac, Katelin 31.85 Aztec High School
Lara, Valaree 32.23 Shiprock High School
Mayo, Ashlie 32.46 Aztec High School
Benally, Malyha 32.50 Kirtland Central High School
Mendoza, Andrea 32.75 Bloomfield High School
Nelson, Destyne 32.78 Shiprock High School
Viramontes, Jacki 32.83 Bloomfield High School
Toldeo, Megan 33.76 Gallup High School
Garcia, Kairi 34.07 Gallup High School
Frank, Felicia 34.82 Shiprock High School
Santana, America 34.93 Bloomfield High School
Vallejos, Isabella 35.17 Aztec High School
Tsinnijinnie, Takayla 35.17 Shiprock High School
Vigil, Essence 36.85 Bloomfield High School
Draper, Gabrielle 36.89 Gallup High School
Switch, Sophia 37.50 Shiprock High School
Silversmith, Alyannah 41.00 Gallup High School
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HS Girls 3,200 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramone, Aisha Kirtland Central High School
John-Curley, Kiana Shiprock High School
Gonzales, DeShauntee Aztec High School
Biggs, Uriah Shiprock High School
Platero, Kaydence Shiprock High School
Yazzie, LaKyla 11:59.02 Kirtland Central High School
Nez, Celine 12:37.88 Gallup High School
Nez, Tiajhae 12:40.47 Kirtland Central High School
Hardy, Elena 12:44.10 Shiprock High School
Lapahie, Khadija 12:44.60 Shiprock High School
Hawkins, Michaela 12:55.67 Kirtland Central High School
Harrison, Autumn 13:06.21 Kirtland Central High School
Villanueva, Sierra 13:20.90 Aztec High School
Johnson, Daniella 13:27.72 Shiprock High School
Light, Leiyah 13:34.21 Kirtland Central High School
Rockwell, Jasmine 13:37.20 Shiprock High School
Harrison, Kaitlyn 13:58.17 Kirtland Central High School
Eveland, Natalia 14:25.55 Bloomfield High School
Jaramillo, Delilah 14:30.09 Bloomfield High School
Begay, Cora 15:39.50 Aztec High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maestas, Candice 1:01.38 Bloomfield High School
Kirby, Brynn 1:06.86 Aztec High School
George, Ashinee 48.59 Shiprock High School
Smith, Carley 49.44 Aztec High School
Pierro, Kambree 50.46 Kirtland Central High School
Fields, Rachelle 50.73 Gallup High School
Moore, Helen 52.54 Aztec High School
Begay, K 53.27 Miyamura High School
Holmes, Layla 54.32 Aztec High School
Lii"bilNaghahi, Siigrid 54.35 Kirtland Central High School
Pinon, Yazlyn 55.34 Bloomfield High School
Klepac, Katelin 57.93 Aztec High School
Moffett, Cataya 58.82 Aztec High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valenzuela, Samyra Aztec High School
Frost, Madison Aztec High School
Daugherty, Cathryn Aztec High School
Moffett, Cataya Aztec High School
Roundy, Autumn 1:00.34 Aztec High School
Adams, Rhakel Lewis 1:02.32 Shiprock High School
Lovato, Typhany 1:03.03 Bloomfield High School
Higgins, Ella 1:05.19 Aztec High School
Alldredge, Hayden 1:05.50 Kirtland Central High School
Joe, Vivianne 1:07.84 Miyamura High School
Lomasney, Janel 1:08.18 Gallup High School
Sexton, Ashley 1:08.50 Aztec High School
Vicenti, Kaleia 1:09.42 Miyamura High School
Shim, Monique 1:09.59 Kirtland Central High School
Garcia, Makayla 1:09.77 Bloomfield High School
Palmer, Ella 1:10.21 Aztec High School
Bond, Katia 1:11.02 Miyamura High School
Mayo, Ashlie 1:11.21 Aztec High School
Joe, Katherine 1:13.41 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Malyha 1:15.16 Kirtland Central High School
Mendoza, Andrea 1:16.13 Bloomfield High School
Mccraith, Miikala 1:16.60 Gallup High School
Poling, Dakota 1:17.61 Bloomfield High School
Lara, Valaree 1:18.02 Shiprock High School
Houston, Melonie 1:19.98 Miyamura High School
Frank, Felicia 1:20.70 Shiprock High School
Tsinnijinnie, Takayla 1:23.93 Shiprock High School
Lee, Cheyenne 1:24.31 Shiprock High School
Viramontes, Jacki 1:24.75 Bloomfield High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.07 Gallup High School
Relay Team A 51.91 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 51.97 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 53.42 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 54.54 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 56.78 Shiprock High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:51.01 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 1:52.09 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 1:52.50 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 1:57.33 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 1:57.87 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 2:05.53 Gallup High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:12.53 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 4:32.48 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 4:41.02 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 4:43.89 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 4:48.35 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 4:57.52 Gallup High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yazzie, LaKyla 2:22.22 Kirtland Central High School
Ramone, Aisha 2:22.23 Kirtland Central High School
Nez, Tiajhae 2:28.64 Kirtland Central High School
Roundy, Autumn 2:33.36 Aztec High School
Platero, Kaydence 2:34.80 Shiprock High School
Thompson, TaSheena 2:35.82 Miyamura High School
Nez, Celine 2:36.88 Gallup High School
Villanueva, Sierra 2:38.70 Aztec High School
Hawkins, Michaela 2:41.23 Kirtland Central High School
Sexton, Ashley 2:41.59 Aztec High School
Lapahie, Khadija 2:42.02 Shiprock High School
Hardy, Elena 2:44.29 Shiprock High School
Smith, Jazmine 2:46.87 Kirtland Central High School
Yazzie, Chynitta 2:47.01 Kirtland Central High School
Rockwell, Jasmine 2:48.04 Shiprock High School
Harrison, Autumn 2:48.84 Kirtland Central High School
Eveland, Natalia 2:50.47 Bloomfield High School
Valenzuela, Samyra 2:51.89 Aztec High School
Biggs, Uriah 2:53.74 Shiprock High School
Gonzales, DeShauntee 2:54.79 Aztec High School
Light, Leiyah 2:55.96 Kirtland Central High School
Jaramillo, Delilah 2:57.00 Bloomfield High School
Jarvison, Tre 2:58.06 Gallup High School
John-Curley, Kiana 2:58.73 Shiprock High School
Begay, Cora 2:59.64 Aztec High School
Johnson, Daniella 3:01.51 Shiprock High School
Houston, Melonie 3:06.54 Miyamura High School
Frank, Valaria 3:08.29 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Autumn 3:26.67 Kirtland Central High School
John, Elora 3:34.29 Shiprock High School
Johnson, Aaryanna 3:57.76 Kirtland Central High School
Silversmith, Alyannah 4:23.79 Gallup High School
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HS Girls Discus 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keeler, Baylee 108-2 Miyamura High School
Aguirre, Elena 107-7 Bloomfield High School
Newland, Aspen 106-9 Aztec High School
Williams, Jaiden 105-5 Bloomfield High School
Avina, Karen 101-5 Aztec High School
Dugger, Sydney 97-09 Bloomfield High School
Michell, Deana 96-2 Miyamura High School
Munoz, Meagan 95-3 Kirtland Central High School
Young, Niall 95-2 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Autumn 95-2 Kirtland Central High School
Alassi, Jamileh 94-1 Miyamura High School
Lansing, MarieLynn 91-9 Shiprock High School
Lansing, Evette 91-2 Shiprock High School
Nelson, Destyne 88-7 Shiprock High School
Toledo, Cheyenne 85-10 Aztec High School
Garcia, Sadie 84-2 Aztec High School
Sutherland, Hallie 81-7 Aztec High School
Garcia, Harli 81-1 Kirtland Central High School
Denet, Caitlyn 79-8 Kirtland Central High School
Yazzie, Kaitlyn 75-9 Gallup High School
Benally, Devon 75-0 Shiprock High School
Benally, Simone 74-2 Shiprock High School
Dodge, JoJera 74-1 Kirtland Central High School
Todacheeny, Caitlyn 73-9 Kirtland Central High School
Epley, Alexis 72-6 Aztec High School
Kellywood, Kristen 69-5 Shiprock High School
Villanueva, Elizabeth 68-2 Bloomfield High School
Lee, Cheyenne 65-10 Shiprock High School
Johnson, Aaryanna 62-2 Kirtland Central High School
Sandoval, Robyn 58-7 Gallup High School
Lee, Arianna 56-2 Kirtland Central High School
Yazzie, Tevielynn 52-11 Gallup High School
Natanobah, Savannah 50-11 Gallup High School
Herrera, Xenia 50-4 Bloomfield High School
Washburn, Dalaney 50-0 Kirtland Central High School
Charleston, Marine 41-10 Gallup High School
Goins, Amia Bloomfield High School
Brown, Allyanna Kirtland Central High School
White-David, Don'Alyssa Kirtland Central High School
Arthur, Carissa Kirtland Central High School
Valenzuela, Hannah Aztec High School
Upton, Kathleen Aztec High School
Kerschion, Alyssa Aztec High School
Huaracha, Araceli Aztec High School
Greenleaf, Trinity Aztec High School
Barns, Dasha Aztec High School
Begaii, Tenaya Bloomfield High School
Irvin, Macey Bloomfield High School
Brown, Passion Gallup High School
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HS Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adams, Rhakel Lewis 5-2 Shiprock High School
Roundy, Autumn 5-0 Aztec High School
Funk, Hailey 5-0 Aztec High School
Yazzie, LaKyla 4-10 Kirtland Central High School
Nunez, Lylie 4-6 Bloomfield High School
Mayo, Ashlie 4-6 Aztec High School
Toldeo, Megan 4-4 Gallup High School
Kirby, Brynn 4-4 Aztec High School
Frost, Madison 4-4 Aztec High School
Mccraith, Miikala 4-0 Gallup High School
Lara, Valaree Shiprock High School
Viramontes, Jacki Bloomfield High School
Lovato, Octavia Aztec High School
Daugherty, Cathryn Aztec High School
Maestas, Candice Bloomfield High School
Palmer, Ella Aztec High School
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HS Girls Javelin 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lii"bilNaghahi, Siigrid 115-7 Kirtland Central High School
Guillory, Jayden 106-8 Kirtland Central High School
Lomasney, Janel 106-2 Gallup High School
Toledo, Cheyenne 96-5 Aztec High School
Garcia, Sadie 95-0 Aztec High School
Avina, Karen 93-2 Aztec High School
Newland, Aspen 89-11 Aztec High School
Garcia, Harli 89-5 Kirtland Central High School
Nelson, Destyne 87-08 Shiprock High School
Young, Niall 85-8 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Devon 84-4 Shiprock High School
Villanueva, Sierra 82-3 Aztec High School
Lansing, MarieLynn 78-2 Shiprock High School
Lansing, Evette 77-9 Shiprock High School
Aguirre, Elena 76-8 Bloomfield High School
Munoz, Sierra 75-10 Bloomfield High School
Benally, Simone 70-3 Shiprock High School
Kellywood, Kristen 61-11 Shiprock High School
Sandoval, Robyn 60-9 Gallup High School
Denet, Caitlyn 60-5 Kirtland Central High School
Jarvison, Tre 59-3 Gallup High School
Yazzie, Kaitlyn 55-5 Gallup High School
Lee, Cheyenne 42-11 Shiprock High School
Switch, Sophia 28-4 Shiprock High School
Charleston, Marine Gallup High School
Valenzuela, Hannah Aztec High School
Sutherland, Hallie Aztec High School
Upton, Kathleen Aztec High School
Poyer, Beyonca Aztec High School
Epley, Alexis Aztec High School
Kerschion, Alyssa Aztec High School
Huaracha, Araceli Aztec High School
Greenleaf, Trinity Aztec High School
Barns, Dasha Aztec High School
Gonzales, DeShauntee Aztec High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Funk, Hailey 16-2.75 Aztec High School
Smith, Carley 15-10.5 Aztec High School
Cope, Lauren 15-9 Miyamura High School
Pierro, Kambree 15-0 Kirtland Central High School
Joe, Vivianne 14-10.5 Miyamura High School
Overson, Samantha 14-7.25 Bloomfield High School
Begay, Cora 14-4 Aztec High School
Moore, Helen 14-2 Aztec High School
Frost, Madison 14-1 Aztec High School
Lovato, Typhany 14-0 Bloomfield High School
Higgins, Ella 14-0 Aztec High School
Palmer, Ella 13-9.5 Aztec High School
Poling, Dakota 13-5.5 Bloomfield High School
Sexton, Ashley 13-4 Aztec High School
Valenzuela, Samyra 13-3 Aztec High School
Shim, Monique 13-1 Kirtland Central High School
Frank, Felicia 12-10.5 Shiprock High School
Tsosie, Rainidae 12-9.5 Shiprock High School
Fields, Rachelle 12-9.5 Gallup High School
McNeal, Stevie 12-1 Aztec High School
Bixler, Julianna 12-0 Aztec High School
Mccraith, Miikala 11-8 Gallup High School
Tsinnijinnie, Takayla 11-7 Shiprock High School
Santana, America 11-1.5 Bloomfield High School
Nielsen, Daelynn 11-1.5 Bloomfield High School
Draper, Gabrielle 6-2.5 Gallup High School
Lapahie, Krystal Kirtland Central High School
Roper, Kira Aztec High School
Moffett, Cataya Aztec High School
Lovato, Octavia Aztec High School
Klepac, Katelin Aztec High School
Kirby, Brynn Aztec High School
Holmes, Layla Aztec High School
Daugherty, Cathryn Aztec High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Carley 9-6 Aztec High School
Arthur, Carissa 8-0 Kirtland Central High School
Waite, Allison 7-6 Bloomfield High School
McNeal, Stevie 7-0 Aztec High School
Holmes, Layla 7-0 Aztec High School
Lapahie, Krystal 6-6 Kirtland Central High School
Higgins, Ella 6-0 Aztec High School
Bixler, Julianna Aztec High School
Klepac, Katelin Aztec High School
Frost, Madison Aztec High School
George, Ashinee Shiprock High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Avina, Karen 36-3 Aztec High School
Lansing, MarieLynn 34-5.5 Shiprock High School
Munoz, Sierra 33-7 Bloomfield High School
Keeler, Baylee 33-4.75 Miyamura High School
Dugger, Sydney 32-11.5 Bloomfield High School
Toledo, Cheyenne 32-1 Aztec High School
Irvin, Macey 31-6 Bloomfield High School
Goins, Amia 31-5.5 Bloomfield High School
Munoz, Meagan 31-1 Kirtland Central High School
Newland, Aspen 30-11.5 Aztec High School
Nelson, Destyne 30-7 Shiprock High School
Villanueva, Sierra 30-2.5 Aztec High School
Washburn, Dalaney 29-9.5 Kirtland Central High School
Johnson, Autumn 29-9 Kirtland Central High School
Benally, Simone 29-8 Shiprock High School
Williams, Jaiden 29-5 Bloomfield High School
Aguirre, Elena 29-4.5 Bloomfield High School
Mitchell, Deana 28-10.5 Miyamura High School
Benally, Devon 28-5.5 Shiprock High School
Valenzuela, Hannah 27-8 Aztec High School
Lee, Arianna 27-6 Kirtland Central High School
Young, Niall 26-11 Kirtland Central High School
Sutherland, Hallie 26-10 Aztec High School
Lansing, Evette 26-9 Shiprock High School
Sandoval, Robyn 26-4 Gallup High School
Dodge, JoJera 26-0 Kirtland Central High School
Brown, Allyanna 25-4 Kirtland Central High School
Yazzie, Kaitlyn 25-3 Gallup High School
Toldeo, Megan 25-3 Gallup High School
Kellywood, Kristen 24-11 Shiprock High School
Herrera, Xenia 24-9 Bloomfield High School
Denet, Caitlyn 24-4.5 Kirtland Central High School
Arthur, Carissa 23-10 Kirtland Central High School
Lee, Cheyenne 23-4.25 Shiprock High School
Todacheeny, Caitlyn 23-0.5 Kirtland Central High School
Greenleaf, Trinity 22-1.5 Aztec High School
Natanobah, Savannah 21-9.25 Gallup High School
Villanueva, Elizabeth 21-3.5 Bloomfield High School
Johnson, Aaryanna 21-3 Kirtland Central High School
Garcia, Harli 20-3.5 Kirtland Central High School
Huaracha, Araceli 19-10.5 Aztec High School
Garcia, Sadie 19-9.25 Aztec High School
Epley, Alexis 19-4.75 Aztec High School
Yazzie, Tevielynn 18-9 Gallup High School
White-David, Don'Alyssa Kirtland Central High School
Barns, Dasha Aztec High School
Upton, Kathleen Aztec High School
Begaii, Tenaya Bloomfield High School
Kerschion, Alyssa Aztec High School
Brown, Passion Gallup High School
Charleston, Marine Gallup High School
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HS Girls Sprint Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:19.52 Kirtland Central High School
Relay Team A 4:37.12 Aztec High School
Relay Team A 4:43.86 Miyamura High School
Relay Team A 4:44.95 Bloomfield High School
Relay Team A 4:47.24 Shiprock High School
Relay Team A 5:27.12 Gallup High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adams, Rhakel Lewis 32-11 Shiprock High School
Guillory, Jayden 32-11 Kirtland Central High School
Funk, Hailey 32-8 Aztec High School
Joe, Vivianne 32-4.5 Miyamura High School
Newland, Aspen 32-0.25 Aztec High School
Lii"bilNaghahi, Siigrid 30-11 Kirtland Central High School
Kirby, Brynn 28-10 Aztec High School
Huaracha, Araceli 28-0 Aztec High School
Mayo, Ashlie 26-3 Aztec High School
Moffett, Cataya 22-8.25 Aztec High School
Daugherty, Cathryn Aztec High School
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