Meet Information
3A District 3/4 Championship
Date 11/1/2024
Director Rich Moore
Location Ruidoso High School
125 Warrior Drive
Ruidoso, NM 88345
Phone 575-973-2418
Online Registration
Registration deadline Oct. 31 at 8:00 pm
Entries for Varsity teams only will be limited to 9 runners per team.
Runners need to stay in line in order of finish with bibs visible until they exit the finish chute. There will be volunteers taking down their bib numbers in order of their finish for results.
Plaques awarded to 1st , 2nd, and 3rd place Girls & Boys teams.
Medals awarded at finish to top 15 runners. Ruidoso carved bear to Boys & Girls District Champion
3:00 pm Packet distribution & Course access
4:00 pm Coaches Meeting (at finish line)
4:30 pm Girls Varsity
5:15 pm Boys Varsity
Team awards presentations will occur as soon as results of each race are available.
Course map & any additional information will be sent out the week of the meet. Course will be same as in past years with a slight variation.
Teams Attending: Ruidoso, Socorro, Hot Springs, NMMI, Cobre, Dexter