Sevilla Duran was one of many 3A senior girls for whom May figured to be a showcase, but wasn't.
This was supposed to be the year for the Class of 2020 to make the difference. Instead, it was the year that COVID-19 made all the difference.
We can't undo all that now, but we can go back and give a nod to the seniors who were in a position to help their teams to a trophy run at state. In this article, we'll attempt to do exactly that for 3A Girls.
The teams mentioned below are those teams with a solid shot at leaving this year's state meet with a trophy in hand. The athletes mentioned are the seniors on who those teams figure to have been counting heavily. Those teams are listed in alphabetical order.
Cobre - The Indians figured to be a younger team this year, but one senior who did figure heavily in their hopes and dreams was hurdler Autumn Laws.
Cottonwood Classical Prep - Like Cobre, the Coyotes figured to be leaning heavily on younger talent this spring. But there were also a couple seniors who may have provided both points and leadership. Nods go to high jumper Ashley Amdor and distance runner Ariel Pena. In Pena's case, however, she did not show in cross country results from the fall and so perhaps would not have been seen in track either.
Dexter - Dexter was on the outside looking in so far as state trophies were lining up this spring, but one big reason to hold out hope was sprinter Anayee Carlos. Shot putter Allondra Alvarez might also have figured into the state meet points as well.
East Mountain - East Mountain's hopes took a big hit when Amelia Johnson moved away, but this team never quite goes away. You can't count them out. So far as senior leadership and points go, Marissa Case figured to be carrying the load.
St. Michael's - The Horsemen had plenty of talent lined up for this spring, though it certainly wasn't all in the senior class. Top seniors included sprinter London Luttrell, jumper Julie Kastendieck, and hurdler Amelia Esquibel.
Sandia Prep - The Sundevils are widely recognized as among the best track and field programs in all of New Mexico. And they had the seniors this year to back that claim up. Figuring to make big contributions were sprinter/pole vaulter Sydney Pyles, sprinter/hurdlers Sevilla Duran and Maria Merritt, and distance runner Skylar Gee.
Santa Fe Prep - This was supposed to be the spring that Hayden Colfax left on top--on top of almost any event she might choose to enter. She was in great form at Great Southwest Indoor but never got to show it in the outdoor season. Also in position to help the score for the Blue Griffins was jumper Izzy Ungard.
Socorro - Like some other teams on this list, the Warriors figured to be pulling largely from younger talent this spring. But, one exception to that was 400 runner/thrower Marissa Ocampo.
Tularosa - Quite possibly, one of the top athletes in this year's state meet may have been sprinter/javelin thrower/jumper Shacie Marr. And Marr had a friend in javelin thrower Ivy Cevantes who could have provided some fireworks of her own.
All that spells a lot of missed opportunity for a number of talented seniors. Life goes on without the track season of 2020, but hopefully the athletes will not soon be forgotten.