3 Reasons to Join NMTCCCA

2. From Farmington to Las Cruces, Let your Voice be Heard

With the NMTCCCA being a unified coaches association in the state of New Mexico, it provides a direct line from the coach's association to NMAA on issues that coaches have within the state.  

These are all topics that were debated in a public type forum that was sure to get any coach's passion riled up. As coaches in a state the size of New Mexico, it can be easy to get siloed in our city and with our team and not have the opportunity to have these discussions nor have the platform to make changes that are in the best interest of the sport and the athletes that we're out here for.

If we're going to make the sport the best that it can be in New Mexico and it's important for all the bright minds to have discussions and break the silos so that everyone from Farmington to Las Cruces is having their voice heard.