District 5-5A Meet 2024

Albuquerque, NM

Meet Information


District 1-5A Championships 

Date: Friday, November 3, 2023 

Place: Atrisco Heritage Academy High School Track 

10800 Dennis Chavez SW 

Schedule:Coaches Meeting 3:30 pmVarsity Girls 4:15pm Varsity Boys 4:45pm 

Parking/Entry:  - Buses can enter through the bus loop and park in the small loop.

  • Spectators, Athletes and Coaches will enter though the main entrance and park in the student parking lot.

  • Spectators will be charged $5 per person as they enter the student parking lot, as per district policy. Please ensure they have purchased their ticket prior to arrival. This will ensure fast entry with scanning and not having to purchase. Click Here (I'll send a link as soon as I get one) to purchase tickets (CARD ONLY - NO CASH) -

  • *Note - Please let your fans know to arrive early as we will have traffic entering and leaving the school. We don't want anyone to miss a race.

Cautions: There will be traffic due to the release of school from AHA. Please  have runners use caution when crossing the street on course. There will be traffic control for the race. Please watch for snakes and coyotes on the course and at the school.

Teams:Atrisco Heritage, Cibola, Cleveland, Rio Rancho and Volcano Vista 

****Entries: Nine team members will be allowed to run the race with only the top 7 used for  scoring per the new NMAA rules. We will use the label system and labels will be provided to you. Please fill out this Google Sheet by November 1, 2023 @ 12:00pm. I have set up the meet in milesplit as well and will send in results so they can update. 

Scoring:The first 5 runners will be scored for team purposes. 

Fewer than 5 entries will be scored as individuals only. 

State Qualifiers:Boys & Girls: Top three (3) teams in each district plus top three (3) individual district meet finishers.

*Note: All runners finishing in the top ten (10) at the district meet qualify  for the State Championships regardless. 

There will be a short meeting after the meet to verify entries 

Awards: Will take place after the boy's race. 

Concession:There will be a cash concession available.